Roberts, Wesley H. 1 2
Birth Name | Roberts, Wesley H. |
Gender | male |
Age at Death | 65 years |
Contact Jan Westmorland at for further information, notes or to make corrections. I would appreciate any new additional information available.
Contact Linda Brown <> for info on Halstead/Cooper Connections.
Event | Date | Place | Description | Sources |
Birth | 1815 | Orange Co, NC | 3 | |
Baptism | 7B8CE7CEBEF3444395596F377BC0A0BD2045 | |||
Death | 1880 | 3 | ||
Age: 65y |
Relation to main person | Name | Birth date | Death date | Relation within this family (if not by birth) |
Father | Roberts, Richard | 1788 | 1818 | |
Mother | Wilson, Mary A. | 1793 | 1870 | |
Roberts, Wesley H. | 1815 | 1880 | ||
Sister | Roberts, Elizabeth Winnifred Eleanor Jane | 1817-10-12 | 1860-06-27 |
Family of Roberts, Wesley H. and Walker, Caroline Regina |
Married | Wife | Walker, Caroline Regina ( * 1818 + Unknown ) | ||||||||||||||
Family of Roberts, Wesley H. and Unknown, Mary B. |
Married | Wife | Unknown, Mary B. ( * 1828 + ... ) | ||||||||||||||
Children |
Source References
- Ron Wortham, WorthamResearchProject (Files of the Wortham Research Project) ABBR WorthamResearchProject Gedcom File Imported to main file on 11 Nov 1998 NAME Not Given (See Notes) ADDR Not Given (See Notes) NOTE Files of the Wortham Research Project WorthamResearchProject
- {MaryAWilsonFTW} MaryAWilsonFTW
- Brøderbund Software, INC, World Family Tree Vol. 15, Ed. 1 (Release date: November 20, 1997) ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 15, Ed. 1 Customer pedigree. NAME Not Given ADDR Not Given World Family Tree Vol. 15, Ed. 1