Skaggs, James

Birth Name Skaggs, James
Gender male
Age at Death 98 years


2 March 1773, X 36, James and Rachel Skaggs, Fincastle County sold toJohn
Plickinsarver, 82 acres, (Monetary terms mentioned), on New River,Botetourt
County, Virginia on Meadow Creek. Witnessed by William Christian, Stephen
Trigg, Jonathan Elswick, and William Lesley. (Source: Kentucky Ancestors,
Volume 6, page 80, October, 1970


As determined from patrilineal descendants of all sons of James Skaggs, his y-DNA Haplogroup is R1a-BY54816 (or just simply R-BY54816 in shorthand.)

The designation "R1a" is important because patrilineal descendants of Richard Skaggs (c.1674 - c.1766) of Maryland, and his wife Mary Kear (a.k.a Mary Thear), show a completely different and unrelated y-DNA haplogroup of the R1b on a different limb of the human phylogenetic tree which split about 22,000 years ago. This proves that James Skaggs is unrelated to Richard Skaggs of Maryland, and could not be his biological son.

At this time, the parents of James Skaggs are still unknown, but he is not related biologically to the Skaggs family of Maryland.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1700 On a ship from Ireland   1
Death 1798      

Age: 98y


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Skaggs, Richard Thomas16741766
Mother Thear, Mary16781766
    Brother     Skaggs, Aaron 1693
    Brother     Skaggs, Richard Jr. 1695
         Skaggs, James 1700 1798
    Sister     Skaggs, Susannah 1702
    Brother     Skaggs, Thomas 1705


Family of Skaggs, James and Moredock, Rachel Susannah

Married Wife Moredock, Rachel Susannah ( * 1697 + 1784 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1720   Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Skaggs, Henry1723-01-081810-12-04
Skaggs, John1728
Skaggs, Moses1733
Skaggs, James17341816
Skaggs, Susannah1735
Skaggs, Lydia1736
Skaggs, Charles1737
Skaggs, Elizabeth1740
Skaggs, Jacob17411830-10-00
Skaggs, Richard1744
Skaggs, Abram
Skaggs, Stephen
Skaggs, Aaron
Skaggs, Nancy