d'Arques, William 1 2a

Birth Name d'Arques, William
Gender male
Age at Death 51 years


# Note:

William of Arques has been the subject of an exhaustive study by Professor D. C. Douglas in the introduction to his edition "The Domesday Monacharum of Christ Church Canterbury", where full references are given to the authorities; and it is unnecessary to go over the ground again. Briefly he held Folkestone, Kent, and was the son of Godfrey Vicomte of Arques. The identity of the tenant of Folkstone is established by the fact that it passed to Nigel de Monville who had married his daughter and coheiress Emma. He must not be confused with William of Arques, a monk of Moleme who was a counsellor of Robert Curthose, and still less with William, count of Arques, the uncle of William the Conqueror. The ruined castle of Arques-la-Bataille is well known.




Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1035 Arques-la-Bataille, Seine-Inferieure, Normandy, France   3
Death 1086 Thorpe Arche, Yorkshire, England   3

Age: 51y


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father d' Arques, Godfroi1005
Mother de Rouen, Amelie1015
         d'Arques, William 1035 1086


Family of d'Arques, William and de Bolebec, Beatrice

Unknown Partner de Bolebec, Beatrice ( * 1035 + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
of Tancarville, Emma985
de Arques, Maud1038
Giffard, Osbern10591116

Family of d'Arques, William and Malet, Beatrix

Unknown Partner Malet, Beatrix ( * 1052 + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
d'Arques, Maud1072
d'Arques, Emma10721139

Source References

  1. http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=tamer&id=I1253 @ RootsWeb
  2. Gren McTigert: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:3334267&id=I27201 @ RootsWeb Grendyl's Ahentafel
      • Source text:

        ID: I27201
        Name: William DE ARQUES
        Sex: M
        Birth: 1040
        Change Date: 29 JUN 2004 at 06:27:10

        Marriage 1 Beatrice Of Malet BOLBEC b: 1040 in Kent,England
        Maud DE ARQUES b: 1038 in Kent,England
        Osberne DE ARQUES b: 1064 in Thorp Arch,Yorkshire,England


      • Citation:

        e-mail: ourgrove@hotmail.com

  3. http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=tamer&id=I1253