Colclough, Matthew 1a

Birth Name Colclough, Matthew
Gender male
Age at Death 99 years


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1521 Staffordshire, England   2
Death 1620     2

Age: 99y

Occupation     Commission merchant and ship owner 1b


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Colclough, Richard1500
Mother Draycote, Eleanor
         Colclough, Matthew 1521 1620
    Brother     Colclough, Anthony
    Brother     Colclough, Richard
    Sister     Colclough, Margaret


Family of Colclough, Matthew and Warner, Mary

Married Wife Warner, Mary ( * + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1560     2
Name Birth Date Death Date
Colclough, Richardabout 1560
Colclough, Robert of Stephney15651651
Colclough, Margaret
Colclough, Jeremy

Source References

  1. Leslie Anne Ferguson:
      • Source text:

        # ID: I13302
        # Name: *Matthew Colclough
        # Surname: Colclough
        # Given Name: *Matthew
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: ABT 1521 in Staffordshire, England (of London, Draper) 1
        # Death: BET 1620 AND 1650 1
        # _UID: 8438EE00C80CFC45A0927801987B2F44F0FB
        # Occupation: Commission merchant and ship owner 1
        # Note:

        2 SOUR S228386
        3 DATA
        4 TEXT Date of Import: 21 Oct 2005

        # Change Date: 11 Apr 2002 at 01:00:00



        Father: *Richard Colclough b: ABT 1500 in of Bluerton, Ington, & Cocknadge, England
        Mother: Eleanor Draycote b: in of Poynesby, Staffordshire, England

        Marriage 1 Katherine Dalton b: in of Calais

        * Married: 1553 1


        1. Has No Children Katherine Colclough b: ABT 1555
        2. Has Children John Colclough b: ABT 1558 in London, England


        Marriage 2 Mary Warner b: in of London, England

        * Married: 1560 1


        1. Has No Children Richard Colclough
        2. Has No Children Margaret Colclough
        3. Has No Children Jeremy Colclough b: ABT 1560
        4. Has Children *Robert Colclough b: 1565 in of Stephney


        Marriage 3 Margaret Bennet b: in of Calais

        * Married: 1583 1


        1. Has No Children Bennet Colclough
        2. Has No Children Anthony Colclough
        3. Has No Children Matthew II Colclough
        4. Has No Children Thomas Colclough
        5. Has Children Adam Colclough
        6. Has No Children George Colclough



        1. Repository:

        Title: Leslie Anne 8_03.FTW
        Source Media Type: Other
        Text: Date of Import: 21 Oct 2005



      • Citation:


      • Source text:

        # ID: I13302
        # Name: *Matthew Colclough
        # Surname: Colclough
        # Given Name: *Matthew
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: ABT 1521 in Staffordshire, England (of London, Draper) 1
        # Death: BET 1620 AND 1650 1
        # _UID: 8438EE00C80CFC45A0927801987B2F44F0FB
        # Occupation: Commission merchant and ship owner 1
        # Note:

        2 SOUR S228386
        3 DATA
        4 TEXT Date of Import: 21 Oct 2005

        # Change Date: 11 Apr 2002 at 01:00:00



        Father: *Richard Colclough b: ABT 1500 in of Bluerton, Ington, & Cocknadge, England
        Mother: Eleanor Draycote b: in of Poynesby, Staffordshire, England

        Marriage 1 Katherine Dalton b: in of Calais

        * Married: 1553 1


        1. Has No Children Katherine Colclough b: ABT 1555
        2. Has Children John Colclough b: ABT 1558 in London, England


        Marriage 2 Mary Warner b: in of London, England

        * Married: 1560 1


        1. Has No Children Richard Colclough
        2. Has No Children Margaret Colclough
        3. Has No Children Jeremy Colclough b: ABT 1560
        4. Has Children *Robert Colclough b: 1565 in of Stephney


        Marriage 3 Margaret Bennet b: in of Calais

        * Married: 1583 1


        1. Has No Children Bennet Colclough
        2. Has No Children Anthony Colclough
        3. Has No Children Matthew II Colclough
        4. Has No Children Thomas Colclough
        5. Has Children Adam Colclough
        6. Has No Children George Colclough



        1. Repository:

        Title: Leslie Anne 8_03.FTW
        Source Media Type: Other
        Text: Date of Import: 21 Oct 2005



      • Citation:


  2. Leslie Anne Ferguson: