Warren, Frederick Benjamin 1 2 3a 4
Birth Name | Warren, Frederick Benjamin |
Gender | male |
Age at Death | 53 years |
Voice call from Stephen Warren, descendant of Frederick Warren
states that Frederick Warren was listed as "Ben" on the death
certificate of son Jacob Warren.
Place of Birth was considered Boyle county, according to Marriage
Listing of Frederick's son, Dotson Warren and wife Parthena Skaggs.
This was written in the 1860's, at which time Boyle county was in
existence. However, when Frederick was born, this would have
been Lincoln County or Mercer County, as Boyle County was created
in 1842.
I find a Frederick Warren in the 1830 Greene County, Indiana census.
The info from the census indicates that this may be our Frederick.
1 white male between 30 and 40. Frederick's age was 37 (born 1793)
We would then know that his wife was younger, between 20 and 30.
Also listed is at least 6 others in his family, most likely his
Either from restlessness or from a burning pioneer spirit, some of the Warrens decided to move on to Indiana in the
1820's, (Indiana became a state in 1816). The names of the heads of the families that moved include *Hardin, Fredrick,
and William, who were all sons of William. The Johnsons and Pelts who became allied by marriage accompanied
these Warrens on their trek. The county to which they moved was also named Greene County. It was heavily forested
and mountainous terrain, similar to the land they-farmed back in Kentucky. Hardin owned some 40 acres and Fredrick,
his brother owned 80 acres.
Be it remembered than on the 22nd day of March 1834 that John Pelts filed the following deed to be made a matter of record
which is in the words and figures following to wit: This indenture made this twenty second day of March in the year of our
Lord on thousand eight hundred and thierty four between Fredrick Warren and Sarah Warren his wife of the County of Green
and State of Indiana of the one part and John Pelts of the County and State aforesaid of the other. Witnesseth tthat the said
Fredrick Warren and Sarah Warren his wife for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to them in
hand paid the receipt wherof is hereby acknowledge have granted bargained and sold and by this presents do grant
bargained and sell to the said John Pelts a certain piece of parcel of land in the said county of Greene it being the East Half
of the North West Quarter of Section No. Twenty seven in Township seven North of Range No. Four West containing Eighty
Acres with the appurtenances there unto belonging or in any wise appertaining to have and to hold. The said tract of land
under the incumberance of a certain mortgage on the said tract of land under the incumbeerance of a certain mortgage on the
said tract of land given by me saidd Fredrick Warren to Carpus Shaw School Commissioneer in and for the said County of
Green and his successor in office dated May the 25th 1833 to secure the payment of the sum of thirty three dollars to be
paid in one year form said 25 day of May with the appurtenances there unto belonging to him the said John Pelts his heirs
and assigns to his and their only proper use and benefit and behoof forever; and they the said Fredrick Warren and Sarah
his wife to and with the said John Pelts his heirs and assigns do convenant and agree that they will and their therein shall
(except the incumbrance of the above named mortgage) Warrant and Defend the said tract of land of 80 acres against the
claim of all manner of persons unknown. In witness wherof the said Fredrick Warren and Sarah his wife have hereunto
set their hand seals this 22 day of March, 1834 as above written.
Signed Sealed and delivered his
in presence of us Fredrick X Warren
Elisha P. Cushman her
Esther Cushman Sarah X Warren
State of Indiana, Greene County. On this 22 day of March 1834 personally appeared before me the undersigned Recorder in
and for said County the above mentioned Fredrick Warren who acknowledged the forgoing deed to be executed by him and
his free voluntary act. An also afterwards on the same day came Sarah wife of Fredrick who being by me examined
separated and apart from her husband and duly informed of the contents of said deed, acknowledged she executed the same
freely and voluntarily and without the coercion or comulsion of her said husband. Given under my hand and seal this the
said 22nd of March 1834
Thomas Warnick Recorder
Event | Date | Place | Description | Sources |
Birth | 1793 | Greenville, South Carolina, United States | 5 | |
Event Note
B: |
Death | 1846 | Green, Kentucky, United States | 5 | |
Age: 53y |
Relation to main person | Name | Birth date | Death date | Relation within this family (if not by birth) |
Father | Warren, William | 1761-10-01 | 1842-05-10 | |
Mother | Forrester, Rhoda | 1761 | 1850-04-15 | |
Brother | Warren, Hugh | 1764-04-16 | ||
Sister | Warren, Margaret Mary | 1776-12-04 | 1850 | |
Brother | Warren, William | 1778 | ||
Sister | Warrren, Sally | 1785 | ||
Sister | Warren, Elizabeth | 1787 | ||
Brother | Warren, Hardin Sr. | 1788 | ||
Warren, Frederick Benjamin | 1793 | 1846 | ||
Brother | Warren, Andrew | 1795 | ||
Sister | Warren, Nancy | 1796 | ||
Sister | Warren, Rhoda | 1800-01-01 | ||
Brother | Warren, John | 1805 | ||
Brother | Warren, Dodson | 1806 | ||
Brother | Warren, Silas | 1807 |
Family of Warren, Frederick Benjamin and Pierce, Sarah |
Married | Wife | Pierce, Sarah ( * 1808 + 1891-10-15 ) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Children |
Name | Birth Date | Death Date |
Warren, Elizabeth | about 1819 | 1864-01-24 |
Warren, William Frederick | 1822-04-17 | 1906-06-11 |
Warren, Dotson | 1824-06-03 | 1906-06-09 |
Warren, Eliza Louisa | 1827-02-11 | 1883-06-04 |
Warren, Rhoda | 1827-03-00 | 1911-07-01 |
Warren, John Frederick | 1829-12-06 | 1880-09-16 |
Warren, Jacob | 1831-01-25 | 1914-04-26 |
Warren, Hezekiah | 1835-05-00 | about 1905 |
Warren, Jemmia | 1836-07-13 | 1921-03-15 |
Warren, Nancy Ellen | 1838-06-26 | 1920-06-24 |
Warren, Texeanna |
Source References
- http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=skaggsl&id=I00507
- Debra Whorley: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=:3166350&id=I617592669&style=TABLE @ RootsWeb Whorley/French/Vernon/Durbin
Debra Whorley: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:3166350&id=I617592592 @ RootsWeb Whorley/French/Vernon/Durbin
Source text:
# ID: I617592592
# Name: Frederick WARREN
# Given Name: Frederick
# Surname: Warren
# Sex: M
# Birth: 1793 in Lincoln, Boyle Co., Kentucky 1
# Death: 1850 in Green Co., Kentucky 1
# Note:Alias: Ben /Fed/
REFN: 12113Father: William J. WARREN b: Oct 1761 in Virginia
Mother: Rhoda UNKNOWN b: 1760 in Greenville Co., South CarolinaMarriage 1 Sarah PIERCE b: in Hardin Co., Kentucky
* Married: 22 Sep 1813 in Green Co., Kentucky 1
* Note: REFN18141Children
1. Has No Children Texeanna WARREN
2. Has Children William Frederick WARREN b: 17 Apr 1822 in Green Co., Kentucky
3. Has Children Dotson WARREN b: 3 Jun 1824 in LaRue Co., Kentucky
4. Has Children Eliza WARREN b: 1825 in Green Co., Kentucky
5. Has Children Nancy Rhoda WARREN b: 1827
6. Has No Children Hezekiah WARREN b: 1830 in Green Co., Kentucky
7. Has Children Jacob WARREN b: 25 Jan 1831 in Green Co., Kentucky
8. Has No Children Jemmia WARREN b: 1833
9. Has No Children Nancy WARREN b: 1837 in KentuckySources:
1. Title: lillief.ged
Repository: -
e-mail: dkw357@hotmail.com
Source text:
- Deed to Wm T. Warren from Frederick Warren's Estate
- L6P2-ZGG FamilySearch.org