Ferguson, John 1a

Birth Name Ferguson, John
Gender male
Age at Death 67 years, 11 months, 27 days


The Wortham-Johnston Genealogy
Cary FARGUSON b: Bef 1683
John FARGUSON b: 1685 in , Rappahannock, Virginia, USA
Samuel FARGUSON b: Abt 1700
Sarah FARGUSON b: Bef 1700
Joseph FERGUSON b: Bef 1700 in , Rappahannock, Virginia, USA
Father: John Ferguson b: SEP 1630 in Scotland
Mother: Janet Turnbul b: 1630 in Scotland
Maloney Family



From Larry Ferguson III, , as cited by Gingram, in data file at http://data.ancestry.com, record #22255:

"John was probably brought to America as adeportee/indentured servant in 1667 (Patent Book 6, pg 45). He married Ann Stubbleson in 1683 (Book D7,pg 129). I'm still trying to prove John's arrival in America but circumstatial evidence supports the theory strongly."

From Myra Elliott, , rec'd 14 Ma y 2001:

"In the interest of sharing I have a piece of circumstantial evidence.

The only John Ferguson/Farguson listed in the Scots Origins in Scotland is one John Ferguson born 23 March 16 49 to John Ferguson and his wife Janet Turnbul in Gargunnock Scotland. There is not another listed until 1653. I am hopeful that this is our guy but still researching. On
another stepback shows us John Ferguson born 6 Sept 1630 to Alexander Ferguson and his wife Beiggis Miller in Gargunnock Scotland I can't find Gargunnock on the maps anywhere. I have sent for several books on interlibrary loan for Indentured servants/deportees from Scotland, hoping to find his arrival.

While sources are not included in this report, almost all of the data(dates, places, notes, etc.)in this data file are documented. Further, if you see (!) or (?), the source will contain additional research information.

Sorce of the above infromation: Lewis-Jones 8-29-07
Owner: Lisa

Thank you Lisa for sharing this information.
John Fargason's will : Will Bk 3, Pg 8, Essex Co., Va.

Will of John Fargeson of Essex County, dated May 10, 1715:
In the name of God, Amen: I, John Fargeson, of Essex County, being in perfect sense and memory and good health, God almighty be prayed, therefore considering the transitoriness of this life and being willing to settle my temporal affairs before I goe (sic) hence have, and do make, ordain this to be my last will and testament in the manner following, vizt. In Primus, I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it, hoping through the merits, death, and passion, of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to receive full and free remission of all my sins at the last day.
ITEM. I do bequeath and give unto my eldest son John Fargeson all my land that lies on the north side Piscataway Rolling Road. to him and his heirs forever.
ITEM. I give and bequeath unto my son James Fargeson my plantation wheron I now live and all my land on that side the aforesaid rolling road after his mother's decease, to him and his heirs forever, only reserving for my son Joseph Fargeson free liberty to live and work thereon till he can better provide (for) himself.
ITEM. I do give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Redd, the wife of Thomas Redd, five shillings to buy her a Bible.
ITEM. I do give and bequeath unto my grandson John Rogers one young cow and calf.
ITEM. It is my will and desire that my well-beloved wife Ann Fargeson have and injoy the use of all the rest of my estate during the time she shall continue my widow without any interruption or disturbance of any of my children, and that she shall not give nor convey any of my estate (to) any other person than as this by will directs.
ITEM. it is my will and desire that if my wife do marry that then immediately after such her marriage, my two Negroes, Nacher and Bess, and all my personal estate shall be appraised and the whole value thereof be equally divided (after my just debts and funeral charges are paid) between my loving wife Ann and my two youngest sons, Joseph and Samuel Fargeson, but if my wife dies my widow it is my will and desire that my Negroes and personal estate as aforesaid be, immediately after such her death, appraised and the value thereof be equally divided between my two aforesaid youngest sons Joseph and Samuel, and lastly, I do hereby ordain my wife Ann and my son Joseph Fargeson executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking, disannuling, adn making void all manner of wills and testaments heretofore by me made and, of which, I hereunto set my hand and seal this 10 day of May 1715.
/s/ John Fargisson (Seal)


Signed, sealed and)
published in the )
presence of )
/s/ Daniel Brown At a Court held for Essex
/s/ James (X) Sams County on Wednesday, the
/s/ Elizabeth (X) Brown 19th day of March 1717
this will was presented in Court by
Ann Fargisson, the Executor (sic) wherein named who made oath thereto and was further proved by the oath of Daniel Brown, Elizabeth Brown, and James Sams, witnesses thereto and is admitted to record.
Teste: /s/ Will. Beverley ClkCur
Dannll. Browne, James Sames, Elizabeth Browne.
John Markham Ferguson Jr states John was probably brought to America as a deportee/indentured servant in 1667 (Patent Book 6, pg 45). marriedAnn Stubbleson in 1683 (Book D7, pg 129)

Summary of John Markham Ferguson Jrs theory: He claims (at least to hissatisfaction) to have discovered our immigrant ancestor, John (and hisbrother James), who arrived on a ship (Phoenix of Leith) out of Leith,port of Edinburgh, Scotland in May 1666. James Farguson (sp), age ca 14, was indentured servant to Otho Thorpe. It seems that the period ofservitude at that time was 10 years to repay the cost of transportation.If the "servant" completed the term, he was to be given 40 acres and a new suit of clothes. If he was released early, he would receive nothing.
John was allegedly released after 9 years with nothing.

John Ferguson Sr was imprisoned in Edinburgh Tolbooth at age 14 yrs. The Edinburgh, Scotland, prison was in Tolbooth(Tolbuith). In May 1666, he sailed on the Phoenix of Leith out of Leith, port of Edinburgh, Scotland. He came to Virginia as an indentured servant in 1666 on the
ship Phoenix of Leith. This is based on the following information:

1. The Edinburgh, Scotland, prison was in Tolbooth(tolbuith), and the original Scottish records below are for the Tolbooth.
2. VA Patent Book 6 page 045 - VA New Kent Co 25 Apr 1667 - Transportation 60 persons. source: Cavaliers and Pioneers, Nell Marion Nugent, Volume two - page 013. (red Herring) Fargeson, James and Fargeson, JNO.
3. VA Patent Book 6 page 314 +316 - VA Accomacke Co 6 Oct 1670 - Trans 86pers. for 25 people selected from page 314 (names without *)VA Patent Book 6 page 482 - VA Accomacke Co - 27 Oct 1673 - Trans 120 pers. for 11 people selected from page 482 (names with *) sources: Cavaliers and Pioneers, Nell Marion Nugent, Volume two - pages 80-81 & 134-135. Furgeson, James and Forgeson, John.
The Original Scots Colonists of Early America, Supplement: 1607-1707 by David Dobson. Page50. Ferguson, John, arrived in York County, Virginia, before 12.11.1666, possibly on the Phoenix of Leith, master James Gibson. (CWF:YCRP, DOW(04)-109)
THE LAST WILL & TESTAMENT OF JOHN FERGUSON, SR.Will of John Fargeson of Essex County, dated May 10, 1715:

In the name of God, Amen: I, John Fargeson, of Essex County, being in perfect sense and memory and good health, God almighty be prayed, therefore considering the transitoriness of this life and being willing to settle my temporal affairs before I goe (sic) hence have, and do make, ordain this to be my last will and testament in the manner following, vizt.
In Primus, I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it, hoping through the merits, death, and passion, of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to receive full and free remission of all my sins at the last day.
ITEM. I do bequeath and give unto my eldest son John Fargeson all my land that lies on the north side Piscataway Rolling Road. to him and his heirs forever.
ITEM. I give and bequeath unto my son James Fargeson my plantation wheron I now live and all my land on that side the aforesaid rolling road after his mother's decease, to him and his heirs forever, only reserving for my son Joseph Fargeson free liberty to live and work thereon till he can better provide (for) himself.
ITEM. I do give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Redd, the wife of Thomas Redd, five shillings to buy her a Bible.
ITEM. I do give and bequeath unto my grandson John Rogers one young cow and calf.
ITEM. It is my will and desire that my well-beloved wife Ann Fargeson have and injoy the use of all the rest of my estate during the time she shall continue my widow without any interruption or disturbance of any of my children, and that she shall not give nor convey any of my estate (to) any other person than as this by will directs.
ITEM. it is my will and desire that if my wife do marry that then immediately after such her marriage, my two Negroes, Nacher and Bess, and all my personal estate shall be appraised and the whole value thereof be equally divided (after my just debts and funeral charges are paid) between my loving wife Ann and my two youngest sons, Joseph and Samuel Fargeson, but if my wife dies my widow it is my will and desire that my Negroes and personal estate as aforesaid be, immediately after such her death, appraised and the value thereof be equally divided between my two aforesaid youngest sons Joseph and Samuel, and lastly, I do hereby ordain my wife Ann and my son Joseph Fargeson executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking, disannuling, adn making void all manner of wills and testaments heretofore by me made and, of which, I hereunto set my hand and seal this 10 day of May 1715.
/s/ John Fargisson (Seal)
Signed, sealed and published in the presence of /s/ Daniel Brown At a Court held for Essex s/ James (X) Sams County on Wednesday, the /s/ Elizabeth (X) Brown 19th day of March 1717 this will was presented in Court by Ann Fargisson, the Executor (sic) wherein named who made oath thereto and was further proved by the oath of Daniel Brown, Elizabeth Brown, and James Sams, witnesses thereto and is admitted to record.
Teste: /s/ Will. Beverley ClkCur
Dannll. Browne, James Sames, Elizabeth Browne.

He was married to Ann STUBBLESON before Aug 1684 in Rappahannock, VA. Ann STUBBLESON died about 1735 in Southfarnham Parrish, Essex Co, VA. She was born in possibly Rappahannock Co, VA. She has reference number STER. 1) "The Fergusons of Chester District, South Carolina" by Young Uluar West Jr (Revised Edition 1984) Young U. West M.D., #7 Old Chimney Road, Huntsville, AL 35201.
From Larry Ferguson III:
"John was probably brought to America as a deportee/indentured servant in 1667 (Patent Book 6, pg 45). He married Ann Stubbleson in 1683 (Book D7, pg 129). I show six children
John and Ann are buried in a family cemetery at "Cherry Walk" in Essex County, an estate sold to the Caston's by John Ferguson and passed on through the Croxton family (Grandson of John and Ann)
Still trying to prove John's arrival in America but circumstantial evidence supports the theory strongly. "
In the interest of sharing I have a piece of circumstantial evidence. The only John Ferguson/Farguson listed in the Scots Origins in Scotland is one John Ferguson born 23 March 1649 to John Ferguson and his wife Janet Turnbul in Gargunnock Scotland. There is not another listed until 1653. I am hopeful that this is our guy but still researching. On another step back shows us John Ferguson born 6 Sept 1630 to Alexander Ferguson and his wife Beiggis Miller in Gargunnock Scotland I can't find Gargunnock on the maps anywhere. I have sent for several books on interlibrary loan for Indentured servants/deportees from Scotland, hoping to find his arrival.
Myra Elliott, , rec'd Jul 2001; Mary Furguson Fiser, or ; CAUTION! Neva Sears, Carolyn Ericson and Sue Skay Abrusca to, Torrence, CA in www.rootsweb.com/~sueskay/html give b.d. and p. as bef. 1685 in Essex Co., VA; data of gingram7@iswt.com placed at http://search.ancestry.com in Sep 1999 , file #22255
Neva Sears chart,Bartlesville,OK(1995); Family Tree Maker CD Vol. 12, Record #1153 (1997) gives d.d. as bef. 19 Mar 1716/1717
Mary Ferguson Fiser ; Virginia Colonial Abstracts by Beverly Fleet, Vol 2, pgs 64 and 128, sources rec'd from Carolyn Ericson gives m.d. as bef Mar 25, 1693; Fa mily Tree Maker CD Vol. 12, Record #1153 (1997) gives m.d as bef. 1683; Gingram, , data file at http://data.ancestry.com, record # 22255 gives m.d. as bef. 12 Feb 1683
It has been told through family oral histories that John Ferguson's father was King Fargus. There is suppose to be a museum in Edinburgh, Scotland that is dedicated to the Ferguson Clan. (From Ancestry file)
John Ferguson Sr. married Ann Stubbleson (of Essex County, Virginia) the original immigrant from Scotland.
In an article by John Markham Ferguson Jr, with a letter from David Dobson (Scottish Writer) research is done that compares a seventeenth
century ships passenger list against Virginia headright lists of the same time period. Analysis is that John Ferguson of Essex County,
Virginia sailed in May 1666 on the ship Phoenix of Leith out of Leith, port of Edinburgh, Scotland and landed in York County, Virginia before
December 11, 1666. There was a James Ferguson who was born ca. 1652 also on this ship. Possibly Johns brother, cousin,?.

B. There is also other research done through Scots Origins that lists John Ferguson Sr of Essex County, Viriginia parents and grandparents as

10th GGP Alexander Ferguson married Beiggis Miller (Gargunnock, Stirling, Scotland)

9th GGP John Ferguson married Janet Turnbul (Gargunnock, Stirling, Scotland)

Source: The Family History of Rebecca Joyce Williams Mattox

Thank you Deborah for sharing.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1649-03-23 Gargunnock, Scotland   1b
Event Note

B: ABT 1650-1668

Death 1717-03-19 Essex, Virginia   2

Age: 67y 11m 24d


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Ferguson, John1630-09-051662-06-29
Mother Turnbul, Janetabout 1630
         Ferguson, John 1649-03-23 1717-03-19


Family of Ferguson, John and Stubbleson, Ann

Married Wife Stubbleson, Ann ( * 1669 + 1735 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1684-08-00 Rappahannock, Virginia   2
Name Birth Date Death Date
Ferguson, James16801741

Source References

  1. Jennie Anderson: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:1753502&id=I674970493&style=TABLE The Dawson & Doane Families
      • Source text:


        ID: I674970493
        Name: John FERGUSON
        Given Name: John
        Surname: FERGUSON
        Sex: M
        Birth: 23 Mar 1648/1649 in Gargunnock,Scotland
        Death: bfr 19 Mar 1717 in Essex Co., VA

        From Larry Ferguson III, , as cited by Gingram, in data file at http://data.ancestry.com, record #22255:

        "John was probably brought to America as adeportee/indentured servant in 1667 (Patent Book 6, pg 45). He married Ann Stubbleson in 1683 (Book D7,pg 129). I'm still trying to prove John's arrival in America but circumstatial evidence supports the theory strongly."

        From Myra Elliott, , rec'd 14 Ma y 2001:

        "In the interest of sharing I have a piece of circumstantial evidence.

        The only John Ferguson/Farguson listed in the Scots Origins in Scotland is one John Ferguson born 23 March 16 49 to John Ferguson and his wife Janet Turnbul in Gargunnock Scotland. There is not another listed until 1653. I am hopeful that this is our guy but still researching. On
        another stepback shows us John Ferguson born 6 Sept 1630 to Alexander Ferguson and his wife Beiggis Miller in Gargunnock Scotland I can't find Gargunnock on the maps anywhere. I have sent for several books on interlibrary loan for Indentured servants/deportees from Scotland, hoping to find his arrival.

        While sources are not included in this report, almost all of the data(dates, places, notes, etc.)in this data file are documented. Further, if you see (!) or (?), the source will contain additional research information.

        Sorce of the above infromation: Lewis-Jones 8-29-07
        Owner: Lisa

        Thank you Lisa for sharing this information.
        John Fargason's will : Will Bk 3, Pg 8, Essex Co., Va.

        Will of John Fargeson of Essex County, dated May 10, 1715:
        In the name of God, Amen: I, John Fargeson, of Essex County, being in perfect sense and memory and good health, God almighty be prayed, therefore considering the transitoriness of this life and being willing to settle my temporal affairs before I goe (sic) hence have, and do make, ordain this to be my last will and testament in the manner following, vizt. In Primus, I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it, hoping through the merits, death, and passion, of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to receive full and free remission of all my sins at the last day.
        ITEM. I do bequeath and give unto my eldest son John Fargeson all my land that lies on the north side Piscataway Rolling Road. to him and his heirs forever.
        ITEM. I give and bequeath unto my son James Fargeson my plantation wheron I now live and all my land on that side the aforesaid rolling road after his mother's decease, to him and his heirs forever, only reserving for my son Joseph Fargeson free liberty to live and work thereon till he can better provide (for) himself.
        ITEM. I do give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Redd, the wife of Thomas Redd, five shillings to buy her a Bible.
        ITEM. I do give and bequeath unto my grandson John Rogers one young cow and calf.
        ITEM. It is my will and desire that my well-beloved wife Ann Fargeson have and injoy the use of all the rest of my estate during the time she shall continue my widow without any interruption or disturbance of any of my children, and that she shall not give nor convey any of my estate (to) any other person than as this by will directs.
        ITEM. it is my will and desire that if my wife do marry that then immediately after such her marriage, my two Negroes, Nacher and Bess, and all my personal estate shall be appraised and the whole value thereof be equally divided (after my just debts and funeral charges are paid) between my loving wife Ann and my two youngest sons, Joseph and Samuel Fargeson, but if my wife dies my widow it is my will and desire that my Negroes and personal estate as aforesaid be, immediately after such her death, appraised and the value thereof be equally divided between my two aforesaid youngest sons Joseph and Samuel, and lastly, I do hereby ordain my wife Ann and my son Joseph Fargeson executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking, disannuling, adn making void all manner of wills and testaments heretofore by me made and, of which, I hereunto set my hand and seal this 10 day of May 1715.
        /s/ John Fargisson (Seal)


        Signed, sealed and)
        published in the )
        presence of )
        /s/ Daniel Brown At a Court held for Essex
        /s/ James (X) Sams County on Wednesday, the
        /s/ Elizabeth (X) Brown 19th day of March 1717
        this will was presented in Court by
        Ann Fargisson, the Executor (sic) wherein named who made oath thereto and was further proved by the oath of Daniel Brown, Elizabeth Brown, and James Sams, witnesses thereto and is admitted to record.
        Teste: /s/ Will. Beverley ClkCur
        Dannll. Browne, James Sames, Elizabeth Browne.
        John Markham Ferguson Jr states John was probably brought to America as a deportee/indentured servant in 1667 (Patent Book 6, pg 45). marriedAnn Stubbleson in 1683 (Book D7, pg 129)

        Summary of John Markham Ferguson Jrs theory: He claims (at least to hissatisfaction) to have discovered our immigrant ancestor, John (and hisbrother James), who arrived on a ship (Phoenix of Leith) out of Leith,port of Edinburgh, Scotland in May 1666. James Farguson (sp), age ca 14, was indentured servant to Otho Thorpe. It seems that the period ofservitude at that time was 10 years to repay the cost of transportation.If the "servant" completed the term, he was to be given 40 acres and a new suit of clothes. If he was released early, he would receive nothing.
        John was allegedly released after 9 years with nothing.

        John Ferguson Sr was imprisoned in Edinburgh Tolbooth at age 14 yrs. The Edinburgh, Scotland, prison was in Tolbooth(Tolbuith). In May 1666, he sailed on the Phoenix of Leith out of Leith, port of Edinburgh, Scotland. He came to Virginia as an indentured servant in 1666 on the
        ship Phoenix of Leith. This is based on the following information:

        1. The Edinburgh, Scotland, prison was in Tolbooth(tolbuith), and the original Scottish records below are for the Tolbooth.
        2. VA Patent Book 6 page 045 - VA New Kent Co 25 Apr 1667 - Transportation 60 persons. source: Cavaliers and Pioneers, Nell Marion Nugent, Volume two - page 013. (red Herring) Fargeson, James and Fargeson, JNO.
        3. VA Patent Book 6 page 314 +316 - VA Accomacke Co 6 Oct 1670 - Trans 86pers. for 25 people selected from page 314 (names without *)VA Patent Book 6 page 482 - VA Accomacke Co - 27 Oct 1673 - Trans 120 pers. for 11 people selected from page 482 (names with *) sources: Cavaliers and Pioneers, Nell Marion Nugent, Volume two - pages 80-81 & 134-135. Furgeson, James and Forgeson, John.
        The Original Scots Colonists of Early America, Supplement: 1607-1707 by David Dobson. Page50. Ferguson, John, arrived in York County, Virginia, before 12.11.1666, possibly on the Phoenix of Leith, master James Gibson. (CWF:YCRP, DOW(04)-109)
        THE LAST WILL & TESTAMENT OF JOHN FERGUSON, SR.Will of John Fargeson of Essex County, dated May 10, 1715:

        In the name of God, Amen: I, John Fargeson, of Essex County, being in perfect sense and memory and good health, God almighty be prayed, therefore considering the transitoriness of this life and being willing to settle my temporal affairs before I goe (sic) hence have, and do make, ordain this to be my last will and testament in the manner following, vizt.
        In Primus, I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it, hoping through the merits, death, and passion, of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to receive full and free remission of all my sins at the last day.
        ITEM. I do bequeath and give unto my eldest son John Fargeson all my land that lies on the north side Piscataway Rolling Road. to him and his heirs forever.
        ITEM. I give and bequeath unto my son James Fargeson my plantation wheron I now live and all my land on that side the aforesaid rolling road after his mother's decease, to him and his heirs forever, only reserving for my son Joseph Fargeson free liberty to live and work thereon till he can better provide (for) himself.
        ITEM. I do give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Redd, the wife of Thomas Redd, five shillings to buy her a Bible.
        ITEM. I do give and bequeath unto my grandson John Rogers one young cow and calf.
        ITEM. It is my will and desire that my well-beloved wife Ann Fargeson have and injoy the use of all the rest of my estate during the time she shall continue my widow without any interruption or disturbance of any of my children, and that she shall not give nor convey any of my estate (to) any other person than as this by will directs.
        ITEM. it is my will and desire that if my wife do marry that then immediately after such her marriage, my two Negroes, Nacher and Bess, and all my personal estate shall be appraised and the whole value thereof be equally divided (after my just debts and funeral charges are paid) between my loving wife Ann and my two youngest sons, Joseph and Samuel Fargeson, but if my wife dies my widow it is my will and desire that my Negroes and personal estate as aforesaid be, immediately after such her death, appraised and the value thereof be equally divided between my two aforesaid youngest sons Joseph and Samuel, and lastly, I do hereby ordain my wife Ann and my son Joseph Fargeson executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking, disannuling, adn making void all manner of wills and testaments heretofore by me made and, of which, I hereunto set my hand and seal this 10 day of May 1715.
        /s/ John Fargisson (Seal)
        Signed, sealed and published in the presence of /s/ Daniel Brown At a Court held for Essex s/ James (X) Sams County on Wednesday, the /s/ Elizabeth (X) Brown 19th day of March 1717 this will was presented in Court by Ann Fargisson, the Executor (sic) wherein named who made oath thereto and was further proved by the oath of Daniel Brown, Elizabeth Brown, and James Sams, witnesses thereto and is admitted to record.
        Teste: /s/ Will. Beverley ClkCur
        Dannll. Browne, James Sames, Elizabeth Browne.

        He was married to Ann STUBBLESON before Aug 1684 in Rappahannock, VA. Ann STUBBLESON died about 1735 in Southfarnham Parrish, Essex Co, VA. She was born in possibly Rappahannock Co, VA. She has reference number STER. 1) "The Fergusons of Chester District, South Carolina" by Young Uluar West Jr (Revised Edition 1984) Young U. West M.D., #7 Old Chimney Road, Huntsville, AL 35201.
        From Larry Ferguson III:
        "John was probably brought to America as a deportee/indentured servant in 1667 (Patent Book 6, pg 45). He married Ann Stubbleson in 1683 (Book D7, pg 129). I show six children
        John and Ann are buried in a family cemetery at "Cherry Walk" in Essex County, an estate sold to the Caston's by John Ferguson and passed on through the Croxton family (Grandson of John and Ann)
        Still trying to prove John's arrival in America but circumstantial evidence supports the theory strongly. "
        In the interest of sharing I have a piece of circumstantial evidence. The only John Ferguson/Farguson listed in the Scots Origins in Scotland is one John Ferguson born 23 March 1649 to John Ferguson and his wife Janet Turnbul in Gargunnock Scotland. There is not another listed until 1653. I am hopeful that this is our guy but still researching. On another step back shows us John Ferguson born 6 Sept 1630 to Alexander Ferguson and his wife Beiggis Miller in Gargunnock Scotland I can't find Gargunnock on the maps anywhere. I have sent for several books on interlibrary loan for Indentured servants/deportees from Scotland, hoping to find his arrival.
        Myra Elliott, , rec'd Jul 2001; Mary Furguson Fiser, or ; CAUTION! Neva Sears, Carolyn Ericson and Sue Skay Abrusca to, Torrence, CA in www.rootsweb.com/~sueskay/html give b.d. and p. as bef. 1685 in Essex Co., VA; data of gingram7@iswt.com placed at http://search.ancestry.com in Sep 1999 , file #22255
        Neva Sears chart,Bartlesville,OK(1995); Family Tree Maker CD Vol. 12, Record #1153 (1997) gives d.d. as bef. 19 Mar 1716/1717
        Mary Ferguson Fiser ; Virginia Colonial Abstracts by Beverly Fleet, Vol 2, pgs 64 and 128, sources rec'd from Carolyn Ericson gives m.d. as bef Mar 25, 1693; Fa mily Tree Maker CD Vol. 12, Record #1153 (1997) gives m.d as bef. 1683; Gingram, , data file at http://data.ancestry.com, record # 22255 gives m.d. as bef. 12 Feb 1683
        It has been told through family oral histories that John Ferguson's father was King Fargus. There is suppose to be a museum in Edinburgh, Scotland that is dedicated to the Ferguson Clan. (From Ancestry file)
        John Ferguson Sr. married Ann Stubbleson (of Essex County, Virginia) the original immigrant from Scotland.
        In an article by John Markham Ferguson Jr, with a letter from David Dobson (Scottish Writer) research is done that compares a seventeenth
        century ships passenger list against Virginia headright lists of the same time period. Analysis is that John Ferguson of Essex County,
        Virginia sailed in May 1666 on the ship Phoenix of Leith out of Leith, port of Edinburgh, Scotland and landed in York County, Virginia before
        December 11, 1666. There was a James Ferguson who was born ca. 1652 also on this ship. Possibly Johns brother, cousin,?.

        B. There is also other research done through Scots Origins that lists John Ferguson Sr of Essex County, Viriginia parents and grandparents as

        10th GGP Alexander Ferguson married Beiggis Miller (Gargunnock, Stirling, Scotland)

        9th GGP John Ferguson married Janet Turnbul (Gargunnock, Stirling, Scotland)

        Source: The Family History of Rebecca Joyce Williams Mattox

        Thank you Deborah for sharing.




        Father: John FERGUSON b: 05 Sep 1630 in Gargunnock, Stirlingshire, Scotland
        Mother: Janet TURNBUL b: abt 1630/2 in Gargunnock,Scotland

        Marriage 1 Ann STUBBLESON b: abt 1650 in possibly Rappahannock Co, VA
        Married: abt 1682 in Rappahannock Co., VA
        Has Children James FERGUSON b: abt 1687 in Essex Co., VA

      • Citation:

        e-mail: Vanillaheart@aol.com

      • Source text:


        ID: I674970493
        Name: John FERGUSON
        Given Name: John
        Surname: FERGUSON
        Sex: M
        Birth: 23 Mar 1648/1649 in Gargunnock,Scotland
        Death: bfr 19 Mar 1717 in Essex Co., VA

        From Larry Ferguson III, , as cited by Gingram, in data file at http://data.ancestry.com, record #22255:

        "John was probably brought to America as adeportee/indentured servant in 1667 (Patent Book 6, pg 45). He married Ann Stubbleson in 1683 (Book D7,pg 129). I'm still trying to prove John's arrival in America but circumstatial evidence supports the theory strongly."

        From Myra Elliott, , rec'd 14 Ma y 2001:

        "In the interest of sharing I have a piece of circumstantial evidence.

        The only John Ferguson/Farguson listed in the Scots Origins in Scotland is one John Ferguson born 23 March 16 49 to John Ferguson and his wife Janet Turnbul in Gargunnock Scotland. There is not another listed until 1653. I am hopeful that this is our guy but still researching. On
        another stepback shows us John Ferguson born 6 Sept 1630 to Alexander Ferguson and his wife Beiggis Miller in Gargunnock Scotland I can't find Gargunnock on the maps anywhere. I have sent for several books on interlibrary loan for Indentured servants/deportees from Scotland, hoping to find his arrival.

        While sources are not included in this report, almost all of the data(dates, places, notes, etc.)in this data file are documented. Further, if you see (!) or (?), the source will contain additional research information.

        Sorce of the above infromation: Lewis-Jones 8-29-07
        Owner: Lisa

        Thank you Lisa for sharing this information.
        John Fargason's will : Will Bk 3, Pg 8, Essex Co., Va.

        Will of John Fargeson of Essex County, dated May 10, 1715:
        In the name of God, Amen: I, John Fargeson, of Essex County, being in perfect sense and memory and good health, God almighty be prayed, therefore considering the transitoriness of this life and being willing to settle my temporal affairs before I goe (sic) hence have, and do make, ordain this to be my last will and testament in the manner following, vizt. In Primus, I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it, hoping through the merits, death, and passion, of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to receive full and free remission of all my sins at the last day.
        ITEM. I do bequeath and give unto my eldest son John Fargeson all my land that lies on the north side Piscataway Rolling Road. to him and his heirs forever.
        ITEM. I give and bequeath unto my son James Fargeson my plantation wheron I now live and all my land on that side the aforesaid rolling road after his mother's decease, to him and his heirs forever, only reserving for my son Joseph Fargeson free liberty to live and work thereon till he can better provide (for) himself.
        ITEM. I do give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Redd, the wife of Thomas Redd, five shillings to buy her a Bible.
        ITEM. I do give and bequeath unto my grandson John Rogers one young cow and calf.
        ITEM. It is my will and desire that my well-beloved wife Ann Fargeson have and injoy the use of all the rest of my estate during the time she shall continue my widow without any interruption or disturbance of any of my children, and that she shall not give nor convey any of my estate (to) any other person than as this by will directs.
        ITEM. it is my will and desire that if my wife do marry that then immediately after such her marriage, my two Negroes, Nacher and Bess, and all my personal estate shall be appraised and the whole value thereof be equally divided (after my just debts and funeral charges are paid) between my loving wife Ann and my two youngest sons, Joseph and Samuel Fargeson, but if my wife dies my widow it is my will and desire that my Negroes and personal estate as aforesaid be, immediately after such her death, appraised and the value thereof be equally divided between my two aforesaid youngest sons Joseph and Samuel, and lastly, I do hereby ordain my wife Ann and my son Joseph Fargeson executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking, disannuling, adn making void all manner of wills and testaments heretofore by me made and, of which, I hereunto set my hand and seal this 10 day of May 1715.
        /s/ John Fargisson (Seal)


        Signed, sealed and)
        published in the )
        presence of )
        /s/ Daniel Brown At a Court held for Essex
        /s/ James (X) Sams County on Wednesday, the
        /s/ Elizabeth (X) Brown 19th day of March 1717
        this will was presented in Court by
        Ann Fargisson, the Executor (sic) wherein named who made oath thereto and was further proved by the oath of Daniel Brown, Elizabeth Brown, and James Sams, witnesses thereto and is admitted to record.
        Teste: /s/ Will. Beverley ClkCur
        Dannll. Browne, James Sames, Elizabeth Browne.
        John Markham Ferguson Jr states John was probably brought to America as a deportee/indentured servant in 1667 (Patent Book 6, pg 45). marriedAnn Stubbleson in 1683 (Book D7, pg 129)

        Summary of John Markham Ferguson Jrs theory: He claims (at least to hissatisfaction) to have discovered our immigrant ancestor, John (and hisbrother James), who arrived on a ship (Phoenix of Leith) out of Leith,port of Edinburgh, Scotland in May 1666. James Farguson (sp), age ca 14, was indentured servant to Otho Thorpe. It seems that the period ofservitude at that time was 10 years to repay the cost of transportation.If the "servant" completed the term, he was to be given 40 acres and a new suit of clothes. If he was released early, he would receive nothing.
        John was allegedly released after 9 years with nothing.

        John Ferguson Sr was imprisoned in Edinburgh Tolbooth at age 14 yrs. The Edinburgh, Scotland, prison was in Tolbooth(Tolbuith). In May 1666, he sailed on the Phoenix of Leith out of Leith, port of Edinburgh, Scotland. He came to Virginia as an indentured servant in 1666 on the
        ship Phoenix of Leith. This is based on the following information:

        1. The Edinburgh, Scotland, prison was in Tolbooth(tolbuith), and the original Scottish records below are for the Tolbooth.
        2. VA Patent Book 6 page 045 - VA New Kent Co 25 Apr 1667 - Transportation 60 persons. source: Cavaliers and Pioneers, Nell Marion Nugent, Volume two - page 013. (red Herring) Fargeson, James and Fargeson, JNO.
        3. VA Patent Book 6 page 314 +316 - VA Accomacke Co 6 Oct 1670 - Trans 86pers. for 25 people selected from page 314 (names without *)VA Patent Book 6 page 482 - VA Accomacke Co - 27 Oct 1673 - Trans 120 pers. for 11 people selected from page 482 (names with *) sources: Cavaliers and Pioneers, Nell Marion Nugent, Volume two - pages 80-81 & 134-135. Furgeson, James and Forgeson, John.
        The Original Scots Colonists of Early America, Supplement: 1607-1707 by David Dobson. Page50. Ferguson, John, arrived in York County, Virginia, before 12.11.1666, possibly on the Phoenix of Leith, master James Gibson. (CWF:YCRP, DOW(04)-109)
        THE LAST WILL & TESTAMENT OF JOHN FERGUSON, SR.Will of John Fargeson of Essex County, dated May 10, 1715:

        In the name of God, Amen: I, John Fargeson, of Essex County, being in perfect sense and memory and good health, God almighty be prayed, therefore considering the transitoriness of this life and being willing to settle my temporal affairs before I goe (sic) hence have, and do make, ordain this to be my last will and testament in the manner following, vizt.
        In Primus, I bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it, hoping through the merits, death, and passion, of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to receive full and free remission of all my sins at the last day.
        ITEM. I do bequeath and give unto my eldest son John Fargeson all my land that lies on the north side Piscataway Rolling Road. to him and his heirs forever.
        ITEM. I give and bequeath unto my son James Fargeson my plantation wheron I now live and all my land on that side the aforesaid rolling road after his mother's decease, to him and his heirs forever, only reserving for my son Joseph Fargeson free liberty to live and work thereon till he can better provide (for) himself.
        ITEM. I do give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Redd, the wife of Thomas Redd, five shillings to buy her a Bible.
        ITEM. I do give and bequeath unto my grandson John Rogers one young cow and calf.
        ITEM. It is my will and desire that my well-beloved wife Ann Fargeson have and injoy the use of all the rest of my estate during the time she shall continue my widow without any interruption or disturbance of any of my children, and that she shall not give nor convey any of my estate (to) any other person than as this by will directs.
        ITEM. it is my will and desire that if my wife do marry that then immediately after such her marriage, my two Negroes, Nacher and Bess, and all my personal estate shall be appraised and the whole value thereof be equally divided (after my just debts and funeral charges are paid) between my loving wife Ann and my two youngest sons, Joseph and Samuel Fargeson, but if my wife dies my widow it is my will and desire that my Negroes and personal estate as aforesaid be, immediately after such her death, appraised and the value thereof be equally divided between my two aforesaid youngest sons Joseph and Samuel, and lastly, I do hereby ordain my wife Ann and my son Joseph Fargeson executors of this my last will and testament, hereby revoking, disannuling, adn making void all manner of wills and testaments heretofore by me made and, of which, I hereunto set my hand and seal this 10 day of May 1715.
        /s/ John Fargisson (Seal)
        Signed, sealed and published in the presence of /s/ Daniel Brown At a Court held for Essex s/ James (X) Sams County on Wednesday, the /s/ Elizabeth (X) Brown 19th day of March 1717 this will was presented in Court by Ann Fargisson, the Executor (sic) wherein named who made oath thereto and was further proved by the oath of Daniel Brown, Elizabeth Brown, and James Sams, witnesses thereto and is admitted to record.
        Teste: /s/ Will. Beverley ClkCur
        Dannll. Browne, James Sames, Elizabeth Browne.

        He was married to Ann STUBBLESON before Aug 1684 in Rappahannock, VA. Ann STUBBLESON died about 1735 in Southfarnham Parrish, Essex Co, VA. She was born in possibly Rappahannock Co, VA. She has reference number STER. 1) "The Fergusons of Chester District, South Carolina" by Young Uluar West Jr (Revised Edition 1984) Young U. West M.D., #7 Old Chimney Road, Huntsville, AL 35201.
        From Larry Ferguson III:
        "John was probably brought to America as a deportee/indentured servant in 1667 (Patent Book 6, pg 45). He married Ann Stubbleson in 1683 (Book D7, pg 129). I show six children
        John and Ann are buried in a family cemetery at "Cherry Walk" in Essex County, an estate sold to the Caston's by John Ferguson and passed on through the Croxton family (Grandson of John and Ann)
        Still trying to prove John's arrival in America but circumstantial evidence supports the theory strongly. "
        In the interest of sharing I have a piece of circumstantial evidence. The only John Ferguson/Farguson listed in the Scots Origins in Scotland is one John Ferguson born 23 March 1649 to John Ferguson and his wife Janet Turnbul in Gargunnock Scotland. There is not another listed until 1653. I am hopeful that this is our guy but still researching. On another step back shows us John Ferguson born 6 Sept 1630 to Alexander Ferguson and his wife Beiggis Miller in Gargunnock Scotland I can't find Gargunnock on the maps anywhere. I have sent for several books on interlibrary loan for Indentured servants/deportees from Scotland, hoping to find his arrival.
        Myra Elliott, , rec'd Jul 2001; Mary Furguson Fiser, or ; CAUTION! Neva Sears, Carolyn Ericson and Sue Skay Abrusca to, Torrence, CA in www.rootsweb.com/~sueskay/html give b.d. and p. as bef. 1685 in Essex Co., VA; data of gingram7@iswt.com placed at http://search.ancestry.com in Sep 1999 , file #22255
        Neva Sears chart,Bartlesville,OK(1995); Family Tree Maker CD Vol. 12, Record #1153 (1997) gives d.d. as bef. 19 Mar 1716/1717
        Mary Ferguson Fiser ; Virginia Colonial Abstracts by Beverly Fleet, Vol 2, pgs 64 and 128, sources rec'd from Carolyn Ericson gives m.d. as bef Mar 25, 1693; Fa mily Tree Maker CD Vol. 12, Record #1153 (1997) gives m.d as bef. 1683; Gingram, , data file at http://data.ancestry.com, record # 22255 gives m.d. as bef. 12 Feb 1683
        It has been told through family oral histories that John Ferguson's father was King Fargus. There is suppose to be a museum in Edinburgh, Scotland that is dedicated to the Ferguson Clan. (From Ancestry file)
        John Ferguson Sr. married Ann Stubbleson (of Essex County, Virginia) the original immigrant from Scotland.
        In an article by John Markham Ferguson Jr, with a letter from David Dobson (Scottish Writer) research is done that compares a seventeenth
        century ships passenger list against Virginia headright lists of the same time period. Analysis is that John Ferguson of Essex County,
        Virginia sailed in May 1666 on the ship Phoenix of Leith out of Leith, port of Edinburgh, Scotland and landed in York County, Virginia before
        December 11, 1666. There was a James Ferguson who was born ca. 1652 also on this ship. Possibly Johns brother, cousin,?.

        B. There is also other research done through Scots Origins that lists John Ferguson Sr of Essex County, Viriginia parents and grandparents as

        10th GGP Alexander Ferguson married Beiggis Miller (Gargunnock, Stirling, Scotland)

        9th GGP John Ferguson married Janet Turnbul (Gargunnock, Stirling, Scotland)

        Source: The Family History of Rebecca Joyce Williams Mattox

        Thank you Deborah for sharing.




        Father: John FERGUSON b: 05 Sep 1630 in Gargunnock, Stirlingshire, Scotland
        Mother: Janet TURNBUL b: abt 1630/2 in Gargunnock,Scotland

        Marriage 1 Ann STUBBLESON b: abt 1650 in possibly Rappahannock Co, VA
        Married: abt 1682 in Rappahannock Co., VA
        Has Children James FERGUSON b: abt 1687 in Essex Co., VA

      • Citation:

        e-mail: Vanillaheart@aol.com

  2. Christopher Taber: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=:2974850&id=I579716749 @ RootsWeb TABER And THE MyFaMilY TrEe GeNEAloGy ::::::::::::::::::::::[TBCHSA AND OTHER DINOSAUR]