of Caen, Robert 1 2

Birth Name of Caen, Robert
Nick Name The Consul
Gender male
Age at Death 57 years, 9 months, 30 days


Robert, Earl of Gloucester (?-1147), illegitimate son of King Henry I of England, born probably in Caen, Normandy, before his father became king in 1100. Robert’s marriage to Mabel Fitzhamon, the daughter of a Norman noble, brought him large estates in Normandy, Wales, and England; between 1121 and 1123 he was created an earl. After the death of Henry in 1135, the succession of the throne came into dispute, but Robert submitted to the king's nephew, Stephen of Blois, on condition that he retain all his honors and dignities.

In 1137, however, Stephen and Robert quarreled, and the next year Stephen took Robert's estates in Wales and England. In 1139 Robert crossed over to England with his half-sister, the empress Matilda, Henry's only surviving lawful child and heiress to England and Normandy. For eight years Robert fought against Stephen's claim to the royal title. He defeated Stephen at Lincoln Castle in 1141 and took him prisoner, thus winning the kingdom for Matilda. Later in the year Robert was himself taken prisoner at Stockbridge, after the siege of Winchester, and was exchanged for Stephen. The following year he joined Geoffrey Plantagenet, Matilda’s husband, in the campaign in Normandy, after which he hurried back to England and defeated Stephen at Wilton in 1143. Robert was unable to press his victory and his political support in England began to erode. He died in Bristol, England, four years later.

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Robert, 1st Earl of Gloucester (~1090 - October 31, 1147) was an illegitimate son of Henry I of England, and one of the dominant figures of the English Anarchy period.

Robert was probably the eldest of Henry's many illegitimate children. He was born at Caen in Normandy before his father's accession to the English throne. His mother is not known for certain, though recent scholarship suggests she was a member of the Gay family, minor nobility in Oxfordshire.

He married Mabel of Gloucester, daughter of Robert Fitzhamon, thereby receiving lordship of Gloucester and Glamorgan.

About 1121, he was created Earl of Gloucester.

At his father's death, in the struggle between the Empress Maud and Stephen for the English throne, he at first declared for Stephen, but subsequently left Stephen's service and was loyal to Maud, his half-sister, until his death.

At the Battle of Lincoln, he captured Stephen. This advantage was lost, however, when Robert fell into the hands of Stephen's partisans at Winchester, covering Maud's escape from a failed siege. Robert was so important to Maud's cause that she released Stephen to regain Robert's services.

Robert fought tirelessly on Maud's behalf until his death in 1147.



1. Abbrev: The Royal Descents of 500 Immigrants
Title: Gary Boyd Roberts


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1090 Caen, Calvados, Normandy, France   1
Death 1147-10-31 Bristol Castle, Gloucestershire, England   2

Age: 57y

Burial   Priory of St. James, Bristol, England   3a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father England, Henry I1069-02-211135-12-01
Mother verch Deheubarth Rhys, Nest Heiress of Carew, Tywysoges Deheubarth10731163
         of Caen, Robert 1090 1147-10-31
    Sister     England, Maud 1091


Family of of Caen, Robert and Fitzhammon, Mabel (Maud)

Unknown Partner Fitzhammon, Mabel (Maud) ( * 1090 + 1156 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
of Gloucester, Christiana1100
de Caen, Mabira11091190
FitzRobert, Matildaabout 11141189-07-29
de Caen, William FitzRobert1116-11-231183-11-23
de Gai, Philip Fitzrobert1122before 1190

Family of of Caen, Robert and

Unknown Partner ( * 1078 + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
of Gloucester, Mabel11001170

Source References

  1. http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=jdp-fam&id=I24968&style=TABLE
  2. http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=:2268817&id=I651&style=TABLE
  3. Leanne Stark: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:3108866&id=I1947 Tree as at 18th July 2005
      • Source text:

        ID: I1947
        Name: *Robert OF GLOUCESTER
        Surname: Of Gloucester
        Given Name: *Robert
        Prefix: Earl
        Sex: M
        Birth: ABT 1090 in Caen, Normandy FRA
        Death: 31 Oct 1147 in Cardiff Castle, Bristol, Gloucestershire ENG
        Burial: Priory Of St James, Bristol ENG
        _UID: 997F0438B629D04F91DB55707B75B34A70F1
        Born an illegitimate son of King Henry I of England about 1090 in Caen, he was consequently known as Robert de Caen. He witnessed charters of the King from about April 1113 onwards and fought at the battle of Bremule, on 20 August 1119, where King Henry I defeated Louis VI, King of France. Between June and September 1122 he was created Earl of Gloucester. In 1123 he brought a force to assist in the capture of the castle of Brionne held by the rebellious Norman barons. In 1126 he had custody of his uncle, Duke Robert of Normandy, as a prisoner at Bristol and later at Cardiff. In 1127 he did homage to the Empress Matilda, recognising her as his father's successor in the kingdom. On this occasion he had a dispute with his cousin, Stephen de Blois, as to precedence which was decided against him. In 1130 he sanctioned the foundation of the Abbey of Neath. In 1131, at the Council of Northampton, he took precedence among the five Earls who attended. In 1133 he was sent by the King to Bayeux, after the death of Bishop Richard, to enquire as to the fees and services due to the see by its barons, knights and vavasours. He was present at the King's death in December 1135 and received 60,000 livres from him, apparently as executor. On Stephen's accession to the English Crown and his recognition as Duke by the Normans, Robert gave up Falaise to his agents but removed his father's treasure. In March 1136 he returned to England and, after Easter, did homage for his English lands and, when Stephen granted his Charter of Liberties, he was a witness. At about this time or in the following year he founded St.James's Priory at Bristol as a cell to Tewkesbury, giving to the Lady Chapel of the Priory every tenth stone while building the keep of Bristol Castle at the same time. In 1137 he accompanied Stephen to Normandy. However, they quarrelled and next year his English and Welsh estates were forfeited. Thereupon he prepared for war with Stephen and took up the cause of his half-sister Matilda in Normandy, obtaining the surrender of Caen and Bayeux to her husband. In September 1139 he landed in England with Matilda and, taking her to Arundel Castle, became her commander in the civil war that ensued. In 1140 he burnt Nottingham and, in February 1141, he and his son-in-law, Ranulph, Earl of Chester, relieved Lincoln and took Stephen prisoner, sending him to Bristol. He accompanied Matilda in her progress to Winchester and London and, when the citizens drove her out, fled with her to Oxford. Taking part in the fighting at Winchester, he helped Matilda to escape from the city but, on 14 September 1141, was captured at Stockbridge and taken prisoner to Rochester. Shortly afterwards he was exchanged, without concessions on either side, for King Stephen. Robert then joined Matilda at Bristol and with her proceeded to Oxford. In June 1142 Matilda sent him over to her husband, Geoffrey of Anjou, to urge him to invade England. Geoffrey declined to help until he had conquered Normandy, whereupon Robert joined him in his campaign. When they received the news that Matilda was besieged in Oxford, Robert hurried back to help her, taking with him her son, the future King Henry II. He captured Wareham and other places and, on Matilda's escape from Oxford, he and Henry met her at Wallingford. In 1143 Robert defeated Stephen at Wilton and in 1144, blockaded Malmesbury, Stephen refusing battle. Matilda's party was now so much reduced that Stephen was able to take Faringdon, which had been fortified by Robert. In the spring of 1147 Robert took Henry (II) back to Wareham and sent him over to Anjou; in the same year he founded Margam Abbey. However, on 31 October 1147 he died of a fever at Bristol and was buried there in the Priory of St.James.
        Source: Leo van de Pas
        Change Date: 31 Dec 2003 at 00:00:00

        Father: *Henry I OF ENGLAND b: ABT Sep 1068 in Selby, York ENG
        Mother: *Nesta VERCH RHYS b: ABT 1073 in Deheubarth WALES

        Marriage 1 * Unknown b: ABT 1078
        * Mabel OF GLOUCESTER b: ABT 1100

        Marriage 2 * Maud (Sybil) FITZ HAMMON b: ABT 1094 in Gloucester ENG
        * Aupais OF THE HRE
        * Matilda Of Gloucester FITZROBERT DE CAEN b: ABT 1120 in Gloucester ENG
        *Philip FitzRobert DE GAY b: ABT 1122

        Marriage 3 * Maud (Sybil) FITZ HAMMON b: ABT 1094 in Gloucester ENG
        * Mabira DE CAEN b: AFT 1109

        Marriage 4 * Maud (Sybil) FITZ HAMMON b: ABT 1094 in Gloucester ENG
        *William FITZROBERT b: 23 Nov 1116 in Gloucester ENG


      • Citation:
