[PIERS DE MAULEY the Seventh, son and heir, by 1st wife. Hemarried, circa 1371, Margery (sister of his father's 2nd wife),2nd da. of Sir Thomas DE SUTTON [3rd Lord Sutton of Holderness].On 9 October 1371 Margaret, widow of Piers de Mauley the Fifth,settled the reversion of various manors on Piers son of Piers deMauley the Sixth and Margery his wife, daughter of Sir Thomas deSutton, and their issue, with remainder to the right heirs ofPiers the Sixih. Piers and Margery had a quitclaim of thereversion of these manors from Thomas de Mauley son of Piers theFifth in January 1377/8. He died v.p., between January 1377/8and March 1382/3. His widow married William DE ALDEBURGH, ofHarewood, 2nd LORD ALDEBURGH, who died s.p., 20 August 1391. Shedied 10 October 1391, and was buried in the church of the FriarsPreachers at York.] [Complete Peerage VIII:568-9, XIV:471,(transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]
Title: AFN:
Abbrev: AFN:
Title: The Phillips, Weber, Kirk and Staggs Family
Abbrev: The Phillips, Weber, Kirk and Staggs Family
Author: Jim Weber
Title: Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists Who Came to New England between 1623 and 1650
Abbrev: Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists Who Came to New
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Genealogical Publishing, Inc. Sixth Edition, 1988
Title: Tudor Place
Abbrev: Tudor Place
Author: Jorge H. Castelli