Barnes, Thomas 1a

Birth Name Barnes, Thomas
Gender male
Age at Death 76 years, 5 months, 9 days



[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 16, Ed. 1, Tree #2185, Date of Import: Jun 23, 1999]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #3032, Date of Import: 15 Aug 1997]


[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 16, Ed. 1, Tree #2185, Date of Import: Jun 23, 1999]

[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #3032, Date of Import: 15 Aug 1997]


[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #2088, Date of Import: Nov 13, 1998]

!Family Records and Information


Birth: 1615 in Essex, England
Baptism: 02 SEP 1635
Burial: unknown
Will: Dated 09 JUN 1688
Religion: Member of the First Church of Hartford
Event: Resided AFT 1646 Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
Event: From England on the William & John Emigrated
Death: 1688 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
Death: BEF 1690
From Society of the Descendants of the Founders of Hartford
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Thomas Barnes, Hartford, 1639, a "proprietor by the town's courtesy," Feb., 1639-40, having six acres allotted to him. He lived on the corner of the highways now Albany Avenue and High St. He served in the Pequot War, 1637 ; granted fifty acres for his services, 1671. He removed to Farmington; sergeant of the trainband there, 1651; joined Farmington church about Jan. 30, 1652-3. His wife, Mary, was the dau. of Thomas Andrus, or Andrews, of Farmington. He d. about 1689 ; will dated June 9, 1688.

From Barnes - The Westward Migration of One Line of the Descendants of the Thomas Barnes of Hartford and Farmington, Connecticut
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On Sept. 2, 1635 at the Port of London, England, 101 passengers, including Thomas Barnes age 20, boarded a ship. (In 1634 the Archbishop Laud of London began a reign of terror, and Capt. Johnson took 21,200 persons the year following). If this was Thomas Barnes of Hartford and Farmington, he was b. c. 1615 probably in Essex Co., England.

In 1965 I visited the site of the Thomas Barnes property in the town of Farmington. I was surprised to find the home built in 1680 still standing, and in good repair. It stands just southwest of the cemetery, back from the street, hidden from view by a "new" house built in 1785. Several fine homes stand on the rest of the property.

[In 2003, Ann Marr visited the site. Main Street, Farmington is very well kept - the inhabitants obviously take great pride in their historic homes. Facing the cemetery entrance, the house refered to above is to the right, next door to the cemetery.]

From the Farmington Library
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The land for the cemetery was given by Thomas Barnes to the town for a burying ground in 1661: in 1687 additional land was donated for the same purpose. It is called Momento Mori Cemetery.

"The earliest land record we find for Thomas Barnes is in 1650, when he had 10 acres on which his dwelling house with out-houses, barns, yards and gardens stood, on Town Path 'through which a highway lyeth, with the river on the west, Richard Brownson's land on the east, John Tayllcots land south and Moses Ventrus land north.'

When Joseph Barnes sold the family homestead to Samuel Hooker, Jr., in 1710 it was bounded on the north by the burying ground, showing that Thomas Barnes lived on the east side of the street, about where Mrs. Stephen Lawrence now lives.

... Although library records indicate that Thomas Barnes built the house on this property around 1680, records quoted on the previous page show that a house was already standing on this land in 1650. What happened to the earlier house is not known.

Although Thomas Barnes died in 1681, records indicate that title was not offically passed to his son Joseph until in 1687."

The Barnes-Mix House, as the property is known, is a five-bay Georgian style building. "The main block of this house was built around 1785 by Squire John Mix, while a portion of the rear ell may date from 1685. The first house to stand on this lot was built by Joseph Barnes around 1685 shortly after his marriage to Abigail Gibbs. He received 'the parcel on which his dwelling house now standeth' from his brother, Benjamin Barnes in 1687."

The 1685 ell is small by today's standards, being perhaps the size of a one-car garage, and the roof sags in the middle like a swayback horse. From the look of it, the current owners are busy this summer scraping paint preparatory to repainting the building.]

From Colony Records
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October 12, 1669 Thomas Barns is on a list of Freemen of Farmington.

From Barnes Genealogies
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From Colonial Records
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At a session of the General court held in Hartford, Oct. 6, 1651, Thomas Barnes is confirmed Sergeant.

The following is a copy of the declaration in the "Oath of Fidelity" which Thomas Barnes, with about 360 other citizens, took and subscribed to when Theophilus Eaton was inagurated governor of Connecticut:

"I ----- doe acknowledge myself to be subject to the government thereoff, and doe sweare be the great and dreadful name of the ever living God. to be true and faithful unto the same, and doe submit both my person and whole estate thereunto."

While neither the Conn. Constitution or Oath of Fidelity made any mention of the king of England or of the English company which held the royal grant of the lands of Conn.; it indicated a purpose to adhere to the colonial constitution and government, regardless of consequences. This was the first move made for American independence of British rule.

From Records of Farmington in Connecticut, Copied by the late Hon. Nathaniel Goodwin of Hartford; Communicated by Daniel Goodwin, Esquire.
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About the 30th day of January, 1652, Nathaniel Kellogg and his wife, John Steele, John Stanley, Thomas Newell and Thomas Barnes was also joined to the Congregation.

The number of such as are in full Communion in the Church in Farmington, March 1, 1679/1680:
9. Thomas Barnes and his wife

Ruth Barnes, daughter of Thomas Barnes, baptized October 23, 1692
Elizabeth Barnes, daughter of Thomas Barnes, baptized July 21, 1695

From Thomas Barnes of Hartford, Connecticut
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We do not have the exact date Thomas Barnes of Hartford and Farmington came to the New World. A careful examination indicates that, unlike most of the settlers of Hartford, he did not come from Newtown, now Cambridge, Massachusetts. The records are quite complete for checking this fact. It is believed he set sail from England to the West Indes on the second of September, 1635 on the ship William and John and transported to St. Christophers or St. Kitts. It is believed he may have arrieved in New England on one of those trading schooners which carried the products of colonial New England to the West Indies and returned with basic necessities for colonial existence - namely, rum and molasses...

The first definite knowledge of Thomas Barnes of Hartford is the fact that he took part in the Pequot War which commenced in 1636. For this service he received an allotment of land in Soldier's Field, so called, in Hartford. Later in life he received from the General Court of 1671 fifty acres as an additional bonus for his services in the Pequot struggle...

The residence site of Thomas Barnes in Hartford was a plot of six acres situated at what is now the corner of Albany Avenue and High Street. His title to this land first appears of record in 1640. He remained in Hartford only six years. Possibly he was not satisifed with his position in that community. He was not an original proprietor of Hartford but owned land by what was known as "courtesy right." "Inhabitance as were Granted lotts to have onely at the Townes Courtesie with liberty to fetch wood & keepe Swine or Cowes By proportion on the Common."

It is probable that economic reasons weighed more heavily with Thomas Barnes when he decided to remove to the Tunxis Valley...

With relatively few exceptions, the relations between the colonial settlers of Farminton and the Tunxis Indians were peaceful... in 1651 the General Court appointed Thomas Barnes a sergeant of the Farmington Training Band... his sons, Joseph and Benjamin, took part in this conflict [King Philip's War], later receiving grants for their services...

Farmington, of which Thomas Barnes was one of the proprietors, comprised what are are now the towns of Farmington, Bristol, Southington, New Britain, Plainville, Burlington and Avon. In all, there were eighty-four proprietors in early Farmington, and most of them settled on what is now Main Street, which was the first thoroughfare through the colonial village... all the original holdings ran from the street to the river... The residence of Thomas Barnes was nearly opposite the old cemetery now seen on Main Street, Farmington. Although the village land grants on Main Street, Farmington, were limited in acreage, none of the eighty-four original proprietors lacked sufficient land. Everyone, including Thomas Barnes, received various grants in all the present towns which originally were included within the boundaries of Farmington.

[The earliest mention of Bristol is in the town records of Farmington, when Thomas Barnes, among others, was granted land in Poland. Tradition is that the name Poland came from an Indian who lived on the bank of the stream there.]

Part of the land of Thomas Barnes was situated in what was first known as Pole-land, later abbreviated to Poland. This was the first name for the section now known as Bristol. It was so named by coopers who were looking for hoop-poles... We may assume that section termed Pole-land; and contained an unusually abundant supply of oak and hickory, for these were the favorite woods of colonial coopers.

In the settlement of Farmington, Thomas Barnes was a Freeman, or Proprietor. This must have made life much more satisfactory than the life he found in Hartford. Outside of his military office, we do not find the name of Thomas Barnes mentioned in the early town offices of Farmington. Probably this is due to the fact that, like many a first immigrant, he was apparently illiterate. At least, in two original documents, Thomas signed his name with an "X".

The records of the Farmington Church show that Thomas Barnes was the twentieth member to join that congregation.

...The second original document of Thomas Barnes of Farmington that has come down to us is his will. So far as we know, this document is the only one in which the Barnes name is spelled "Barens." In the bequests to his son, Ebenezer, we find reference to land at Rattle-Snake Hill. This today bears the title of Rattlesnake Mountain and is that particular hill of the Talcott range which on its northern side is crossed by the so-called Farmington cut-off.

.... Also there were children of the second marriage. Their birthdates are not preserved and the given names of only two, Thomas and Ebenezer, are even approximately known. But the will of their grandmother, Widow Mary Andres, shows that there were two or more daughters, whose given names are no longer known. Without going into more detail, suffice it to set up that the wills of Thomas Barnes and John Andrews give ground for further deductions, from which it is inferred that Thomas Junior was born about 1667 and Ebenezer about 1676. It was upon these sons, and Joseph, that Father Thomas, past 70, would then have to depend in emergencies and to see that the home place was kept up. Quite possibly their two youngest sons, together with Father Thomas and Mother Mary, and any unmarried daughters, made up the family table as long as the old man lived. Perhaps Joseph and his young wife, with their two or three little children, were there, too, but assubably Joseph's family had a separate house nearby, perhaps across the street.

Father Thomas' last will, or more technically his Deed of Gift, tends to support these further inferences...
The handwriting used in preparing the body of the original deed is the same as that of Witness John Standley, Sr. That of the other witness, John Hooker, is the same as that used in helping Thomas sign by mark.

From Thomas Barns and John Andrews of Farmington, Conn.
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An original document in my possession is a contract of ante-nuptial agreement made between Thomas Barns of Farmington and his prospective father-in-law, John Andrews of the same town. It reveals the identity of the second wife of Thomas Barns and gives details of interest. We offer below a verbatim copy, following the atrocious spelling and occsaional repetition of words which occur in the original document. It is believed the document will be found valuable, not only for the genealogical information contained in it, but as an example of the type of marriage contract often made in the Seventeenth Century.
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March 23, 1662
it having plesed the lord in the dispanashon of his profidans too me and myne soo too ordar it that thar is lykele to be an afynity betwixt Thomas Barns of Farming Toune and John John Andros of the same toune By the maryge of the aforesaid Barns with the daughter of the aforesaid John Andros the covine and agremant betwixt the aforesaid John Andros and Thomas Barns consarning the pramisys ar as foullouth:

Furst that the aforesaid Barns does give too his tandar (intended ?) wife his now dwelling hous and orchard and house lot that is now inclosed with all the apurtynanses belonging too it to be her one dispose deuaring the tyme of her natarall lyfe.

2) the aforesaid Barns dooth covinant too and with the aforesaid John Androus too lefe to his tandar wife in case that he shall dye before his wife: : I say too lefe too hur a nice and comforaball maayntynanse for hur sallf acording too the istate that the lord hath or shall blas us with all and allso I doo bynnd my sallf too lefe with my loving wife so much istate as is met and comfurtabill for the bringing up of such childrun as the lord shall be plesed to give to us to bring them up acoring too the Rulls of the gospull.

3) The aforesaid Thomas Barns doos convinant and agre too and with the aforesaid John Andros that he will lefe to his tandar wife in case that he shall dye before his wife hallf the moofabills in the house or hous holld goods for his wife to make use of them for for hure one comfort deuaring the tim of her natarall life: : at the end thur of what shall be remayning of thum too returne too gather with the hous and hom lot and orchard with the apurtynansis belonging to thum too be dispose of acording too the last wish and testymant of the aforesaid Thomas Barns.

4) the aforesaid Thomas Barns doos convinant too and with the aforesaid John Andros too give to his tandar wif a joyntar that shall be at hur dipos to give and bequeth to hom she ples after the deaces of her husbun : : it being hur one pacullar rit which Joyntar contayns a parsall of land by istymashun six ackars more or los lying in a parsall of land cald the allebow (elbow) a buting on the revire north and on the revur south and on the land of Moses vantras east and west.

5) the aforesaid Thomas Barns dooth convinant too and with the afore said John Androus to putt out all of his chilran axsupting his son bunjyman barns only and if that the afore said barns together with the desire of his his wife shall se it comfurtabull for him sallf and his wif and child he hath luburty and poure to cep (keep) his dautar hany (Hannah) barns at home with him to be surfvisabil to him untull that she depart her natarall lif or till god shall dispos of hur in maridg. This aforesaid wif of Thomas barns hath poure now too give the joyntar abof spusifd or when she ples but the agre or agre (?) of it or not too injoy it tull aftur the deses of the aforesaid barns. In witness too the promisis I hafe set too my hand an synd and delivurd this in the presans of witnus Sam Stell

The mark T of Thomas barns

Thomas Barnes' Will
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A Deede of Gifts made by Thomas Barens SenrJune 9, 1688

These may... all concerned that I Thomas Barens Senior of ffarmington in Connecticut in New England for and in consideration of my matarall love, and good affection to my wife and children hereafter mentioned, and for other good causes me hereunto movinge have fiven and granted as followeth: ...In primis To my beloved wife Mary Barens I give the use and Improvement of halfe my home lot, dwelling house, orchards, Barn and yardes Lyinge and geinge in the towne ship of ffarmington, a(nd) also the use and improvement of halfe my land in paquabuck meadow and Conchee. The use of the land and houseinge above mentioned, I give to my afovesaid wife duringe the terme of her natarall life, and then too turne to my sons as shall bee hereafter mentioned... to hi also agive halfe my teame tacklinge, and haffe my Quickstocke, also halfe of my household goods, and utensills belonging to husbandry. The particulary abode mentioned, according to the tenor expressed I give to my beloved wife provided shee shall paye or cause to be payed The one halfe of all my just debts.

To my son Thomas Barens, I give the one halfe of my house lott, dwellinge house orchards, Barnes and yards lyinge and geinge within the township of ffarmington. also give halfe my land in paquabuck meadow and Concheel, with halfe my quick stocke, and halfe my household staff. Also halfe my teame tackling and utensills belonging to husbandry, and all my other tooles And implements, to be enterfed upon and possessed by him (my son Thomas) at and after my decease... moreover I give to my son Thomas Barens The other halfe of my homelot House, barne orchards and yards, Lying in ffarmington but not to be entered upon possessed and disposed of my him as his own proper estate untill his mother shall be deceased. The particulars above emntioned, according to the tenor expressed I give to my sone Thomas Barens, provide hee shall paye or cause to be payed The one halfe of my just debts.

To my son Ebenezer Barnes, I give the one halfe of the rest of my land in paquabuck meadow and in Conchee to be entered ujpon, possessed and improved and disposed of by him as his own proper estate, from and fater the time of his mother's decease and not till then:.. To my son Ebenezer I also give my four acre lot Lying at Rattle..Snake Hill; and the one halfe of the rest of myh wood lands, or out lands Lying with in ffarmington bounds. To be entered upon and possessed by him as his proper estate, when he shall come to age of twenty and one years. The other halfe of these last mentioned wood lands or outlands I give to my son... Thomas barens only my son Ebenezer shall have Liberty to make choise of any one division among my outlands, which may be most accommadable to his settlement.

To my children which are already gon from mee and disposed in marriage, I have formerly given according to my abillity, with which I expect they shall acquiese... The Lands mentioned in the premises To be given to my sons Thomas, and Ebenezer, according to the termes and Tenor befour expressed I due by these give and grant unto them, with all ye proviledges, appurtenances and profitts thereto belonging, for them the said Thomas and Ebenezer Barens thgeir (Heores), executors adminstrators and assigns, to have and to holde, from and after my decease and their mothers (as is above expressed) forever, without any eviction ejection claims or molestation from or by any person, or persons whatsoever, claiming or that may claime the same from mee, the said Thomas Barens, by any manner of way, or means whatsoever, in Confirmation whereof I have subjoined my hande and sett to my seale as followeth Witnes To Ye Hand by me
John Hooker
Thomas Barens ("X") his marke

The outside page of the will says
March 7th 1689/90
John Hooker of farmingtowne (per)sonall apeared before me and made oath that he was (per)sonally present at the sighning of this within written testament that it was the voluntary ackt of Thomas barens Senior decess
before me William Lewis
(Ye) day aforesaid

From Barnes Genealogies
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There were three Thomas Barnes that came from England to America previous to 1738 known as Thomas Barnes of Hartford [our Thomas], Thomas Barnes of New Haven and Thomas Barnes of Hingham; who were ancestors of three large branches of Barnes Families in America.

From Savage's Genealogical Dictionary
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THOMAS, Hartford 1639, had Sarah, wh[o]. m[arried]. 29 May 1666, John Scovil; rem[oved]. to Farmington, had Benjamin, bapt[ized]. 24 July 1653; Joseph, 1655, and Thomas, wh[o]. m[arried]. Mary, d[aughter]. of Richard Jones. He took sec[ond]. w[ife]. Mary, eldest d[aughter]. of John Andrews, had by her that Thomas, beside Ebenezer, and d[ied]. 1688.

From Early Land Allotments in Bristol, Hartford Co., CT
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Bristol In 1721
[# of Lot from Simsbury Land, [width of lot from North to South in rods & feet], name of owner]
[A rod = 16.5 ft, therefore [9.10½] is a lot 159 feet wide.]

No. 11 [127.08] Daniel Porter, Mr. Newton, James Bird, Widow Orvis
No. 12 [132.15] John Clark, John Woodruff, John Smith, Mathew Woodruff
No. 13 [186.12] Thomas Gridley, John Langton, Samuel Gridley, John Root, Sen.
No. 14 [172.06] Richard Brownson, Thomas Barnes, Moses Ventrus, John Brownson, Jr.
No. 15 [289.10] John Norton, Thomas Orton, Captain Lewis, Isaac Moore
No. 16 [112.06] John Thompson, John Steel, Jobanah Smith, Widow Smith
No. 17 [97.10] Zachariah Seymour, Samuel Steel, Sen., Abraham Andrus, Thomas Richardson
[30.02] Indian Reservation
No. 18 [145.04] Robert Porter, John Porter, Samuel Cowles, John Cole
No. 19 [176.09] Obadiah Richards, John Scovil, Joseph Hecox, Mr. Haynes
No. 20 [54.00½] Samuel Steel Jr., Benoni Steel, David Carpenter, John Carrington
No. 21 [105.09] Thomas Thompson, Richard Seamour, Samuel North, Thomas Hancox

No. 43 [63.13] John LANGTONNo. 44 [29.11] John STEEL
No. 45 [26.15½] James BIRDNo. 46 [17.13½] Jonathan SMITH
No. 47 [32.06] Thomas BULLNo. 48 [69.04½] Thomas ORTON
No. 49 [2812½] Thomas HANCOX No. 50 [9.10] Benoni STEEL
No. 51 [25.09] Samuel NORTH No. 52 [29.14½] Isaac BROWNSON
No. 53 [71.09] John NORTON No 54 [9.10½] Samuel STEELE Jr.
No. 55 [54.11] Thomas BARNES No. 56 [53.12½] Daniel PORTER
No. 57 [6313] William JUDD No. 58 [33.05] Moses VENTRUS
No. 59 [13.01] John PORTER No. 60 [42.06] John ANDRUS
No. 61 [27.06] Thomas THOMPSON No. 62 [45.01] Thomas JUDD
No. 63 [22.13½] John BROWNSON Jr No. 64 [33.05] Thomas PORTER Jr.
No. 65 [38.04] Joseph WOODFORD No. 66 [18.11½] Obadiah RICHARDS
No. 69 [75.11] John ROOT No. 70 [57.14½] Isaac MOORE
No. 71 [23.00½] Abraham BROWNSON No. 72 [44.03] John LEE
No. 73 [41.00] Mathew WOODRUF No. 74 [33.12½] John CLARK
No. 75 [33.11] Thomas JUDD, Jr. No. 76 [20.01½] John CARRINGTON
No. 77 [16.14½] Joseph Hecox No. 78 [72.00] Mr. HOWKINS
No. 79 [48.05] Stephen HART, Jr No. 80 [30.09½] John STANLEY Jr.
No. 81 [14.10], David CARPENTER No. 82 [44.03] John WARNER
No. 83 [85.04] Captain LEWIS No. 84 [15.01] Phillip JUDD

No. 43 [131.15] Mr. HOOKER No. 44 [20.05] John CARRINGTON
No. 45 [24.07] Thomas GRIDLEY No. 46 [44.13] John LEE
No. 47 [21.04] Zachariah SEYMOUR No. 48 [41.09] Matthew WOODRUFF
No. 49 [33.12] John THOMPSON No. 50 [48.15½] Stephen HART Jr.
No. 51 [54.07½] Daniel PORTER No. 52 [28.02½] Widow ORVIS
No. 53 [60.15] Stephen HART, Sen. No. 54 [72.15] Mr. HOWKINS
No. 55 [30.04] Isaac BROWNSON No. 56 [12.00] John ROOT Jr.
No. 57 [48.00] Capt. Thomas HART No. 58 [30.04] Jacob BROWNSON
No. 59 [18.15½] Obadiah RICHARDS No. 60 [72.08] John NORTON, Sen.
No. 61 [ 23.01½] Richard BROWNSON No. 63 [25.14] Samuel NORTH
No. 64 [33.12] Capt. John HART No. 65 [15.04] Phillip JUDD
No. 66 [46.10] John BROWNSON, Sen. No. 67 [9.11½] Benoni STEEL
No. 68 [23.01½] John WELTON No. 69 [32.13] Thomas BULL
No. 70 [44.13½] John WARNER No. 71 [17.01] Mr. NEWTON
No. 72 [16.02½] Abraham ANDRUS No. 73 [17.01] Joseph HECOX
No. 74 [84.08] Mr. WADSWORTH No. 75 [64.10½] John LANGTON
No. 76 [43.06½] Samuel COWLES No. 77 [21.11½] Daniel WARNER
No. 78 [38.05] John WOODFUFF No. 79 [37.03] Thomas JUDD, Sen.
No. 80 [76.10] John ROOT, Sen. No. 81 [23.01½] Thomas PORTER, Jr.
No. 82 [31.14] John JUDD No. 83 [33.05] Abraham BROWNSON
No. 84 [44.09] Samuel STEEL, Jr.

No. 43 [30.00] John STEEL No. 44 [18.06] John SCOVEL
No. 45 [28.02] Widow ORVIS No. 46 [31.11] Thomas PORTER, Sen.
No. 47 [58.10] Isaac MOORE No. 48 [23.01] John BROWNSON
No. 49 [46.10] John BROWNSON, Jr. No. 50 [20.05] Daniel ANDRUS
No. 51 [9.10] Benoni STEEL No. 52 [60.11] John STANLEY
No. 53 [55.06] Thomas BARNES No. 54 [21.04] Zachariah SEYMOUR
No. 55 [60.15] Stephen HART, Sen No. 56 [64.10] William JUDD
No. 57 [38.12] Joseph WOODFORD No. 58 [23.01] Samuel HECOX
No. 59 [77.09] Mr. WYLLIS No. 60 [18.15] William HIGASON
No. 61 [45.11] Thomas JUDD, Jr. No. 62 [31.06] Mr. WROTHAM
No. 63 [33.12] John THOMPSON No. 64 [16.02] Abraham ANDRUS
No. 65 [121.08] Mr. HAYNES No. 66 [12.00] John ROOT, Jr.
No. 67 [24.07] Thomas GRIDLEY No. 68 [44.09] Samuel STEEL, Sen.
No. 69 [44.13] John LEE No. 70 [84.08] Mr. WADSWORTH
No. 71 [25.14] Samuel NORTH No. 72 [29.01] Thomas HANCOX
No. 73 [15.04] John PORTER No. 74 [20.05] John CARRINGTON
No. 75 [76.10] John ROOT, Sen. No. 76 [72.15] Mr. HAWKINS
No. 77 [23.01] John WELTON No. 78 [30.15] John STANLEY
No. 79 [46.15] John ANDRUS No. 80 [32.13] Thomas BULL
No. 81 [17.01] Mr. NEWTON No. 82 [38.05] John WOODRUFF
No. 83 [14.12] David CARPENTER No. 84 [9.11] Samuel STEEL, Jr.

No. 42 [15.04] Phillip JUDD No. 43 [33.11] Thomas PORTER, Sen.
No. 44 [28.02] Widow ORVIS No. 45 [33.11] Moses VENTRUS
No. 46 [17.01] Joseph HECOX No. 47 [18.05] Obadiah RICHARDS
No. 48 [23.01] Samuel HECOX No. 49 [121.06] Mr. HAYNES
No. 50 [29.01] Benjamin JUDD No. 51 [23.05] Abraham BROWNSON
No. 52 [51.11] Robert PORTER No. 53 [46.10] John BROWNSON, Sen.
No. 54 [60.11] John STANDLEY No. 55 [16.10] Jobanah SMITH
No. 56 [18.16] William HIGASON No. 57 [31.06] Mr. WROTHAM
No. 58 [9.11] Samuel STEEL, Jr. No. 59 [25.14] John NORTH, Jr.
No. 60 [14.12] David CARPENTER No. 61 [9.11] Benoni STEEL
No. 62 [14.12] David CARPENTER No. 63 [77.10] Thomas NEWELL
No. 64 [48.15] Stephen HART, Jr. No. 65 [38.05] John WOODRUFF
No. 66 [17.01] Mr. NEWTON No. 67 [58.10] Isaac MOORE
No. 68 [76.10] John ROOT, Sen. No. 69 [21.11] Daniel WARNER
No. 70 [20.05] Daniel ANDRUS No. 71 [30.04] Isaac BROWNSON
No. 72 [22.10] Richard SEYMOUR No. 73 [60.15] Stephen HART, Sen.
No. 74 [31.06] Widow SMITH No. 75 [23.01] John BROWNSON
No. 76 [31.06] John WARNER, Jr. No. 77 [72.08] John NEWTON
No. 78 [23.01] Thomas PORTER, Jr. No. 79 [39.11] Edmond SCOITT
No. 80 [41.09] Mathew WOODRUFF No. 81 [30.15] John STANDLEY, Jr.
No. 82 [45.11] Thomas JUDD, Jr No. 83 [72.15] Mr. HAWKINS
No. 84 [30.00] John STEEL(?)

From Genealogy of the Puritans
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Barnes, Thomas resided quite in the north-west part of the village in Hartford, in 1640, on land bounded north-east by the road to the cow pasture, easterly on the road to Hon. Matthew Allyn's land, westerly by Thomas Upson. He was one of the brave soldiers in the Pequot battle in 1637. He settled first in Hartford, and removed to Farmington in its early settlement, where he died in 1689 or '91. He was an original proprietor in Hartford, and had six acres of land allotted to him, in the land division of Hartford, in 1639-- land land distributed to him east of the river in 1663. His wife Mary __. He disposed of his estate by deeds in 1688: children Thomas, Ebenezer, and he had older children he had previously provided for; Thomas Jr., who settled and died at Middletown, had children, John, Daniel, Thomas, Mercy Jacobs, Martha, Elizabeth, son Maibe, and Abigail. He died June 10, 1691; wife Elizabeth, died 1694.

... Twelve of this name had graduated at Yale College before 1850; and seven by the name of Barnes, and one by the name of Barns, at Harvard College, before 1840... Barnes has seventeen coats of arms.



Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1615 Essex, England   1b
Death 1691-06-10 Middleton, Middlesex, Connecticut   2

Age: 76y


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Barnes, Thomas1591
         Barnes, Thomas 1615 1691-06-10


Family of Barnes, Thomas and Andrews, Mary

Married Wife Andrews, Mary ( * 1643-05-15 + after 1708 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1662-03-23 Farmington, Connecticut   3
Event Note

M: 23 Mar 1662/63

Name Birth Date Death Date
Barnes, Mercyabout 1644
Barnes, Marthaabout 1646
Barnes, Johnabout 1648
Barnes, Sarah16501720-04-17
Barnes, Elizabeth1650-05-28
Barnes, Abigail1656-03-11
Barnes, Daniel1659-08-29
Barnes, Maybe1663-06-25
Barnes, Thomas1665-01-06
Barnes, Ebenezer16761756

Source References

  1. Ann: The Driver & Green Families & Ancestors
      • Source text:


        ID: I1347
        Name: Thomas BARNES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
        Sex: M
        Birth: 1615 in Essex, England
        Baptism: 02 SEP 1635
        Burial: unknown
        Will: Dated 09 JUN 1688
        Religion: Member of the First Church of Hartford
        Event: Resided AFT 1646 Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
        Event: From England on the William & John Emigrated
        Death: 1688 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
        Death: BEF 1690
        From Society of the Descendants of the Founders of Hartford
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        Thomas Barnes, Hartford, 1639, a "proprietor by the town's courtesy," Feb., 1639-40, having six acres allotted to him. He lived on the corner of the highways now Albany Avenue and High St. He served in the Pequot War, 1637 ; granted fifty acres for his services, 1671. He removed to Farmington; sergeant of the trainband there, 1651; joined Farmington church about Jan. 30, 1652-3. His wife, Mary, was the dau. of Thomas Andrus, or Andrews, of Farmington. He d. about 1689 ; will dated June 9, 1688.

        From Barnes - The Westward Migration of One Line of the Descendants of the Thomas Barnes of Hartford and Farmington, Connecticut
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        On Sept. 2, 1635 at the Port of London, England, 101 passengers, including Thomas Barnes age 20, boarded a ship. (In 1634 the Archbishop Laud of London began a reign of terror, and Capt. Johnson took 21,200 persons the year following). If this was Thomas Barnes of Hartford and Farmington, he was b. c. 1615 probably in Essex Co., England.

        In 1965 I visited the site of the Thomas Barnes property in the town of Farmington. I was surprised to find the home built in 1680 still standing, and in good repair. It stands just southwest of the cemetery, back from the street, hidden from view by a "new" house built in 1785. Several fine homes stand on the rest of the property.

        [In 2003, Ann Marr visited the site. Main Street, Farmington is very well kept - the inhabitants obviously take great pride in their historic homes. Facing the cemetery entrance, the house refered to above is to the right, next door to the cemetery.]

        From the Farmington Library
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        The land for the cemetery was given by Thomas Barnes to the town for a burying ground in 1661: in 1687 additional land was donated for the same purpose. It is called Momento Mori Cemetery.

        "The earliest land record we find for Thomas Barnes is in 1650, when he had 10 acres on which his dwelling house with out-houses, barns, yards and gardens stood, on Town Path 'through which a highway lyeth, with the river on the west, Richard Brownson's land on the east, John Tayllcots land south and Moses Ventrus land north.'

        When Joseph Barnes sold the family homestead to Samuel Hooker, Jr., in 1710 it was bounded on the north by the burying ground, showing that Thomas Barnes lived on the east side of the street, about where Mrs. Stephen Lawrence now lives.

        ... Although library records indicate that Thomas Barnes built the house on this property around 1680, records quoted on the previous page show that a house was already standing on this land in 1650. What happened to the earlier house is not known.

        Although Thomas Barnes died in 1681, records indicate that title was not offically passed to his son Joseph until in 1687."

        The Barnes-Mix House, as the property is known, is a five-bay Georgian style building. "The main block of this house was built around 1785 by Squire John Mix, while a portion of the rear ell may date from 1685. The first house to stand on this lot was built by Joseph Barnes around 1685 shortly after his marriage to Abigail Gibbs. He received 'the parcel on which his dwelling house now standeth' from his brother, Benjamin Barnes in 1687."

        The 1685 ell is small by today's standards, being perhaps the size of a one-car garage, and the roof sags in the middle like a swayback horse. From the look of it, the current owners are busy this summer scraping paint preparatory to repainting the building.]

        From Colony Records
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        October 12, 1669 Thomas Barns is on a list of Freemen of Farmington.

        From Barnes Genealogies
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        From Colonial Records
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        At a session of the General court held in Hartford, Oct. 6, 1651, Thomas Barnes is confirmed Sergeant.

        The following is a copy of the declaration in the "Oath of Fidelity" which Thomas Barnes, with about 360 other citizens, took and subscribed to when Theophilus Eaton was inagurated governor of Connecticut:

        "I ----- doe acknowledge myself to be subject to the government thereoff, and doe sweare be the great and dreadful name of the ever living God. to be true and faithful unto the same, and doe submit both my person and whole estate thereunto."

        While neither the Conn. Constitution or Oath of Fidelity made any mention of the king of England or of the English company which held the royal grant of the lands of Conn.; it indicated a purpose to adhere to the colonial constitution and government, regardless of consequences. This was the first move made for American independence of British rule.

        From Records of Farmington in Connecticut, Copied by the late Hon. Nathaniel Goodwin of Hartford; Communicated by Daniel Goodwin, Esquire.
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        About the 30th day of January, 1652, Nathaniel Kellogg and his wife, John Steele, John Stanley, Thomas Newell and Thomas Barnes was also joined to the Congregation.

        The number of such as are in full Communion in the Church in Farmington, March 1, 1679/1680:
        9. Thomas Barnes and his wife

        Ruth Barnes, daughter of Thomas Barnes, baptized October 23, 1692
        Elizabeth Barnes, daughter of Thomas Barnes, baptized July 21, 1695

        From Thomas Barnes of Hartford, Connecticut
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        We do not have the exact date Thomas Barnes of Hartford and Farmington came to the New World. A careful examination indicates that, unlike most of the settlers of Hartford, he did not come from Newtown, now Cambridge, Massachusetts. The records are quite complete for checking this fact. It is believed he set sail from England to the West Indes on the second of September, 1635 on the ship William and John and transported to St. Christophers or St. Kitts. It is believed he may have arrieved in New England on one of those trading schooners which carried the products of colonial New England to the West Indies and returned with basic necessities for colonial existence - namely, rum and molasses...

        The first definite knowledge of Thomas Barnes of Hartford is the fact that he took part in the Pequot War which commenced in 1636. For this service he received an allotment of land in Soldier's Field, so called, in Hartford. Later in life he received from the General Court of 1671 fifty acres as an additional bonus for his services in the Pequot struggle...

        The residence site of Thomas Barnes in Hartford was a plot of six acres situated at what is now the corner of Albany Avenue and High Street. His title to this land first appears of record in 1640. He remained in Hartford only six years. Possibly he was not satisifed with his position in that community. He was not an original proprietor of Hartford but owned land by what was known as "courtesy right." "Inhabitance as were Granted lotts to have onely at the Townes Courtesie with liberty to fetch wood & keepe Swine or Cowes By proportion on the Common."

        It is probable that economic reasons weighed more heavily with Thomas Barnes when he decided to remove to the Tunxis Valley...

        With relatively few exceptions, the relations between the colonial settlers of Farminton and the Tunxis Indians were peaceful... in 1651 the General Court appointed Thomas Barnes a sergeant of the Farmington Training Band... his sons, Joseph and Benjamin, took part in this conflict [King Philip's War], later receiving grants for their services...

        Farmington, of which Thomas Barnes was one of the proprietors, comprised what are are now the towns of Farmington, Bristol, Southington, New Britain, Plainville, Burlington and Avon. In all, there were eighty-four proprietors in early Farmington, and most of them settled on what is now Main Street, which was the first thoroughfare through the colonial village... all the original holdings ran from the street to the river... The residence of Thomas Barnes was nearly opposite the old cemetery now seen on Main Street, Farmington. Although the village land grants on Main Street, Farmington, were limited in acreage, none of the eighty-four original proprietors lacked sufficient land. Everyone, including Thomas Barnes, received various grants in all the present towns which originally were included within the boundaries of Farmington.

        [The earliest mention of Bristol is in the town records of Farmington, when Thomas Barnes, among others, was granted land in Poland. Tradition is that the name Poland came from an Indian who lived on the bank of the stream there.]

        Part of the land of Thomas Barnes was situated in what was first known as Pole-land, later abbreviated to Poland. This was the first name for the section now known as Bristol. It was so named by coopers who were looking for hoop-poles... We may assume that section termed Pole-land; and contained an unusually abundant supply of oak and hickory, for these were the favorite woods of colonial coopers.

        In the settlement of Farmington, Thomas Barnes was a Freeman, or Proprietor. This must have made life much more satisfactory than the life he found in Hartford. Outside of his military office, we do not find the name of Thomas Barnes mentioned in the early town offices of Farmington. Probably this is due to the fact that, like many a first immigrant, he was apparently illiterate. At least, in two original documents, Thomas signed his name with an "X".

        The records of the Farmington Church show that Thomas Barnes was the twentieth member to join that congregation.

        ...The second original document of Thomas Barnes of Farmington that has come down to us is his will. So far as we know, this document is the only one in which the Barnes name is spelled "Barens." In the bequests to his son, Ebenezer, we find reference to land at Rattle-Snake Hill. This today bears the title of Rattlesnake Mountain and is that particular hill of the Talcott range which on its northern side is crossed by the so-called Farmington cut-off.

        .... Also there were children of the second marriage. Their birthdates are not preserved and the given names of only two, Thomas and Ebenezer, are even approximately known. But the will of their grandmother, Widow Mary Andres, shows that there were two or more daughters, whose given names are no longer known. Without going into more detail, suffice it to set up that the wills of Thomas Barnes and John Andrews give ground for further deductions, from which it is inferred that Thomas Junior was born about 1667 and Ebenezer about 1676. It was upon these sons, and Joseph, that Father Thomas, past 70, would then have to depend in emergencies and to see that the home place was kept up. Quite possibly their two youngest sons, together with Father Thomas and Mother Mary, and any unmarried daughters, made up the family table as long as the old man lived. Perhaps Joseph and his young wife, with their two or three little children, were there, too, but assubably Joseph's family had a separate house nearby, perhaps across the street.

        Father Thomas' last will, or more technically his Deed of Gift, tends to support these further inferences...
        The handwriting used in preparing the body of the original deed is the same as that of Witness John Standley, Sr. That of the other witness, John Hooker, is the same as that used in helping Thomas sign by mark.

        From Thomas Barns and John Andrews of Farmington, Conn.
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        An original document in my possession is a contract of ante-nuptial agreement made between Thomas Barns of Farmington and his prospective father-in-law, John Andrews of the same town. It reveals the identity of the second wife of Thomas Barns and gives details of interest. We offer below a verbatim copy, following the atrocious spelling and occsaional repetition of words which occur in the original document. It is believed the document will be found valuable, not only for the genealogical information contained in it, but as an example of the type of marriage contract often made in the Seventeenth Century.
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        March 23, 1662
        it having plesed the lord in the dispanashon of his profidans too me and myne soo too ordar it that thar is lykele to be an afynity betwixt Thomas Barns of Farming Toune and John John Andros of the same toune By the maryge of the aforesaid Barns with the daughter of the aforesaid John Andros the covine and agremant betwixt the aforesaid John Andros and Thomas Barns consarning the pramisys ar as foullouth:

        Furst that the aforesaid Barns does give too his tandar (intended ?) wife his now dwelling hous and orchard and house lot that is now inclosed with all the apurtynanses belonging too it to be her one dispose deuaring the tyme of her natarall lyfe.

        2) the aforesaid Barns dooth covinant too and with the aforesaid John Androus too lefe to his tandar wife in case that he shall dye before his wife: : I say too lefe too hur a nice and comforaball maayntynanse for hur sallf acording too the istate that the lord hath or shall blas us with all and allso I doo bynnd my sallf too lefe with my loving wife so much istate as is met and comfurtabill for the bringing up of such childrun as the lord shall be plesed to give to us to bring them up acoring too the Rulls of the gospull.

        3) The aforesaid Thomas Barns doos convinant and agre too and with the aforesaid John Andros that he will lefe to his tandar wife in case that he shall dye before his wife hallf the moofabills in the house or hous holld goods for his wife to make use of them for for hure one comfort deuaring the tim of her natarall life: : at the end thur of what shall be remayning of thum too returne too gather with the hous and hom lot and orchard with the apurtynansis belonging to thum too be dispose of acording too the last wish and testymant of the aforesaid Thomas Barns.

        4) the aforesaid Thomas Barns doos convinant too and with the aforesaid John Andros too give to his tandar wif a joyntar that shall be at hur dipos to give and bequeth to hom she ples after the deaces of her husbun : : it being hur one pacullar rit which Joyntar contayns a parsall of land by istymashun six ackars more or los lying in a parsall of land cald the allebow (elbow) a buting on the revire north and on the revur south and on the land of Moses vantras east and west.

        5) the aforesaid Thomas Barns dooth convinant too and with the afore said John Androus to putt out all of his chilran axsupting his son bunjyman barns only and if that the afore said barns together with the desire of his his wife shall se it comfurtabull for him sallf and his wif and child he hath luburty and poure to cep (keep) his dautar hany (Hannah) barns at home with him to be surfvisabil to him untull that she depart her natarall lif or till god shall dispos of hur in maridg. This aforesaid wif of Thomas barns hath poure now too give the joyntar abof spusifd or when she ples but the agre or agre (?) of it or not too injoy it tull aftur the deses of the aforesaid barns. In witness too the promisis I hafe set too my hand an synd and delivurd this in the presans of witnus Sam Stell

        The mark T of Thomas barns

        Thomas Barnes' Will
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        A Deede of Gifts made by Thomas Barens SenrJune 9, 1688

        These may... all concerned that I Thomas Barens Senior of ffarmington in Connecticut in New England for and in consideration of my matarall love, and good affection to my wife and children hereafter mentioned, and for other good causes me hereunto movinge have fiven and granted as followeth: ...In primis To my beloved wife Mary Barens I give the use and Improvement of halfe my home lot, dwelling house, orchards, Barn and yardes Lyinge and geinge in the towne ship of ffarmington, a(nd) also the use and improvement of halfe my land in paquabuck meadow and Conchee. The use of the land and houseinge above mentioned, I give to my afovesaid wife duringe the terme of her natarall life, and then too turne to my sons as shall bee hereafter mentioned... to hi also agive halfe my teame tacklinge, and haffe my Quickstocke, also halfe of my household goods, and utensills belonging to husbandry. The particulary abode mentioned, according to the tenor expressed I give to my beloved wife provided shee shall paye or cause to be payed The one halfe of all my just debts.

        To my son Thomas Barens, I give the one halfe of my house lott, dwellinge house orchards, Barnes and yards lyinge and geinge within the township of ffarmington. also give halfe my land in paquabuck meadow and Concheel, with halfe my quick stocke, and halfe my household staff. Also halfe my teame tackling and utensills belonging to husbandry, and all my other tooles And implements, to be enterfed upon and possessed by him (my son Thomas) at and after my decease... moreover I give to my son Thomas Barens The other halfe of my homelot House, barne orchards and yards, Lying in ffarmington but not to be entered upon possessed and disposed of my him as his own proper estate untill his mother shall be deceased. The particulars above emntioned, according to the tenor expressed I give to my sone Thomas Barens, provide hee shall paye or cause to be payed The one halfe of my just debts.

        To my son Ebenezer Barnes, I give the one halfe of the rest of my land in paquabuck meadow and in Conchee to be entered ujpon, possessed and improved and disposed of by him as his own proper estate, from and fater the time of his mother's decease and not till then:.. To my son Ebenezer I also give my four acre lot Lying at Rattle..Snake Hill; and the one halfe of the rest of myh wood lands, or out lands Lying with in ffarmington bounds. To be entered upon and possessed by him as his proper estate, when he shall come to age of twenty and one years. The other halfe of these last mentioned wood lands or outlands I give to my son... Thomas barens only my son Ebenezer shall have Liberty to make choise of any one division among my outlands, which may be most accommadable to his settlement.

        To my children which are already gon from mee and disposed in marriage, I have formerly given according to my abillity, with which I expect they shall acquiese... The Lands mentioned in the premises To be given to my sons Thomas, and Ebenezer, according to the termes and Tenor befour expressed I due by these give and grant unto them, with all ye proviledges, appurtenances and profitts thereto belonging, for them the said Thomas and Ebenezer Barens thgeir (Heores), executors adminstrators and assigns, to have and to holde, from and after my decease and their mothers (as is above expressed) forever, without any eviction ejection claims or molestation from or by any person, or persons whatsoever, claiming or that may claime the same from mee, the said Thomas Barens, by any manner of way, or means whatsoever, in Confirmation whereof I have subjoined my hande and sett to my seale as followeth Witnes To Ye Hand by me
        John Hooker
        Thomas Barens ("X") his marke

        The outside page of the will says
        March 7th 1689/90
        John Hooker of farmingtowne (per)sonall apeared before me and made oath that he was (per)sonally present at the sighning of this within written testament that it was the voluntary ackt of Thomas barens Senior decess
        before me William Lewis
        (Ye) day aforesaid

        From Barnes Genealogies
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        There were three Thomas Barnes that came from England to America previous to 1738 known as Thomas Barnes of Hartford [our Thomas], Thomas Barnes of New Haven and Thomas Barnes of Hingham; who were ancestors of three large branches of Barnes Families in America.

        From Savage's Genealogical Dictionary
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        THOMAS, Hartford 1639, had Sarah, wh[o]. m[arried]. 29 May 1666, John Scovil; rem[oved]. to Farmington, had Benjamin, bapt[ized]. 24 July 1653; Joseph, 1655, and Thomas, wh[o]. m[arried]. Mary, d[aughter]. of Richard Jones. He took sec[ond]. w[ife]. Mary, eldest d[aughter]. of John Andrews, had by her that Thomas, beside Ebenezer, and d[ied]. 1688.

        From Early Land Allotments in Bristol, Hartford Co., CT
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        Bristol In 1721
        [# of Lot from Simsbury Land, [width of lot from North to South in rods & feet], name of owner]
        [A rod = 16.5 ft, therefore [9.10½] is a lot 159 feet wide.]

        No. 11 [127.08] Daniel Porter, Mr. Newton, James Bird, Widow Orvis
        No. 12 [132.15] John Clark, John Woodruff, John Smith, Mathew Woodruff
        No. 13 [186.12] Thomas Gridley, John Langton, Samuel Gridley, John Root, Sen.
        No. 14 [172.06] Richard Brownson, Thomas Barnes, Moses Ventrus, John Brownson, Jr.
        No. 15 [289.10] John Norton, Thomas Orton, Captain Lewis, Isaac Moore
        No. 16 [112.06] John Thompson, John Steel, Jobanah Smith, Widow Smith
        No. 17 [97.10] Zachariah Seymour, Samuel Steel, Sen., Abraham Andrus, Thomas Richardson
        [30.02] Indian Reservation
        No. 18 [145.04] Robert Porter, John Porter, Samuel Cowles, John Cole
        No. 19 [176.09] Obadiah Richards, John Scovil, Joseph Hecox, Mr. Haynes
        No. 20 [54.00½] Samuel Steel Jr., Benoni Steel, David Carpenter, John Carrington
        No. 21 [105.09] Thomas Thompson, Richard Seamour, Samuel North, Thomas Hancox

        No. 43 [63.13] John LANGTONNo. 44 [29.11] John STEEL
        No. 45 [26.15½] James BIRDNo. 46 [17.13½] Jonathan SMITH
        No. 47 [32.06] Thomas BULLNo. 48 [69.04½] Thomas ORTON
        No. 49 [2812½] Thomas HANCOX No. 50 [9.10] Benoni STEEL
        No. 51 [25.09] Samuel NORTH No. 52 [29.14½] Isaac BROWNSON
        No. 53 [71.09] John NORTON No 54 [9.10½] Samuel STEELE Jr.
        No. 55 [54.11] Thomas BARNES No. 56 [53.12½] Daniel PORTER
        No. 57 [6313] William JUDD No. 58 [33.05] Moses VENTRUS
        No. 59 [13.01] John PORTER No. 60 [42.06] John ANDRUS
        No. 61 [27.06] Thomas THOMPSON No. 62 [45.01] Thomas JUDD
        No. 63 [22.13½] John BROWNSON Jr No. 64 [33.05] Thomas PORTER Jr.
        No. 65 [38.04] Joseph WOODFORD No. 66 [18.11½] Obadiah RICHARDS
        No. 69 [75.11] John ROOT No. 70 [57.14½] Isaac MOORE
        No. 71 [23.00½] Abraham BROWNSON No. 72 [44.03] John LEE
        No. 73 [41.00] Mathew WOODRUF No. 74 [33.12½] John CLARK
        No. 75 [33.11] Thomas JUDD, Jr. No. 76 [20.01½] John CARRINGTON
        No. 77 [16.14½] Joseph Hecox No. 78 [72.00] Mr. HOWKINS
        No. 79 [48.05] Stephen HART, Jr No. 80 [30.09½] John STANLEY Jr.
        No. 81 [14.10], David CARPENTER No. 82 [44.03] John WARNER
        No. 83 [85.04] Captain LEWIS No. 84 [15.01] Phillip JUDD

        No. 43 [131.15] Mr. HOOKER No. 44 [20.05] John CARRINGTON
        No. 45 [24.07] Thomas GRIDLEY No. 46 [44.13] John LEE
        No. 47 [21.04] Zachariah SEYMOUR No. 48 [41.09] Matthew WOODRUFF
        No. 49 [33.12] John THOMPSON No. 50 [48.15½] Stephen HART Jr.
        No. 51 [54.07½] Daniel PORTER No. 52 [28.02½] Widow ORVIS
        No. 53 [60.15] Stephen HART, Sen. No. 54 [72.15] Mr. HOWKINS
        No. 55 [30.04] Isaac BROWNSON No. 56 [12.00] John ROOT Jr.
        No. 57 [48.00] Capt. Thomas HART No. 58 [30.04] Jacob BROWNSON
        No. 59 [18.15½] Obadiah RICHARDS No. 60 [72.08] John NORTON, Sen.
        No. 61 [ 23.01½] Richard BROWNSON No. 63 [25.14] Samuel NORTH
        No. 64 [33.12] Capt. John HART No. 65 [15.04] Phillip JUDD
        No. 66 [46.10] John BROWNSON, Sen. No. 67 [9.11½] Benoni STEEL
        No. 68 [23.01½] John WELTON No. 69 [32.13] Thomas BULL
        No. 70 [44.13½] John WARNER No. 71 [17.01] Mr. NEWTON
        No. 72 [16.02½] Abraham ANDRUS No. 73 [17.01] Joseph HECOX
        No. 74 [84.08] Mr. WADSWORTH No. 75 [64.10½] John LANGTON
        No. 76 [43.06½] Samuel COWLES No. 77 [21.11½] Daniel WARNER
        No. 78 [38.05] John WOODFUFF No. 79 [37.03] Thomas JUDD, Sen.
        No. 80 [76.10] John ROOT, Sen. No. 81 [23.01½] Thomas PORTER, Jr.
        No. 82 [31.14] John JUDD No. 83 [33.05] Abraham BROWNSON
        No. 84 [44.09] Samuel STEEL, Jr.

        No. 43 [30.00] John STEEL No. 44 [18.06] John SCOVEL
        No. 45 [28.02] Widow ORVIS No. 46 [31.11] Thomas PORTER, Sen.
        No. 47 [58.10] Isaac MOORE No. 48 [23.01] John BROWNSON
        No. 49 [46.10] John BROWNSON, Jr. No. 50 [20.05] Daniel ANDRUS
        No. 51 [9.10] Benoni STEEL No. 52 [60.11] John STANLEY
        No. 53 [55.06] Thomas BARNES No. 54 [21.04] Zachariah SEYMOUR
        No. 55 [60.15] Stephen HART, Sen No. 56 [64.10] William JUDD
        No. 57 [38.12] Joseph WOODFORD No. 58 [23.01] Samuel HECOX
        No. 59 [77.09] Mr. WYLLIS No. 60 [18.15] William HIGASON
        No. 61 [45.11] Thomas JUDD, Jr. No. 62 [31.06] Mr. WROTHAM
        No. 63 [33.12] John THOMPSON No. 64 [16.02] Abraham ANDRUS
        No. 65 [121.08] Mr. HAYNES No. 66 [12.00] John ROOT, Jr.
        No. 67 [24.07] Thomas GRIDLEY No. 68 [44.09] Samuel STEEL, Sen.
        No. 69 [44.13] John LEE No. 70 [84.08] Mr. WADSWORTH
        No. 71 [25.14] Samuel NORTH No. 72 [29.01] Thomas HANCOX
        No. 73 [15.04] John PORTER No. 74 [20.05] John CARRINGTON
        No. 75 [76.10] John ROOT, Sen. No. 76 [72.15] Mr. HAWKINS
        No. 77 [23.01] John WELTON No. 78 [30.15] John STANLEY
        No. 79 [46.15] John ANDRUS No. 80 [32.13] Thomas BULL
        No. 81 [17.01] Mr. NEWTON No. 82 [38.05] John WOODRUFF
        No. 83 [14.12] David CARPENTER No. 84 [9.11] Samuel STEEL, Jr.

        No. 42 [15.04] Phillip JUDD No. 43 [33.11] Thomas PORTER, Sen.
        No. 44 [28.02] Widow ORVIS No. 45 [33.11] Moses VENTRUS
        No. 46 [17.01] Joseph HECOX No. 47 [18.05] Obadiah RICHARDS
        No. 48 [23.01] Samuel HECOX No. 49 [121.06] Mr. HAYNES
        No. 50 [29.01] Benjamin JUDD No. 51 [23.05] Abraham BROWNSON
        No. 52 [51.11] Robert PORTER No. 53 [46.10] John BROWNSON, Sen.
        No. 54 [60.11] John STANDLEY No. 55 [16.10] Jobanah SMITH
        No. 56 [18.16] William HIGASON No. 57 [31.06] Mr. WROTHAM
        No. 58 [9.11] Samuel STEEL, Jr. No. 59 [25.14] John NORTH, Jr.
        No. 60 [14.12] David CARPENTER No. 61 [9.11] Benoni STEEL
        No. 62 [14.12] David CARPENTER No. 63 [77.10] Thomas NEWELL
        No. 64 [48.15] Stephen HART, Jr. No. 65 [38.05] John WOODRUFF
        No. 66 [17.01] Mr. NEWTON No. 67 [58.10] Isaac MOORE
        No. 68 [76.10] John ROOT, Sen. No. 69 [21.11] Daniel WARNER
        No. 70 [20.05] Daniel ANDRUS No. 71 [30.04] Isaac BROWNSON
        No. 72 [22.10] Richard SEYMOUR No. 73 [60.15] Stephen HART, Sen.
        No. 74 [31.06] Widow SMITH No. 75 [23.01] John BROWNSON
        No. 76 [31.06] John WARNER, Jr. No. 77 [72.08] John NEWTON
        No. 78 [23.01] Thomas PORTER, Jr. No. 79 [39.11] Edmond SCOITT
        No. 80 [41.09] Mathew WOODRUFF No. 81 [30.15] John STANDLEY, Jr.
        No. 82 [45.11] Thomas JUDD, Jr No. 83 [72.15] Mr. HAWKINS
        No. 84 [30.00] John STEEL(?)

        From Genealogy of the Puritans
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        Barnes, Thomas resided quite in the north-west part of the village in Hartford, in 1640, on land bounded north-east by the road to the cow pasture, easterly on the road to Hon. Matthew Allyn's land, westerly by Thomas Upson. He was one of the brave soldiers in the Pequot battle in 1637. He settled first in Hartford, and removed to Farmington in its early settlement, where he died in 1689 or '91. He was an original proprietor in Hartford, and had six acres of land allotted to him, in the land division of Hartford, in 1639-- land land distributed to him east of the river in 1663. His wife Mary __. He disposed of his estate by deeds in 1688: children Thomas, Ebenezer, and he had older children he had previously provided for; Thomas Jr., who settled and died at Middletown, had children, John, Daniel, Thomas, Mercy Jacobs, Martha, Elizabeth, son Maibe, and Abigail. He died June 10, 1691; wife Elizabeth, died 1694.

        ... Twelve of this name had graduated at Yale College before 1850; and seven by the name of Barnes, and one by the name of Barns, at Harvard College, before 1840... Barnes has seventeen coats of arms.

        Father: The Barnes FAMILY

        Marriage 1 Mary ANDREWS b: 15 MAY 1643 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut
        Married: by covenant 23 MAR 1662/63 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
        Has No Children Two Daughters BARNES
        Has No Children Thomas BARNES b: 06 JAN 1665 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
        Has Children Ebenezer BARNES b: 1675 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut

        Marriage 2 Mary ?
        Married: ABT 1648 in Connecticut
        Married: in Hingham, Barnstable, Massachusetts
        Has No Children Sarah BARNES b: 1650 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
        Has No Children Joseph BARNES b: 26 MAY 1651 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
        Has No Children Benjamin BARNES b: 24 JUL 1653 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
        Has No Children Hannah BARNES b: ABT 1657 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut

        Author: Clair Elmer Barnes
        Title: The Westward Migration of One Line of the Descendants of The Thomas Barnes of Hartford and Farmington, Connecticut
        Publication: Name: published 1966 by the author; Location: 4525 Keever Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90807;
        Name: Burton Collection, Detroit Public Library



        Page: p. 1-2
        Author: Frederic Wayne Barnes and Edna Cleo (Bauer) Barnes
        Title: Thomas Barnes of Hartford, Connecticut
        Publication: Name: Gateway Press, Baltimore, MD 1994;
        Name: Burton Collection, Detroit Public Library

        It was written prior to the corruption of the BARNES Family lines from Thomas Barnes of Hartford and Farmington, Connecticut. This book was also written prior to any that are "popped out of a computer" using FTM. It is a scholarly work and is well researched in addition to being heavily documented.

        Text: citing the Barnes Family YearBook, Vol. 1, 1907, p. 4-5, 9; Early Puritan Settlers, p. 141; Genealogical Guide to the Early Settlers of America, 1967, Henry Whittemore, p. 27; Ten Generations of the Barnes Family in Bristol, CT by Fuller F. Barnes, 1946, Chap.; Passengers to America, Michael Tepper, Genealogical Publishing Co, Baltimore, 1978, p. 68; McArthur-Barnes Ancestral Lines, Selim Walker McArthur, M.D., the Antholensen Press, 1964.
        Author: Compiled By Trescott C. Barnes, Secretary and Genealogist
        Title: The Barnes Family Year Book, Vol. I - 1907 & II - 1908
        Publication: Name: Vol. I -The Grafton Press, New York; Vol. II - Winsted Printing and Engraving Co, Winsted, Conn.; Date: 1908;
        Name: Burton Collection, Detroit Public Library

        An annual publication issued under the authority of the Barnes Family Association.

        Page: p. 9
        Author: James Savage, Former President of the Massachusetts Historical Society and Editor of Winthrop's History of New England.
        Title: Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, Showing Three Generations of Those Who Came Before May 1692, on the Basis of Farmer's
        Publication: Name: 1860-62 and Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD, 1965; Corrected electronic version copyright Robert Kraft, July 1994;

        The electronic version adapted under the direction of Robert Kraft (assisted by Benjamin Dunning) from materials supplied by Automated Archives, 1160 South State, Suite 250, Orem UT 84058 in the following ways:
        missing lines have been added wherever they could be located (vol. 2 could not easily be checked since line format was not replicated; the corrections found in vols 1-4 have been integrated into the text; page numbers have been represented between double brackets; hyphens have been resolved, and some abbreviated names. NOTE that letter by letter verification has NOT yet been attempted.
        copyright for the new electronic version by Robert Kraft, July 1994.

        Preface (part)
        SOME explanatory introduction to so copious a work, as the following, will naturally be required; but it may be short. In 1829 was published, by John Farmer, a Genealogical Register of the first settlers of New England. Beside the five classes of persons prominent, as Governors, Deputy-Governors, Assistants, ministers in all the Colonies, and representatives in that of Massachusetts, down to 1692, it embraced graduates of Harvard College to 1662, members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, as also freemen admitted in Massachusetts, alone, to this latter date, with many early inhabitants of other parts of New England and Long Island from 1620 to 1675. Extensive as was the plan of that volume, the author had in contemplation, as explained in his preface, calling it "an introduction to a biographical and genealogical dictionary, "a more ambitious work, that should comprehend sketches of individuals known in the annals of New England, and "a continuation of eminent persons to the present time." Much too vast a project that appeared to me; and the fixing of an absolute limit, like 1692 (the era of arrival of the new charter), for admission of any family stocks, seemed more judicious.

        has a large number of abbreviations - I have made some attempt to write them out fully in brackets

        Page: p. 122
        Author: Michael H. Tepper
        Title: Passengers to America
        Publication: Name: Genealogical Publishing Co. 1977;
        Name: Burton Collection, Detroit Public Library

        Source Medium: Book

        Page: p. 68
        Author: Alfred Andrews
        Title: Genealogy and Ecclesiastical History of Farmington, Connecticut
        Publication: Name: Chicago, Illinois 1867;

        Source Medium: Book

        This book contains the ecclesiastical history, beginning in 1640, of a territory or part of ancient Farmington, Connecticut.

        Page: p. 13
        Title: National Society Sons of Colonial Wars
        Source Medium: Book

        Text: died by 1689/90
        Title: National Society of Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America
        Source Medium: Book

        Text: died by 1689/90
        Author: Frederick R. Barnes
        Title: Thomas Barnes of Hartford and Farmington Connecticut
        Publication: Date: 1934;
        Name: Connecticut State Library

        "In Relation to Inheritable Tendancies" completes the title
        Page: including citation of his will: Folder 346, Connecticut State Library, Hartford
        Author: Royal R. Hinman
        Title: Connecticut Puritan Settlers
        Publication: Name: Press of Case, Tiffany and Company; Location: Hartford; Date: 1852;
        Title: Early Land Allotments in Bristol, Hartford Co., CT
        Publication: Name: City Printing Company; Date: 1907;
        Name: www.

        "In the Olden Time New Cambridge" Which Includes Forestville Hartford, Conn.
        Page: p. 22-24
        Title: Farmington Historical Society
        Publication: Location:; Date: 2010;
        Phone 860-678-1645
        Author: J.E. Andrews
        Title: Thomas Barns and John Andrews of Farmington, Conn
        Title: American Genealogist Magazine
        Publication: Name: David L. Greene, Publisher;
        Abbreviated "TAG"

        Page: Vol. 9, p. 40-41, Thomas Barnes and John Andrews of Farmington by E.J. Andrews
        Author: Royal Ralph Hinman
        Title: Genealogy of the Puritans
        Publication: Location: New York; Date: 1856;
        Royal Ralph Hinman was the son of General Ephraim Hinman, a successful Connecticut merchant, and his wife Sylvania [French] Hinman.

        After he was admitted to the bar he practiced law in Roxbury, CT for many years. From 1823 to 1833, Hinman acted as the Postmaster of Roxbury. In September of 1844, he was appointed the Collector of Customs of the Port of New Haven.

        In 1835, Hinman along with Leman Church and the Hon. Elisha Phelps were appointed to revise the public statutes of Connecticut. From 1835 to 1836, the committee compiled and published the private or special acts of the state, eventually comprising a total of 1,640 pages. In 1838, Hinman and Thomas C. Perkins were appointed to further revise the statutes ...of the state, the Revisions of 1838, which eventually became a published work of 717 pages.

        Hinman also published other works including the Antiquities of Connecticut and A Historical Collection of the Part Sustained by Connecticut During the War of the Revolution. He was also the author of numerous other historical publications as well as a member of the Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey state historial societies.
        Page: p. 141-142
        Author: New England Historic Genealogical Society
        Title: NEHGS Register
        Source Medium: Magazine

        Page: Vol. 11, October 1857, p. 323-328, Records of Farmington in Connecticut, copied by the late Hon. Nathaniel Goodwin of Hartford, communicated by Daniel Goodwin, Esquire
        Title: Researcher Lynn Dielman

        Title: DNA Testing
        Source Medium: Other

        Page: Thomas of Hartford is Group 3
        Title: American Genealogist Magazine
        Publication: Name: David L. Greene, Publisher;
        Abbreviated "TAG"

        Page: Vol. 35, p. 83-91 , Andrews Families of Western Connecticut - John Andrews of Farmington by Donald Lines Jacobus

      • Citation:


      • Source text:


        ID: I1347
        Name: Thomas BARNES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
        Sex: M
        Birth: 1615 in Essex, England
        Baptism: 02 SEP 1635
        Burial: unknown
        Will: Dated 09 JUN 1688
        Religion: Member of the First Church of Hartford
        Event: Resided AFT 1646 Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
        Event: From England on the William & John Emigrated
        Death: 1688 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
        Death: BEF 1690
        From Society of the Descendants of the Founders of Hartford
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        Thomas Barnes, Hartford, 1639, a "proprietor by the town's courtesy," Feb., 1639-40, having six acres allotted to him. He lived on the corner of the highways now Albany Avenue and High St. He served in the Pequot War, 1637 ; granted fifty acres for his services, 1671. He removed to Farmington; sergeant of the trainband there, 1651; joined Farmington church about Jan. 30, 1652-3. His wife, Mary, was the dau. of Thomas Andrus, or Andrews, of Farmington. He d. about 1689 ; will dated June 9, 1688.

        From Barnes - The Westward Migration of One Line of the Descendants of the Thomas Barnes of Hartford and Farmington, Connecticut
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        On Sept. 2, 1635 at the Port of London, England, 101 passengers, including Thomas Barnes age 20, boarded a ship. (In 1634 the Archbishop Laud of London began a reign of terror, and Capt. Johnson took 21,200 persons the year following). If this was Thomas Barnes of Hartford and Farmington, he was b. c. 1615 probably in Essex Co., England.

        In 1965 I visited the site of the Thomas Barnes property in the town of Farmington. I was surprised to find the home built in 1680 still standing, and in good repair. It stands just southwest of the cemetery, back from the street, hidden from view by a "new" house built in 1785. Several fine homes stand on the rest of the property.

        [In 2003, Ann Marr visited the site. Main Street, Farmington is very well kept - the inhabitants obviously take great pride in their historic homes. Facing the cemetery entrance, the house refered to above is to the right, next door to the cemetery.]

        From the Farmington Library
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        The land for the cemetery was given by Thomas Barnes to the town for a burying ground in 1661: in 1687 additional land was donated for the same purpose. It is called Momento Mori Cemetery.

        "The earliest land record we find for Thomas Barnes is in 1650, when he had 10 acres on which his dwelling house with out-houses, barns, yards and gardens stood, on Town Path 'through which a highway lyeth, with the river on the west, Richard Brownson's land on the east, John Tayllcots land south and Moses Ventrus land north.'

        When Joseph Barnes sold the family homestead to Samuel Hooker, Jr., in 1710 it was bounded on the north by the burying ground, showing that Thomas Barnes lived on the east side of the street, about where Mrs. Stephen Lawrence now lives.

        ... Although library records indicate that Thomas Barnes built the house on this property around 1680, records quoted on the previous page show that a house was already standing on this land in 1650. What happened to the earlier house is not known.

        Although Thomas Barnes died in 1681, records indicate that title was not offically passed to his son Joseph until in 1687."

        The Barnes-Mix House, as the property is known, is a five-bay Georgian style building. "The main block of this house was built around 1785 by Squire John Mix, while a portion of the rear ell may date from 1685. The first house to stand on this lot was built by Joseph Barnes around 1685 shortly after his marriage to Abigail Gibbs. He received 'the parcel on which his dwelling house now standeth' from his brother, Benjamin Barnes in 1687."

        The 1685 ell is small by today's standards, being perhaps the size of a one-car garage, and the roof sags in the middle like a swayback horse. From the look of it, the current owners are busy this summer scraping paint preparatory to repainting the building.]

        From Colony Records
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        October 12, 1669 Thomas Barns is on a list of Freemen of Farmington.

        From Barnes Genealogies
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        From Colonial Records
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        At a session of the General court held in Hartford, Oct. 6, 1651, Thomas Barnes is confirmed Sergeant.

        The following is a copy of the declaration in the "Oath of Fidelity" which Thomas Barnes, with about 360 other citizens, took and subscribed to when Theophilus Eaton was inagurated governor of Connecticut:

        "I ----- doe acknowledge myself to be subject to the government thereoff, and doe sweare be the great and dreadful name of the ever living God. to be true and faithful unto the same, and doe submit both my person and whole estate thereunto."

        While neither the Conn. Constitution or Oath of Fidelity made any mention of the king of England or of the English company which held the royal grant of the lands of Conn.; it indicated a purpose to adhere to the colonial constitution and government, regardless of consequences. This was the first move made for American independence of British rule.

        From Records of Farmington in Connecticut, Copied by the late Hon. Nathaniel Goodwin of Hartford; Communicated by Daniel Goodwin, Esquire.
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        About the 30th day of January, 1652, Nathaniel Kellogg and his wife, John Steele, John Stanley, Thomas Newell and Thomas Barnes was also joined to the Congregation.

        The number of such as are in full Communion in the Church in Farmington, March 1, 1679/1680:
        9. Thomas Barnes and his wife

        Ruth Barnes, daughter of Thomas Barnes, baptized October 23, 1692
        Elizabeth Barnes, daughter of Thomas Barnes, baptized July 21, 1695

        From Thomas Barnes of Hartford, Connecticut
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        We do not have the exact date Thomas Barnes of Hartford and Farmington came to the New World. A careful examination indicates that, unlike most of the settlers of Hartford, he did not come from Newtown, now Cambridge, Massachusetts. The records are quite complete for checking this fact. It is believed he set sail from England to the West Indes on the second of September, 1635 on the ship William and John and transported to St. Christophers or St. Kitts. It is believed he may have arrieved in New England on one of those trading schooners which carried the products of colonial New England to the West Indies and returned with basic necessities for colonial existence - namely, rum and molasses...

        The first definite knowledge of Thomas Barnes of Hartford is the fact that he took part in the Pequot War which commenced in 1636. For this service he received an allotment of land in Soldier's Field, so called, in Hartford. Later in life he received from the General Court of 1671 fifty acres as an additional bonus for his services in the Pequot struggle...

        The residence site of Thomas Barnes in Hartford was a plot of six acres situated at what is now the corner of Albany Avenue and High Street. His title to this land first appears of record in 1640. He remained in Hartford only six years. Possibly he was not satisifed with his position in that community. He was not an original proprietor of Hartford but owned land by what was known as "courtesy right." "Inhabitance as were Granted lotts to have onely at the Townes Courtesie with liberty to fetch wood & keepe Swine or Cowes By proportion on the Common."

        It is probable that economic reasons weighed more heavily with Thomas Barnes when he decided to remove to the Tunxis Valley...

        With relatively few exceptions, the relations between the colonial settlers of Farminton and the Tunxis Indians were peaceful... in 1651 the General Court appointed Thomas Barnes a sergeant of the Farmington Training Band... his sons, Joseph and Benjamin, took part in this conflict [King Philip's War], later receiving grants for their services...

        Farmington, of which Thomas Barnes was one of the proprietors, comprised what are are now the towns of Farmington, Bristol, Southington, New Britain, Plainville, Burlington and Avon. In all, there were eighty-four proprietors in early Farmington, and most of them settled on what is now Main Street, which was the first thoroughfare through the colonial village... all the original holdings ran from the street to the river... The residence of Thomas Barnes was nearly opposite the old cemetery now seen on Main Street, Farmington. Although the village land grants on Main Street, Farmington, were limited in acreage, none of the eighty-four original proprietors lacked sufficient land. Everyone, including Thomas Barnes, received various grants in all the present towns which originally were included within the boundaries of Farmington.

        [The earliest mention of Bristol is in the town records of Farmington, when Thomas Barnes, among others, was granted land in Poland. Tradition is that the name Poland came from an Indian who lived on the bank of the stream there.]

        Part of the land of Thomas Barnes was situated in what was first known as Pole-land, later abbreviated to Poland. This was the first name for the section now known as Bristol. It was so named by coopers who were looking for hoop-poles... We may assume that section termed Pole-land; and contained an unusually abundant supply of oak and hickory, for these were the favorite woods of colonial coopers.

        In the settlement of Farmington, Thomas Barnes was a Freeman, or Proprietor. This must have made life much more satisfactory than the life he found in Hartford. Outside of his military office, we do not find the name of Thomas Barnes mentioned in the early town offices of Farmington. Probably this is due to the fact that, like many a first immigrant, he was apparently illiterate. At least, in two original documents, Thomas signed his name with an "X".

        The records of the Farmington Church show that Thomas Barnes was the twentieth member to join that congregation.

        ...The second original document of Thomas Barnes of Farmington that has come down to us is his will. So far as we know, this document is the only one in which the Barnes name is spelled "Barens." In the bequests to his son, Ebenezer, we find reference to land at Rattle-Snake Hill. This today bears the title of Rattlesnake Mountain and is that particular hill of the Talcott range which on its northern side is crossed by the so-called Farmington cut-off.

        .... Also there were children of the second marriage. Their birthdates are not preserved and the given names of only two, Thomas and Ebenezer, are even approximately known. But the will of their grandmother, Widow Mary Andres, shows that there were two or more daughters, whose given names are no longer known. Without going into more detail, suffice it to set up that the wills of Thomas Barnes and John Andrews give ground for further deductions, from which it is inferred that Thomas Junior was born about 1667 and Ebenezer about 1676. It was upon these sons, and Joseph, that Father Thomas, past 70, would then have to depend in emergencies and to see that the home place was kept up. Quite possibly their two youngest sons, together with Father Thomas and Mother Mary, and any unmarried daughters, made up the family table as long as the old man lived. Perhaps Joseph and his young wife, with their two or three little children, were there, too, but assubably Joseph's family had a separate house nearby, perhaps across the street.

        Father Thomas' last will, or more technically his Deed of Gift, tends to support these further inferences...
        The handwriting used in preparing the body of the original deed is the same as that of Witness John Standley, Sr. That of the other witness, John Hooker, is the same as that used in helping Thomas sign by mark.

        From Thomas Barns and John Andrews of Farmington, Conn.
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        An original document in my possession is a contract of ante-nuptial agreement made between Thomas Barns of Farmington and his prospective father-in-law, John Andrews of the same town. It reveals the identity of the second wife of Thomas Barns and gives details of interest. We offer below a verbatim copy, following the atrocious spelling and occsaional repetition of words which occur in the original document. It is believed the document will be found valuable, not only for the genealogical information contained in it, but as an example of the type of marriage contract often made in the Seventeenth Century.
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        March 23, 1662
        it having plesed the lord in the dispanashon of his profidans too me and myne soo too ordar it that thar is lykele to be an afynity betwixt Thomas Barns of Farming Toune and John John Andros of the same toune By the maryge of the aforesaid Barns with the daughter of the aforesaid John Andros the covine and agremant betwixt the aforesaid John Andros and Thomas Barns consarning the pramisys ar as foullouth:

        Furst that the aforesaid Barns does give too his tandar (intended ?) wife his now dwelling hous and orchard and house lot that is now inclosed with all the apurtynanses belonging too it to be her one dispose deuaring the tyme of her natarall lyfe.

        2) the aforesaid Barns dooth covinant too and with the aforesaid John Androus too lefe to his tandar wife in case that he shall dye before his wife: : I say too lefe too hur a nice and comforaball maayntynanse for hur sallf acording too the istate that the lord hath or shall blas us with all and allso I doo bynnd my sallf too lefe with my loving wife so much istate as is met and comfurtabill for the bringing up of such childrun as the lord shall be plesed to give to us to bring them up acoring too the Rulls of the gospull.

        3) The aforesaid Thomas Barns doos convinant and agre too and with the aforesaid John Andros that he will lefe to his tandar wife in case that he shall dye before his wife hallf the moofabills in the house or hous holld goods for his wife to make use of them for for hure one comfort deuaring the tim of her natarall life: : at the end thur of what shall be remayning of thum too returne too gather with the hous and hom lot and orchard with the apurtynansis belonging to thum too be dispose of acording too the last wish and testymant of the aforesaid Thomas Barns.

        4) the aforesaid Thomas Barns doos convinant too and with the aforesaid John Andros too give to his tandar wif a joyntar that shall be at hur dipos to give and bequeth to hom she ples after the deaces of her husbun : : it being hur one pacullar rit which Joyntar contayns a parsall of land by istymashun six ackars more or los lying in a parsall of land cald the allebow (elbow) a buting on the revire north and on the revur south and on the land of Moses vantras east and west.

        5) the aforesaid Thomas Barns dooth convinant too and with the afore said John Androus to putt out all of his chilran axsupting his son bunjyman barns only and if that the afore said barns together with the desire of his his wife shall se it comfurtabull for him sallf and his wif and child he hath luburty and poure to cep (keep) his dautar hany (Hannah) barns at home with him to be surfvisabil to him untull that she depart her natarall lif or till god shall dispos of hur in maridg. This aforesaid wif of Thomas barns hath poure now too give the joyntar abof spusifd or when she ples but the agre or agre (?) of it or not too injoy it tull aftur the deses of the aforesaid barns. In witness too the promisis I hafe set too my hand an synd and delivurd this in the presans of witnus Sam Stell

        The mark T of Thomas barns

        Thomas Barnes' Will
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        A Deede of Gifts made by Thomas Barens SenrJune 9, 1688

        These may... all concerned that I Thomas Barens Senior of ffarmington in Connecticut in New England for and in consideration of my matarall love, and good affection to my wife and children hereafter mentioned, and for other good causes me hereunto movinge have fiven and granted as followeth: ...In primis To my beloved wife Mary Barens I give the use and Improvement of halfe my home lot, dwelling house, orchards, Barn and yardes Lyinge and geinge in the towne ship of ffarmington, a(nd) also the use and improvement of halfe my land in paquabuck meadow and Conchee. The use of the land and houseinge above mentioned, I give to my afovesaid wife duringe the terme of her natarall life, and then too turne to my sons as shall bee hereafter mentioned... to hi also agive halfe my teame tacklinge, and haffe my Quickstocke, also halfe of my household goods, and utensills belonging to husbandry. The particulary abode mentioned, according to the tenor expressed I give to my beloved wife provided shee shall paye or cause to be payed The one halfe of all my just debts.

        To my son Thomas Barens, I give the one halfe of my house lott, dwellinge house orchards, Barnes and yards lyinge and geinge within the township of ffarmington. also give halfe my land in paquabuck meadow and Concheel, with halfe my quick stocke, and halfe my household staff. Also halfe my teame tackling and utensills belonging to husbandry, and all my other tooles And implements, to be enterfed upon and possessed by him (my son Thomas) at and after my decease... moreover I give to my son Thomas Barens The other halfe of my homelot House, barne orchards and yards, Lying in ffarmington but not to be entered upon possessed and disposed of my him as his own proper estate untill his mother shall be deceased. The particulars above emntioned, according to the tenor expressed I give to my sone Thomas Barens, provide hee shall paye or cause to be payed The one halfe of my just debts.

        To my son Ebenezer Barnes, I give the one halfe of the rest of my land in paquabuck meadow and in Conchee to be entered ujpon, possessed and improved and disposed of by him as his own proper estate, from and fater the time of his mother's decease and not till then:.. To my son Ebenezer I also give my four acre lot Lying at Rattle..Snake Hill; and the one halfe of the rest of myh wood lands, or out lands Lying with in ffarmington bounds. To be entered upon and possessed by him as his proper estate, when he shall come to age of twenty and one years. The other halfe of these last mentioned wood lands or outlands I give to my son... Thomas barens only my son Ebenezer shall have Liberty to make choise of any one division among my outlands, which may be most accommadable to his settlement.

        To my children which are already gon from mee and disposed in marriage, I have formerly given according to my abillity, with which I expect they shall acquiese... The Lands mentioned in the premises To be given to my sons Thomas, and Ebenezer, according to the termes and Tenor befour expressed I due by these give and grant unto them, with all ye proviledges, appurtenances and profitts thereto belonging, for them the said Thomas and Ebenezer Barens thgeir (Heores), executors adminstrators and assigns, to have and to holde, from and after my decease and their mothers (as is above expressed) forever, without any eviction ejection claims or molestation from or by any person, or persons whatsoever, claiming or that may claime the same from mee, the said Thomas Barens, by any manner of way, or means whatsoever, in Confirmation whereof I have subjoined my hande and sett to my seale as followeth Witnes To Ye Hand by me
        John Hooker
        Thomas Barens ("X") his marke

        The outside page of the will says
        March 7th 1689/90
        John Hooker of farmingtowne (per)sonall apeared before me and made oath that he was (per)sonally present at the sighning of this within written testament that it was the voluntary ackt of Thomas barens Senior decess
        before me William Lewis
        (Ye) day aforesaid

        From Barnes Genealogies
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        There were three Thomas Barnes that came from England to America previous to 1738 known as Thomas Barnes of Hartford [our Thomas], Thomas Barnes of New Haven and Thomas Barnes of Hingham; who were ancestors of three large branches of Barnes Families in America.

        From Savage's Genealogical Dictionary
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        THOMAS, Hartford 1639, had Sarah, wh[o]. m[arried]. 29 May 1666, John Scovil; rem[oved]. to Farmington, had Benjamin, bapt[ized]. 24 July 1653; Joseph, 1655, and Thomas, wh[o]. m[arried]. Mary, d[aughter]. of Richard Jones. He took sec[ond]. w[ife]. Mary, eldest d[aughter]. of John Andrews, had by her that Thomas, beside Ebenezer, and d[ied]. 1688.

        From Early Land Allotments in Bristol, Hartford Co., CT
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        Bristol In 1721
        [# of Lot from Simsbury Land, [width of lot from North to South in rods & feet], name of owner]
        [A rod = 16.5 ft, therefore [9.10½] is a lot 159 feet wide.]

        No. 11 [127.08] Daniel Porter, Mr. Newton, James Bird, Widow Orvis
        No. 12 [132.15] John Clark, John Woodruff, John Smith, Mathew Woodruff
        No. 13 [186.12] Thomas Gridley, John Langton, Samuel Gridley, John Root, Sen.
        No. 14 [172.06] Richard Brownson, Thomas Barnes, Moses Ventrus, John Brownson, Jr.
        No. 15 [289.10] John Norton, Thomas Orton, Captain Lewis, Isaac Moore
        No. 16 [112.06] John Thompson, John Steel, Jobanah Smith, Widow Smith
        No. 17 [97.10] Zachariah Seymour, Samuel Steel, Sen., Abraham Andrus, Thomas Richardson
        [30.02] Indian Reservation
        No. 18 [145.04] Robert Porter, John Porter, Samuel Cowles, John Cole
        No. 19 [176.09] Obadiah Richards, John Scovil, Joseph Hecox, Mr. Haynes
        No. 20 [54.00½] Samuel Steel Jr., Benoni Steel, David Carpenter, John Carrington
        No. 21 [105.09] Thomas Thompson, Richard Seamour, Samuel North, Thomas Hancox

        No. 43 [63.13] John LANGTONNo. 44 [29.11] John STEEL
        No. 45 [26.15½] James BIRDNo. 46 [17.13½] Jonathan SMITH
        No. 47 [32.06] Thomas BULLNo. 48 [69.04½] Thomas ORTON
        No. 49 [2812½] Thomas HANCOX No. 50 [9.10] Benoni STEEL
        No. 51 [25.09] Samuel NORTH No. 52 [29.14½] Isaac BROWNSON
        No. 53 [71.09] John NORTON No 54 [9.10½] Samuel STEELE Jr.
        No. 55 [54.11] Thomas BARNES No. 56 [53.12½] Daniel PORTER
        No. 57 [6313] William JUDD No. 58 [33.05] Moses VENTRUS
        No. 59 [13.01] John PORTER No. 60 [42.06] John ANDRUS
        No. 61 [27.06] Thomas THOMPSON No. 62 [45.01] Thomas JUDD
        No. 63 [22.13½] John BROWNSON Jr No. 64 [33.05] Thomas PORTER Jr.
        No. 65 [38.04] Joseph WOODFORD No. 66 [18.11½] Obadiah RICHARDS
        No. 69 [75.11] John ROOT No. 70 [57.14½] Isaac MOORE
        No. 71 [23.00½] Abraham BROWNSON No. 72 [44.03] John LEE
        No. 73 [41.00] Mathew WOODRUF No. 74 [33.12½] John CLARK
        No. 75 [33.11] Thomas JUDD, Jr. No. 76 [20.01½] John CARRINGTON
        No. 77 [16.14½] Joseph Hecox No. 78 [72.00] Mr. HOWKINS
        No. 79 [48.05] Stephen HART, Jr No. 80 [30.09½] John STANLEY Jr.
        No. 81 [14.10], David CARPENTER No. 82 [44.03] John WARNER
        No. 83 [85.04] Captain LEWIS No. 84 [15.01] Phillip JUDD

        No. 43 [131.15] Mr. HOOKER No. 44 [20.05] John CARRINGTON
        No. 45 [24.07] Thomas GRIDLEY No. 46 [44.13] John LEE
        No. 47 [21.04] Zachariah SEYMOUR No. 48 [41.09] Matthew WOODRUFF
        No. 49 [33.12] John THOMPSON No. 50 [48.15½] Stephen HART Jr.
        No. 51 [54.07½] Daniel PORTER No. 52 [28.02½] Widow ORVIS
        No. 53 [60.15] Stephen HART, Sen. No. 54 [72.15] Mr. HOWKINS
        No. 55 [30.04] Isaac BROWNSON No. 56 [12.00] John ROOT Jr.
        No. 57 [48.00] Capt. Thomas HART No. 58 [30.04] Jacob BROWNSON
        No. 59 [18.15½] Obadiah RICHARDS No. 60 [72.08] John NORTON, Sen.
        No. 61 [ 23.01½] Richard BROWNSON No. 63 [25.14] Samuel NORTH
        No. 64 [33.12] Capt. John HART No. 65 [15.04] Phillip JUDD
        No. 66 [46.10] John BROWNSON, Sen. No. 67 [9.11½] Benoni STEEL
        No. 68 [23.01½] John WELTON No. 69 [32.13] Thomas BULL
        No. 70 [44.13½] John WARNER No. 71 [17.01] Mr. NEWTON
        No. 72 [16.02½] Abraham ANDRUS No. 73 [17.01] Joseph HECOX
        No. 74 [84.08] Mr. WADSWORTH No. 75 [64.10½] John LANGTON
        No. 76 [43.06½] Samuel COWLES No. 77 [21.11½] Daniel WARNER
        No. 78 [38.05] John WOODFUFF No. 79 [37.03] Thomas JUDD, Sen.
        No. 80 [76.10] John ROOT, Sen. No. 81 [23.01½] Thomas PORTER, Jr.
        No. 82 [31.14] John JUDD No. 83 [33.05] Abraham BROWNSON
        No. 84 [44.09] Samuel STEEL, Jr.

        No. 43 [30.00] John STEEL No. 44 [18.06] John SCOVEL
        No. 45 [28.02] Widow ORVIS No. 46 [31.11] Thomas PORTER, Sen.
        No. 47 [58.10] Isaac MOORE No. 48 [23.01] John BROWNSON
        No. 49 [46.10] John BROWNSON, Jr. No. 50 [20.05] Daniel ANDRUS
        No. 51 [9.10] Benoni STEEL No. 52 [60.11] John STANLEY
        No. 53 [55.06] Thomas BARNES No. 54 [21.04] Zachariah SEYMOUR
        No. 55 [60.15] Stephen HART, Sen No. 56 [64.10] William JUDD
        No. 57 [38.12] Joseph WOODFORD No. 58 [23.01] Samuel HECOX
        No. 59 [77.09] Mr. WYLLIS No. 60 [18.15] William HIGASON
        No. 61 [45.11] Thomas JUDD, Jr. No. 62 [31.06] Mr. WROTHAM
        No. 63 [33.12] John THOMPSON No. 64 [16.02] Abraham ANDRUS
        No. 65 [121.08] Mr. HAYNES No. 66 [12.00] John ROOT, Jr.
        No. 67 [24.07] Thomas GRIDLEY No. 68 [44.09] Samuel STEEL, Sen.
        No. 69 [44.13] John LEE No. 70 [84.08] Mr. WADSWORTH
        No. 71 [25.14] Samuel NORTH No. 72 [29.01] Thomas HANCOX
        No. 73 [15.04] John PORTER No. 74 [20.05] John CARRINGTON
        No. 75 [76.10] John ROOT, Sen. No. 76 [72.15] Mr. HAWKINS
        No. 77 [23.01] John WELTON No. 78 [30.15] John STANLEY
        No. 79 [46.15] John ANDRUS No. 80 [32.13] Thomas BULL
        No. 81 [17.01] Mr. NEWTON No. 82 [38.05] John WOODRUFF
        No. 83 [14.12] David CARPENTER No. 84 [9.11] Samuel STEEL, Jr.

        No. 42 [15.04] Phillip JUDD No. 43 [33.11] Thomas PORTER, Sen.
        No. 44 [28.02] Widow ORVIS No. 45 [33.11] Moses VENTRUS
        No. 46 [17.01] Joseph HECOX No. 47 [18.05] Obadiah RICHARDS
        No. 48 [23.01] Samuel HECOX No. 49 [121.06] Mr. HAYNES
        No. 50 [29.01] Benjamin JUDD No. 51 [23.05] Abraham BROWNSON
        No. 52 [51.11] Robert PORTER No. 53 [46.10] John BROWNSON, Sen.
        No. 54 [60.11] John STANDLEY No. 55 [16.10] Jobanah SMITH
        No. 56 [18.16] William HIGASON No. 57 [31.06] Mr. WROTHAM
        No. 58 [9.11] Samuel STEEL, Jr. No. 59 [25.14] John NORTH, Jr.
        No. 60 [14.12] David CARPENTER No. 61 [9.11] Benoni STEEL
        No. 62 [14.12] David CARPENTER No. 63 [77.10] Thomas NEWELL
        No. 64 [48.15] Stephen HART, Jr. No. 65 [38.05] John WOODRUFF
        No. 66 [17.01] Mr. NEWTON No. 67 [58.10] Isaac MOORE
        No. 68 [76.10] John ROOT, Sen. No. 69 [21.11] Daniel WARNER
        No. 70 [20.05] Daniel ANDRUS No. 71 [30.04] Isaac BROWNSON
        No. 72 [22.10] Richard SEYMOUR No. 73 [60.15] Stephen HART, Sen.
        No. 74 [31.06] Widow SMITH No. 75 [23.01] John BROWNSON
        No. 76 [31.06] John WARNER, Jr. No. 77 [72.08] John NEWTON
        No. 78 [23.01] Thomas PORTER, Jr. No. 79 [39.11] Edmond SCOITT
        No. 80 [41.09] Mathew WOODRUFF No. 81 [30.15] John STANDLEY, Jr.
        No. 82 [45.11] Thomas JUDD, Jr No. 83 [72.15] Mr. HAWKINS
        No. 84 [30.00] John STEEL(?)

        From Genealogy of the Puritans
        ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------
        Barnes, Thomas resided quite in the north-west part of the village in Hartford, in 1640, on land bounded north-east by the road to the cow pasture, easterly on the road to Hon. Matthew Allyn's land, westerly by Thomas Upson. He was one of the brave soldiers in the Pequot battle in 1637. He settled first in Hartford, and removed to Farmington in its early settlement, where he died in 1689 or '91. He was an original proprietor in Hartford, and had six acres of land allotted to him, in the land division of Hartford, in 1639-- land land distributed to him east of the river in 1663. His wife Mary __. He disposed of his estate by deeds in 1688: children Thomas, Ebenezer, and he had older children he had previously provided for; Thomas Jr., who settled and died at Middletown, had children, John, Daniel, Thomas, Mercy Jacobs, Martha, Elizabeth, son Maibe, and Abigail. He died June 10, 1691; wife Elizabeth, died 1694.

        ... Twelve of this name had graduated at Yale College before 1850; and seven by the name of Barnes, and one by the name of Barns, at Harvard College, before 1840... Barnes has seventeen coats of arms.

        Father: The Barnes FAMILY

        Marriage 1 Mary ANDREWS b: 15 MAY 1643 in Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut
        Married: by covenant 23 MAR 1662/63 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
        Has No Children Two Daughters BARNES
        Has No Children Thomas BARNES b: 06 JAN 1665 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
        Has Children Ebenezer BARNES b: 1675 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut

        Marriage 2 Mary ?
        Married: ABT 1648 in Connecticut
        Married: in Hingham, Barnstable, Massachusetts
        Has No Children Sarah BARNES b: 1650 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
        Has No Children Joseph BARNES b: 26 MAY 1651 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
        Has No Children Benjamin BARNES b: 24 JUL 1653 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut
        Has No Children Hannah BARNES b: ABT 1657 in Farmington, Hartford, Connecticut

        Author: Clair Elmer Barnes
        Title: The Westward Migration of One Line of the Descendants of The Thomas Barnes of Hartford and Farmington, Connecticut
        Publication: Name: published 1966 by the author; Location: 4525 Keever Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90807;
        Name: Burton Collection, Detroit Public Library



        Page: p. 1-2
        Author: Frederic Wayne Barnes and Edna Cleo (Bauer) Barnes
        Title: Thomas Barnes of Hartford, Connecticut
        Publication: Name: Gateway Press, Baltimore, MD 1994;
        Name: Burton Collection, Detroit Public Library

        It was written prior to the corruption of the BARNES Family lines from Thomas Barnes of Hartford and Farmington, Connecticut. This book was also written prior to any that are "popped out of a computer" using FTM. It is a scholarly work and is well researched in addition to being heavily documented.

        Text: citing the Barnes Family YearBook, Vol. 1, 1907, p. 4-5, 9; Early Puritan Settlers, p. 141; Genealogical Guide to the Early Settlers of America, 1967, Henry Whittemore, p. 27; Ten Generations of the Barnes Family in Bristol, CT by Fuller F. Barnes, 1946, Chap.; Passengers to America, Michael Tepper, Genealogical Publishing Co, Baltimore, 1978, p. 68; McArthur-Barnes Ancestral Lines, Selim Walker McArthur, M.D., the Antholensen Press, 1964.
        Author: Compiled By Trescott C. Barnes, Secretary and Genealogist
        Title: The Barnes Family Year Book, Vol. I - 1907 & II - 1908
        Publication: Name: Vol. I -The Grafton Press, New York; Vol. II - Winsted Printing and Engraving Co, Winsted, Conn.; Date: 1908;
        Name: Burton Collection, Detroit Public Library

        An annual publication issued under the authority of the Barnes Family Association.

        Page: p. 9
        Author: James Savage, Former President of the Massachusetts Historical Society and Editor of Winthrop's History of New England.
        Title: Genealogical Dictionary of the First Settlers of New England, Showing Three Generations of Those Who Came Before May 1692, on the Basis of Farmer's
        Publication: Name: 1860-62 and Genealogical Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD, 1965; Corrected electronic version copyright Robert Kraft, July 1994;

        The electronic version adapted under the direction of Robert Kraft (assisted by Benjamin Dunning) from materials supplied by Automated Archives, 1160 South State, Suite 250, Orem UT 84058 in the following ways:
        missing lines have been added wherever they could be located (vol. 2 could not easily be checked since line format was not replicated; the corrections found in vols 1-4 have been integrated into the text; page numbers have been represented between double brackets; hyphens have been resolved, and some abbreviated names. NOTE that letter by letter verification has NOT yet been attempted.
        copyright for the new electronic version by Robert Kraft, July 1994.

        Preface (part)
        SOME explanatory introduction to so copious a work, as the following, will naturally be required; but it may be short. In 1829 was published, by John Farmer, a Genealogical Register of the first settlers of New England. Beside the five classes of persons prominent, as Governors, Deputy-Governors, Assistants, ministers in all the Colonies, and representatives in that of Massachusetts, down to 1692, it embraced graduates of Harvard College to 1662, members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company, as also freemen admitted in Massachusetts, alone, to this latter date, with many early inhabitants of other parts of New England and Long Island from 1620 to 1675. Extensive as was the plan of that volume, the author had in contemplation, as explained in his preface, calling it "an introduction to a biographical and genealogical dictionary, "a more ambitious work, that should comprehend sketches of individuals known in the annals of New England, and "a continuation of eminent persons to the present time." Much too vast a project that appeared to me; and the fixing of an absolute limit, like 1692 (the era of arrival of the new charter), for admission of any family stocks, seemed more judicious.

        has a large number of abbreviations - I have made some attempt to write them out fully in brackets

        Page: p. 122
        Author: Michael H. Tepper
        Title: Passengers to America
        Publication: Name: Genealogical Publishing Co. 1977;
        Name: Burton Collection, Detroit Public Library

        Source Medium: Book

        Page: p. 68
        Author: Alfred Andrews
        Title: Genealogy and Ecclesiastical History of Farmington, Connecticut
        Publication: Name: Chicago, Illinois 1867;

        Source Medium: Book

        This book contains the ecclesiastical history, beginning in 1640, of a territory or part of ancient Farmington, Connecticut.

        Page: p. 13
        Title: National Society Sons of Colonial Wars
        Source Medium: Book

        Text: died by 1689/90
        Title: National Society of Daughters of Founders and Patriots of America
        Source Medium: Book

        Text: died by 1689/90
        Author: Frederick R. Barnes
        Title: Thomas Barnes of Hartford and Farmington Connecticut
        Publication: Date: 1934;
        Name: Connecticut State Library

        "In Relation to Inheritable Tendancies" completes the title
        Page: including citation of his will: Folder 346, Connecticut State Library, Hartford
        Author: Royal R. Hinman
        Title: Connecticut Puritan Settlers
        Publication: Name: Press of Case, Tiffany and Company; Location: Hartford; Date: 1852;
        Title: Early Land Allotments in Bristol, Hartford Co., CT
        Publication: Name: City Printing Company; Date: 1907;
        Name: www.

        "In the Olden Time New Cambridge" Which Includes Forestville Hartford, Conn.
        Page: p. 22-24
        Title: Farmington Historical Society
        Publication: Location:; Date: 2010;
        Phone 860-678-1645
        Author: J.E. Andrews
        Title: Thomas Barns and John Andrews of Farmington, Conn
        Title: American Genealogist Magazine
        Publication: Name: David L. Greene, Publisher;
        Abbreviated "TAG"

        Page: Vol. 9, p. 40-41, Thomas Barnes and John Andrews of Farmington by E.J. Andrews
        Author: Royal Ralph Hinman
        Title: Genealogy of the Puritans
        Publication: Location: New York; Date: 1856;
        Royal Ralph Hinman was the son of General Ephraim Hinman, a successful Connecticut merchant, and his wife Sylvania [French] Hinman.

        After he was admitted to the bar he practiced law in Roxbury, CT for many years. From 1823 to 1833, Hinman acted as the Postmaster of Roxbury. In September of 1844, he was appointed the Collector of Customs of the Port of New Haven.

        In 1835, Hinman along with Leman Church and the Hon. Elisha Phelps were appointed to revise the public statutes of Connecticut. From 1835 to 1836, the committee compiled and published the private or special acts of the state, eventually comprising a total of 1,640 pages. In 1838, Hinman and Thomas C. Perkins were appointed to further revise the statutes ...of the state, the Revisions of 1838, which eventually became a published work of 717 pages.

        Hinman also published other works including the Antiquities of Connecticut and A Historical Collection of the Part Sustained by Connecticut During the War of the Revolution. He was also the author of numerous other historical publications as well as a member of the Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Jersey state historial societies.
        Page: p. 141-142
        Author: New England Historic Genealogical Society
        Title: NEHGS Register
        Source Medium: Magazine

        Page: Vol. 11, October 1857, p. 323-328, Records of Farmington in Connecticut, copied by the late Hon. Nathaniel Goodwin of Hartford, communicated by Daniel Goodwin, Esquire
        Title: Researcher Lynn Dielman

        Title: DNA Testing
        Source Medium: Other

        Page: Thomas of Hartford is Group 3
        Title: American Genealogist Magazine
        Publication: Name: David L. Greene, Publisher;
        Abbreviated "TAG"

        Page: Vol. 35, p. 83-91 , Andrews Families of Western Connecticut - John Andrews of Farmington by Donald Lines Jacobus

      • Citation:


  2. Michael J Kelly: Kelly Family Tree
  3. Ann: The Driver & Green Families & Ancestors