Hooker, Zachary

Birth Name Hooker, Zachary
Gender male


From Rootsweb Hooker surname board: Author: Tim Hooker Date: 16 Dec 200211:15 PM GMT

Rev Zachary is my director ancestor. I have quite a lot on his family but little on Zachary himself - even though he is probably the most interesting character on the pedigree and a very different character from his illustrious father (John) and extraordinarily famous cousin (Richard). I have the pedigree of Seraphin which continued for at least five generations. Balsemus's line continued to present day. (I've met them). Leofrick and Juvenal died relatively young and didn't marry. Theobald and Amethist lived on, apparently unmarried, a became old men. Valentine's line continued to the present day - I'm one of them! I have the full pedigree with dates etc of all these wonderful people. I even have Rev. Zachary's handwritten record of the times of day when his children were born, and his Will and some of those of his family. I'd love to know more about the background to the names he gave his children - they are all highly significant and not at all the names you'd expect a priest to use. However, I cannot find any association with the names Balsemus or Amethyst. Incidently, Balsemus lived at St. Ewe in Cornwall, and even today there hangs on the wall of the church the seating plan showing where he and the rest of the small congregation sat. I think he'd be somewhat tickled to know it was still there after 400 years.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Death       1a
Event Note

Will proved Exeter 26 January 1643.



Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Hooker, John Vowell15251601-11-08
Mother Bridgeman, Anastasia1531
    Brother     Hooker, Thomas 1553 1635-07-23
    Sister     Hooker, Alice 1554 1622-06-00
         Hooker, Zachary


Family of Hooker, Zachary and Battishill, Grace

Married Wife Battishill, Grace ( * 19366 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1602-06-13 Mevagissy, Cornwall, England Religious Marriage 2a
Name Birth Date Death Date
Hooker, Theobald
Hooker, Amethyst
Hooker, Juvenal
Hooker, Katherine May
Hooker, Seraphin1671
Hooker, Balsemus1683
Hooker, Leofrickabout 1608
Hooker, Valentineabout 1620about 1688

Source References

  1. claude@flory.net: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=caflory&id=I008537&style=TABLE Flory Coopers
      • Source text:


        ID: I008537
        Name: John Vowell HOOKER 1
        Sex: M
        Birth: 1525 in Exeter, Oxford, England 2 3
        Death: 8 NOV 1601 in Exeter, England 2 3
        Burial: St. Mary Major 3
        Reference Number: 8537
        Washburn has Robert Vowell Hooker, here shown as his grandfather, as his father.
        Name also spelled Hoker.

        Father: Thomas HOOKER b: 1500 in Blaston, Medbourne, Leicestershire, England
        Mother: Cicely PREST b: ABT 1500 in England

        Marriage 1 Anastasia BRIDGEMAN b: 1531 in Exeter, England
        Zachary HOOKER
        Thomas HOOKER b: 1553 in Tilton, Leicestershire, England
        Alice HOOKER b: 1554 in Exeter, England

        Marriage 2 Martha TUCKER

        Title: MyTrees.com
        Note: ABBR MyTrees.com
        Page: pa000609
        Title: GenCircles.com
        Note: ABBR GenCircles.com
        Title: Ancestry of William Howard Taft
        Author: Washburn, Mabel Thacher Rosemary
        Publication: New York: Frank Allaben Genealogical Co., 1908
        Note: ABBR Ancestry of William Howard Taft
        Note: Heritage Quest online book

  2. Rootsweb.com surname boards
      • Page: Hooker surname board