of Kiev, Kseniya

Birth Name of Kiev, Kseniya
Gender female
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1098 Kiev, Ukraine   1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father of Kiev, Mstislas I10761132-04-15
Mother Ingesdottir, Kristina of Sweden1080
    Brother     of Kiev, Izyaslav II 1096 1154-11-13
         of Kiev, Kseniya 1098
    Sister     of Kiev, Ingeborg 1099
    Sister     of Norway and Denmark, Malmfrida 1100
    Sister     of Kiev, Mariya Agafiya Mstislavna 1101 1179
    Brother     of Novgorod, Vsevolod Gavriil 1102 1136-02-11
    Sister     of Kiev, Dobredeya Evpraksia 1102
    Brother     of Kiev, Roman 1104
    Sister     of Kiev, Rogneda Mstislavna 1106
    Brother     of Novgorod and Volynia, Svyatopolk 1108
    Brother     of Kiev, Rostislav Mikhail I 1110
    Sister     of Kiev, Marie

Source References

  1. Errol Bevan: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=bevangenealogy&id=I13656 @ RootsWeb Ancestries of Errol S. BEVAN and Hollie C. ATKINSON BEVAN to ADAM and EVE including REINHARDT and BLOCKER Cousins and more
      • Source text:

        # ID: I13656
        # Name: Mstislav I Grand Duke Of KIEV
        # Surname: KIEV
        # Given Name: Mstislav I Grand Duke Of
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: 1076 in Of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
        # Death: 15 Apr 1132
        # Ancestral File #: B1B7-FM
        # Sealing Child: 3 Jun 1993 Temple: SDIEG 1 2
        # Change Date: 3 Apr 2007 at 01:00:00

        Father: Vladimir II "Monomach" Grand Duke Of KIEV b: 1053 in Of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
        Mother: Gyda HARALDSDATTER PRINCESS OF ENGLAND b: ABT 1053 in London, Middlesex, England

        Marriage 1 Lyubava DMITRIEVNA b: ABT 1100 in Of Novgorod, Novgorod, Russia

        * Married: 1122 in Of Novgorod, Novgorod, Russia
        * Sealing Spouse: 19 May 1954 in SLAKE 1


        1. Has No Children Vladimir Grand Duke Of KIEV b: 1131/1132 in Of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
        2. Has Children Evfrosiniya Princess Of KIEV b: 1130 in Of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine


        Marriage 2 Christina INGESDOTTER PRINCESS OF SWEDEN b: ABT 1078 in Of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden

        * Married: 1095 in Of Uppsala, Uppsala, Sweden
        * Sealing Spouse: 31 Aug 1931 in SLAKE 1


        1. Has Children Vsevolod Gavriil Duke Of NOVGOROD AND PSKOV b: ABT 1102 in Of Novgorod, Novgorod, Russia
        2. Has No Children Miss MSTISLAVNA PRINCESS OF KIEV b: ABT 1097 in Of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
        3. Has No Children Svyatopolk Duke Of NOVGOROD & VOLYNIA b: ABT 1108 in Of Novgorod, Novgorod, Russia
        4. Has Children Izyaslav II Grand Duke Of KIEV b: 1096 in Of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
        5. Has No Children Kseniya Princess Of KIEV b: ABT 1098 in Of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
        6. Has Children Ingeborga Princess Of KIEV b: ABT 1099 in Of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
        7. Has No Children Malmfrida Queen Of NORWAY AND DENMARK b: ABT 1100 in Of Novgorod, Kiev, Ukraine
        8. Has Children Mariya Agafiya MSTISLAVNA PRINCESS OF KIEV b: ABT 1101 in Of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
        9. Has No Children Dobredeya "Irina" Evpraksia Princess Of KIEV b: ABT 1102 in Of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
        10. Has No Children Roman Prince Of KIEV b: ABT 1104 in Of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
        11. Has No Children Rogneda MSTISLAVNA PRINCESS OF KIEV b: ABT 1106 in Of Kiev, Kiev, Ukraine
        12. Has Children Rostislav I Mikhail Grand Duke Of KIEV b: ABT 1110 in Of Smolensk, Smolensk, Russia



        1. Repository:
        Name: Family History Library
        Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA
        Title: Ordinance Index (TM)
        Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
        2. Repository:
        Name: Family History Library
        Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 USA
        Title: Ancestral File (R)
        Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
        Publication: Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998



      • Citation:
