D'Arcy, John 1a

Birth Name D'Arcy, John
Gender male
Age at Death 62 years, 4 months, 29 days


son of Roger and Isabel de Aton

The title Baron Darcy de Knayth is an ancient one in the Peerage of England. It was created in 1332 for John Darcy.


styled le neveu and le cosyn, and (long afterwards) le piere, of Knaith, Kexby, and Upton, co. Lincoln, son and heir of Sir Roger Darcy, of Oldcotes and Styrrup, Notts. (who died before 12 May 1284), by Isabel, daughter of Sir William D'Aton, of West Ayton, Flanders, &c., 3 Oct, and with the King of Scots, 7 Oct 1337. A proxy to sign the treaty with the Flemings, 10 Jun 1338. Appointed Justiciar of Ireland for life, 3 Mar 1339/40; as the King could not dispense with his continual attendance, a deputy was appointed, 16 Mar 1340/1: he resigned the office, 10 Feb 1343/4. Chamberlain to the King from 1341 to Sep 1346 or later. He accompanied the Earl of Northampton in his expedition to Brittany in Aug 1342. Appointed Constable of Nottingham Castle, 2 Mar 1343/4, and of the Tower of London, 12 Mar 1345/6, both for life. He was at the Battle of Crecy, and was one of those sent from before Calais, 8 Sep 1346, to announce the victory in Parl. He married firstly, Emmeline, daughter and heir of Walter Heron of Silkstone, co. York (son and heir apparent of Sir William Heron of Hadstone, Northumberland, and Notton, co.York), by Alice, daughter of Sir Nicholas De Hastinges, of Allerston, co. York, and Gissing, Norfolk. She was aged 7 1/2 years May 1297. He married secondly, 3 Jul 1329, at Maynooth,co. Kildare, Joan, widow of Thomas (FitzJohn), Earl of Kildare (who died 5 Apr 1328, at Maynooth, being then Justiciar), and 4th daughter of Richard De Burgh, Earl of Ulster, by Margaret, his wife. He died 30 May 1347, on which day he had received a pardon for all homicides, felonies, robberies, &c., for all oppressions by colour of any office he had held, for all trespasses of vert and venison, and of any consequent outlawries, and for all arrears and debts. His widow died 23 Apr 1359, and was buried, with her 1st husband, in the Church of the Friars Minors at Kildare 4


Title: British Roots of Maryland Families
Abbrev: British Roots of Maryland Families
Author: Robert W. Barnes
Publication: 1999
Title: British Roots of Maryland Families II
Abbrev: British Roots of Maryland Families II
Author: Robert W. Barnes
Publication: 2002
Title: AFN:
Abbrev: AFN:
Title: Tudor Place
Abbrev: Tudor Place
Author: Jorge H. Castelli
Title: The Phillips, Weber, Kirk and Staggs Family
Abbrev: The Phillips, Weber, Kirk and Staggs Family
Author: Jim Weber
Title: Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists Who Came to New England between 1623 and 1650
Abbrev: Ancestral Roots of Sixty Colonists Who Came to New
Author: Frederick Lewis Weis
Publication: Genealogical Publishing, Inc. Sixth Edition, 1988
Title: Royal Genealogy
Abbrev: Royal Genealogy
Author: Brian Tompsett
Publication: 1994-1999



Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1285 Knayth, Lincolnshire, England   2
Death 1347-05-30 Knayth, Lincolnshire, England   2

Age: 62y


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Darcy, Roger12531284-05-12
Mother de Aton, Isabel1260
    Brother     D'Arcy, Robert 1275
         D'Arcy, John 1285 1347-05-30


Family of D'Arcy, John and Heron, Emmeline

Married Wife Heron, Emmeline ( * 1295 + before 1323-09-06 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage about 1308 Northumberland, England   3
Name Birth Date Death Date
Darcy, John 2nd Lord13171356-03-05

Family of D'Arcy, John and de Burgh, Joan

Married Wife de Burgh, Joan ( * 1300 + 1359-04-23 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1329-07-03 Maynooth, Kildare, Ireland   2
Name Birth Date Death Date
Darcy, Elizabeth13311390-03-24

Source References

  1. RCKarnes: http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=arciek&id=I19816 Carrie's Family Tree
      • Source text:

        ID: I19816
        Name: *John D'ARCY
        Sex: M
        Birth: 1285 in Knayth, Lincolnshire, England
        Death: 30 MAY 1347 in Knayth, Lincolnshire, England
        Occupation: BET 1332 AND 1347 1st Baron Darcy de Knayth 1
        son of Roger and Isabel de Aton

        The title Baron Darcy de Knayth is an ancient one in the Peerage of England. It was created in 1332 for John Darcy.


        Father: *Roger DARCY b: ABT 1253 in Oldcotes, Nottinghamshire, England
        Mother: *Isabel DE ATON b: ABT 1260 in West Ayton, Yorkshire, England

        Marriage 1 Emeline HERON b: 1291 in Hedlestone, Northumberland, England
        Married: 1317

        Marriage 2 *Joan DE BURGH b: ABT 1300 in Ulster, Connaugh, Ireland
        Married: 3 JUL 1329 in Maynooth, Kildare, Ireland
        *Elizabeth DARCY b: ABT 1331 in Knayth, Lincolnshire, England
        William DARCY b: ABT 1335 in Knayth, Lincolnshire, England

        Title: Wikipedia


      • Citation:


  2. RCKarnes: http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=arciek&id=I28300&style=TABLE Carrie's Family Tree
  3. H. Schluckbier: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=schluck&id=I9419&style=TABLE My Little Obsession