Hughes, Anne

Birth Name Hughes, Anne
Gender female
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth about 1704 Pennsylvania   1a
Event Note

B: BET 1697 AND 1710



Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Hughes, Charlesabout 1665about 1711
Mother , Rebeccaabout 1675
    Brother     Hughes, John about 1695
    Brother     Hughes, Francis Sr. about 1697 1777
         Hughes, Anne about 1704
    Sister     Hughes, Rebecca about 1705

Source References

  1. Susan: Burgess-Fisher-Ebert-Anderson-Kames-Peterson-Hofacker-Smith
      • Source text:


        ID: I40792
        Name: Charles Hughes
        Sex: M
        Birth: ABT 1665 in , , Wales
        Death: ABT 1711
        Event: Will Dated 1711
        Event: Will Probate 1712 , Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
        Residence: BEF 1684 , , Wales
        Residence: BET 1689 AND 1695 Radnor Township, , Pennsylvania
        Immigration: 1684 Arrived in Philadelphia after crossing the Atlantic on the ship the Vine

        Charles Hughes

        Date and place of birth: abt. 1665 Wales
        Date and place of death: will dated 1711 and probated 1712, Lancaster Co PA
        Names of children: John Hughes may have had a son, Sergeant Hughes, who married Christine and had a daughter, Margaret Hughes, b. Sep. 6, 1739., Anne Hughes, Francis Hughes b. abt. 1697, Rebecca Hughes
        Name of spouse: Rebecca (?) b. abt. 1675


        Memories and Stories

        Charles arrived in Philadelphia in 1684 after crossing the Atlantic on the ship Vine.

        Charles was a cooper and willed his cooper's tools to his son John.
        Research of D. Michael Hughes
        Broken Arrow Ranch
        P. O. Box 530
        Ingram, TX 78025
        United States
        Fax: 830-367-5427

        Charles (G1) Hughes was born Abt. 1665 in ,Denbighshire, Wales, and died 1711 in ,Philadelphia Co., PA. He married Rebecca in ,Radnor township, PA.

        Notes for Charles (G1) Hughes:
        The first direct ancestor of our family to come to America is Charles Hughes of Wales. It is possible that other members of Charles' family had already traveled to America. In fact, there are several "Hughes" in the Welsh groups of Quakers who preceded Charles. At some point it would be useful to investigate their origin. Records in Wales may provide some information about this.

        Charles Hughes was on the ship "Vine" of Liverpool which sailed from Dolyserre (Dolserau) an estate on the Wnion River in Wales, and arrived Philadelphia 17.7mo 1684. He was listed as a manservant of David Davis who came with his sister Katherine and her daughter Mary Tidey (Tudor). Charles had 3 years to serve. They all apparently came from Denbighshire in Wales. It is near Dolgules (Dolgellau) in Merionethshire Wales.

        There were 96 passengers listed on the ship. On the same voyage was Rees Jones who was from Llanglynin. Other passengers on the voyage were from Machinleth or Manhinteth (Machynlleth) in Montgomeryshire. Dr. Griffith Owen was also on this voyage. Griffith Owen was apparently the son of Robert Owen, the famous Quaker leader who lived at Dolserau.

        Charles' date of birth is estimated based on an assumption he was probably in his twenties when he sailed.

        Another account of the voyage of Charles Hughes to America is in "Emigrants to Pennsylvania" edited by Michael Tepper. Under the chapter headed 'A Partial List of the Families who Arrived at Philadelphia Between 1682 and 1687' are the following comments. (page 7) "It may surprise some of our readers to learn of the number of servants brought out by the early settlers. This is no doubt greatly increased by the liberal terms which Penn (William Penn) offered to emigrants. The advantages offered to those who would bring servants and those who would come as such were equal. Each was to have fifty acres when the servant's time should expire. Nor did the word servant as used here necessarily imply a person who was to perform menial duties. On the contrary, they were often farm hands or skilled mechanics, in some cases of the same social position as their masters, in others they were no doubt overseers to act for purchasers who remained in England, a measure suggested by Penn in his first proposals to purchasers and which he subsequently found reasons to regret - Ed/]"

        In fact, Charles' will establishes that he was a cooper and carpenter and became a successful farmer.

        (page 10) "William Preeson Mr (master) of the Vine of Leverpoole arrived the 1th day of the 7 mo. 1684 At Philadelphia ffrom Dolyserne near dolgules in Merionothshire. Robert Owen & Jeane his wife and Lewes their sone, one servt Boy named Edward Edwards for 8 years & 4 serv't Maids named Loury Edwards for 4 yrs. Margaret Edwards for 4 yers. Ann Owen for 12 yers and Hannah Watt for 3 yers.
        From 'Derbyshire': David Davis & Katherine his sister & Mary Tidey her daughter and one serv't man named Charles Hues for 3 yers."
        Also on this ship were several girls named Rebecca. From Shropshire, Rechard Turner and Margaret his wife & Rebecca their Daughter. From Walton in Lancashire, Henry Baker & Margaret his wife & their Daughters Rachell, Rebecca, Phebey & Hester... From Lancashire, Rebecca, Martha & Elenor Hall & Rebecca Barrow.

        In the will of Charles Hughes, written in 1711, "Edward Ab Edward" was a witness to the will. This is probably the servant boy Edward Edwards who was aboard the ship Vine with Charles. If he was a "servant boy" in 1684, he would have been in his mid-thirties in 1711.
        I have a note which indicates that the arrival of David Davis, Charles Hughes, etc. on the ship "Vine" was recorded in the minutes of the Merion Monthly Meeting. If that is the case, it is possible that David Davis was a member of that meeting and Charles may have been also. I need to confirm this information.

        In the "Welsh Settlement of Pennsylvania" by Browning, it is stated that the Radnor mm minutes of 11.2mo 1695 indicate Charles Hughes married out of the church. Radnor township was located just west of Bryn Mawr, PA and just Southeast of Valley Forge. Highway 30 west of Philadelphia runs through this area. This is about 25 miles downstream on the Schuylkill River from Birdsboro. In previous records of the Radnor monthly meeting, Charles is a witness to weddings of several people from 1689 to 1693. Note that this places Charles as a resident of the Radnor township from 1689 to 1695.

        A Pennsylvania researcher, Vivian Taylor, said she did not find any particular reference in the monthly meeting minutes which indicated that Charles "married out", only the reference which criticized the other witnesses who were Quakers for attending the wedding outside the church.

        Charles may not have been a Quaker. The Quakers who attended his wedding and were criticized may have been his friends. I need to check the Radnor mm minutes for 2/11/1695 to see exactly how this is worded.

        In "Welsh Settlement of Pa" p262, it is stated "...and that because David Potts, Owen Thomas, and Evan Harry were at the wedding, 'which marriage friends had no unity with', "they were dealt with by Robert Owen and Edward Jones, and thereupon gave forth the following paper of condemnation, viz. For as much as we whose names are hereunto written, for want of due consideration have unadvisedly been at the dishonorable marriage of Charles Hughes, and by so doing have transgressed against this good order as established among friends of Truth," &c., hereby acknowledging publicly before the meeting the mistake they made. But in 1722, 5 mo. the Radnor Mo. Mtg. was not so certain of its stand as to "dishonorable marriages," as it instructed its representatives to the quarterly meeting "to report that the monthly meeting was concerned whether it was necessary to disown such persons as go the the priest to marry, or only advise them."

        The Radnor mm minutes show that Charles Hughes signed as a witness to weddings in the Quaker Church 8/18/1689, 12/4/1690, 4/23/1692, and 2/22/1693.

        In Philadelphia wills (will book C p295) 1712, Charles Hughes, wife Rebecca, Children Francis, John, Rebecca, and Ann. Wife and Rees Ap
        Edward (?sp) executors. Witnesses Rees Ab Edward and Edward Rees. Signed with his mark Dec. 9, 1711, proved May 8, 1712. A Rees came over on the ship Vine with Charles. A Rees Hughes marries a Mary Jones in 4 May 1717 in Christ Church Phil record.

        Charles' will is recorded in the Philadelphia will book in 1712. Is this the place it would be recorded if Charles was living in Radnor township when he died?

        Charles was the executor of the will of Thomas Evans in Upper Providence, Chester County, PA in 1710. Upper Providence township is only three or four miles southwest of Radnor township. The will of Thomas Evans reads "I give devise and bequeath unto my friend Charles Hughes after my said debts and legacies are paid all ye residue of my houses or other ... ailments and appurtenances apparel money plate household goods carpenters tools chattles debts by bond , G.., book, ye or otherwise whensoever or wheresoever to be paid, and deliver to him by my executor to hold to him and his heirs and assignes from henceforth for ever, and I do hereby constitute and ordain my friend Charles Hughes to be sole executor of my last will and testament ...." Thomas Evans apparently left all his estate to Charles Hughes who he described as "friend". Apparently Thomas Evans had no family. What was his connection to Charles Hughes? I had speculated that he might be the father of Rebecca but that is not likely. He might have been related in some other way to Rebecca.

        The Gwynedd meeting was formed by sanction of the Radnor No. Mtg. and they began meeting in 6mo 1699. Gwynedd members would be on Radnor minutes until about 1700/1702.

        FROM: WELSH FOUNDERS OF PENNSYLVANIA: p 173 "Evan ap Hugh of near Bala, Co. Mer. (Merioneth), yeoman; prob s. (son) of Hugh Cadwalader ap Rhys, of par. (parish?) of Yspytty Evan, and bro. of John ap Hugh (or John Hugh, or Pugh, of Gwynedd). Rmd (removed?) to Gwynedd, Penna., 1698.

        Ch. E. (Church of England) Freeholder of 800 a. (acres) ld. (land) in Gwynedd." Whether or not this has any connection with our family I do
        not know.

        FROM: THE FULHAM PAPERS IN THE LAMBETH PALACE LIBRARY - by William Wilson Manrose - Vol VII p271,274 Charles Hughes (PA) listed as a member of Christ Church in Phil 18 May 1741. Also listed as an inhabitant of Wilmington Parish in VA. Could this be a Charles Hughes, son of Francis or John, who is is the militia with Aaron and Mathias in VA? Where is Wilmington Parish? There is a very small town named Wilmington southeast of Charlottesville in Fluvanna County, VA near the James River.

        Other mentions of a Charles Hughes:
        I searched the "Digest Register of Births, Marriages, and Burials for England and Wales c 1650-1837" reels 14, 15, and 16 for a Charles
        Hughes, none found.

        A Charles Hughes is listed as a witness to a will of a Walter Dickenson of Talbot Co. MD in Feb 1680. (from "Maryland Calendar of Wills" Vol. I p99) This cannot be the Charles who came over on the Vine, but we need to be careful to realize there were at least two Charles around in 1680/1700.

        FROM "THE EARLY SETTLERS OF MARYLAND" p243 - Hues, Charles Liber (book) WC2 Folio (page) 394 Remarks: Transported 1680. Servant. (This is possibly the person listed above).

        A Charles Hughes - age 50, sailed from London to Virginia aboard the "Constance" on 24 October 1635. He is probably not related to any of
        our Hughes.

        Vivian Taylor commented that the name "Charles" is troublesome to her. She said she was told that at that time no protestant (Quaker or
        otherwise) would name their child Charles because Charles, King of England, was a Catholic. She felt this might indicate that Charles
        Hughes was not a Quaker. However, our Charles was probably born just after Charles II regained the throne in 1661. He was very popular for a few years and many children were named for him. His later fall from popularity may explain why Francis may not have named a child "Charles".

        I have a transcript of Charles' will. It names children John, Francis, Rebeckah, and Ann.

        More About Charles (G1) Hughes:
        Miscellaneous: +.
        Residence: 1711, Philadelphia (or Chester) County, PA.

        More About Charles (G1) Hughes and Rebecca:
        Marriage: ,Radnor township, PA.

        Children of Charles (G1) Hughes and Rebecca are:

        1. John (G2) Hughes, b. Abt. 1695, ,Philadelphia Co., PA.
        2. +Francis (G2) Hughes, b. Abt. 1697, near Philadelphia, Lancaster, PA, d. 1777, prob Augusta Co., VA.
        3. Rebecca Hughes, b. Bet. 1697 - 1710, Philadelphia, PA.
        4. Ann Hughes, b. Bet. 1697 - 1710, Philadelphia, PA.




        Marriage 1 Rebecca [--?--] b: ABT 1675
        Married: 1695 in Radnor Township, , Pennsylvania
        Has No Children John Hughes b: ABT 1695 in , Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
        Has Children Francis Hughes , Sr. b: ABT 1697 in near Philadelphia, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania
        Has No Children Anne Hughes b: BET 1697 AND 1710 in , , Pennsylvania
        Has No Children Rebecca Hughes b: BET 1697 AND 1710 in , , Pennsylvania

      • Citation:
