Neal, Catherine

Birth Name Neal, Catherine
Gender female
Age at Death unknown

Relation to the center person (verch Gwrgeneu, Gwerfyl) : fifth cousin seventeen times removed (down)


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Neale, Christopher Jr.1671-06-231721-07-19
Mother Presley, Jane1664-06-29after 1720
    Sister     Neale, Mary 1700 1760
    Brother     Neale, Edward about 1701
    Brother     Neale, Presley about 1702 1760
    Brother     Neale, Francis 1704
    Brother     Neale, Daniel 1706 1759-10-02
    Sister     Neale, Ursuala 1706
         Neal, Catherine

Source References

  1. GH84-PJN