Pritchard, Daisy E. 1 2

Birth Name Pritchard, Daisy E.
Gender female
Age at Death 66 years, 5 months, 20 days


Contact Jan Westmorland at for further information, notes or to make corrections. I would appreciate any new additional information available.
Contact Linda Brown <> for info on Halstead/Cooper Connections.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1926-07-31 Pemiscot Co, MO    
Baptism C393360B3DDE49DCB531C8CFB9EE3DB2EAE0 Census 1930    
Death 1993-01-20 Amarillo, Potter Co, TX    

Age: 66y 5m 20d


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Pritchard, Dolan R.1904-10-281972-08-00
Mother Unknown, Irene1906-04-191973-10-00
         Pritchard, Daisy E. 1926-07-31 1993-01-20
    Sister     Pritchard, Jo Maxine 1928-07-22 1997-10-15
    Sister     Pritchard, Mary Love 1930 1992


Family of Lucey, Lloyd and Pritchard, Daisy E.

Unknown Partner Lucey, Lloyd ( * 90993D65D5D14D4DAEC514A469D7D390D9FA + ... )