Higgs, Victor ‘Val’ T. 1a 2 3

Birth Name Higgs, Victor ‘Val’ T.
Gender male
Age at Death 81 years, 4 months, 13 days


Contact Jan Westmorland at jnjwestmorland502@att.net for further information, notes or to make corrections. I would appreciate any new additional information available.
Contact Linda Brown <lwbldb@charter.net> for info on Halstead/Cooper Connections.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1876-02-23 Sand Springs, Grayson Co, KY    
Baptism 0AEBA88AA6F1487CA2F7C2FA0716957C0529 Draft Registration    
Death 1957-07-07 Calhoun, Mclean Co, KY    

Age: 81y 4m 14d

Burial   Calhoun Cemetery, Calhoun, Mclean Co, KY    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Higgs, Moody C.1854-08-101930-07-12
Mother Decker, Nancy Jane1857-03-251927-07-23
    Sister     Higgs, Emily ‘Emma’ J. 1874-07-00 1960-05-02
         Higgs, Victor ‘Val’ T. 1876-02-23 1957-07-07
    Sister     Higgs, Lucinda 1878-02-00 1935-11-01
    Sister     Higgs, Elizabeth 1880
    Sister     Higgs, Lula 1882
    Brother     Higgs, James Monroe 1883-05-10 1967-12-28
    Brother     Higgs, John Melvin 1885-06-15 1954-05-15
    Brother     Higgs, Robert Emmitt 1890-11-01 1974-03-22
    Brother     Higgs, John Lemuel 1895-12-06 1930
    Sister     Higgs, Golda Mae 1901 1939-03-28


Family of Higgs, Victor ‘Val’ T. and Morgan, Mary Etta

Married Wife Morgan, Mary Etta ( * 1882-04-00 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1903-02-11 McLean Co, KY Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Higgs, Morgan1905
Higgs, Willard George1910-09-021976-05-30
Higgs, Thurman M.1915-04-241916-06-21
Higgs, Clifford1917