Von Argengau, Ulrich IV 1a

Birth Name Von Argengau, Ulrich IV
Gender male
Age at Death 44 years, 8 months, 26 days


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 850      
Death 894-09-27      
Christening 2004-11-15      


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Von Argengau, Ulrich III818
Mother DE ALSACE, Berta825
         Von Argengau, Ulrich IV 850 894-09-27


Family of Von Argengau, Ulrich IV and VON LINZGAU, Perehide

Unknown Partner VON LINZGAU, Perehide ( * 2004-11-15 + ... )


Name Birth Date Death Date
Von Argengau, Ulrich880

Source References

  1. Scott Ezell: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=:3035289&id=I590784299 Ezell family tree
      • Source text:

        # ID: I590784299
        # Name: Suzanna DE PARIS
        # Given Name: Suzanna
        # Surname: de Paris
        # Sex: F
        # Birth: 785 in Paris,Seine,France
        # Change Date: 2 Jun 2004



        Father: Begue DE PARIS b: 738 in France
        Mother: Adaltrude AUPAIS b: 766 in France

        Marriage 1 Ulrich I VON ARGENGAU b: Abt 750 in Argengau,Switzerland

        * Note: _STATMARRIED


        1. Has Children Wulgrin (Vulgrin) I Tallifer DE PERIGORD b: 820 in Maine,Normandy,France
        2. Has Children Ulrich II VON ARGENGAU b: 778

      • Citation:

        e-mail: sezell639@sbcglobal.net