of Dreux, Pierre 1a

Birth Name of Dreux, Pierre
Gender male
Age at Death about 30 years


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth about 1220 Dreux, France   2
Death 1250     2

Age: 30y


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father de Dreux, Robert III11851234
Mother of Saint Valery, Aenor11921250
    Sister     of Dreux, Yolande 1212 1248
    Brother     of Dreux, Jean I about 1215 1248-08-25
    Brother     of Dreux, Robert about 1218 1264
         of Dreux, Pierre about 1220 1250

Source References

  1. RCKarnes: http://wc.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=arciek&id=I16985 Carrie's Family Tree
      • Source text:

        ID: I16985
        Name: *Robert III of DREUX
        Sex: M
        Birth: ABT 1185 in Dreux, Eure-Et-Loire, France 1
        Death: 1234 1
        Occupation: BET 1218 AND 1234 Count of Dreux and Braine 1
        Robert III of Dreux (1185–1234), Count of Dreux and Braine, was the son of Robert III, Count of Dreux, and Yolanda de Coucy. He was given the byname Gasteblé (lit. wheat-spoiler) when he destroyed a field of wheat while hunting in his youth.

        Along with his brother Peter, Duke of Brittany he fought with future Louis VIII of France in 1212 at Nantes and was captured there during a sortie. Exchanged after the Battle of Bouvines for William Longsword, Earl of Salisbury, he fought in the Albigensian Crusade, besieging Avignon in 1226. He was a supporter of Blanche of Castile during her regency after the death of Louis VIII in 1226.

        In 1210 he married Aénor of Saint-Valéry (1192–1250) and they had several children, including Yolande (1212–1248), who married Hugh IV, Duke of Burgundy, John I (1215–1249), later Count of Dreux, Robert (1217–1264), Viscount of Châteaudun, and Peter (1220–1250), a cleric.


        Father: *Robert II of DREUX b: 1154 in Dreux, Eure-Et-Loire, France
        Mother: Yolande DE COUCY b: 1164

        Marriage 1 Aénor of SAINT VALÉRY b: 1192
        *Yolande of DREUX b: 1212 in Dreux, Eure Loire, France
        *John I of DREUX b: 1215 in Dreux, Eure Loire, France
        *Robert of DREUX b: 1217 in Dreux, Eure Loire, France
        Peter of DREUX b: 1220 in Dreux, Eure Loire, France

        Title: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      • Citation:


  2. GK2B-X94