Goforth, Finnie Atherton 1

Birth Name Goforth, Finnie Atherton
Gender female
Age at Death 90 years, 11 months, 2 days


Contact Jan Westmorland at jnjwestmorland502@att.net for further information, notes or to make corrections. I would appreciate any new additional information available.
Contact Linda Brown <lwbldb@charter.net> for info on Halstead/Cooper Connections.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1879-03-22 McDowell Co, NC    
Baptism   Census 1880    
Death 1970-02-24 Shelby, Cleveland Co, NC    

Age: 90y 11m 2d

Burial 1970-02-26 Trinity United Methodist Church Cemetery, Nebo, Mcdowell Co, NC    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Goforth, James Marion1850-11-161930-04-17
Mother Giles, Harriet Anna1851-08-191940-12-16
    Sister     Goforth, Ida Delphinia 1874-02-14 1956-01-31
    Sister     Goforth, Emma Lou 1875-09-15 1888-04-20
    Sister     Goforth, Catharine ‘Katie’ Irene 1877-06-19 1963-04-01
         Goforth, Finnie Atherton 1879-03-22 1970-02-24
    Brother     Goforth, James Cornelius 1882-04-08 1973-04-08
    Sister     Goforth, Margaret ‘Maggie’ Miriam 1886-07-26 1970-02-15
    Sister     Goforth, Mamie Louola 1889-02-17 1986-01-04
    Sister     Goforth, Allona Valerie ‘Lona’ 1892-09-18 1984-12-23


Family of Spratt, James Malet and Goforth, Finnie Atherton

Married Husband Spratt, James Malet ( * 1872-04-02 + 1964-02-24 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1903-08-26 McDowell Co, NC Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Spratt, Geneva
Spratt, Sara Francis
Spratt, Annie Mae1904-07-302002-08-18
Spratt, Daphne Irene1905-09-291989-05-28
Spratt, Ethel Marguerite1907-04-092006-02-08
Spratt, Ruby Emma1909-03-222001-10-09
Spratt, Joseph Ralph1912-02-051991-10-04
Spratt, Delphia Naomie1914-04-222006-10-28
Spratt, Sibyl1916-04-17
Spratt, Glenn Goforth1921-07-221995-11-13