Parish, Brodie 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Birth Name Parish, Brodie
Gender male
Age at Death 38 years


Contact Jan Westmorland at for further information, notes or to make corrections. I would appreciate any new additional information available.
Contact Linda Brown <> for info on Halstead/Cooper Connections.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1820 Granville Co, NC   10
Baptism 79DDB2345EC8458C9D2F72A3FA4120097881      
Death 1858 Carroll Co, TN   10

Age: 38y


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Parish, John Sihon17871848-03-04
Mother Roberts, Celia17901823
    Sister     Parish, Temperance 1811-04-09 1892-11-17
    Sister     Parish, Mary Louise 1814 1860-10-24
    Brother     Parish, Claiborne ‘Clayborn’ 1816-10-19 1899-12-14
    Brother     Parish, Jeremiah S. 1819 1850
         Parish, Brodie 1820 1858
    Brother     Parish, George Washington 1822-03-16 1880-02-22


Family of Parish, Brodie and Rogers, Margaret

Married Wife Rogers, Margaret ( * 1821-01-06 + 1860 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1841-01-08 Carroll Co, TN Religious Marriage 11
Name Birth Date Death Date
Parish, Mary Ann1842-02-161914-04-14
Parish, Granville M.18431880
Parish, Sion1845-08-051915-01-26
Parish, Mark E.1847-12-131933-03-20
Parish, Elisha G.18491860
Parish, George Frank18521878
Parish, Mildred Minerva18531887-04-06

Source References

  1. Brøderbund Software, INC, World Family Tree Vol. 15, Ed. 1 (Release date: November 20, 1997) ABBR World Family Tree Vol. 15, Ed. 1 Customer pedigree. NAME Not Given ADDR Not Given World Family Tree Vol. 15, Ed. 1
  2. Info from Arving E. Morris's notes (Info from Arving E. Morris's notes) ABBR Info from Arving E. Morris's notes Information from Arving E. Morris's notes NAME Not Given (See Notes) ADDR Not Given (See Notes) NOTE Information from Arving E. Morris's notes Info from Arving E. Morris's notes
  3. Info from Clarence Lee October 29, 1999 (Info from Clarence Lee October 29, 1999) ABBR Info from Clarence Lee October 29, 1999 Information from Clarence Lee October 29, 1999 NAME Not Given (See Notes) ADDR Not Given (See Notes) NOTE Information from Clarence Lee October 29, 1999 Info from Clarence Lee October 29, 1999
  4. Info from H. Jean Bolen (Info from H. Jean Bolen) ABBR Info from H. Jean Bolen Info from H. Jean Bolen NAME Not Given (See Notes) ADDR Not Given (See Notes) NOTE Info from H. Jean Bolen Info from H. Jean Bolen
  5. Info from Danny Devault (Info from Danny Devault) ABBR Info from Danny Devault Info from Danny Devault NAME Not Given (See Notes) ADDR Not Given (See Notes) NOTE Info from Danny Devault Info from Danny Devault
  6. MargaretOwsley (Also named by Margaret Owsley who lives in Preston, MO) ABBR MargaretOwsley Also named by Margaret Owsley who lives in Preston, MO NAME Not Given (See Notes) ADDR Not Given (See Notes) NOTE Also named by Margaret Owsley who lives in Preston, MO MargaretOwsley
  7. Info from Martha Elaine Pritchard McGowen (Info from Martha Elaine Pritchard McGowen, great great grandaughter of Sarah Lenora Parish) ABBR Info from Martha Elaine Pritchard McGowen Info from Martha Elaine Pritchard McGowen, great great grandaughter of Sarah Lenora Parish NAME Not Given (See Notes) ADDR Not Given (See Notes) NOTE Info from Martha Elaine Pritchard McGowen, great great gran CONC daughter of Sarah Lenora Parish Info from Martha Elaine Pritchard McGowen
  8. Census 1850 Carroll Co, TN (1850 Census of Carroll Co, TN) ABBR Census 1850 Carroll Co, TN 1850 Census of Carroll Co, TN NAME Not Given (See Notes) ADDR Not Given (See Notes) NOTE 1850 Census of Carroll Co, TN Census 1850 Carroll Co, TN
  9. Jan Westmorland: Our Westmorlands
  10. {CParrish2a.GED} CParrish2a.GED
  11. Carroll Co, TN Marriage Record (Carroll Co, TN Marriage Record) ABBR Carroll Co, TN Marriage Record Carroll Co, TN Marriage Record NAME Not Given (See Notes) ADDR Not Given (See Notes) NOTE Carroll Co, TN Marriage Record Carroll Co, TN Marriage Record