Roberts, George
Birth Name | Roberts, George |
Gender | male |
Age at Death | unknown |
The earliest record of George Roberts was in Mormon tape No. 579753. Th
is tape contained a miscellaneous collection of early Craven County record
s. Page 93 of this tape contained an entry concerning New Bern. An ord
er was passed by the City of New Bern giving the commissioners, Cullan Pol
lock, Richard Graves and Wm.-----, Esq, the power to sell lots of deceas
ed persons. George Roberts offered 40 shillings for each of the lots of t
he deceased ------ Graves, Esq. The commissioners accepted George's off
er to buy lots 210 and 211, each of one acre, provided that George bui
ld a good house on each lot; the dimensions of each house to be not less t
han 15 feet wide and 25 feet long. On page 107 of the same tape was record
ed a real estate transaction prior to 1730. The land was in Craven precin
ct on the Neuse River. He obtained more land in 1739 after the Lord Propri
etors had sold Carolina to England. Thus, instead of the seller being Jo
hn Lord Carteret papatine, it was now King George. Each deed was writt
en in the following form:" George the Second, by the grace of God, of Gre
at Britian, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith. To all to wh
om these presents shall come Greetings: Know ye that in the considerati
on of ___ pounds herein reserved, have given and granted. and by these pre
sents forever, our heirs and successors do give and grant unto George Robe
rts a tract of land containing 250 acres lying and being in the precin
ct of Craven in The province of North Carolina, on the south side of t
he Neuse Riner about 4 miles above South-west Creek, beginning at a whi
te oak, on the meadow side and a designated number of chains and pol
es to Picoson, thence up the Picoson to the first station." George Rober
ts could claim one half of the silver and one half of the gold on his land. The quit-rent was 4 shillings per 100 acres payable on 4 February each year. To hold the land he had to clear and plant three of every one hundred acres. ( South west creek is just below Kinston, in Lenoir County). George obtained a large acreage of land. His total holdings were about 7500 acres including two plantations. He was appointed Justice of the Peace of Craven precinct in 1734 with the power to hold court. On Janurary 21, 1734, he was appointed to a committee of the Upper House to regulate quit-rents and regulate currency. He was returned to the General Assembly in New Bern in 1734 as the Craven County representative and was a member of the Assembly until August 10, 1740. ( Information from North Carolina Colonial Records). The two plantations were known as Salisbury and Woodington.
Event | Date | Place | Description | Sources |
Birth | 1698 | Fairfax County, Virginia | 1a | |
Death | ||||
Relation to main person | Name | Birth date | Death date | Relation within this family (if not by birth) |
Father | Roberts, John | 1678 | ||
Mother | Shackleford, Ann | |||
Roberts, George | 1698 | |||
Brother | Roberts, Henry | 1700 | 1763-11-00 | |
Brother | Roberts II, John | 1702 | ||
Brother | Roberts, William | 1704 | 1760 | |
Brother | Roberts, James | 1707 | 1745-07-23 |
Source References
Kandy Roseth: 091605 KRoseth Family
Source text:
# ID: I614326432
# Name: John, Sr ROBERTS
# Given Name: John, Sr
# Surname: Roberts
# Sex: M
# Birth: 1678 in North Carolina, Virginia or Scotland 1 2
# Death: in Craven Co, North Carolina 1 2 1
# Note:Contact Jan Westmorland at for further inform
ation, notes or to make corrections. I would appreciate any new addition
al information available.
Contact Linda Brown <> for info on Halstead/Coop
er Connections._
Virginia Quit Rent Rolls 1704:
John Roberts 50 acres Essex
SPARACIO, Ruth & Sam; "Deed Abstracts of Fairfax County Virginia 1750-1754
(Deed book C ,27 March 1750 to 17 December 1754)(Deed Book D 1754-1761); T
Antient Press;1320 Mayflower Dr.;McLean, Virginia 22101-3402;1986
"Fairfax County Virginia Deed Book C:pages 113-116
"Indenture 16 Nov 1750 between Edward GRAHAM and of county of Fairfax, par
ish of Cameron, Planter and William WEST of same, Surveyor. ...
Presence of ... George (x) ROBERTS...
Deed Recorded 26 Mar 1751"
"Fairfax County Virginia Deed Book C:pages 260-262
Indenture 11 Feb 1752 between James GRAHAM of Fairfax Co and parish of C
ameron and William WEST of same.. for the sum of 45 L.. sold land in afore
said county it being the land left by Edward GRAHAM the Elder, decease
d, by will to Robert GRAHAM and Stafford GRAHAM which land aforesaid Charl
es GRAHAM inherited as heir to the said land which land and inheritance Ch
arles GRAHAM doth confirm to William WEST..
Presence of John DUREN, Charles (x) GRAHAM
George (x) ROBERTS, Bryan MATHIS
John DANELL , Elizabeth (x) WARE
Sampson HASWELL, James (x) MURRY, William WARE
Date recorded 21 Nov 1752."
"Fairfax County Virginia Deed Book C 370-372
Indenture 13 Oct1752 between Charles GRAHAM of county of Prince Willi
am and William WEST of Fairfax Co and parish of Cameron, Surveyor ... f
or the sum of 50 L sterling... sold parcel of land lying in fork of Bull R
un being part of a tract of land taken up by Edward GRAHAM Senr., decease
d, by deed... bearing the dated 15 May 1731... being all the land and inhe
ritance left to said James GRAHAM by will of his father, Edward GRAHAM, de
ceased, being land and plantation whereon James GRAHAM now lives...
Presence of John DUREN, John DANIEL James GRAHAM
George (x) ROBERTS, William ROBINSON
Deed of Feoffment recorded 31 Mar 1752."
"Fairfax County Virginia Deed Book C:pages 372-374
Indenture between John ROBERTS of the parish of Cameron in the Coun
ty of Fairfax, Planter, and Elizabeth, his wife and Solomon NICHOLLS of t
he parish of Truro in the same county .... for sum of 40 .7.6 current mon
ey of Virginia... sold all those pieces of land being on the north r
un of Pohick... being plantation whereon the said John ROBERTS lately dwel
t, containing 150 acres of the old patent and 70 acres taken up and patent
ed by the said John ROBERTS making in the whole 220 acres...
Presence of R. ROGERS John (x) ROBER
Michl. (x) MOUNTCOCK Elizabeth (x) ROBER
James (x) DYALL, John KING
Date recorded 21 Nov 1752"
BOOK E/1736/1742 page 130:
E-187: Samuel Conner & John Melton of Pr. WIlliam County 393 A. in Pr. W
m. County on fallin Brs. pf Pohick Run adj, Col. Fitzhugh, Simon Connel
l, John Roberts. Surv. by Mr. John Warner. Adj. Edward Doyle, Br. of Accot
ink. 14 Nov. 1740.
"Fairfax County Virginia Deed Book D:pages 217-220
Indenture 15 Oct 1755 between Robert CARTER Esqr. of Westmoreland Coun
ty and George consideration of rents... farm let ... 145 acr
es being in parish of Cameron in County of Fairfax on Goose Creek being pa
rt of a tract of 11,000 acres called Goose Creek tract ... during the natu
ral lives of Sarah ROBERTS his wife, George ROBERTS Eldest son and Robe
rt CARTER... paying yearly rent of Three L Ten Shillings..
Presence of Jas. LANE, Robert CARTER
Joseph POWER, Stephn. LEE George ROBERTS
Fairfax. I do assign my whole right to this lease to Mr.Robert WOOD...26 J
17565Father: Andrew, Sr ROBERTS b: Abt 1657 in Wales
Mother: UNKNOWN ANN b: Abt 1659Marriage 1 Ann SHACKLEFORD
* Married: 1698 in Craven Co, North Carolina 1 2 1
1. Has Children George ROBERTS b: Abt 1698 in Fairfax County, Virginia
2. Has Children Henry ROBERTS b: Abt 1700 in Fairfax Co, Virginia
3. Has Children John, Jr ROBERTS b: Abt 1702 in Fairfax County, Virginia
4. Has Children William ROBERTS b: Abt 1704 in Fairfax County, Virginia
5. Has Children James, Sr ROBERTS b: Abt 1707 in Fairfax County, VirginiaSources:
1. Title: Vincent Roberts.FTW
2. Title: K. Roseth Family File
Repository: -
Source text: