Orr, Isaac 1 2 3 4 5a

Birth Name Orr, Isaac
Gender male
Age at Death 90 years, 3 months, 22 days


1900 Census, Bayliss Twp., Pope Co., AR 12 June, 1900 by Thomas H Robinson
83-88 Orr, Barney Head W M Feb 1833 __ M 32 TN KY VA Farmer
Mary Ann Wife W F Apr 18__ __ M 32 10-8 KY TN TN
Clara B Dau W F Jan 1877 23 S AR TN KY
Newton Son W M Feb 1880 20 S AR TN KY Farm labor
Mary J Dau W F Mar 1886 14 S AR TN KY
Sarah E Dau W F Feb 1888 12 S AR TN KY
Pope Co., AR marriage records, 1892-1910, Orr, I.N., 23, of Famous and Mollie Smith, 18, of Salerno, both of Pope Co., AR. M. 24 Dec. 1902 by Homer Rushing, MG. (Cr. Johnson Co., Ark) Filed 21 Jan. 1903 Bk. H., P. 521 General index to Marriage Records, Pope Co., AR Courthouse has this marriage listed as FM Orr and Mollie Smith 1903 Book H page 521.
Military Records > World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 > Missouri > Joplin City > 0 > Draft Card O
Name: Isaac Newton Orr
City: Joplin
County: Jasper
State: Missouri
Birth Date: 26 Feb 1880
Race: White
Roll: 1683329
DraftBoard: 0
Age: 38
Occupation:Eagle Pitcher Lead Co.
Nearest Relative:Mollie Ella Orr, 1417 Perkman Ave, Joplin, Jasper Co., MO
Registration Place:Joplin, MO 9-12-1918 by Fred P Huber
Height: Tall
Build: Slim
Color of Eyes: Blue
Color of Hair: Light
Signature: Isaac Newton Orr
1920 Census Bacon Ridge, no # Joplin, Jasper Co., MO > District 49 8 Feb 1920 by J D Marcum 5B
125-125 Orr, Isaac N Head M W 39 M AR MS KY Laborer, smelter
Mollie E Wife F W 35 M AR AL IL
Luin S Son M W 15 S AR AR AR
Mary E Dau F W 13 S AR AR AR
Ruby Louise Dau F W 8 S AR AR AR
Robt N Son M W 6 S AR AR AR
1930 Census Galena Twp., Joplin City, MO 8 May 1930 by Lina E Duckett Sheet 11 A
247 Orr, Issac M Head O 300 No M W 50 M 23 NO YES AR TN KY Iceman Ice Co.
Mollie E Wife F W 45 M 18 AR AL IL none
Ruby L Dau F W 18 S AR AR AR none
Robert N Son M W 16 S AR AR AR Painter Garage
248 Collins, Marcus E Head O 100 No M W 24 M 19 KS Unknown Serviceman Refer Co.
Mary E Wife F W 23 M 18 AR AR AR
Edward O Son M W 4 S MO KS AR
Winema F Dau F W 3 S MO KS AR
Social Security Death Index
Name Birth Date Death Date Last Residence(City,County,State) Issued SSN
ISAAC ORR 26 Feb 1880 Jun 1970 Potter, Atchison, KS MO (Before 1951 ) 491-07-8877


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1880-02-26 Atkins, Pope Co., AR   1
Death 1970-06-19 Winchester, Jefferson Co., KS   2

Age: 90y 3m 24d

Burial 1970-06-25 Sandia Memory Gardens, Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., NM   6
Christening 6 491-07-8877    
Census 1930-05-08 Missouri, Jasper Co., Galena Twp, Joplin City, Bacon Ridge Add    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father ORR, BARNEY ORINGTON1833-02-021902-12-01
Mother DENNISON, MARY ANN1849-04-001903-04-05
    Sister     Orr, Alwilda Allie 1868-12-09 1930-03-03
    Brother     Orr, James E 1870-08-24 1893-12-15
    Brother     Orr, William Justice 1872-08-12 1908-11-17
    Brother     Orr, John Wesley 1874-12-09 1936-04-29
    Sister     Orr, Clara Belle 1877-01-15 1938-01-00
         Orr, Isaac 1880-02-26 1970-06-19
    Sister     Orr, Lulu Elsie 1881-12-18 1904-12-19
    Sister     Orr, Mary Julia 1886-03-03 1959
    Brother     Orr, Baby Boy 1888-02-25 1888-02-27
    Sister     Orr, Sarah Elizabeth 1888-02-25 1967


Family of Orr, Isaac and Orr, Mollie

Married Wife Orr, Mollie ( * 1884-09-15 + 1962-12-12 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1902-12-31 Dover, Pope Co., AR Religious Marriage 7

Received from Marjorie Orr April 24, 2003 copy of Marriage License and certificate of marriage. Original in my possession.

Marriage License
State of Arkansas
County of Pope To any person authorized by law to solemnize marriage--Greetings:
You are hereby commanded to solemnize the Rite and publish the Banns of Matrimony between Mr. I.N. Orr of Famous in the County of Pope and State of Arkansas aged 23 years; and Miss Mollie Smith of Salerno in the County of Pope and State of Arkansas aged 18 years; according to law, and do you officially sign and return this License to the parties herein named.
Witness my hand and official seal, this 20th day of Dec., AD 1903
G S Falls, County Clerk

Certificate of Marriage
State of Arkansas,
County of Pope
I HOMER RUSHING do hereby certify that on the 31st day of December, 1902, I did, duly and according to law as commanded in the foregoing License, solemnize the Rite and publish the Banns of Matrimony between the parties therin named.
My credentials are recorded in Recorder's Office Johnson County, Ark., Book A Page 25
Witness my hand, this 31st day of December, AD 1902
Homer Rushing
Filed and duly recorded this 21st day of Jan, 1903
G S Falls, Clerk and Ex-officio Recorder.

Name Birth Date Death Date
Orr, Luin Smith1904-10-061962-03-12
Orr, Mary Eva1906-08-011982-08-10
Orr, Mildred Valley1908-10-061908-10-06
Liming, Ruby1911-12-221989-12-09
Orr, Robert Newton1914-01-021944-10-30

Source References

  1. Civil War Pension application for Barney Orr
  2. Personal knowledge of Velma Wood
  3. Broderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 5, Social Security Death Index: U.S., Date of Import: Mar 25, 2001, Internal Ref. #
  4. Ancestry.com. census online
  5. Velma: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=555ed&id=I0700 ORR FAMILY
      • Source text:

        # ID: I0700
        # Name: WILLIAM DENNISON 1 2
        # Sex: M
        # Name: William Dennison 3 2
        # Birth: 1783 in Pittsylvania County, VA 4
        # Birth: 1783 2
        # Birth: 1783 in Pittsylvania, VA, USA 3
        # Birth: 1783 in Pittsylvania, Virginia, USA 2
        # Death: 1863 in Grayson Co., KY 5
        # Death: 1860 in Grayson, Kentucky, USA 2
        # Death: 1860 in Grayson, KY, USA 3
        # Census: 26 SEP 1850 Grayson Co., KY
        # Census: 12 OCT 1860 Grayson Co., KY Litchfield PO 6
        # Residence: 26 SEP 1850 Grayson Co., KY
        # Residence: 12 OCT 1860 Grayson Co., KY Litchfield PO 6
        # Reference Number: 700
        # Note:

        Emigrated to Grayson County KY via Breckenridge Co. KY about 1815.

        1850 Census Grayson Co., Ky 26 Sep 1850 by W L Conklin
        866-866 William Denison 67 Farmer 300 VA***
        Jane 67 MD
        Catherine 37 VA
        1860 Census Grayson Co., KY Litchfield PO 12 Oct 1860 by Anderson Gray
        1158-1158 William Denison 76 Farmer 400 800 VA***
        Patsy Collard 35 Serving KY ( Dau of William, Martha Patsy)
        Sarah J Collard 13 KY
        Malinda Collard 11 KY
        Hetty Collard 7 KY





        Father: Benjamin Dennison b: 1755 in Pittsylvania, Virginia, USA
        Mother: Drucilla b: 1760 in Virginia, USA

        Marriage 1 Jennie Jane Barnes b: ABT 1783 in MD

        * Married: 4 OCT 1803 in Pittsylvania, Virginia, USA 2
        * Married: 1803 in Pittsylvania Co., VA 5


        1. Has Children JAMES A DENNISON b: ABT 1818 in Grayson Co., KY
        2. Has No Children Daniel Dennison b: 1804 in VA
        3. Has Children Trammel Dennison b: ABT 1807 in VA
        4. Has Children Henry D Dennison b: 1809 in VA
        5. Has Children Catherine Kittie Dennison b: ABT 1812 in VA
        6. Has Children Susan Anderson Dennison b: ABT 1815 in KY
        7. Has No Children Nancy Ann Dennison b: 1820 in VA, USA
        8. Has Children Martha Patsy Dennison b: ABT 1825 in KY
        9. Has Children Joseph Josiah Dennison b: 1826 in VA, USA
        10. Has Children Elizabeth A Betsy Dennison b: ABT 1828 in Grayson Co., KY



        1. Title: 1850 United States Federal Census
        Author: Ancestry.com
        Publication: Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2005
        Note: United States of America, Bureau of the Census, Seventh Census of the United States, 1850, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1850
        Note: www.ancestry.com
        Media: Ancestry.com
        Text: 67 yrs old
        2. Title: One World Tree (sm)
        Author: Ancestry.com
        Publication: Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., n.d.
        Note: www.ancestry.com
        Media: Ancestry.com
        Text: Online publication - Ancestry.com. OneWorldTree [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc.
        3. Title: One World Tree (sm)
        Author: Ancestry.com
        Publication: Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., n.d.
        Note: www.ancestry.com
        Media: Ancestry.com
        Text: Ancestry.com. One World Tree (sm) [database online]. Provo, UT: MyFamily.com, Inc.
        4. Title: Family Search Internet
        Media: Book
        Text: Pedigree Resource File
        5. Title: GENCIRCLES, Lynda Sumners, Jackson/ Sumners Roots
        Media: Book
        6. Title: 1860 United States Federal Census
        Author: Ancestry.com
        Publication: Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2004
        Note: United States of America, Bureau of the Census, Eighth Census of the United States, 1860, Washington, D.C.: National Archives and Records Administration, 1860
        Note: www.ancestry.com
        Media: Ancestry.com



      • Citation:

        e-mail: v_kwood@yahoo.com

  6. Contributed by Cheryl Harris : Sandia Memory Garden,Albuquerque, Bernalillo Co., New Mexico
  7. Marriage Certificate