Rucker, Nancy Jane

Birth Name Rucker, Nancy Jane
Gender female
Age at Death about 54 years


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1776 Virginia, United States    
Death about 1830 Anderson, Kentucky, United States    

Age: 54y

Relation to the center person (verch Gwrgeneu, Gwerfyl) : fifth cousin nineteen times removed (down)


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Rucker, Ephraim1758about 1818
Mother Randall, Elizabeth17401818
         Rucker, Nancy Jane 1776 about 1830
    Brother     Rucker, Gideon 1780 1814


  1. Rucker, Ephraim
    1. Randall, Elizabeth
      1. Rucker, Nancy Jane
      2. Rucker, Gideon