Poteet, Francis

Birth Name Poteet, Francis
Gender male
Age at Death 49 years


James Phillips 15.25 A BA £426.18.5 £426.18.5 Aug 26 1696
The amount of the inventory also included #269502. The amount of the accounts also included #210268.
Payments to: James Wroth, George Gunnell, Robert Drysdale, George Gunnell pursuant to an order by Edward Boothbey.
List of debts: Jenkin Griffith (runaway), Charles Green (dead), Edward Lunn, Joseph Story (dead), Thomas Paddisone, Capt. Henry Smith (none such to be found), Lawrance Hatch (dead), Marcus Lynch (no effects to be found), Matthew Hudson (no effects to be found), Thomas Lightfoote (no effects), Daniell Lawrence (dead), William Osborne, Jr. (runaway), James Cozens (dead), James Fugate (runaway), Edward Mumford, Robert Burman (dead), James Glaeby (dead), Charles Pine (dead), Peter Brangwell (dead), Walter Bowen (dead), John Lillington (dead), Michaell Smith (runaway), John Adkin (dead), Christopher
Bremridge (runaway), Samuell Brand (dead), John Cheeks (dead), William Jones (dead), James Lands (runaway), Henry Lawrence (runaway), Garret Cammatt (runaway), Samuell Underwood (runaway), Edward Goff (runaway), Samuell Adams (runaway), Andrew Wattson (dead), Francis Hesia (runaway), John Jennings (runaway), Joseph Smith (runaway), Christopher Buttler (runaway), Mr. Burman (dead), William Morgan (runaway), William Cane (runaway), Edward Jessop
(runaway), Thomas Wileham (runaway), John Nichollson, John Bapte (no effects to be found), John Cover (runaway), Andrew Hickey (dead), Robert Ratcliff (runaway), Edward Reeves (dead), John River (runaway), Edward Marshall (dead), Nicholas Rogier (dead), John Miles, Robert Gaskin (dead), John Dixon (runaway), Robert Gates (dead),William Hill (dead), Jarviss Lassells (runaway), Roger Spinks (runaway), John Evins (runaway), John Parsley (dead), John Jesse (runaway), Thomas Barker (runaway), Timothy Dawson (dead), Gustovus Steward (dead), William Cole (dead), Abraham Rodgers (runaway), Gabriell Mason (runaway), John Heathcott (runaway), Thomas Limpasse (runaway), John Purnell (runaway), Nicholas Nichollson (dead), William Robinson (runaway),
Madam Talbott (runaway), Thomas Norcum (runaway), William Hammilton (runaway), Thomas Scudamore (dead), John Hammon (runaway), Henry Jenken (runaway), John Thomas (runaway), Robert Kemble (dead), Edward Pinner (runaway), Peter Ellis (dead), Henry Exon (dead), Joshua Slater (runaway), Charles Ranger (runaway), Thomas Sandcraft (runaway), Thomas Bowen(runaway), James Taylor (dead),
Jenifer (runaway), Francis Poteete (dead), John Hathway (dead), Hugh
Elbert (runaway)^ William Brookes (dead), John Wright, George Cunningham (runaway), Marke Richardson.
Distribution to: Benjamin Arnold (father-in-law of executor, one-third), Anthony Phillips (one-quarter), executor, Mary Phillips (daughter), Martha Phillips (daughter).
Executor: James Phillips (son)
Hamilton, John, Calvert Co., 12th Aug, 1693; 6th Feb., 1693.
To John Griggs, personalty.
Son-in-law William Brebentine, ex. and residuary legatee of estate, real and personal.
Test: Lewis Putte, Francis Putte, Rich'd Shurley, Jno. Griggs. 2. 240.
HUGH ALLEN, 225 acs. Chas. Riv. Co., 18 Oct. 1638, p. 633. N. upon Mr. Roulstons first devdt., bounded on W. with land graunted to Martin Baker & on E. with land of Robert Beaw. 150 acs. in right of trans. of 3 pers. the 1st yr. to said Chas. Riv: John Potter, Thomas Jefferyes, Thomas Man; & 75 acs. for the adv. of himself & 2 pers: Abraham Caine, Charles Allen the 2nd yr.
SAME. 100 acs. Same Co., date & page. Adj. the above tract & on the W. adj. land of John Poteete. Due for his own per. adv. & trans. of his son Charles into this colony.



Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1643 St. Johns, Baltimore, Maryland, USA   1
Death 1692 St. Johns Parish, Baltimore, Maryland   1

Age: 49y


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Patitte, Giovanni1610
Mother , Ann
         Poteet, Francis 1643 1692


Family of Poteet, Francis and Carraway, Mary Elizabeth

Married Wife Carraway, Mary Elizabeth ( * 1651 + 1692 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1662 Baltimore, Maryland   1
Name Birth Date Death Date
Poteet, John16921720-03-03