Druin, Elizabeth Ann 1a

Birth Name Druin, Elizabeth Ann
Nick Name Bettie
Gender female
Age at Death 76 years, 6 months, 6 days


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1811-09-09 Virginia   1b
Death 1888-03-15 Taylor County, Kentucky   2a

Age: 76y 6m 6d


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Druin, William17751843-01-18
Mother Milby, Harriet17801834-01-00
    Brother     Druin, William 1800
    Brother     Druin, Johnson 1802
    Brother     Druin, Samuel 1802
    Sister     Druin, Mary Ann “Polly” 1804
    Brother     Druin, Benjamin 1808
    Sister     Druin, Martha 1809 1873-01-20
    Sister     Druin, Sarah “Sally” 1810
         Druin, Elizabeth Ann 1811-09-09 1888-03-15
    Sister     Druin, Mariah J. 1811-09-09
    Brother     Druin, George William 1815 1866-03-06
    Sister     Druin, Catherine 1821 1880
    Sister     Druin, Clarissa Tyler 1825-02-00 1904-04-19


Family of Underwood, Thomas E. and Druin, Elizabeth Ann

Married Husband Underwood, Thomas E. ( * 1811-09-09 + 1887-08-08 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1831-07-20 Green Co., KY Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
Underwood, William Thomas1832-10-081923-02-00
Underwood, Ellen1834
Underwood, John1836
Underwood, Catharine A.18381920
Underwood, Andrew Jackson1840-05-151889-08-12
Underwood, Clarissa1841-11-271901-03-02
Underwood, Samuel Druin1843-04-191934-11-02
Underwood, Jane1844-10-141889-11-16
Underwood, George Durrett1847-10-011933-11-08
Underwood, Mary E.1850-08-00
Underwood, James D.1850-08-001898
Underwood, Benjamin Owens1855-02-221857-08-18
Underwood, Sarah M.1857-03-25

Source References

  1. Emmett Leo Skaggs: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=skaggsel11&id=I02668 Skaggs Ancestors and Related Families
      • Source text:

        # ID: I02668
        # Name: William Druin
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: ABT 1775 in VA
        # Death: 18 JAN 1843 in Green Co., KY
        # Note:

        1. Info from WFT Vol3 family 6109.

        2. Info from http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~alberta/druin.htm

        William Druin, was born about 1775 in VA and died January 18, 1843 in Green Co., KY. William moved from Buckingham Co., VA to Green Co., KY by 1815. He is on the 1810 Tax List of Buckingham, VA. In 1831 he purchased land in Green Co., KY. In 1836/1840, a William Druin sold 10 acres in Buckingham Co., VA to John Druen. William wrote his will on December 09, 1842 in Green Co., KY. The will was proven on January 18, 1843 in Green Co., KY. His religion was Baptist and he was a farmer. December 9 1842 - Will of William Druen; My daughter Clarisa T. Druen get furniture. My wife, Susannah, gets personal property, one cow and cart, with fore bonds of $55. each to me from William Underwood during widowhood. After her death, it is to be equally divided between my hereafter named children, Johnston Druen, William Druen, Samuel Druen, George Druen, Benjamin Druen, Martha Pervise, Polly Thompson, Elizabeth Underwood, Mariah Underwood, Sally Jones, Catharine Buby, Clasey Druen; Executor Archibald Webster; Signed William Druen; Witnesses John Barbee, George Hazelwood and William P. Smith; Produced Jan 16 1843; Proven by John Barbee and George Hazelwood; Recorded Jan 18 1843 by John Barret. He married first Harriet Milby in about 1800 in VA. Harriet died about 1833 in Green Co., KY. She was the daughter of John Milby and Catherine Larimore. William married again to Susannah Milby on January 16, 1834 in Green Co., KY. Susannah died after 1857. The children of William Druin and Harriet Milby were :

        1. William Druin was born about 1806 in VA and died after 1860. In 1830 he is found on the Green Co., KY census. He had left KY by 1852. He was found in TN on the 1860 census of Jasper, Marion Co. with Catherine and three children. He married Catherine Chaudoin on October 19, 1824 in Green Co., KY.
        2. Johnson Druin was born about 1801 in VA and died about 1851 in Taylor Co., KY. He was found on the Taylor Co., KY Tax Books from 1849 to 1851. He married first to Martha Allen on November 30, 1824 in Green Co., KY and second to Malinda Jones on August 20, 1831 in Green Co., KY.
        3. Samuel Druin was born in 1802.
        4. Mary Ann Druin was born in 1804 in VA and died in MO. She married Israel Thompson on February 20, 1829 in Greensboro, Green Co., KY.
        5. Martha Druin was born about 1808 in Taylor Co., VA. She married Jesse Pervis on January 1, 1829 in Green Co., KY.
        6. Benjamin Druin was born in 1808.
        7. Sarah Druin was born about 1810. She married Nathan S. Jones on February 22, 1834 in Green Co., KY.
        8. Elizabeth Ann Druin was born September 9, 1811 in VA and died March 15, 1888 in Taylor Co., KY. She married Thomas E. Underwood on July 20, 1831 in Green Co., KY.
        9. Mariah J. Druin was born September 9, 1811 in VA. She married William A. Underwood on July 20, 1831 in Green Co., KY.
        10. George William Druin was born about 1815 in VA and died in March of 1866 in LaRue Co., KY. He married Celia Perkins on July 9, 1836 in LaRue Co., KY.
        11. Catherine Druin was born about 1822 in KY and died about 1878 in KY. She married Isaiah Zachariah Bewley on December 21, 1843 in Green Co., KY.
        ***12. Clarissa Tyler Druin was born in February of 1825 in Green Co., KY and died April 19, 1904 in LaRue Co., KY. She married Benjamin J. Gaddie on November 21, 1843 in Green Co., KY.

        3. WILL: William Druen, 1842 - Green County, Kentucky

        Contributed to the USGW Kentucky Archives by:
        Darlene Homme dhomme@telusplanet.net
        July 25, 1999

        This is from the Green Co., KY Will Records, Book 3, pg 12, 43, 44 - December 9 1842

        Will of William Druen; My daughter Clarisa T. Druen get furniture. My wife, Susannah,
        gets personal property, one cow and cart, with fore bonds of $55. each to me from
        William Underwood during widowhood. After her death, it is to be equally divided
        between my hereafter named children, Johnston Druen, William Druen, Samuel Druen,
        George Druen, Benjamin Druen, Martha Pervise, Polly Thompson, Elizabeth Underwood,
        Mariah Underwood, Sally Jones, Catharine Buby, Clasey Druen; Executor Archibald
        Webster; Signed William Druen; Witnesses John Barbee, George Hazelwood and William P.
        Smith; Produced Jan 16 1843; Proven by John Barbee and George Hazelwood; Recorded Jan
        18 1843 by John Barret.

        USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced inany format
        for profit or presentation by any other organization orpersons. Persons or
        organizations desiring to use this material,must obtain the written consent of the
        contributor, or the legalrepresentative of the submitter, and contact the listed
        USGenWebarchivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to
        the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.





        Father: John Druin b: 1749 in VA

        Marriage 1 Susannah Harriet Milby b: ABT 1780 in VA

        * Married: BEF 1801 in VA


        1. Has No Children Johnston Druin b: ABT 1801 in VA
        2. Has No Children William Druin , Jr. b: ABT 1801 in VA
        3. Has No Children Samuel Druin b: 1802
        4. Has No Children Mary Ann Druin b: 1804 in VA
        5. Has No Children Martha Druin b: 1806 in Green Co., KY
        6. Has No Children Benjamin Druin b: 1808
        7. Has No Children Sarah Druin b: 1810
        8. Has Children Elizabeth Ann Druin b: 9 SEP 1811 in VA
        9. Has Children Mariah J. Druin b: 9 SEP 1811 in VA
        10. Has Children George William Druin b: 1815 in VA
        11. Has Children Catherine "Kitty" Druin b: ABT 1821 in KY
        12. Has Children Clarissa Tyler Druin b: FEB 1825 in KY

      • Citation:

        e-mail: lskaggs@crosslink.net

      • Source text:

        # ID: I02668
        # Name: William Druin
        # Sex: M
        # Birth: ABT 1775 in VA
        # Death: 18 JAN 1843 in Green Co., KY
        # Note:

        1. Info from WFT Vol3 family 6109.

        2. Info from http://homepages.rootsweb.com/~alberta/druin.htm

        William Druin, was born about 1775 in VA and died January 18, 1843 in Green Co., KY. William moved from Buckingham Co., VA to Green Co., KY by 1815. He is on the 1810 Tax List of Buckingham, VA. In 1831 he purchased land in Green Co., KY. In 1836/1840, a William Druin sold 10 acres in Buckingham Co., VA to John Druen. William wrote his will on December 09, 1842 in Green Co., KY. The will was proven on January 18, 1843 in Green Co., KY. His religion was Baptist and he was a farmer. December 9 1842 - Will of William Druen; My daughter Clarisa T. Druen get furniture. My wife, Susannah, gets personal property, one cow and cart, with fore bonds of $55. each to me from William Underwood during widowhood. After her death, it is to be equally divided between my hereafter named children, Johnston Druen, William Druen, Samuel Druen, George Druen, Benjamin Druen, Martha Pervise, Polly Thompson, Elizabeth Underwood, Mariah Underwood, Sally Jones, Catharine Buby, Clasey Druen; Executor Archibald Webster; Signed William Druen; Witnesses John Barbee, George Hazelwood and William P. Smith; Produced Jan 16 1843; Proven by John Barbee and George Hazelwood; Recorded Jan 18 1843 by John Barret. He married first Harriet Milby in about 1800 in VA. Harriet died about 1833 in Green Co., KY. She was the daughter of John Milby and Catherine Larimore. William married again to Susannah Milby on January 16, 1834 in Green Co., KY. Susannah died after 1857. The children of William Druin and Harriet Milby were :

        1. William Druin was born about 1806 in VA and died after 1860. In 1830 he is found on the Green Co., KY census. He had left KY by 1852. He was found in TN on the 1860 census of Jasper, Marion Co. with Catherine and three children. He married Catherine Chaudoin on October 19, 1824 in Green Co., KY.
        2. Johnson Druin was born about 1801 in VA and died about 1851 in Taylor Co., KY. He was found on the Taylor Co., KY Tax Books from 1849 to 1851. He married first to Martha Allen on November 30, 1824 in Green Co., KY and second to Malinda Jones on August 20, 1831 in Green Co., KY.
        3. Samuel Druin was born in 1802.
        4. Mary Ann Druin was born in 1804 in VA and died in MO. She married Israel Thompson on February 20, 1829 in Greensboro, Green Co., KY.
        5. Martha Druin was born about 1808 in Taylor Co., VA. She married Jesse Pervis on January 1, 1829 in Green Co., KY.
        6. Benjamin Druin was born in 1808.
        7. Sarah Druin was born about 1810. She married Nathan S. Jones on February 22, 1834 in Green Co., KY.
        8. Elizabeth Ann Druin was born September 9, 1811 in VA and died March 15, 1888 in Taylor Co., KY. She married Thomas E. Underwood on July 20, 1831 in Green Co., KY.
        9. Mariah J. Druin was born September 9, 1811 in VA. She married William A. Underwood on July 20, 1831 in Green Co., KY.
        10. George William Druin was born about 1815 in VA and died in March of 1866 in LaRue Co., KY. He married Celia Perkins on July 9, 1836 in LaRue Co., KY.
        11. Catherine Druin was born about 1822 in KY and died about 1878 in KY. She married Isaiah Zachariah Bewley on December 21, 1843 in Green Co., KY.
        ***12. Clarissa Tyler Druin was born in February of 1825 in Green Co., KY and died April 19, 1904 in LaRue Co., KY. She married Benjamin J. Gaddie on November 21, 1843 in Green Co., KY.

        3. WILL: William Druen, 1842 - Green County, Kentucky

        Contributed to the USGW Kentucky Archives by:
        Darlene Homme dhomme@telusplanet.net
        July 25, 1999

        This is from the Green Co., KY Will Records, Book 3, pg 12, 43, 44 - December 9 1842

        Will of William Druen; My daughter Clarisa T. Druen get furniture. My wife, Susannah,
        gets personal property, one cow and cart, with fore bonds of $55. each to me from
        William Underwood during widowhood. After her death, it is to be equally divided
        between my hereafter named children, Johnston Druen, William Druen, Samuel Druen,
        George Druen, Benjamin Druen, Martha Pervise, Polly Thompson, Elizabeth Underwood,
        Mariah Underwood, Sally Jones, Catharine Buby, Clasey Druen; Executor Archibald
        Webster; Signed William Druen; Witnesses John Barbee, George Hazelwood and William P.
        Smith; Produced Jan 16 1843; Proven by John Barbee and George Hazelwood; Recorded Jan
        18 1843 by John Barret.

        USGENWEB ARCHIVES NOTICE: These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced inany format
        for profit or presentation by any other organization orpersons. Persons or
        organizations desiring to use this material,must obtain the written consent of the
        contributor, or the legalrepresentative of the submitter, and contact the listed
        USGenWebarchivist with proof of this consent. The submitter has given permission to
        the USGenWeb Archives to store the file permanently for free access.





        Father: John Druin b: 1749 in VA

        Marriage 1 Susannah Harriet Milby b: ABT 1780 in VA

        * Married: BEF 1801 in VA


        1. Has No Children Johnston Druin b: ABT 1801 in VA
        2. Has No Children William Druin , Jr. b: ABT 1801 in VA
        3. Has No Children Samuel Druin b: 1802
        4. Has No Children Mary Ann Druin b: 1804 in VA
        5. Has No Children Martha Druin b: 1806 in Green Co., KY
        6. Has No Children Benjamin Druin b: 1808
        7. Has No Children Sarah Druin b: 1810
        8. Has Children Elizabeth Ann Druin b: 9 SEP 1811 in VA
        9. Has Children Mariah J. Druin b: 9 SEP 1811 in VA
        10. Has Children George William Druin b: 1815 in VA
        11. Has Children Catherine "Kitty" Druin b: ABT 1821 in KY
        12. Has Children Clarissa Tyler Druin b: FEB 1825 in KY

      • Citation:

        e-mail: lskaggs@crosslink.net

  2. Emmett Leo Skaggs: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=skaggsel11&id=I02449 Skaggs Ancestors and Related Families
      • Source text:

        # ID: I02449
        # Name: Elizabeth Ann Druin
        # Sex: F
        # Birth: 9 SEP 1811 in VA
        # Death: 15 MAR 1888 in Taylor Co., KY
        # Burial: 1888
        # Note:

        1. Info from WFT Vol3 family 6109.

        1. Info from WFT Vol3 family 6109.





        Father: William Druin b: ABT 1775 in VA
        Mother: Susannah Harriet Milby b: ABT 1780 in VA

        Marriage 1 Thomas E. Underwood b: 9 SEP 1811 in Green Co., KY

        * Married: 20 JUL 1831 in Green Co., KY


        1. Has Children William Thomas Underwood b: 8 OCT 1832
        2. Has No Children Ellen Underwood b: 1834
        3. Has No Children John Underwood b: 1836
        4. Has Children Catharine A. Underwood b: 1838
        5. Has Children Andrew Jackson Underwood b: 15 MAY 1840
        6. Has No Children Clarissa Underwood b: 27 NOV 1841
        7. Has Children Samuel Druin Underwood b: 19 APR 1843
        8. Has Children Jane Underwood b: 14 OCT 1844
        9. Has Children George Durrett Underwood b: 1848
        10. Has No Children James D. Underwood b: AUG 1850
        11. Has No Children Mary E. Underwood b: AUG 1850
        12. Has No Children Benjamin Owens Underwood b: 22 FEB 1855
        13. Has No Children Sarah M. Underwood b: 25 MAR 1857

      • Citation:

        e-mail: lskaggs@crosslink.net