Ferrers, Margery Margaret

Birth Name Ferrers, Margery Margaret
Gender female
Age at Death unknown


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1165 Egginton, Derbyshire, England   1a


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father de Ferrieres, Walkelin V11401189-12-31
Mother de Toeni, Gudeheut11371186
    Sister     de Ferrers, Isabel 1160
    Sister     de Ferrers, Ermintrude 1163
    Brother     de Ferrers, Robert 1164 1224
         Ferrers, Margery Margaret 1165
    Sister     de Ferrers, Elizabeth 1166
    Brother     de Ferrieres, Hugh 1167
    Sister     de Ferrers, Agatha 1168
    Brother     de Ferrers, Robert 1177
    Brother     de Ferrieres, Henry
    Brother     de Ferrieres, Peter

Source References

  1. Errol Bevan: http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=bevangenealogy&id=I6900 @ RootsWeb Ancestries of Errol S. BEVAN and Hollie C. ATKINSON BEVAN to ADAM and EVE including REINHARDT and BLOCKER Cousins and more
      • Source text:

        ID: I6900
        Name: Walkelin Lord Egginton De FERRIERES
        Surname: FERRIERES
        Given Name: Walkelin Lord Egginton De
        Sex: M
        Birth: ABT 1140 in Of Oakham, Rutlandshire, England
        Christening: Of Castle, Tutbury, Staffordshire, England
        Death: AFT 31 Dec 1189 in Of Normandy, France
        Burial: BEF 21 Oct 1190 , Seige Of Acre, Jerusalem, Palestine
        Ancestral File #: V9TF-DX
        LDS Baptism: 30 Jan 1932
        Endowment: 2 Mar 1932
        Name Suffix: Earl of Derby
        Ancestral File Number: V9TT-P5
        !-RoyalAncestors- by Michel Call, 1989, chart # 11394.

        Ancestral File Number: FLH6-BR
        !-Royal Ancestors- by Michel Call, 1989, chart # 11426.

        Notes from http://archiver.rootsweb.com/th/read/GEN-MEDIEVAL/2001-08/0998542030

        CP says of Wakelin is that he was son of Henry de Ferrieres who inherited the lands in Normandy from his father, Engenulf or William, brother of Robert, 1st earl. Henry was living in 1136, held Oakham, Rutland and Lechlade, Gloucs. He is father of Wakelin who is known to have had two sons named Henry, Seigneur of Chambrais and Hugh d.s.p.and a daughter Isabel who married 1.Roger de Mortemer of Wigmore d. 1214 and 2. Piers Fitz Herbert of Blaen Llyfni d.1235. Unfortunately, there is no mention of Robert.
        1 2 3
        Change Date: 11 Sep 2007 at 01:00:00

        Father: Henry de FERRIERES b: in Of Oakham, Rutland, and Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England

        Marriage 1 Goda De TONI b: ABT 1140 in Of Eggington, Derbyshire, England c: in Of Castle, Tutbury, Staffordshire, England
        Married: ABT 1162


        Hugh De FERRIERES b: ABT 1167 in Of Lechlade, Gloucestershire, England c: in Of Castle, Tutbury, Staffordshire, England
        Ermintrude De FERRERS b: ABT 1163 in Of Eggington, Derbyshire, England
        Margery Margaret FERRERS b: ABT 1165 in Of Egginton, Derbyshire, England
        Agatha De FERRERS b: ABT 1168 in Of Charltey, Staffordshire, England
        Robert Lord Egginton & Radbourne de FERRERS b: ABT 1177 in Of Tutbury, Stafford, England c: in Egginton & Radbourne, Derby, England
        Elizabeth De FERRERS b: ABT 1166 in Of Tutbury, Staffordshire, England
        Henry de FERRIERES
        Peter de FERRIERES

        Marriage 2 Alice de LECHE
        Isabel De FERRIERES b: ABT 1172 in Of Oakham, Rutlandshire, England c: in Of Castle, Tutbury, Staffordshire, England

        Name: Family History Library
        Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 USA

        Title: Ancestral File (R)
        Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
        Publication: Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998
        Title: WallopFH
        Publication: WALLOP Family History
        Text: The Wallop Family and Their Ancestry by Vernon James Watney, 1928.

        From: "Chris & Tom Tinney, Sr." Subject: Re: The Wallop FamilyDate: Thu, 02 Dec 1999 18:10:59 -0800
        Hampshire Treasures Online, at: Search Hampshire Treasures reveals 159 documents matching "Wallop". Of these, mention is made at: Volume 2 ( Basingstoke and Deane) Page 120 - Farleigh Wallop "The overlordship at the time of the Norman Conquest was held by the king. It was subsequently held by a family who took their name from the village. By the fifteenth century the Wallop family held Farleigh Wallop, and in September 1591 Queen Elizabeth I visited Sir Henry Wallop. During the Civil War Sir Robert Wallop took the Parliamentary side and sat in judgement upon Charles I. He later escaped the death sentence but was imprisoned in the Tower and died there in 1666. The Wallop family continued to hold the manor. Farleigh House was burnt in 1667 and not rebuilt until 1731 by Viscount Lymington, who was created Earl of Portsmouth by his friend George I. Farleigh House is said to have been the site of the Wallops' home since 1414." CONTACT FOR VERIFICATION OF RELIABILITY: Organisation: Hampshire Genealogical Society (Basingstoke) Contact: Mr P McNulty Phone: 0118 982 0364 E-Mail: Peter.Mcnulty@btinternet.com Address: 28 Hawkley... ETC.[ local history societies]: ALSO: "This page provides links to the addresses and opening hours of all public libraries in Hampshire operated by Hampshire County Library Service." Respectfully yours, Tom Tinney, Sr. http://www.dcn.davis.ca.us/~vctinney/homepage.htm#Here Listed in: Who's Who In The West, 1998/1999 Who's Who In Genealogy and Heraldry, [both editions]
        Title: AR7
        Publication: "Ancestral roots of certain American colonists who came to America before 1700",
        The earlier editions were called: "Ancestral roots of sixty colonists who came to New England 1623-1650"
        Text: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists Who Came to America Before 1700. Eighth Edition
        Weis, Frederick Lewis, Ancestral roots of certain American colonists who came to America before 1700; 7th ed., with additions and correctiuons by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. ; assisted by David Faris, Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1992.
        Frederick Lewis Weis. Edited with Additions and Corrections by William R. Beall and Kaleen E. Beall This is the eighth edition of the classic work on the royal ancestry of certain colonists who came to America before the year 1700, and it is the first new edition to appear since 1992, reflecting the change in editorship from the late Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. to his appointed successors William and Kaleen Beall.
        Like the previous editions, it embodies the very latest research in the highly specialized field of royal genealogy. As a result, out of a total of 398 ancestral lines, 91 have been extensively revised and 60 have been added, while almost all lines have had at least some minor corrections, amounting altogether to a 30 percent increase in text. Previous discoveries have now been integrated into the text and recently discovered errors have been corrected. And for the first time, thanks to the efforts of the new editors, this edition contains an every-name index, replacing the cumbersome indexes of the past.
        In addition to Alfred the Great, Charlemagne, Malcolm of Scotland, and Robert the Strong, descents in this work are traced from the following ancestral lines: Saxon and English monarchs, Gallic monarchs, early kings of Scotland and Ireland, kings and princes of Wales, Gallo-Romans and Alsatians, Norman and French barons, the Riparian branch of the Merovingian House, Merovingian kings of France, Isabel de Vermandois, and William de Warenne.
        "The appearance of new editions of Ancestral Roots and Magna Charta Sureties every few years is a strong indication of the demand for a definitive work on the pre- American ancestry of colonists with one or more lines of royal descent."-New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, vol. 124, no. 2, 1993
        Format: Hardcover Pages: 380 pp. Published: 2004 Reprinted: 2006 Price: $35.00 ISBN: 9780806317526 Item #: GPC6193
        Note: Seigneur of Ferrieres-Saint-Hilaire
        REF AR7. Lord of Oakhum, Rutland.
        r. Egginton, Derbyshire, Eng.


      • Citation:
