NORMAN, Clarence Harrison 1a

Birth Name NORMAN, Clarence Harrison
Gender male
Age at Death 60 years, 7 months


1900 census Lafayette Township, West Lafayette village, Coshocton Co., OH.
Roll T623_1250, Page 5A/115A, District 10.
Jun. 4, 1900.
Norman, Isaac C., head, age 40, farmer, married 19 yrs., born in OH., parents born in OH.
Amanda, wife, age 37, married 19 yrs., 3 children with 3 living, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Birdie, dau., age 17, single, born in OH.
Henry C., son, age 15, born in OH.
Clarence, son, age 10, born in OH.

1910 census Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.
Norman, Isaac H., head, age 47, born in OH., farmer, married 26 yrs., parents born in OH.
Amanda E., wife, age 46, 4 children with 4 living, born in OH., parents born in OH.
Clarence, son, age 19, single, born in IA.
Freddie, son, age 8, born in OH.

Birth & death dates verified from Fairfield Cemetery records, West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH. Sec. C1.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record [NOTE- Was Divorced when card was filled-out]
Name: Clarence Harrison Norman
City: Not Stated
County: Tuscarawas
State: Ohio
Birthplace: Ohio;United States of America
Birth Date: 24 Jun 1890
Race: Caucasian
Roll: 1851247
DraftBoard: 2

Actual Text of Registration Card:
World War 1 Draft Registration Card: Form A.

Front of Card
Top Line: Form 1, [Stamped] 845 Registration Card No: 26
1. Name: Clarence Harrison Norman Age: 26
2. Home Address: Newcomerstown Tuscarawas Ohio
3. Date of Birth: June 2nd [or 24] 1890
4. Citizen: Natural Born Citizen
5. Where Born: Lafayette Ohio USA
6. If Not Citizen: [Left Blank]
7. Occupation/Trade: Locomotive Fireman
8. Employer & Where: I.C.C. & St. L Ry Co. [Illinois Central, Chicago, & Saint Louis Railway]
Dennison Ohio
9. Persons Supported: Wife and daughter
10. Martial Status & Race: Married, Caucasian
11: Prior Service: None
12: Claim Exemption: Yes, Only support - Wife and child.
Signature: C. H. Norman
Back of Card
Top Line: Stamped #][ 34-1-20-A Registrar's Report [Written #] 1509
1. Tall [Height] Medium [Build]
2. Eyes: Blue, Hair: L. Brown, Bald: No
3. Physical Disqualified: None
Registrar: E.H. Hart
Precinct: 3 Dennison
City/County: Tuscarawas
State: Ohio
Date: June 5 1917
No Official Rubber Stamp Imprint on Card

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1948 > May > 2
Headline: Real Estate, Business, Industrial Development
Sub-Headline: Retiring Mail Carrier Buys Service Station and Country Store
By-Line: Charlotte Parrish
With the announcement of his retirement June 1, Clarence H. Norman, rural mail carrier the past 26 years and five months, has revealed that he has purchased the Herbert Watson store, service station and residence on Coshocton Route 4. Tomorrow morning he will assume charge of the service station and grocery store, operated the past 17 years by Mr. and Mrs. Watson. The station will continue carrying Standard Oil Co, products. Unable to take an active part in the new business venture because of a severe heart attack suffered Dec. 10, 1947, Mr. Norman will turn the management of both the station and the store over to his wife, Mrs. Nora Norman, his daughter Josephine Hughes, and son, Paul Norman. The Normans have sold their Chestnut st. property to Mrs. Dora M. Wigfield, 719 Walnut st., and plan to move to Route 4 the latter part of May. [2 sentences omitted] Appointed to his post as mail carrier in January of 1922, Mr. Norman carried the Conesville mail route until April of 1923, when he was transferred to Coshocton. He has carried on Coshocton Route since that time and has daily passed the place of business he now owns.

MOTHER'S OBITUARY: [Indicates that Clarence was living on Fresno Route 1 in Feb 1944]
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1944 > February > 16 [WEDNESDAY]
Headline: Aged Woman Dies Tuesday at Home on Fresno Route 1
Text: Mrs. Amanda Ellen Norman, 80, Died at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday at her home on Fresno Rout 1 following a nine-week's illness. Amanda Pope was born July 8, 1863, near Newcomerstown, the daughter of Jere,iah and Sarah Pope. On Nov. 10, 1881, she was married to Isaac Henry Norman, who died April 26 1941. She was a member of the Fresno Methodist church. Surviving are three sons, H.C. Norman Coshocton Route 3, C.H. Norman of Coshocton, and F.F. Norman of Fresno Route 1; four brothers, Oliver, Ed, and Joe Pope, all of Newcomerstown and vicinity, and Charles Pope of Coshocton; two sisters Mrs. Jennie Gardner, Newcomerstown Route, and Mrs. Hattie Haver, Newcomerstown. One daughter and one sister are deceased. Services will be held at the home on Fresno Route 1, Thursday at 2 p.m. with Rev Glenroy Shoup officiating. Burial will be in Fairfield cemetery, West Lafayette.

Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1932 > September > 19
Headline: Rural Routes
Text: Route 4, which serves the Bacon Run, Plainfield, Franklin tp. district, was increased 1.8 miles to serve 19 more families. The total distance of the route is now 36.58 miles. Clarence H. Norman, the carrier, was granted $60 additional salary.

1930 Census, Tuscarawas Township, Ward 4, Coshocton city, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll 1758, Page 23B/162B, District 27, Image 876.0. Census sheet is dated 15 April 1930. Census shows Clarence Norman at age 40, living in a home which he owns and values at $4,500, located at 1627 Chestnut Street, and working for wages as a 'Mail Carrier' for the 'Post Office'. Clarence Norman is not a veteran, and he does not own a radio set. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Nora B. Norman is age 35. The couple has been married 10 years - Nora first married at age 25, which was 10 years ago, and Clarence also put down his age 10 years [age 30] ago as his first marriage, which is not true. There is 1 child in the household: Son Alfred P. Norman is age 6 years.



Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1925 > August > 4
Headline: In Society
Text: Mr. and Mrs. Swirehart [S/B Swigart] and children, Allie, Raymond and Victor of Waynesburg, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Norman and children, Isabelle, Alfred and Paul, of Coshocton, were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Norman and Fred Norman of Fresno Route 1.



1920 Census, Lafayette Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T625_1357, Page 7A/99A, District 29, Image 807. Census sheet is dated 21-23 Jan 1920. [Listing is Mis-Indexed as J.H. Norman] Census shows 'I.H.' [Isaac H.] Norman at age 59, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife 'Mandy' [Amanda] E. Norman is age 56. There are 2 children in the household: Son 'Freddie' [Fred] F. Norman is age 18, working for wages at 'Labor' doing 'Farm Labor'; and divorced Son Clarence Norman is age 27, working for wages at 'Labor' doing 'Farm Labor'.



World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record [NOTE- Was Divorced when card was filled-out]
Name: Clarence Harrison Norman
City: Not Stated
County: Tuscarawas
State: Ohio
Birthplace: Ohio;United States of America
Birth Date: 24 Jun 1890
Race: Caucasian
Roll: 1851247
DraftBoard: 2

Actual Text of Registration Card:
World War 1 Draft Registration Card: Form A.

Front of Card
Top Line: Form 1, [Stamped] 845 Registration Card No: 26
1. Name: Clarence Harrison Norman Age: 26
2. Home Address: Newcomerstown Tuscarawas Ohio
3. Date of Birth: June 2nd [or 24] 1890
4. Citizen: Natural Born Citizen
5. Where Born: Lafayette Ohio USA
6. If Not Citizen: [Left Blank]
7. Occupation/Trade: Locomotive Fireman
8. Employer & Where: I.C.C. & St. L Ry Co. [Illinois Central, Chicago, & Saint Louis Railway]
Dennison Ohio
9. Persons Supported: Wife and daughter
10. Martial Status & Race: Married, Caucasian
11: Prior Service: None
12: Claim Exemption: Yes, Only support - Wife and child.
Signature: C. H. Norman

Back of Card
Top Line: Stamped #][ 34-1-20-A Registrar's Report [Written #] 1509
1. Tall [Height] Medium [Build]
2. Eyes: Blue, Hair: L. Brown, Bald: No
3. Physical Disqualified: None
Registrar: E.H. Hart
Precinct: 3 Dennison
City/County: Tuscarawas
State: Ohio
Date: June 5 1917
No Official Rubber Stamp Imprint on Card



Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1914 > October > 13
Headline: Norman Case Appealed
Text: Papers were filed in common pleas court Saturday by both sides in the divorce case of Anna Nell Norman vs. Clarence H. Norman of West Lafayette. Neither party was granted a divorce when the case was heard in probate court a few weeks ago.


[They Remarried each other since their divorce]
Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1914 > July > 14
Headline: Startling Charges Are Made in Answer to Suit
Text: Alleging that his wife hit him over the head with a poker, and hit him on the arm, answer and cross petition was filed in probate court Monday in the divorce case of Anna Nell Norman vs. Clarence H. Norman. A pecurliar feature of the divorce case is that the couple was married and divorced once before. They were married a second time October 10, 1912, and one child was born to their first marriage. One of the startling allegations contained in the cross petition is that the wife "got religion by attending revival meetings in West Lafayette and confessed to commiting adultry with a well known man in that village." The defendant claims that his wife admitted to deceiving him for more than a year and that when he cautioned her to stay away from the other man, she refused to do so. He claims that she neglected her housework and she often absented herself from the home leaving him to do all the work. He asks for a divorce and custody of their one child.



Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1912 > March > 29
Headline: Divorce Decree to C. Norman
Sun-Headline: West Lafayette Case Disposed of Thursday - Wife Gets Custody of Child
Text: The decision of Judge Ashman in the divorce suit of Clarence H. Norman vs. Anna Nelle Norman, heard in probate court Thursday, was in the nature of a compromise. The husband was given a decree, while Mrs. Norman was given custody of their minor child, alimony for its support and the costs were assessed against the plaintiff. No Reconciliation The case attracted considerable attention in the West Lafayette vicinity, where the parties reside and where thay are prominent. The husband alleged gross neglect of duty in his petition to which the defendant filed an answer and cross-petition. A large number of witnesses from West Lafayette were examined. While on the witness stand, the husband stated that he was willing to agree to a reconciliation but the wife objected to this plan of disposing the case. Alimony For Wife In giving the wife custody of the child, the court directed that the husband shall be allowed to visit the latter monthly until it reaches the age of two years, after which he is to have temporary custody twelve days each year, not more than three of which are to be consecutive. The husband is required to pay $10 monthly toward the support of the child, until it is two years of age, after which he pays $5 monthly until she is 16 years of age. [last sentence omitted]



Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1912 > March > 16
Sub-Headline: Sensational Charges Made by Wife in Cross-Petition to Divorce Suit - Claims also that Husband Threatened Her Life with Razor
Text: The sensational charge that her husband secured, through fraud, the license to marry her, in contained in the answer and cross-petition filed in probate court Friday by Anna Bell Norman to the suit for divorce recentlt filed by Clarence H. Norman. The marriage permit was secured in the Stark county probate court and just what the nature of the alleged fraud was, is not mentioned. Charges Gross Neglect While in her answer, the wife denies practically all the charges made by the husband in his petition, in her cross-petition, she charges him with gross neglect and extreme cruelty. She claims that the plaintiff neglected to contribute to the support of herself and child by reason of his alleged idleness and extravagance. Says Life Threatened As grounds for the charges of extreme cruelty, the wife alleges that on May 14, 1911, he secured his razor and threatened to take her life. However, she was able to escape from the home. She also states that on May 8, 1911 the husband attacked her struck her, knowing her down. Further that he threatened to kill both herself and her mother if either should ever tell of his giving false testimony when he secured the marriage permit in Canton. [last sentence omitted]



Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1912 > February > 25
Headline: ... News of the Courts
Text: Anna Nell Norman, defendant in a suit for divorce filed by Clarence Norman, filed a petition for temporary alimony for support of herself and child.




Historical Newspapers > Coshocton Tribune (Coshocton, Ohio) > 1912 > February > 3
Sub-Headline: Clarence Norman of West Lafayette Brings Suit for Divorce Claiming to have Lost Almost 50 lbs. in Weight.
Text: Alleging that by reason of his wife's bad cooking and cruel treatment, he has fallen off in weight from a normal 170 lbs down to 128 lbs, Clarence H. Norman of West Lafayette brought suit for divorce against Anna Bell Norman in probate court Friday. WOULD STRIKE HIM The plaintiff, in his petition, cites that he was married to the defendant on December 9, 1910 and that they have one child, Josephine Isabel Norman. He alleges that shortly after their marriage, the wife seem to develop a dislike for him and began treating him with extreme cruelty and gross neflect; that she flew into fits of anger at times, when she would strike him with her fists or any object on which she could lay her hands.; further that she became so careless with her cooking, that his health began to fail. On August 21, 1911, he claims she left their home and went to live with her mother. Attorney W.S. Merrell represents the plaintiff.



1910 Census, Lafayette Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, roll T624_1162, Page 8A/121A, District 11. Census sheet is dated 10-12 May 1910. Census shows Isaac H. Norman at age 47, living on a farm which he owns free of mortgage, and working on his own account as a 'Farmer' on a 'Farm'. All members of the household were born in Ohio of parents both born in Ohio. Wife Amanda E. Norman is age 46. The couple have been married 26 years, circa 1883/1884, and Amanda has given birth to 4 children, all still living. There are 2 children in the household: Son Clarence Norman is age 19, working for wages as a 'Laborer' on a 'Farm'; and Son 'Freddie' [Fred] Norman is age 8 years.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1890-06-00 Ohio    
Death 1951      

Age: 61y

Burial   Fairfield Cem., West Lafayette, Lafayette Twp., Coshocton Co., OH.    
Christening D944FFBE36D348C78625DB12843F88C99EE1 1 Jun 2010    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father NORMAN, Isaac Henry1860-10-271941-04-26
Mother POPE, Amanda Ellen1863-07-081944-02-15
    Sister     NORMAN, Bird Mae 1883-03-04 1939-04-04
    Brother     NORMAN, Henry Clifford 1885-10-00
         NORMAN, Clarence Harrison 1890-06-00 1951
    Brother     NORMAN, Fred Foraker 1901 1953
    Sister     NORMAN, Jennie FB9A1D5825C34DBCBEDA20ECEEFE27883A49
    Sister     NORMAN, Hattie D2B7C13E11BE407E8383AD121763559F4854


Family of NORMAN, Clarence Harrison and HARTLEY, Anna Nelle

Married Wife HARTLEY, Anna Nelle ( * 1892-11-25 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1910-12-09 Canton, Stark Co., OH. Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
, Isabelabout 19111962-04-29

Family of NORMAN, Clarence Harrison and ROTHENSTINE, Nora B.

Unknown Partner ROTHENSTINE, Nora B. ( * 1895-04-04 + 1979-01-21 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
NORMAN, Isaac H.1922-03-181922-03-24
NORMAN, Alfred Paul1924-08-021997-05-22

Source References

      • Source text:


        ID: I1240
        Name: John C. **** NORMAN
        Given Name: John C. ****
        Surname: NORMAN
        Suffix: Sr.
        Sex: M
        Birth: 1732 in Hampshire Co., Virginia Colony
        Death: Abt 1824 in Hampshire Co., VA.
        Burial: Virginia
        _UID: 9E22A31DEF6742D8BAF45D87D54A912052CF
        Change Date: 29 Jan 2011 at 10:32
        There is a possibility that John was married 2 times. This is per Shirley Norman Gunn @ Norman @ Rootsweb.

        Listed on Culpeper Co., VA. Tax List for 1783, with his son, William..

        He inherited 1 shilling sterling from his father.

        Norman notebook: Indenture copy for the sale of land by Isaac Means & his wife Ann to John Norman for the sum of 2000 pounds (current money of Virginia). Document dated Nov. 9, 1779.

        Son William served as a Private with the Virginia Troops. From Oct 1780, served 5 months as a substitute for Ezekiel Norman, in Capt. Richard Yancey's Company; in the Spring of 1781 served 2 months as substitute for his father, John C. Norman, in Capt. James Brown's Company, Col. John Green's Regiment. William was in the Battle of Petersburg; later in 1781, he served 2 months in Capt. William Green's Company at the Siege of Yorktown.




        Father: Courtney C. **** NORMAN b: 1705 in Culpeper Co., VA.
        Mother: Mary Frances **** BROWNING b: Abt 1721 in Orange Co., Virginia Colony

        Marriage 1 Sarah **** MCMURRIN b: in Hampshire, VA.
        Married: Bef 1760 in Culpeper Co., VA.
        Change Date: 29 Jan 2011
        Has Children Benjamin **** NORMAN b: 12 Apr 1760 in Culpeper Co., Virginia Colony
        Has Children John NORMAN b: 1761 in Hampshire Co., VA.
        Has Children William NORMAN b: 23 Sep 1763 in Culpeper Co., VA.
        Has No Children Isaac NORMAN b: 1767 in Virginia
        Has No Children Ann NORMAN b: Abt 1771
        Has No Children Sarah NORMAN b: Abt 1772
        Has No Children Mary "Polly" NORMAN b: Abt 1773
        Has Children Henry NORMAN b: Feb 1781 in Hampshire Co., VA.

      • Citation:
