Newman, John
Birth Name | Newman, John |
Gender | male |
Age at Death | unknown |
Third of the Newman sons to come to America was John Newman Jr. , 24, who emigrated to Virginia in 1635 in the ship "Globe". John settled in James City County. where on 1 April 1644 Henry Thompson assigned to him 150 acres of land situated upon Smith' s Fort Creek. He appears to have resided there for about seven years, as between 1652 and 1677, he had acquired in the Northern Neck by letters patent, grant, and deeds, about 4 000 acres of land situated on both sides of Moratico Creek in the present counties of Lancaster and Richmond. He resided near Tarplay's Point, then known as Moratico or Newman's Neck. He married a Miss Wooldridge (about 1655), daughter of Paul Wooldridge, in then Rappahannock County. They had three sons, Alexander, Samuel and John." SOURCE: Gleanings of Virginia History by William Fletcher Boogher.
Relation to main person | Name | Birth date | Death date | Relation within this family (if not by birth) |
Father | Newman, John | 1543 | 1664 | |
Mother | Martin, Elizabeth | 1604 | ||
Brother | Newman, William | 1587 | ||
Brother | Newman, Robert | 1599 | 1670 | |
Newman, John | 1611 | |||
Brother | Newman, Thomas Sr. | 1620 | 1700 |
Source References
George Trotter: Trotter - Skiles Genealogy
Source text:
# ID: I13528
# Name: John NEWMAN
# Prefix: *
# Sex: M
# Birth: AFT 1543 in Bristol, England
# Death: BEF 1664 in Bristol, England
# Occupation: 1609 Member London Virginia Company
# Note: Grocer
# Event: Misc
# Note: Relationshiip: 8th great-grandfather
# _UID: 40887EC4C0C4D611BD2C4445535400008E86
# Note:From Gleanings of Virginia History by William Fletcher Boogher . NEWMAN FAMILY OF VIRGINIA The Newmans were to have gone fro m Germany into England at an extremely e arly date.Thus the fami ly was divided into two separate and distinct li nes, the Germa n and the English. Among the members of the family who came t o Virginia were Robert, Willi am, John Jr., and Thomas Newman. T hey were relatives of John Newman, a g rocer and member of the L ondon Virginia Company in 1609, and in all pro bability came t o Virginia at his suggestion in order to better their fo rtunes . Their descendants are now scattered throughout the South an d W est. Possibly the first of the name in America was Robert N ewman, who came f rom England to Elizabeth City County, Virgini a in the ship "Furthence" i n 1618, aged 19 years. He was livin g in Elizabeth City County in 1624. O n 11 May 1635 he obtaine d a patent for 450 acres of land which he after wards assigned t o Richard Bennett. Robert Newman undoubtedly married an d left , with other children, two, sons, William and John. William mad e h is home in York County and had a son named John. John marrie d Ruth Tabe rer, daughter of Thomas Taberer of the Isle of Wigh t County, and their c hildren were Thomas and Isabella. Secon d was William Newman, 35, who arrived onn the ship "Furtherance " ( N ote: There is 33 years difference of Robert/William and Jo hn Jr. and Th omas. There is a possibility that they could hav e been the uncles to th e two lattter two, or possibly half brot hers through a second marriage o f John Sr.) He settled in Isl e of Wight County, where, on 26 August 164 3 he was granted a pa tent for 550 acres of land situated "northerely to wards the sun ken marsh, easterly upon a swamp, southerly towards the lo wer C hipokes Creek." He married Priscilla and had one daughter, Joan , w ho married Lawrence of Compton-Chamberlain, in Wiltshire, En gland. The w ill of William Newman, Sr. dated 20 Jan 1669 was pr oven in York County. Third was John Newman Jr. 24, who emigrat ed to Virginia in 1635 in the s hip "Globe". John settled in Jam es City County, where on 1 April 1644, H enry Thompson assigne d to him 150 acres of land pm Smith's Fort Creek. H e appears t o have resided there for about seven years, as between 1652 a n d 1677, he had acquired in the Northern Neck by letters patent , grant a nd deeds, about 4,000 acres situated on both sides o f Moratico Creek, i n the present counties of Lancaster and Rich mond. He resided near Tarpl ay's Point, then known as Moratico o r Newman's Neck. He married a Miss W oodbridge (about 1655) daug hter of Paul Woodbridge, in then Rappahannoc k County. They ha d three sons, Alexander, Samuel and John. Fourth was Thomas, br other of John Jr., who came to Virginia in 1635 on t he ship "Pl aine Joan" at the age of 15. Thomas, who was born in Englan d i n 1620, probably settle with his brother John in James Cit y County, Vir ginia, and moved with him to Old Rappahannock Coun ty, Va. by 1666. Thom as married Elizabeth Burdett, daughter o f Henry Burdett Sr. He died ine state, about the beginning of th e year 1700, and his personsl estate wa s appraised at 16,577 po unds of tobacco. It is believed that his childr en were one daug hter (possibly the wife of Avert Naylor), Frances, who m arrie d Johjn McMillan and John Wilson, Elizabeth, Thomas II, John an d G eorge. Others who came to Virginia from England were John w ho settled in Henri co County about 1638; Robert of New Norfol k County about 1636, who prob ably had a son of the same name; T homas of Westmoreland County in 1638; R ichard of Charles City C ounty in 1639; William of Northumberland County i n 1652; and Sa muel, who came in 1654, These were probably sons of John N ewman , a member of the London Virginia Company in 1609.
# Change Date: 9 MAR 2004
Marriage 1 Elizabeth MARTIN b: 1604 in Alconbury, England
* Married: 6 NOV 1621 in Alconbury, Huntingdon, England
1. Has Children William NEWMAN b: 1587 in London, England
2. Has Children Robert NEWMAN b: 1599 in London, England
3. Has Children John NEWMAN b: 1611 in England
4. Has Children Thomas NEWMAN b: 1620 in Willhagen, England c: 28 MAR 1616 in Thorndon, Suffolk, England -
Source text: