Roberts, Bessie Isabelle 1 2

Birth Name Roberts, Bessie Isabelle
Gender female
Age at Death 72 years, 11 months, 17 days


Contact Jan Westmorland at for further information, notes or to make corrections. I would appreciate any new additional information available.
Contact Linda Brown <> for info on Halstead/Cooper Connections.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1897-08-28 Cherokee Co, NC   2
Baptism AD6995735ED347A7BF03F025A19C97452D43      
Death 1970-08-14 Mount Liberty Baptist Church Cemetery, Cherokee Co, NC   2

Age: 72y 11m 17d

Burial   Mount Liberty Baptist Church Cemetery, Cherokee Co, NC    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Roberts, John D.1876-10-001880
Mother Coleman, Ollie1877-07-051949-09-08
         Roberts, Bessie Isabelle 1897-08-28 1970-08-14
    Sister     Roberts, Clara Christine ‘Tina’ 1898-04-00
    Brother     Roberts, Steve Elisha 1901-05-30 1953-04-12
    Sister     Roberts, Mae 1906
    Brother     Roberts, Bass 1907
    Sister     Roberts, Ethel 1909
    Brother     Roberts, Decater 1910-11-05 1927-04-23
    Sister     Roberts, Jane 1913
    Brother     Roberts, Olen 1914-08-31 1914-09-15
    Sister     Roberts, Bertie 1915
    Sister     Roberts, Lillie Ben 1918


Family of Hogsed, John Everett and Roberts, Bessie Isabelle

Unknown Partner Hogsed, John Everett ( * 1890-11-09 + 1960-01-22 )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Hogsed, Willard Herman
Hogsed, William Garland1917-08-211975-07-16
Hogsed, Ivalle Loudis1919-01-251998-11-10
Hogsed, Frank1921-01-241940-02-25
Hogsed, Marshall Sylvester1924-06-151991-06-23
Hogsed, John Everett Jr.1926-12-291995-01-28
Hogsed, Boyd1931-01-242001-05-17