Roberts, Ellen Jane 1

Birth Name Roberts, Ellen Jane
Gender female
Age at Death 10 months, 27 days


Contact Jan Westmorland at for further information, notes or to make corrections. I would appreciate any new additional information available.
Contact Linda Brown <> for info on Halstead/Cooper Connections.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1911-04-15 Conran, New Madrid Co, MO    
Baptism 776C8FEB08D24AAB9A9359C86C84F196F159 Burial Fact    
Death 1912-03-12 Conran, New Madrid Co, MO    

Age: 10m 26d

Burial 1912-03-13 New Hope Cemetery, New Madrid Co, MO    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Roberts, George Washington1884-06-171970-02-20
Mother Cupp, Christeena18901920
    Sister     Roberts, Rena Hays 1909
         Roberts, Ellen Jane 1911-04-15 1912-03-12
    Brother     Roberts, Paul Jackson 1913-12-28 1950-07-29
    Sister     Roberts, Effie 1915 1920
    Brother     Roberts, Frank 1917