NORMAN, Harry Clark 1a

Birth Name NORMAN, Harry Clark
Gender male
Age at Death 81 years, 1 month, 4 days


SSDI Information:
Name: Harry Norman
SSN: 369-16-6240
Last Residence: 48706 Bay City, Bay, Michigan, United States of America
Born: 1 Dec 1889
Died: Jan 1971
State (Year) SSN issued: Michigan (Before 1951)

1930 Census, Noble Township, Dickinson County, Kansas, roll 700, Page 2B/260B, District 33, Image 522.0. Census sheet is dated 15 May 1930. Census shows Harry C. Norman at age 40, living on a farm which he owns, and working on his own account as a'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. Harry C. Norman is not a veteran, but he does own a radio set, and was born in Kansas of a Father born in Ohio and a Mother born in New York. Wife Della E. Norman is age 38, and born in Kansas of parents both born in Illinois. The couple married when Harry was age 20 and Della was age 18, which was 19/20 years prior to the Census, circa 1910/1911. There are 3 children in the household, all born in Kansas of parents both born in Kansas: Daughter Helen M. Norman is age 15; Daughter B. Mildred Norman is age 13; and Daughter Lenna N. Norman is age 4 months [4/12].

1920 Census, Noble Township, Dickinson County, Kansas, roll T625_530, Page 2A/254A, District 50, Image 509. Census sheet is dated 15&16 January 1920. Census shows Harry Norman at age 30, living on a farm which he owns with a mortgage, working on his own account as a 'Farmer' on his 'Farm', and who was born in Kansas of a Father born in Ohio and a Mother born in Indiana. Wife Della Norman is age 28, and born in Kansas of a Father born in Illinois and a Mother born in the 'U.S.'. There are 3 children in the household, all born in Kansas of parents both born in the 'U.S.': Son Wilfred Norman is age 9; Daughter Helen Norman is age 5; and Daughter Mildred Norman is age 3 years.

World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918 Record
Name: Harry Clark Norman
City: Not Stated
County: Dickinson
State: Kansas
Birthplace: Kansas;United States of America
Birth Date: 1 Dec 1890
Race: Caucasian
Roll: 1643512
DraftBoard: 0

Actual Text of Registration Card:
World War 1 Draft Registration Card: Form A.

Front of Card Order 404
Top Line: Form 1, 1234 Registration Card No: 51
1. Name: Harry Clark Norman Age: 27
2. Home Address: Chapman, Kans
3. Date of Birth: December 1 1890
4. Citizen: Natural Born Citizen
5. Where Born: Chapman, Kans.
6. If Not Citizen: [Left Blank]
7. Occupation/Trade: Farmer
8. Employer & Where: Self, Chapman, Kans
9. Persons Supported: Wife and 3 children
10. Martial Status & Race: Married, Caucasian
11: Prior Service: No
12: Claim Exemption: No, except family dependent
Signature: Harry Clark Norman

Back of Card
Top Line: Stamped # 15-2-10-A Registrar's Report
1. Tall [Height] Medium [Build]
2. Eyes: Light Brown, Hair: Dark Brown, Bald: No
3. Physical Disqualified: No
Registrar: [Illegible]
Precinct: Noble
City/County: Dickinson
State: Kansas
Date: 6/5/17
[Stamped] No Local Board Stamp

1910 Census, Noble Township, Dickinson County, Kansas, roll T624_437, Page 4B/135B, District 42, Image 1201. Census sheet is dated 19 May 1910. Census shows Wellington Norman at age 53, living on a farm which he owns with a mortgage, working as a 'Farmer' who employs others on a 'Hay Farm', and who was born in Ohio of a Father born in Ohio and a Mother born in Pennsylvania. Wife 'Lorette' [Loretta] E. Norman is age 53, and born in New York of a Father born in New York and a Mother born in Pennsylvania. The couple has been married 33 years, circa 1876/1877, and Loretta has given birth to 3 children all still living. There are 2 children in the household, both born in Kansas of a Father born in Ohio and a Mother born in New York: Son Harry Norman is age 20, working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work; and Son Emmer Norman is age 22, working on his own account as a 'Farmer' doing 'General Farm' work. The household also includes Loretta's Mother/Wellington's Mother-in-Law Rebecca M. Clemon at age 87, a widow who during her lifetime gave birth to 12 children of whom 9 are still living, and who was herself born in New York of parents both born in Pennsylvania.

1900 Census, Noble Township, Dickinson County, Kansas, roll T623_478, Page 2B/125B, District 37. Census sheet is dated 6 June 1900. Census shows Wellington Norman at age 43, Born during March 1857, living on a farm which he owns with a mortgage, working as a 'Farmer', and who was born in Ohio of a Father born in New Jersey and a Mother born in Pennsylania. Wife Loretta Norman is age 43, born during April 1857, in New York of a Father born in New York and a Mother born in Pennsylvania. The couple has been married 22 years, circa 1877/1878, and Loretta has given birth to 3 children, all still living. There are 3 children in the household, all born in Kansas of a Father born in Ohio and a Mother born in New York: Son Earnest Norman is age 14, born during January 1886; Son Emmer Norman is age 12, born during August 1887; and Son Harry Norman is age 10, born during December 1889.


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1889-12-01 Kansas    
Death 1971-01-05 Bay City, Bay Co., MI.    

Age: 81y 1m 4d

Burial   Floral Garden Cem., Bay City, Bay Co., MI.    
Christening BB7A76877527463B996FE32A64184C1B479D 17 Sep 2009    


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father NORMAN, Wellington1857-03-071935-12-26
Mother CLEMONS, Loretta Elsie1857-04-101931-07-00
    Brother     Norman, Earl Ernest 1886-01-30 1960-12-24
    Brother     NORMAN, Emmer Warren 1887-08-18 1973-07-28
    Brother     NORMAN, Harry 1889-12-00
         NORMAN, Harry Clark 1889-12-01 1971-01-05
    Sister     NORMAN, ???? DC1BEEB021A64887A7DC5221E5A7545556D9
    Sister     NORMAN, Beulah Mildred


Family of NORMAN, Harry Clark and WILLIAMS, Della Elnora

Married Wife WILLIAMS, Della Elnora ( * 1892-05-03 + 1973-12-10 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1910-05-05 Dickinson Co., KS. Religious Marriage  
Name Birth Date Death Date
NORMAN, Wilfredabout 1910
NORMAN, Helen1913-01-03

Source References

      • Source text:


        ID: I1240
        Name: John C. **** NORMAN
        Given Name: John C. ****
        Surname: NORMAN
        Suffix: Sr.
        Sex: M
        Birth: 1732 in Hampshire Co., Virginia Colony
        Death: Abt 1824 in Hampshire Co., VA.
        Burial: Virginia
        _UID: 9E22A31DEF6742D8BAF45D87D54A912052CF
        Change Date: 29 Jan 2011 at 10:32
        There is a possibility that John was married 2 times. This is per Shirley Norman Gunn @ Norman @ Rootsweb.

        Listed on Culpeper Co., VA. Tax List for 1783, with his son, William..

        He inherited 1 shilling sterling from his father.

        Norman notebook: Indenture copy for the sale of land by Isaac Means & his wife Ann to John Norman for the sum of 2000 pounds (current money of Virginia). Document dated Nov. 9, 1779.

        Son William served as a Private with the Virginia Troops. From Oct 1780, served 5 months as a substitute for Ezekiel Norman, in Capt. Richard Yancey's Company; in the Spring of 1781 served 2 months as substitute for his father, John C. Norman, in Capt. James Brown's Company, Col. John Green's Regiment. William was in the Battle of Petersburg; later in 1781, he served 2 months in Capt. William Green's Company at the Siege of Yorktown.




        Father: Courtney C. **** NORMAN b: 1705 in Culpeper Co., VA.
        Mother: Mary Frances **** BROWNING b: Abt 1721 in Orange Co., Virginia Colony

        Marriage 1 Sarah **** MCMURRIN b: in Hampshire, VA.
        Married: Bef 1760 in Culpeper Co., VA.
        Change Date: 29 Jan 2011
        Has Children Benjamin **** NORMAN b: 12 Apr 1760 in Culpeper Co., Virginia Colony
        Has Children John NORMAN b: 1761 in Hampshire Co., VA.
        Has Children William NORMAN b: 23 Sep 1763 in Culpeper Co., VA.
        Has No Children Isaac NORMAN b: 1767 in Virginia
        Has No Children Ann NORMAN b: Abt 1771
        Has No Children Sarah NORMAN b: Abt 1772
        Has No Children Mary "Polly" NORMAN b: Abt 1773
        Has Children Henry NORMAN b: Feb 1781 in Hampshire Co., VA.

      • Citation:
