A summary for those that haven’t been keeping up with this series:
I found a number of 5.25″ disks at a thrift store a number of years ago (we are talking late 1990s probably). I finally got around to acquiring a 5.25″ disk drive and extracting the contents a several years back. Since then, I have been occasionally posting the content here.
Based on the contents, at least some of these disks were apparently once owned by someone named Connie who used to run the “Close Encounters” Special Interest Group (SIG) on Delphi in the mid 1980s.
A description of this SIG was found in a document on one of the disks: “This SIG, known as ‘Close Encounters’, is a forum for the discussion of relationships that develop via computer services like the Source, CompuServe, and Delphi. Our primary emphasis is on the sexual aspects of those relationships.”
This service was text based and was accessed via whatever terminal program you used on your computer to dial in to Delphi’s servers. Many of these disks have forum messages, e-mails and chat session logs. All of this is pre-internet stuff and I don’t know if there are any archives in existence today of what was on Delphi in the 1980s. In any case, much of this stuff would have been private at the time and probably wouldn’t be in such archives even if they existed.
This post includes the contents of DM0123.DOC. This file is dated September 2nd, 1985. The first part is a couple of ‘whois’ commands which lists user information for the given username. The most interesting part to me is the fact that the hardware used by the user is usually part of their profile.
The rest of the file looks like an e-mail reading session with topics ranging from sex education to a new file library on Delphi and more.
CONF>whois anticlub NAME : RUSSELL J., JIM V.T., JACK M. COMPUTERS : APPLE///plus {anticlub} LOCATION : LOS ANGELES, CA TERM-SOFT : MODEM 1200, IMAGEWRITER, TERM, ACCESS 3. CONF>whois davros There is no information on file for DAVROS. From: YOSHI 20-JAN-1985 19:45 To: @MAILCALL Subj: Sex Education @MailCall'ers: I believe that sex ed. should be a shared responsibility - shared between the parents and the schools. Why both? Because neither is equipped to deal with all aspects of sex and sexuality. Why not the church? Well, certainly the church can and will provide some info and guidance. But it should only be allowed to do so for its own followers and/or members. In no way should the church (and here I mean any organized religious organization) be allowed to dictate what others do, nor should they be allowed to influence anyone but their own followers. Anyone has a right to influence their own views by listening to what some religion says, but religions have no right to influence those who choose not to listen. But I'm here to discuss sex ed, not flame against organized religions. I think before I go further that I should say what I think sex ed should include. I think we all will agree that kids need to be taught the fundamentals of the biological aspects of sex. I also doubt that anyone here will believe that such knowledge will in any encourage them to have sex. But I also think that kids need to be made aware of the issues of birth control, intimacy, and responsibility. I think that it is the job of the school to provide information concerning the biological side of things. They are probably best equipped to deal with the rapidly changing medical world and the discoveries made therein. Also, let's face it - how many of us can rattle off the hormones that affect a woman's menstrual cycle, and which one does what and in what order? I know I can't. But people who teach sex ed. do know such things. Or they should, if they 're gonna teach about them. Also, schools have access to charts, diagrams, models, etc, that the average parent doesn't. And this can really help kids see what is being talked about. But the schools aren't really the place for kids to learn moral values. I firmly believe that every person will develop their own set of morals, but I doubt they will do it before they start having sex. (I know that my own set was still ill-formed when I started.) And that's part of what parents are for - to teach children about the ideas of "right" and "wrong" and how to make decisions about which is which. And parents are also supposed to help prepare their kids emotionally for what's in store for them. After all, sex is a very powerful thing. And its influence is very strong. And that can be scary for a kid if s/he doesn't have any idea of what to expect. Parents are also there to help kids learn about things like intimacy - what it is, why it is, and why it matters. Hopefully, kids will get a good view of sex and all that's associated with it before they start trying it. And the different viewpoints and values of those that teach them about it will help them form their own values. It is unfortunate that you (usually) have to try sex before you really understand what's it's like - many people wind up getting hurt that way (and hurting others). And some people never do learn lots of things about sex because their first experiences leave them hurt or scarred or frightened. But such is life. We can only hope that by providing kids with as much information as possible that they will make the right decisions and not get hurt as badly as many of us did. Well, thanx for listening to me. Yoshi P.S. - As we say in the UNIX world: "Comments welcome, flames to /dev/null". From: IDEL 20-JAN-1985 22:39 To: CABUYS Subj: Close Encounters Hi, Connie: Wud you send me the password to the Close Encounters board? Thanx, >>>>IDEL/Greg WC> From: MBERGSTEIN 17-JAN-1985 21:24 To: CABUYS Subj: REDSHAW Hi Connie: How are you? spoke to Amy at Redshwaw the other day and told her about our idea. She thought it was good and would be happy to work with us on it. I am going to try and set this up in the Users Sharing Ideas program which ARIAS is running this year. Redshaw will provide the hardware including the necessary Async Modems. Also spoke to Jackie Lewis who is running that for ARIAS and she is going to provide us with 30 minutes. I thought we would explain it and then I would send a message to you, projected onto the overhead screen (we will have to keep it clean) and then you could retrieve it and send me one. Please let me know your thoughts on this and any other ideas you may have. One thing bothers me - there is no control key on the Wang 2236 terminals. Do you know how to compensate for that? Should we ask Delphi? Do you think Delphi would offer discounts if we get a number of people to sign up? Please let me know what you think. By the way - is there a way for me to save this message so that I can refer to it after you answer? Manual (as most) is not very clear. Look forward to hearing from you. Mike. From: DEOGBURN 21-JAN-1985 00:46 To: GLENN,JOHNWG,CHUCKG,DAN,KIP,@SIGOPS Subj: PROGRAM LIBRARY PRESENTATION (guide will follow in a few days) Proposed blueprints for PROGRAM LIBRARY (Upload/Download area) Please refer to technical notes guide that follows. Gentleman: Below is a presentation of a proposed DELPHI product called PROGRAM LIBRARY from several SIGOPs. We would greatly appreciate your time in looking over our presentation, and we remind you to feel free to ask any question you may have. Once again, we ask that you follow along with the TECHINAL NOTES GUIDE that follows this file. Here is a sample run off PROGRAM LIBRARY with an explanation of all commands, uses, as well as ERROR messages, etc. ************************************************************** <sig-name or delphi area> PROGRAM LIBRARY (We will use IBM SIG for our presentation herein.) IBM-PROGRAM LIBRARY MENU: CATALOG List of Programs FEEDBACK Mail message to program owner INFO Information on a program SUBMIT Add/request program to/for library TRANSFER Download, Xdown, or Copy program EXIT Leave PROGRAM LIBRARY HELP HELP with COMMANDS IBM-PLIBRARY> (hidden MAINT for level 4 manager) If CATALOG is selected or the RETURN Key is depressed then: 2 programs available: Catalog ------- # PROGRAM NAME SIZE DATE OWNER COMPUTER MAKE -- ------------------ ------ -------- ------------ ------- 1 IBM CLOCK MODULE 9/9 01-JAN-85 DEOGBURN APPLE 2 TIC-TAC-TOE GAME 4/4 23-JAN-85 GLENN PIEP PIPER 3 EAMON GAME 22/22 27-JAN-85 KIP IBM-PC PLIBRARY>(CATALOG,FEEDBACK,INFO,SUBMIT,TRANSFER,EXIT) 1 <cr> (IF # or INFO selection is selected then:) Information on program # (? for CATALOG) <===only if INFO selection 1 PROGRAM NAME: IBM CLOCK MODULE FOR THE, APPLE, COMPUTER SIZE: 9/9 BLOCKS DATE: 01-JAN-85 OWNER: DEOGBURN DESCRIPTION: A ROUTINE FOR DISPLAYING THE TIME IN LOCATION 1, 59 ON THE SCREEN AT ALL TIMES. 10 LINE MODULE MODIFIED FOR USE ON THE A PPLE COMPUTER. PLIBRARY>(CATALOG,FEEDBACK,INFO,SUBMIT,TRANSFER,EXIT) IF SUBMIT is selected THEN: (3) status levels (O)pen,(R)ead-only,and (P)rivate If (O) user will be allowed to add direct to program library. If (R) user's submitted program must pass review of the SIGOP (Use MAINT) If (P) user must enter a password to add direct to program lib rary PASSWORD: (if P status) E...Invalid password! E...More than 3 tries, please continue, your program will be snet to the SIGOP for review. TRANSFER <upload mode> MENU: COPY file from your workspace UPLOAD file from your computer XUP use XMODEM protocol EXIT HELP TRANSFER <upload>: (MAINT may be entered here by leve l 4 if desired) If COPY THEN: COPY from file? TEST.DAT ...file copied! if '?' entered: Please enter the file name in your workspace that you would like to SUBMIT . (Same as COPY in WRITERS' CORNER) IF UPLOAD THEN: (Same as UPLOAD in WRITERS' CORNER) IF XUP THEN: (Same as XUP in WRITERS' CORNER) at any rate, the following follows after file is COPIED,UPLOAD ED, or XUPED. Please enter CATALOG label: Name of PROGRAM: IBM CLOCK MODULE '?' Enter name to place in catalog E...entry to long (20 cha cter MAX.) Computer MAKE: APPLE '?' Enter computer make yo ur program is for. E...entry to long (12 cha cters MAX.) Enter short DECRIPTION: This is a..... (use TEXT-ENTER MODULE LIKE in INFO ARTICLE or MAIL to SIGOP) a CONTROL-Z to end, or CONTROL-C to cancel! (NOTE: System fills in DATE, SIZE, and catalog #) PRLIBRARY>(CATALOG,FEEDBACK,INFO,SUBMIT,TRANSFER,EXIT) Please use REVIEW in MAINT of IBM-PROGRAM LIBRAY for submitte d program by MEMBER: GLENN on: /TIME [/TIME and hereon is SYSTEM TIME placed by the system] Thanks Uncle Max o REVIEW 1 program awaiting review (special Mask rou tine over MAIL) REVIEW # From Date Subj 1 GLENN 01-JAN-85 CHESS Game ACTION:<[A]dd;[R]eturn,[S]ave;[V]iew;[N]ext>: View 1 (Read 1 ) REVIEW #1 TO:DEOGBURN 01-JAN-85 23:02 FROM:GLENN SUBJ: CHESS GAME PROGRAM NAME: CHESS GAME FOR THE, ATARI, COMPUTER SIZE : 2/2 BLOCKS DATE : 01-JAN-85 OWNER : GLENN DESCRIPTION: A GAME CALLED CHESS FOR THE ATARI COMPUTER. 48K RE QUIRED AS WELL AS A JOYSTICK. IN EXECUTE LOAD FORM. 10 REM CHESS GAME 20 POKE 765,22 30 GRAPHICS 0 40 SETCOLOR 2,0,4 50 PRINT "CHESS GAME" . . . 400 END ACTION:<[A]dd;[R]eturn;[S]ave;[V]iew;[N]ext>: Add,Return,Save o Add Level 4 gets: ...Adding (uses REVIEW mail file as load file f or library) ...Owner notified (sends below Dmail messag e to owner) TO:GLENN FROM:DEOGBURN SUBJ:REVIEW action on submitted program Dear GLENN: Your program: CHESS GAME submitted on: 01-JAN-85 was added to t he IBM-PROGRAM LIBRARY on:/TIME Thank you for your program! MEMBER,DEOGBURN, SIGOP for the IBM SIG. o Save Level 4 gets: ...Saving (uses FILE Future scheme like in MAIL ) ...Owner notified (sends below Dmail messag e to owner) TO:GLENN 01-JAN-85 23:02 FROM:DEOGBURN SUBJ:REVIEW action on submitted program Dear GLENN: Your program: CHESS GAME submitted on: 01-JAN-85 was saved for future use of the IBM-PROGRAM LIBRARY on:/TIME. Thank You for your program, and I will notify you again when fu ther action is taken on your program. MEMBER,DEOGBURN,SIGOP for the IBM SIG. o Remove LEVEl 4 gets: ....User notified! ....Program has been returned to user! ....Review files updated User Gets: TOL:DARTHVADER FRomOM:DEOGBURN SUBJ:REVIEW action on Submitted program DEAR DARTHVADER Your program: <program-name> submitted on:<date> was returned t o you in a seperated mail message at:/TIME READSON: File has to many ..... Thank you for your program, and please feel free to re-submit t o other areas of DELPHI by forwarding the returned program mail message . MEMBER, DEOGBURN ,SIGOP for the IBM SIG. User Gets: TO:DARTVADER FROM:DEOGBURN SUBJ: RETURNED sumitted program listing *****RETURNED COPY OF YOUR SUBMITTED PROGRAM ?/DATE********** end! *************************************************************** ******** This ends the PROGRAM LIBRARY presentation, we hope you found t his presentation of interest, please be reminded that it is not int ended to impose on the desingign teams of GVC, rather offer insight from the SIGOPs end. Please feel free to use any ideas presented here i n any project. You will note that many tasks in PROGRAM LIBRARY are the same or similiar to application modules presently on DELPHI. R easons include: Makes it easier for GVC staff to assembly, rather rwrit ting a new application, and because these modules were observed as t he best modules tha could handle such an application, further it was fe lt that these modules, with some enhancements in some tasks, yowere at it s highteight. Thank You SIGOPS UAP SUGGESTION GROUP GVC STAFF GENERAL DELPHI USERS WC> Sorry, there is a problem opening your file 0123.MAIU (=43). <<read error="" 29="">> WC> llist d, m0123.mail I don't understand the term "LLIST D M0123.MAIL" in this context. WC> list dm0123.mai From: FTF ESS,CABUYS,MONTE,TRINA,WEB,IVY,MARTI,JSARAS Subj: ? Its late. And yet the phone rings once again. "Dinner. tomorrow!" But I'm busy. How about the next night? "No. Tomorrow!" But I can't. And thats the end of that. The hum of a dial tone. But it doesn't end. Later it rings again. And then comes the mail. "Why?" And I don't have an answer. How can I when I don't know the question! Lately, it rings alot, late at night when most are asleep except for me and all that is calls out for that release. Late at night, when that silent phone begins to ring and I know it would be easier to not answer - but I still do. "Why?" Well, why not thursday? "I can't then." Lunch Friday? "Doctors appointment. Sorry!" So why do you call at 1 am? "I gotta go." hum....... "Lets go out to the hot tubs!" Geez! its 2 am and they don't stay open that late! "Come over Saturday..." Ok. "Oh. I'm sick. Next week?" Ok. "My ex got married today!" Gosh. how do you feel? "Relieved I didn't have to go!" Wow. Don't you feel anything? "Yeah. But only in private..." "Why didn't you call?" What! To talk to your answering machine? Gimme a break! "But I always call back!" Right. at 1 am. From: DAVROS 20-JAN-1985 12:44 To: CABUYS Subj: ACCESS TO THIS SIG This SIG interests me. How do I go about obtaining fuller acce ss? From: ANTICLUB 20-JAN-1985 17:12 To: CABUYS Subj: CURIOSITY I JUST CAME ACCROSS THIS "FRIENDSHIP" THING ON THE NETWORK AND I AM CURIOUS WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT'S FOR AND HOW TO JOIN. I AM A 36 YEAR OLD ARTIST AND I MANAGE AN "UNDERGROUND" NIGHTCLUB IN L.A. A MEMBER OF PERFORMING ARTS NETWORK (PAN) UNDER SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS. THANKS. JACK (ANTICLUB). From: IDEL 20-JAN-1985 22:39 To: CABUYS Subj: Close Encounters Hi, Connie: Wud you send me the password to the Close Encounters board? Thanx, >>>>IDEL/Greg From: AVATAR 22-JAN-1985 00:08 To: @FUN Subj: more foolishness SHIFTING SANDS INSURANCE COMPANY JERUSALEM INTEROFFICE MEMO To: Home Office, Jerusalem From: Bethany Sub-office Att: Regional Claims Manager Re: Yehoshua Bar-Joseph Death Claim/Nissan 33 Final Report Dear Sir: As you know, our office has been investigating the life insurance claim presented by the widow of Joseph of Nazareth, House of David (Mary, by name). The details of the claim as first presented concern a juvenile life policy on their son, Yehoshua, taken out in Jerusalem some 33 years previous. Policy dates, coverage amount and premium payments have all been verified by the underwriting department of your good offices. Our office is concerned only with verification of death and payment of the claim. The first report of the claim appeared to be a routine matter of verifying the cause of death (crucifixion) and then paying the amount of the policy. There were overtures made by some (relative to a possible suicide), but I see no point in raising this issue. The two-year clause for denial based on this has expired. Secondly, our legal department has pointed out, quite succinctly, that suicide by crucifixion would be no small matter to prove. The investigation uncovered a well-witnessed event, including a statement by a Centurion who was an eyewitness to the entire proceedings. He quoted the 'deceased' as saying: "Now it is finished," at which time the Centurion states that the insured expired. He has witnessed a number of crucifixions and although he is not a physician his testimony does carry weight. Following this, the funeral proceedings were done with some haste, due to the upcoming Sabbath. It was at this point in the investigation that our adjuster began hearing talk about the deceased raising himself from the dead. Considering that Yehoshua had a substantial cult following, the adjuster gave little import to this talk. In an attempt to wrap up the investigation, he interviewed eleven of the twelve close disciples. Their stories and statements contained numerous contradictions, not the least of which were statements to the effect that he died on the date in question, followed by statements to the effect that they had talked to the deceased three days later. It appears that they have their chronology reversed. The twelfth, by-the-bye, committed suicide about the time of the Yehoshua crucifixion. There is a separate report forthcoming on that matter and no payment will be made on that claim. Normally, we would have made payment at this juncture, but the investigator asked for additional time. To be blunt, he suspected a fraud. A number of reliable witnesses began to talk, advising that there was no question of having seen and talked with the deceased *after* the alleged crucifixion. Contact was then attempted with P. Pilate. The latter refused to be interviewed, indicating that he had washed his hands of the entire matter. We did write to him subsequently raising anumber of points on what was recorded by him officially. He refused to clear up any discrepancies and merely wrote on the bottom of our letter, "What I have written, I have written." We simply can't push the issue with him any further due to his obvious connections. Finally, we were fortunate enough to obtain two statements from well-known and respected citizens, who report having supper with Yehoshua several days after the alleged death. They were on their way to Emmaus at the time. Both make excellent appearances as witnesses. Their statements are enclosed for your perusal. Also enclosed are the statements from the eleven disciples. They are coherent, except for John's, and despite their disagreements on a few minor points, they establish one of two possibilities ( I cannot personally see any others.) First, he was never crucified. In that situation, we owe nothing. Secondly, he was crucified, and then raised himself from the dead. The second possibility is an absurdity but if it were so, I'm afraid we have a legal problem of unique difficulty. I say this because we took a statement from his mother, Mary. She maintains that he was crucified and appeared to her and his disciples three days later. Our adjuster, after getting her to sign the statement, politely turned her claim down. When she asked why, the adjuster pointed out that the policy only pays in the event of death. As he was packing his briefcase and preparing to leave, she very shyly indicated that she had a question, and since he was the policy expert, that perhaps he could answer it. She then stated that Yehoshua had, in fact, died. What she wanted to know was this: "Is there any exclusion in the policy which says that the beneficiary will not be paid if an insured is able to raise himself from the dead?" The adjuster was quick enough mentally to say that he would check it out with the home office and get back to her. Here is our problem. Suppose it happened the way his mother stated? If he did in fact raise himself fromt he dead, what's to prevent him from doing it a second time? If he does it again, we'll have to pay again. Then? If he does it again, we'll have to pay again. This policy is a guaranteed renewable, non-cancellable contract. We'd appreciate your advice on this, as things are not shaping up well. I would make one suggestion if Mary continues to push this claim. This is a bit too complicated for our house attorney. Why not farm this out to Saul over in Tarsus? He's as sharp as they come and can probably delay this until it dies a natural death. Warmest regards to all, Caiaphas Bar-Annas cba/cc/enclosures (11) WC> From: DAVROS 20-JAN-1985 12:44 To: CABUYS Subj: ACCESS TO THIS SIG This SIG interests me. How do I go about obtaining fuller acce ss? WC>