• Tag Archives Delphi
  • Digital Archaeology: Codex (Floppy Disk) #8 (part 5)

    It’s been quite a while since I posted one of these but those that follow me might recall that I’ve been posting the contents of various 5.25″ floppy disks I found at a thrift store a number of years ago. At least some of them were apparently once owned by someone named Connie A. Buys who used to run the “Close Encounters” Special Interest Group (SIG) on Delphi in the mid 1980s.

    A specific definition of this SIG was found in a previous document: “This SIG, known as “Close Encounters”, is a forum for the discussion of relationships that develop via computer services like the Source, CompuServe, and Delphi. Our primary emphasis is on the sexual aspects of those relationships.”

    Everything was text based from whatever terminal program you used to dial in to Delphi’s servers. Many of these disks have forum messages, e-mails and chat session logs. All of this is pre-internet stuff and I don’t know if there are any archives in existence today of what was on Delphi in the 1980s. In any case, much of this stuff would have been private at the time and some of it is quite personal.

    I’ve been splitting up the contents of this disk (descriptively labeled “File Disk”) since it contains a number of documents, some of which are pretty long. A 5.25″ floppy disk can still hold an impressive amount of info when it is just text. (see the previous parts here: 1, 2, 3, 4).

    The document included in this post is a poll about computing in the nude.


    read 3
    #3 5-OCT-1985 09:54:16 NEWMAIL
    Subj: msg from Insiders sig
    1711 4-OCT-18:58: Using Delphi
    *FlagShip* Poll
    From: JSP To: ALL
    4. A BUFF, ER', AH QUESTION., created by WUNDERKIND.
    Creation date: OCT 4,1985
    Well.... After discovering that Ole Steg, AND I both do this.... We thought it
    would be in the Public interest to settle this Burning issue... To put it, Ah,
    bluntly: Do you Telecompute in the Buff? Or otherwise oddly attired? Don't
    worry, your responses are Anon, and you will not be the subject of any, ah
    unusual, ah, mail...
    To better serve you, and our SIG.
    ------ ----- -------
    YES 1 50%
    NO 1 50%
    Type "VOTE" to vote, "READ" to read comments, [return] for next poll:

  • Digital Archaeology: Codex (Floppy Disk) #8 (part 4)

    Still continuing the exploration of the contents of this floppy disk (see the first part here, second part here and third part here). It’s amazing how much information can fit even on a 5.25″ floppy disk when it is all text. This disk is from a batch I picked up at a thrift store a number of years ago. At least some of them were apparently once owned by someone named Connie A. Buys who used to run the “Close Encounters” Special Interest Group (SIG) on Delphi in the mid 1980s.

    A specific definition of this SIG was found in a previous document: “This SIG, known as “Close Encounters”, is a forum for the discussion of relationships that develop via computer services like the Source, CompuServe, and Delphi. Our primary emphasis is on the sexual aspects of those relationships.”

    Everything was text based from whatever terminal program you used to dial in to Delphi’s servers. Many of these disks have forum messages, e-mails and chat session logs. All of this is pre-internet stuff and I don’t know if there are any archives in existence today of what was on Delphi in the 1980s. In any case, much of this stuff would have been private at the time and some of it is quite personal.

    I’m splitting up the contents of this disk (descriptively labeled “File Disk”) since it contains a number of documents, some of which are pretty long. This document (DM1016.DOC) contains more love letters, plans for a couple of hotel meetings in Orlando and St. Petersburg (including an ASCII map), discussion of managing underage interlopers, a request to a Playboy Playmate for an autograph, a trivia contest, a survey and more. Some of the “ARNE” related stuff is also here from the first document from this disk. This is apparently the original log and you can see commands where certain e-mails were saved out to the ARNE.DOC file.


        # From                 Date         Subject
         1 BOS1A::JOEY          10-OCT-1985  Playboy
         2 BOS1A::CABUYS        11-OCT-1985  RE: Playboy
         3 BOS1A::PRINCESS      11-OCT-1985  she's doing it again
         4 BOS1A::RODM          11-OCT-1985  summons
         5 BOS1A::RODM          12-OCT-1985  missed again!
         6 BOS1A::RODM          12-OCT-1985  sex mags
         7 BOS1A::RODM          12-OCT-1985  survey
         8 BOS1A::JOEY          13-OCT-1985  Whereabouts
         9 BOS1A::RODM          14-OCT-1985  reminder
        10 BOS1A::RODM          14-OCT-1985  copy
        11 BOS1A::CABUYS        14-OCT-1985  Close Encounters SIG & Age Restriction
        12 BOS1A::ARNE          14-OCT-1985  arne
        13 BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF    15-OCT-1985  reply to joey
        14 BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF    15-OCT-1985  joey's message
        15 BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF    15-OCT-1985  kids
        16 BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF    15-OCT-1985  kids
        17 BOS1A::RODM          15-OCT-1985  A Special Delivery Copy for you!
        18 BOS1A::ARNE          15-OCT-1985  beinf.g ornery
        19 BOS1A::JOHNWG        15-OCT-1985  Could you please give me an explanation 
       20 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  RE: reply to joey
        21 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  RE: joey's message
        22 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  age question
        23 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  The Question of Age
        24 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  Explanation about Arne
        25 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  dmail exchange with Arne regarding age q
       26 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  sig royalty reports
        27 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  RE: A Special Delivery Copy for you!
        28 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  Weekend message
        29 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  phone calls
        30 BOS1A::ARNE          15-OCT-1985  ages
        31 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  problem & solution to # of mail waiting
        32 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  answer from kaplan
        33 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  Sexual Trivia Contest
        34 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  My *whereabouts*
        35 BOS1A::KAPLAN        15-OCT-1985  RE: Sexual Trivia Contest
        36 BOS1A::RODM          15-OCT-1985  Confession 
        37 BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF    15-OCT-1985  reply to G
        38 BOS1A::RODM          16-OCT-1985  Reservations
        39 BOS1A::RODM          16-OCT-1985  Map
        40 BOS1A::RODM          16-OCT-1985  Surprise look who and when!  read 1
        #1          10-OCT-1985 20:43:34                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::JOEY         "JOEY"
     To:     CABUYS
     Subj:   Playboy
     I'll make a copy and mail it to you. Have you read the article?
     I wasn't impressed. Maybe you will be.
        #2          11-OCT-1985 17:34:45                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     To:     BOS1A::JOEY,CABUYS      
     Subj:   RE: Playboy
     I haven't read the article.  I'm almost sure tho that it's like several
     others I have read.
     Anyway - not my place to judge   I just need it along with reprint
     permission I hope to get because it's pertinent to the sig.
    MAIL> d 1
    MAIL> d 2
        #3          11-OCT-1985 21:55:04                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::PRINCESS    
     To:     CABUYS
     Subj:   she's doing it again
     Marti and joey are in co right now...
     oh well, ppor     oor guy
     cant warn him or would look like sour grapes
     such is life
     au revoir
    MAIL> d
        #4          11-OCT-1985 23:46:38                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::RODM        
     To:     CABUYS,RODM        
     Subj:   summons
     My Beloved Darling Connie,
     I was called to the house to make an 'appearance' after being gone so much!
     I was hoping to find you here  but life is not ALWAYS so kind!
     I am still floating around a bit from the amount we have been together!!!
     Oh Darling, I LOVE YOU so Very, Very Much!!!!!!
     I have been advised of the plans for tommorrow night!! and they don't include th
     e Co!
     I will call you as soon as I can!!!
     I have to go for now!
     P.S. When we talk next REMIND me - "To the Hour!"
    MAIL> d
        #5          12-OCT-1985 15:04:27                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::RODM        
     To:     CABUYS,RODM        
     Subj:   missed again!
     My Beloved Darling Connie,
     I called your house from my office and Dennis told me you were still at work and
     since you have been working so hard and long on what 
     I assume is the 'bad debts' I decided not to call you at your ofice   fice but should 
     be able to talk to you tommorrow!
     I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
     I guess that,s it for now !
    MAIL> d
        #6          12-OCT-1985 18:20:52                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::RODM        
     To:     CABUYS,RODM        
     Subj:   sex mags
     My Beloved darling Connie,
     I only have seconds to send a survey I started  in reguard to
     tonights conference PLEAS add its basic ?'s to the co tonight and I would LOVE t
     o see the replies.
     You know I would be there if at all possible and I would LOVE to pose these ?'s
     I have one comment to make and that is to ask the woman how many do every time t
     hey find access to 
     an adult mag read it but would never admit how much they read or how often they 
     such mags!!!
     Survey in next message
     I LOVE YOU!!
    MAIL> file survey.
    Folder SURVEY. does not exist.
     Do you want to create it (Y/N, default is N)? y
    Folder SURVEY. created
        #2          12-OCT-1985 18:22:18                                     SURVEY.
    From:   BOS1A::RODM        
     To:     CABUYS,RODM        
     Subj:   survey
     1. Do you have or did you ever have a subscription to an 'adult'
     2. Do you or have you ever purchased an adult magazine?
     3. Do you or have you ever purchased adult magazines for at least
        4 consecutive months?
     If  you answered yes to either question 1 or 3 Continue.  If  you 
     answered answered "no" to all the questions got to question @@.
     5. Did you read or view all the magazines to some extent?
     6.  Did  you  purchase  or  receive more  than  one  title  adult 
     7. When viewing an adult magazine did you:
        a.  Look at the pictures
        b.  Read the 'letters'
        c.  Read the articles
        d.  Scan the pages and read what gets my attention
        e.  All of the above
     8. What type of adult magazines have you viewed?
        a.  Adult material - Playboy, Penthouse, Playgirl, etc
        b.   Light  Pornography  which portrays sexual  activities  or 
            subjects    without   'graphic'   language   or   explicit 
        c.  Sex related 'manuals' or 'guides'
        d.    Explicit  sex  stories  with  explicit  language  and/or 
     @@.When time allows and you have an adult magazine available do
        you ever pick it and view it?
    MAIL> read 
        #1          13-OCT-1985 08:03:28                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::JOEY         "JOEY"
     To:     CABUYS
     Subj:   Whereabouts
     Just to let you know, Connie. I will be working nights Monday through
     Friday this week. I can still do whatever you need, will just have to be
     done in the wsee     ee hours of the morning when I get home. The week after, I
     will be on vacation. I will be home through Wednesday and Thr ursday I will
     be leaving for Memphis. Will return sometime Sunday. 
    MAIL> d
        #2          14-OCT-1985 02:39:21                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::RODM        
     To:     CABUYS
     Subj:   reminder
     From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"  9-SEP-1985 17:22
     To:     BOS1A::RODM,CABUYS      
     Subj:   RE: poetry resend
     Your entire message was so very special to me! ANd of course, I know how
     very special that song is! 
     There's just one thing that would prevent me from posting it and that is a
     legal question involving the copyright of the words.  I'm sure we would have
     to have written permission to pu ost it inthe forum and we will have to
     provide proper acknowledgement to all persons involved in its writing.
     I can take care of getting copyright permission if you can locate an
     address where I can request such - and then we wait for a while - but the
     wait will not change the meaning or our feelings!
     I love you and miss you!  When can b we be together again?
     Love, Connie
    MAIL> read 3
        #3          14-OCT-1985 02:55:42                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::RODM        
     To:     CABUYS
     Subj:   copy
     From:   BOS1A::RODM         20-SEP-1985 16:20
     To:     CABUYS,RODM        
     Subj:   resend w/copyright info
     So  very  often  today songs are writen with little or no  continuity  to  the 
     lyrics,  the  lyrics are burried by the intensity of the beat or rhythm of the 
     music, but every so often a song 'makes it' that has the beauty that the one I 
     am sending has.
     There is a lot of background to why I am so affected by this song and some  of 
     that  might  have  even prevented my even hearing it but life has  grabbed  my 
     attention and caused me to find new beauty in places I might never have gone.
     Until recently I didn't listen to much music at all and CERTAINLY NOT  country 
     music  but  my life was affected by several people and after emerging  from  a 
     'cave' in which I was hiding I started hearing the words to songs,  seeing the 
     fantastic  things  life  has  to give,  and learned  the  importance  sharing, 
     feeling, and loving if life is to be worth living.
     I  hope that everyone that reads this knows already or will realize very  soon 
     exactly who they would recite or sing these words to and perhaps give them  to 
     that person as the 'flower' for that day!
     ** "You Decorated My Life" (D.Hupp/B. Morrison - Pub. by: Music City Music)
     All my life was a paper, once plain, pure, and white
     'Til  you moved with your pen,  changing moods now and then,  'til the balance 
     was right
     Then you added some music, every note was is place
     And anybody could see all the changes in me, by the look on my face
     And you decorated my life. Created a world where dreams are a part
     And you decorated my life by painting your love all over my heart
     You decorated my life!
     Like a rhyme with no reason in an unfinished song
     There was no harmony, life meant nothing to me, until you came along
     And you brought out the colors. what a gentle surprise
     Now I'm able to see, all the things life can be, shining soft in your eyes
     And you decorated my life. Created a world where dreams are a part
     And you decorated my life,by painting your love all over my heart
     You decorated my life!
      **Written by: D. Hupp / B. Morrison  Published by: Music City Music, Inc.
     Permission to publish these lyrics may be gotten by written request from:
     Mr. Bob Beckham
     Combine Music, Inc.
     35 Music Square East
     Nashville, Tenn.  37203
     Request  should  state  how  reprint is to be used and that  it  is  for  Non-
     Commercial Use.
     (Combine Music now owns all assets of Music City Music)
    MAIL> file up   lig   tup
    Folder ULITUP does not exist.
     Do you want to create it (Y/N, default is N)? y
    Folder ULITUP created
    MAIL> A::JOHNWG        15-OCT-1985  Could you please give me an explanation 
       13 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  RE: reply to joey
        14 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  RE: joey's message
        15 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-198rea         select age
    2 messages selected
    MAIL> read 1
        #1          15-OCT-1985 00:07:55                                         AGE
    From:   BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF  
     To:     CABUYS
     Subj:   reply to joey
     From:   BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF   15-OCT-1985 00:05
     Subj:   RE: Kids
     Leave it be for now.  However, shouild the subject matter
     warrant, we will simply exclude them by closeing the conferec nce
     As long as they behave, and there is not "sexually related" material
     being discussed, I can't see any trouble.  Otherwise, it might be
     a good idea to explain the why and wherefore of it.
        #2          15-OCT-1985 00:08:48                                         AGE
    From:   BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF  
     To:     CABUYS
     Subj:   joey's message
     From:   BOS1A::JOEY         "JOEY" 13-OCT-1985 20:47
     To:     JOHNMYSELF
     Subj:   Kids
     Joyn  hn,
     There are two kids in CLE conference tonight named Glynn25 and wil1.
     They have progiles     files here that ss tate they are 14 and w 13 respectively.
     I haven't said anything to them. Thought I would let you handle that.
     If you want me to say anything to kids on here in the future let me
    MAIL>      7 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  RE: joey's message
         8 BOS1A::CABUYS        15-OCT-1985  age question
         9 BOS1A::CABUYS re       15-OCT-1985  Tahe Questiond of Age
         10 BOS1A::CABUYS        15*OUTPUT OFF*
    MAIL> read 1
        #1          15-OCT-1985 00:11:12                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF  
     Subj:   kids
     I  will set the membership bits for these two so that 
     they will be restricted to the general information 
     section of the sig.
     As per my previous reply to Joey, I see no harm in them
     being in non-sensitive conferences, though they will have
     to be excluded from certain types of discussions in keeping
     with sig policy and the contract.
    MAIL> file age
    MAIL> 985 00:16:26                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF  
     To:     @SIG,JOHNMYSELF  
     Subj:   kids
     Noticing that wil1 has already been set to '0' topic access,
     I have likewise set glynn25 to '0' topic access.
    MAIL> file age
        #3          15-OCT-1985 02:13:39                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::RODM        
     To:     CABUYS,RODM        
     Subj:   A Special Delivery Copy for you!
     269  15-OCT 01:21 Noteworthy News
          RE: Most Memorable lines (Re: Msg 263)
          From: RODM         To: CABUYS (NR)
     I REALLY like that line but the ratio doesn't apply <sigh!>
     I have written these lines that relate to my "long distance love"
     and maybe some others in the sig might relate them to their own
     love relationship
     Always in my heart, Often on my mind, Too seldom in my arms
     Distance has us apart, Time often is unkind, But this never harms
     Such love in my heart, And after the time unwinds, A dream will be ours
    MAIL> d
        #4          15-OCT-1985 08:22:50                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::ARNE        
     To:     CABUYS
     Subj:   beinf g ornery
     Well, connie, looks like i'm in the process of being canned for  rom the sig...
     guess you're just doin' your job....would "We'll always have Parie s s" be
     laying in t on a bit too thick?
    MAIL> d
        #5          15-OCT-1985 10:17:45                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::JOHNWG      
     Subj:   Could you please give me an explanation of this?  Thanks, John
     From:   BOS1A::SERVICE      14-OCT-1985 13:28
     To:     JOHNWG
     Subj:   I think ARNE didn't like being excluded from Close Encounters..
     From:   BOS1A::ARNE         13-OCT-1985 00:04
     To:     SERVICE
     Subj:   Close Enc SIG
     Dear Service,
        When I started using Delphi heavily about a mon*OUTPUT OFF*
    MAIL> d
        #6          15-OCT-1985 18:07:06                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     To:     BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF,CABUYS      
     Subj:   RE: reply to joey
     What's this about? I didn't get a copy of the original message.
    MAIL> d
        #7          15-OCT-1985 18:07:59                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     To:     BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF,CABUYS      
     Subj:   RE: joey's message
     oops - should have read further before I sent the alst.
    MAIL> d
        #8          15-OCT-1985 18:28:37                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     Subj:   age question
     I honestly have no reason to *not* believe you about your age.  I was simply
     trying to clear up a misunderstanding before it got out of hand, but it appears
     I was too late to do that.
     I see no reason, now that you have answered my question, to bar you from the
     sig and conferences.  I do regret and apologize for any inconvenience this may
     have caused you, and very much regret that such circumstances have caused you
     to have a bad opinion of us.  Please do understand that I was doing what I
     felt was necessary as Sig Manager in accordance with the terms of my contract
     with Delphi.
     If you wish to discuss this any further, please do call me collect at
     (904)-388-2531.  I do wish I had been on line at the origination of all this
     problem because I would have accepted your offer at the time about making the
     -Connie A. Buys, Sig Manager
    MAIL> d
        #9          15-OCT-1985 18:33:06                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     To:     @MGRS,CABUYS      
     Subj:   The Question of Age
     It's true that we are having kids show up in the sig.  And it's true that we
     are having adults show up who are offended when asked their age.
     From this date on, I will personally handle any question about age.  Until I
     can handle it, if I'm unavailable at the time of its occurrence, then the
     member is to be treated as any other member of the sig.
     Remember the users are paying our way here.  We must not be harsh, or appear
     offensive or unkind to them and they require handling with kid gloves.  This
     sig is young yet but has a good potential if we cultivate it carefully
     Thank you both co-operation and understanding it this.
    MAIL> file age
    MAIL> d
    You aren't reading a message
        #10         15-OCT-1985 18:52:32                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     To:     JOHNWG,CABUYS      
     Subj:   Explanation about Arne
     In my next mail to you, I will send a copies of all mail messages that have
     been exchanged about Arne's age.
     I value your advice on this, so if, after you review it, you feel that I
     mis-handled it in any way, I would appreciate hearing from you.
     Also I would like to talk on the phone with you some time soon if you can let
     me know when you can be available.  (As for me, I'll be out of town from
     Thursday thru Sunday of this week, tho I will be checking on line often.)
    MAIL> file arne
    Folder ARNE does not exist.
     Do you want to create it (Y/N, default is N)? n
    MAIL> file arne.doc
    Folder ARNE.DOC does not exist.
     Do you want to create it (Y/N, default is N)? y
    Folder ARNE.DOC created
        #11         15-OCT-1985 18:53:00                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     To:     JOHNWG,CABUYS      
     Subj:   dmail exchange with Arne regarding age question....
         #11         14-OCT-1985 19:47:26                                        MAIL
     From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     To:     ARNE,@MGRS.DIS,CABUYS      
     Subj:   Close Encounters SIG & Age Restriction
     Hello Arne,
     It has come to my attention that there is some question about how old you are.
     One of the membership requirements we have in Close Encounters sig is that
     one must be 18 years old or older.
     This information has been included in many areas of the sig, including the
     non-member message and new-member messages available to you when you first
     accessed this sig.  It is a formal part of my contract with Delphi that I
     must enforce to the best of my ability.
     This information is also available to you in the Announcements> Membership
     section of the sig for review at any time and other such notices calling
     *all* sig members attention to this have been posted to be read automatically
     upon entry to the sig.
     Just in case you missed it, tho, I would like to quote as follows:
     "Member*OUTPUT OFF*
    MAIL> file arne.doc
        #12         15-OCT-1985 18:56:07                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     To:     KELLY,CABUYS      
     Subj:   sig royalty reports
     Hi Kelly,
     I wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that I've not gotten sig
     royalty reports for August or September.
     Could you send me copies (I know there's very little royalty - money-wise -
     involved but I need some way to chart our growth and this is my best
        #12         15-OCT-1985 18:56:07                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     To:     KELLY,CABUYS      
     Subj:   sig royalty reports
     Hi Kelly,
     I wanted to drop you a quick note to let you know that I've not gotten sig
     royalty reports for August or September.
     Could you send me copies (I know there's very little royalty - money-wise -
     involved but I need some way to chart our growth and this is my best
    MAIL> read 29
        #29         16-OCT-1985 11:49:14                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::KELLY       
     To:     BOS1A::CABUYS
     Subj:   RE: sig royalty reports
     Due to the many system problems and down-time, we are experiencing a 
     little cash-flow problems, so royalties will be a little late.  I'm
     hoping to have these checks and reports out by the end of this month.
     Sorry for the inconvenience.
    MAIL> df
    Unrecognized command verb - check validity and spelling
    MAIL> d
        #30         16-OCT-1985 19:35:50                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     To:     BOS1A::KAPLAN,CABUYS      
     Subj:   RE: Sexual Trivia Contest
     E I suspect the reason you could not send dmail to Ladylove is that you may
     have mistyped the username in some slight way  Laydlove?>.
     If you encounter that problem next time, then send dmail to me on the CABUYS
     account and I'll be sure you entry  gets where it is suppose to.
     That way it will not disqualify you.
     Lots of good luck with the next one!
    MAIL> d
    No more messages
        #13         15-OCT-1985 18:58:15                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     To:     BOS1A::RODM,CABUYS      
     Subj:   RE: A Special Delivery Copy for you!
     You continue to amaze me with your prose and poetry!  I love you so much! 
     I can't wait until we are together again!
    MAIL> d
        #14         15-OCT-1985 18:59:31                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     To:     RODM,CABUYS      
     Subj:   Weekend message
     I looked in my mail for a copy of that message I sent to you that has been lost.
    My copy was also lost and since I composed it on line, it's lost forever.
     Oh well. Such is life.  ANyway I covered most of the details when we talked on
     the phone Sunday night.
     I love you!
    MAIL> d
        #15         15-OCT-1985 19:02:51                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     To:     JOHNMYSELF,CABUYS      
     Subj:   phone calls
     I tried to call you since 6 PM this evening.  Both phone lines were busy.
     I needed to talk about the "Arne" situation but now I've handled it so we'll
     have to settle for that.
     I hope school is going well along with everything else.
    MAIL> d
        #16         15-OCT-1985 19:12:06                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::ARNE        
     To:     CABUYS
     Subj:   ages
     I very much appreciated your note.....thanks.
    MAIL> file arne.doc
        #17         15-OCT-1985 19:12:07                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     To:     RODM,CABUYS      
     Subj:   problem & solution to # of mail waiting
     1853 14-OCT 23:58 BUG/ERROR Report
          Phantom mail
          From: SOFTAFFAIR   To: ALL
     I keep getting "You have 1 new Mail message" but my
     mailbox is empty. Someone mentioned this once but I don't
     recall the details. How do I get rid of it?
     1854 15-OCT 00:51 BUG/ERROR Report
          RE: Phantom mail (Re: Msg 1853)
          From: PEABO        To: SOFTAFFAIR
     Go to DMAIL (not MAIL) from a SIG prompt (or MAIL from the MAIN> prompt), and
     type SETMAIL.  It will ask you what you want to change the number to.
    MAIL> d
        #18         15-OCT-1985 19:18:47                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     To:     LADYLOVE,CABUYS      
     Subj:   answer from kaplan
     266  14-OCT 21:58 Play Ground
          RE: Sexual Trivia Contest 1 (Re: Msg 238)
          From: KAPLAN       To: JOHNMYSELF (NR)
     Dear John:
     Here are my answers to the trivia contest.  I thought somewhere I was supposed
     to send them to "ladylove," but was just told no such user was available.
     Sorry to bother you with this, but please forward to the "judge" whoever he/she
     may be:
     1. F
     2. D
     3. A
     4. T
     5. D
     6. Monks?  They practice celebecy. Doesn't that test chastity? 
     7. It was thought that a blood vessel ran straight from the third finger, left
     hand directly to the heart (seat of "true love").
     8. 3rd date?  Or did you mean Monday, December 3rd, 1972?
     9. Hermaphrodites have sex organs of both sexes.  Human hermaphrodites are rare,
    and are sterile.
     10. Baccus (a wild guess).  I didn't want to cheat and look it up.
     Tks, and this was fun.
    MAIL> d
        #19         15-OCT-1985 19:22:50                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     To:     KAPLAN,CABUYS      
     Subj:   Sexual Trivia Contest
     I am sorry you could not send your answers to Ladylove.  I just forwarded
     your message from the board to that account and believe it, it is an existing
     I hate to do this too, since you put so much work into it  but the 
     rules say any message left on the board would be deleted and that person
     disqualifed from this particular contest.
     However! there will be a contest each month.  PLease do try again!
    MAIL> d
        #20         15-OCT-1985 19:26:59                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     Subj:   My *whereabouts*
     Well, guys, I'm leaving town! 
     Actually I just wanted you both to know that I will be leaving Jacksonville
     on Thursday around 3PM to go to Orlando and I will not return to Jacksonville
     until either Sat. or Sun.
     I will have the model 100 computer with me and will check in if time allows,
     tho it might be very late.  I'm not sure I'll make the conference but will
     try to.
     Until then.....
      New mail on node BOS1A from KAPLAN      
    MAIL> d
        #21         15-OCT-1985 19:59:47                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::KAPLAN      
     To:     BOS1A::CABUYS
     Subj:   RE: Sexual Trivia Contest
     Dear Connie:
     So it goes.  No work at all.  Will try again next month.  Just tell me what to
     do *exactly*.
     No problem.
    MAIL> d
        #22         15-OCT-1985 20:22:43                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::RODM        
     To:     CABUYS,RODM        
     Subj:   Confession 
     My Beloved Darling,
     What I started to tell you was that I 'sorta' misbehaved on 'micro' SIGbut am he
     rein confessing and coping my sin for your review and comments!
     1018 3-OCT-00:22: MANiac Central
          RE: PLAYBOY??? (Re: Msg 1017)
          From: TIGLON       To: ELLENK
     Wow hon..I was the December 84 playboy fold..ah the good life!! (sure Gayle
     Anyway..Ill sign your copy of Playgirl ifyou are in this months Playboy!
     =* tee hee *=
     Tiggy (blush and coovering up)
     Enter FOLLOW for related Message(s).
     FORUM> 1099
     1099 14-OCT 04:26 MANiac Central
          RE: PLAYBOY??? (Re: Msg 1018)
          From: RODM         To: TIGLON
     If I send you my Dec '84 Playboy I have two requests:
     Will you autograph the pics?
     Will you autograph the pics where on the pics I ask?
     If I don't stop now I would wind up with a LOT more requests!
     See Ya' in the other sig,
     Enter FOLLOW for related Message(s).
     1100 14-OCT 04:28 MANiac Central
          RE: PLAYBOY??? (Re: Msg 1099)
          From: TIGLON       To: RODM
       Yes I will autograph the pics.
       Hum...where ELSE E is there to sign?
       Tiggy (sharpening pencil)
     Enter FOLLOW for related Message(s).
     1101 14-OCT 04:33 MANiac Central
          RE: PLAYBOY??? (Re: Msg 1100)
          From: RODM         To: TIGLON
     There are OTHER places you could sign - should I SHOW you!!
     If I do though I'd be in trouble in the other sig - huh?
     If you were to sign - DON'T use a SHARP pencil - PLEASE!
     I wasn't REAL bad though SEE!!!
    MAIL> d
        #23         15-OCT-1985 23:06:32                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::JOHNMYSELF  
     To:     CABUYS
     Subj:   reply to G
     Dear Mr. Gibney;
       During the early portion of our scheduled conference this past
     saturday, Arne joined us.  It had been brought to our attention that
     he might not be over 18, a provision of membership as set forth in our 
     rules and the contract we hold with Delphi, and I  thought to enquire.
     He became evasive and refused to state his age directly.  Tiglon, one
     of our members was the only person who stated that he was 'old enough
     to vote' but by this time he had already impressed me and several 
     others that perhaps he should not be at our conference.  I then set up 
     a closed version of the conference until he left.
       I have included in this letter, a par*OUTPUT OFF*
    MAIL> file arne.doc
        #24         16-OCT-1985 01:26:23                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::RODM        
     To:     CABUYS,RODM        
     Subj:   Reservations
     My Beautifully DELICOUS Darling,
     Here are the motel reservations:
     Thursday, October 17, 1985:
          Howard Johnson's
          2014 W. Colonial
          Orlando, Florida
          (305) 841-8600
     Friday, October 18, 1985:
          Holiday Inn
          5300 Gulf Blvd
          St. Petersburg Beach, Florida
          (813) 360-6911
     The following message shows how to get to the Howard Johnson's
     and I will meet you at the Howard Johnson's Restaurant at 7:00
     Thursday evening.
     PLEASE bring swimwear!
     I LOVE YOU !  I LOVE YOU !!   I LOVE YOU !!!   I LOVE YOU !!!!
    MAIL> *
    Unrecognized command verb - check validity and spelling
        #25         16-OCT-1985 01:27:41                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::RODM        
     To:     CABUYS,RODM        
     Subj:   Map
     My Dearest Darling Connie,
     Here is a map of how to get to Howard Johnson's.
                     ^                         ][<-- Interstate 4
                     :                         ][
                     :                         ][
                     :                         ][
        K Mart       N                         ][    DOWNTOWN
         ___  Taco :              Hwy 50       ][    
        :   : Bell :               EXIT-----> /][    ORLANDO
        :   :  {}  :  W. Colonial (US 50)    / ][
        **Howard:**:<----- Approx. 2 Miles---->][<--NOTE: There is
        **Johnsons*:                           ][         a Howard
        ***********:                           ][         Johnson's
        ***********:                           ][         at US 50
                   :                           ][         & I-4 BUT
                   :                           ][         that's NOT
                   :<-Tampa St.                ][         the one !!
     See you at Howard Johnson's Restaurant at 7:00PM !!!!!!
    MAIL> file orlando
        #1          16-OCT-1985 02:42:25                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::RODM        
     To:     CABUYS,RODM        
     Subj:   Surprise look who and when! 
     My Darling Connie,
     I guess even I didn't realize how far back some thoughts do go!
     Look what I found and the noted thing is the theme and LOOK at WHO made 
     a 'interesting' comment NO comments were made
     that far back - an early light in the 'cave'!!!
     Just think where the moods of BOTH our lives were at THAT time!!
     ENOUGH!!!  LOOK AT THIS!!!!:
     Type: TEXT
     Date: 19-JUL-1985 2d1:39 by JOHNMYSELF
      term relationships / commentary
     /File: SX13.  Count:   0
     Ready... Press RETURN to begin:.lt
     .b 2
          Whether you call them temporary, transitory or
     short-term, relationships of this nature are here to stay.
     You are undoubtedly having them now whether you realize it or
     not.  And short-term relationships are neither inherently
     superior nor inferior to long-term ones.  They can be a
     source of joy, enrichment and satisfaction *if* you acquire
     the attitudes and skills to do two things:
          1)  Enjoy to the utmost whatever moments are spent with
     another person - no matter how few these may be.
          2)  Make agreements with others to get more - much more -
     of what people can give one another to enrich their experience
     of life *right now* instead of being limited by concerns about
     what might happen tommorrow.
          We aren't suggesting that people have no concern about
     the duration of a relationship, think only of today and not
     make promises to each other.  In fact, to have good short-term
     relationships, people must make clearer, firmer, more
     responsible promises.  However, these promises should center
     around the present and immediate future and not on some
     illusory "forever".  And life is made up of moments - moments
     of tenderness, of laughter, or devilishness, of hope, of
     insight, of success.
          You can especially enrich your life by learning how to
     share some special moments with other people - special
     moments we call * BRIEF ENCOUNTERS. *
            Subject: JOY OF LIFE
            Author: RODM
     >>>>>>>Date: 11/20/84<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< WOW! >>>>>>>
    MAIL> d
        #2          16-OCT-1985 02:49:13                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::RODM        
     To:     CABUYS ,RODM        
     Subj:   another FIND - This one SAD 
     My Darling Connie,
     I don't mean this to depress you or ANYTHING like that but found it and wished I
     I could call the author to bear !!
     Not as much as you my darling , but I feel a hurt in my heart at the missing
     of the REAL "Princess"!
     Name: WHO AM I / PRINCESS
     Type: TEXT
     Date: 19-JUL-1985 21:36 bdy JOHNMYSELF
     The person on-line may or may not be who they seem. One person may have
     different personalities depending on the circumstances.
     /File: SX22.  Count:   0
            Last year I discovered that a lot of my friendships were
     coming from the computer.  Also, I found myself attracted to some
     of the people I met on-line.  This puzzled me.
            When I "met" my compu-friends on the phone it was like a
     different facet of their personality was coming across to me.
            When I  finally meet somone  I discover a 3rd facet
     and realize my true feelings about them.
            I really feel that I am 3 different identities:
            1. The Princess Leia  of Compuserve or
               Delphi - very open and flirtatious
            2. The Leia  on the phone - open but a bit more
               reserved  and
            3. Peggy - mommy and wife - less flirtatious, but still as
               open when the right feeling is there
            But in them all I am open and honest about myself, so maybe I
     am not so different after all.  Maybe as I said they are just different
     facets of the same person.  But, I believe that to really know someone
      you have to know all 3 parts.
                    Who am I?
     Any comments?
    MAIL> d
        #3          16-OCT-1985 09:25:06                                        MAIL
    From:   BOS1A::JOHNWG      
     To:     BOS1A::CABUYS
     Subj:   RE: Explanation about Arne
     I am in Columbus, 1-614-7643802 or 764-2106.
    MAIL> file johnwg
    Folder JOHNWG does not exist.
     Do you want to create it (Y/N, default is N)? y
    Folder JOHNWG created
        #1          16-OCT-1985 20:00:52                                     NEWMAIL
    From:   BOS1A::KAPLAN      
     To:     CABUYS
     Subj:   Whatever
    MAIL> d
        #2          16-OCT-1985 20:05:48                                     NEWMAIL
    From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
     To:     BOS1A::RODM,CABUYS      
     Subj:   RE: Map
     I got all the info and the map!  I'll be seeing, holding, kissing, and
     *whatever*  very soon!!!
     I love you so very much!!!
    MAIL> d
    MAIL> ##

  • Digital Archaeology: Codex (Floppy Disk) #8 (part 3)

    Still continuing the exploration of the contents of this floppy disk (see the first part here and the second part here). It’s amazing how much information can fit even on a 5.25″ floppy disk when it is all text. This disk is from a batch I picked up at a thrift store a number of years ago. As I have been digging through these disks, it has become obvious that at least some of them were once owned by someone named Connie A. Buys who used to run the “Close Encounters” Special Interest Group (SIG) on Delphi in the mid 1980s.

    A SIG, as it relates to Delphi, consisted of forums, live chat and files to download centered around a particular topic or theme. A specific definition of this SIG was found in this document: “This SIG, known as “Close Encounters”, is a forum for the discussion of relationships that develop via computer services like the Source, CompuServe, and Delphi. Our primary emphasis is on the sexual aspects of those relationships.”

    Everything was text based from whatever terminal program you used to dial in to Delphi’s servers. Many of these disks have forum messages, e-mails and chat session logs. All of this is pre-internet stuff and I don’t know if there are any archives in existence today of what was on Delphi in the 1980s. In any case, much of this stuff would have been private at the time and some of it is quite personal.

    I’m splitting up the contents of this disk (descriptively labeled “File Disk”) since it contains a number of documents, some of which are pretty long. The third document I’m posting (DM1010.DOC) is another log of a session on Delphi and consists mostly of a series of e-mails, some of which are, um, love letters and some of which are administrative in nature about running the SIG. These are from October 2nd through October 10th, 1985.


    read 1
    #1 2-OCT-1985 20:37:07 MAIL

    Subj: Sysop Opening – Close Encounters SIG

    You’ve been a very good supporter of the Close Encounters sig since it’s
    opening on the Groups and Clubs menu.

    We are now in need of a sysop and I would like to know if you are interested.

    It would require that you be on line most nights between 9 and 11 in the sig.
    It would mean that you would be on the lookout for new sig members and new
    users to Delphi <tho we’re not pushing this *until* the system problems are
    resolved>. It would mean that you would have to be looking for information,
    articles, etc. that could be added to the database, although I would handle
    getting permission if the article is copyright protected since I have to keep
    such paper records on file. It would mean that you would need to help us
    (and I’m getting way behind on this one myself!) in keeping the Forum seciton
    of the sig moving along with either replies to old messages or posting new
    ones for discussion. It would mean suggesting and looking for suggestions
    from others as to possible conference topics (JohnMyself will still be
    running the conferences each Saturday night).

    In exchange for this and anything else you might come up with to help the
    sig grow and become profitable, I would be able to offer you a Free Flag
    within the sig itself. I would have to ask tho that you *not* access the
    sig during prime time and that you not make it too public that you have the
    free flag.

    The general idea is that you will get enough people into the sig to cover the
    expense involved in your free flag. You see, the expense for the free flag is
    deducted from any sig royalty checks should the sig make a profit. You can
    invite anyone you want to join you in the conference area here within the sig
    especially since one does *not* have to be a member of the sig to go into the
    sig conference area.

    Anyway, Joey, I think I’ve given you enough info here to give you an idea of
    what is involved. I must ask that you keep all this info confidential please.

    If you are interested in this, please let me know as soon as possible. If you
    wish to discuss it before deciding, we can do that at your convenience either
    on the phone or on line.

    Enough rambling for now! Talk to you soon, I hope!

    MAIL> d

    #2 2-OCT-1985 22:02:15 MAIL

    Subj: RE: flags

    oh yeah, that distinguishes a vender from the regular members
    of the sig. read something about it in insiders.
    MAIL> d

    #3 3-OCT-1985 10:12:07 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::JOEY “JOEY”
    Subj: RE: Sysop Opening – Close Encounters SIG


    I would gbe glad to accept your offer. I always thought the sysop had an

    interesting job and always wondered how to go about apply}ing. I don’t

    have to wonder anymore, huh? (smile.). I iwll will be online tonight about

    8:00 p.m. delphi permitting. I had a real hard time staying online

    last night. If I can’t get online, I will call you if that is ok.

    the node here is giving me fits. We have had a lot of rain and lightning.

    Guess that affects it. Well, talk to you tonight.

    MAIL> d

    #4 3-OCT-1985 16:45:50 MAIL

    Subj: RE: Sysop Opening – Close Encounters SIG


    I’ll make it a point to be here at 8, Delphi and Uninet willing. If not,
    then do please call.

    If the number you have is busy, please call 904-388-3135. When I’m on line,
    I use the number you have but have a second line which is almost always

    Talk to you soon!

    MAIL> d

    #5 3-OCT-1985 16:48:53 MAIL

    Subj: help?!

    Hiya Dick!

    If you get a chance, would you come into Close Encounters and try to read
    message 200?

    Since the great crash, we keep getting “unable to retrieve the information
    requested.” <sigh>


    MAIL> d

    #6 3-OCT-1985 16:56:05 MAIL

    Person who set F flag :CABUYS
    F flag for :JOEY
    Date set :851003
    Sig F flag for :CLOSE ENCOUNTERS
    MAIL> d

    #7 3-OCT-1985 16:56:14 MAIL


    Person who set F flag :CABUYS
    F flag for :JOEY
    Date set :851003
    Sig F flag for :CLOSE ENCOUNTERS
    MAIL> d

    #8 3-OCT-1985 16:56:20 MAIL

    Subj: You set this F flag !

    Person who set F flag :CABUYS
    F flag for :JOEY
    Date set :851003
    Sig F flag is for :CLOSE ENCOUNTERS
    MAIL> d

    #9 3-OCT-1985 19:06:08 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::ELLISCO “Dick Evans”
    To: CABUYS
    Subj: 200

    Sorry Connie, I get the same answer. Guess that’s one theat the crash ate.
    MAIL> d

    #10 3-OCT-1985 23:24:00 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::ATRICK
    Subj: Wang SIG

    Connie, did you make it to the Wang show this week? I’ve been heavily
    involved in it for the past 4 days and made lots of good contacts (people who
    will be joining us in the SIG). Heard some comments about Redshaw–in fact,
    Dr. Wang himself mentioned them as an excellent company supporting 2200’s.
    Sorry there’s not more for you to see in the SIG yet (noticed you stopped in
    again tonite). Hpe tope to be growing
    in databases, etc. real soon, and wile welcome your participation!
    MAIL> d

    #11 4-OCT-1985 00:14:49 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::RODM
    Subj: SURPRISE!

    My Beloved Darling Connie,

    The first thing I want to say is NO surprise! – I LOVE YOU !!!!

    I hope to surprise you with something before 8 PM so stay prepared
    and patient of my insistance to be close to you !!

    That is meant to confuse you !

    If I haven’t surprised you with something before 8 PM I wasn’t able to do someth

    Oh well maybe next time!!

    I LOVE YOU !!!

    I MORTHOVE YOU !!!!!!!


    MAIL> d

    #12 4-OCT-1985 01:06:36 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::RODM
    Subj: A Heartfelt Message!

    My DELICOUS Darling,

    I LOVE YOU !!!
                 MY           MY     
             MY      MY   MY      MY
            MY          MY         MY
            MY                     MY
              MY                 MY
                  MY          MY
                     MY    MY
                YOU ARE IN MY HEART

    MAIL> d

    #13 4-OCT-1985 18:22:02 MAIL

    To: CABUYS
    Subj: hiya <hugs>

    hope all is well, why was rod callimg ng me last night?
    if you want to call tonight, and can, call after 9
    MAIL> d

    #14 4-OCT-1985 21:28:48 MAIL

    To: CABUYS
    Subj: what’s this

    Hey little girl – want some candy?


    MAIL> d

    #15 5-OCT-1985 09:46:03 MAIL

    Subj: meaning of various flags <for your info>
    1699 3-OCT-22:53: General Info
    RE: Recovered message (Re: Msg 1695)

    a= alternate and allows the person to edit and delete messages in forum
    c= conference moderator, limited to 1 per SIG
    d= database maintenance
    e= edit announcements topics and polls
    f= free account
    g= gag on this user, cannot be seen in conference and cannot enter forum msgs
    l= lock this user out of SIG
    m= membership maintenance
    n= nonmember, set to whatever nonmembers can do
    s= set, able to setup a SIG
    u= user global defaults for new users
    w= wiz = d + e + m + s
    x= nonmember replaces “n”
    z= zap all flags
    MAIL> d

    #16 5-OCT-1985 09:47:40 MAIL

    Subj: strange filenames & editing problem <from Insiders>
    1694 3-OCT-21:38: BUG/ERROR Report
    Bug in workspace edit
    From: ASMCOR To: ALL

    I was in the Preview workspace in Apple sig today, trying to edit a couple
    of lines off a file I had submitted. It was named nn$ASMCO$FILE.TXT or
    something like that,
    and when I tried to edit it with the EDIT nn$ASMCO$FILE.TXT command, it
    refused to accept the command, saying “do not use $ in a filename.”
    So i tried EDIT *FILE.TXT, and it said “error in wildcard.” Finally,
    I tried RENAME nn$ASMCO$FILE.TXT TEMP.TXT, and that worked. I then edited the
    and renamed it back, and then deleted the copy that was produced. Fun, eh?

    1700 3-OCT-22:54: BUG/ERROR Report
    RE: Bug in workspace edit (Re: Msg 1694)
    From: DAN To: ASMCOR

    This has been on my list to fix for several weeks. Problem will
    disappear sometime soon.

    MAIL> d

    #17 5-OCT-1985 09:54:16 MAIL

    Subj: msg from Insiders sig
    1711 4-OCT-18:58: Using Delphi
    *FlagShip* Poll
    From: JSP To: ALL

    4. A BUFF, ER’, AH QUESTION., created by WUNDERKIND.
    Creation date: OCT 4,1985

    Well…. After discovering that Ole Steg, AND I both do this…. We thought it
    would be in the Public interest to settle this Burning issue… To put it, Ah,
    bluntly: Do you Telecompute in the Buff? Or otherwise oddly attired? Don’t
    worry, your responses are Anon, and you will not be the subject of any, ah
    unusual, ah, mail…
    To better serve you, and our SIG.

    CHOICE              VOTES   PERCENT
    ------              -----   -------
    YES                    1     50%
    NO                     1     50%
    TOTAL VOTE:            2

    Type “VOTE” to vote, “READ” to read comments, <return> for next poll:
    MAIL> d

    #18 5-OCT-1985 09:58:38 MAIL

    Subj: poll question

    I’d like your permission to copy Wunderkind’s Poll question to Close
    Encounters Forum along with a notation that if any member of Close
    Encounters wishes to vote on such poll, he should go to Flagship to do so.

    And of course, we would not allow any duplication of the poll question in
    Close Encounters.

    Do you have any objections to this?


    -Connie A. Buys, CLE Manager
    MAIL> d

    #19 5-OCT-1985 09:59:08 MAIL

    Subj: copy of request to Deb and JSP for your info

    I’d like your permission to copy Wunderkind’s Poll question to Close
    Encounters Forum along with a notation that if any member of Close
    Encounters wishes to vote on such poll, he should go to Flagship to do so.

    And of course, we would not allow any duplication of the poll question in
    Close Encounters.

    Do you have any objections to this?


    -Connie A. Buys, CLE Manager
    MAIL> d

    #20 5-OCT-1985 10:05:38 MAIL

    Subj: clarifying some things

    Hiya Joey,

    As you should be aware by now, you’ll be receiving from time to time copies
    of messages from the Sig Managers SIG <known as Insiders> that I think yoyu
    need to be aware of.

    I just want to be sure that you understand you can read your mail files from
    within Close Encounters to avoid any difficulties will your own account.

    One more question and I should have asked it before now and it’s very important
    I have an answer: What is the status of your account with Delphi? If it’s
    past due, JohnWG may zap the free flag. That’s why I need to know.

    As for the time on line, I also want to be sure that you understand we are
    talking about an *average* of two hours per day. So if one night you can’t
    get on line at all, regardless of the reason, then you have some additional
    time to spread out over the remaining month as you see fit. Also if you
    are in the middle of a conference that is going well and there are people
    still there, *you* don’t need to leave just because your time has run out.

    And please do ask questions if you have them. Actually at first, sysoping can
    seem like a lot of work, but I think once you get going, you’ll love it.
    (At least I *hope* you will!)

    MAIL> d

    #21 5-OCT-1985 10:35:09 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::DEB “deb!, *FlagShip* Manager”
    Subj: RE: poll question


    Sure, sweetie, that is fine with me, I was highly amused that someone would
    post it! A couple of the staff members wanted it deleted, but I just don’t
    care fmuch for consocensoring the members when they have done nothing outside of the
    law or outside of good taste.

    This _will_ be interesting, eh???

    MAIL> d

    #22 5-OCT-1985 10:38:11 MAIL

    Subj: RE: poll question

    Thanks Deb!

    And Yes it will most certainly be interesting! <grin>

    I’ll probably check from time to time to see how the votes are going too just
    out of curiosity!

    MAIL> d

    #23 5-OCT-1985 10:59:21 MAIL

    Subj: interesting date in membership files

    I’ve discovered that if we added a member before the sig went public and
    that member has never visited the sig, then the date last on reads: 17-NOV-1858

    Perhaps we should delete all those with this date? I hate the way you have
    to edit each member individually to find out the interesting stuff like this!

    I love you!

    #24 5-OCT-1985 11:33:19 MAIL

    Subj: RE: interesting date in membership files

    lets just leave it for now as an interestnig bit
    of trivia. Perhaps we can use it later. A passing forum message
    for example and then include the information in some kind
    of trivia contest.
    speaking of which , I would like to start on that soon.
    Suppose we confer on how to handle the matter later today either
    on-line of via phone.

    PS: I Love You. <liss>
    MAIL> d

    #25 5-OCT-1985 11:46:28 MAIL

    Subj: RE: interesting date in membership files

    I’ve been thinking a lot about the Trivia contest too. Confering on it
    is a good idea!

    MAIL> d

    #26 5-OCT-1985 12:18:14 MAIL

    Subj: Trivia Contest – more info will follow later

    .Myself> we should start with the idea of posting a single message under the
    .Myself> playground topic each month….
    .Myself> which will contain five questions taken at random from the subjects in
    .Myself> game…
    .Myself> we should then allow a week <no more I thnk> for all members to reply t
    o the
    .Myself> message. and I thing replies should be via dmail to keep others from r
    eading answers
    .Myself> and then copying them. <not that our members would ‘cheat’>
    .Myself> now for the hard part

    GROUP LIST: 12:00:04
    1) WE MANAGE
    Myself, Connie
    – idle
    AVAILABLE LIST: () = in conf
    —— [2 in this area]
    .Myself> naturally if we have a contest we should have a reward.
    .Connie> right!
    .Myself> I think that the first person to correctly answer the month’s
    .Myself> questions should maybe get a special credit – say 2 hours on-line time.

    .Myself> and one other stipulation…
    .Myself> that a winner one month, should sit out the following month to keep
    .Myself> one or two people from doing all the
    .Myself> winning and thus killing the purpose
    .Myself> of the contest which is to get our members active all together.
    .Myself> ga
    .Connie> I agree with that!
    .Myself> now,

    GROUP LIST: 12:02:22
    1) WE MANAGE
    Myself, Connie
    – idle
    AVAILABLE LIST: () = in conf
    —— [3 in this area]
    .Myself> I propose to post a message laying out the contest rules
    .Myself> which will take the form of a brief announcement
    .Myself> in this way, all our members will get the word ‘up front’
    .Myself> message
    .Myself> will be approved by u first.
    .Connie> ok – no problem there.

    GROUP LIST: 12:03:50
    1) WE MANAGE
    Myself, Connie
    – idle
    AVAILABLE LIST: () = in conf
    —— [3 in this area]
    .Myself> now, you should <pls> check out setting up arrangements with Kelly
    .Myself> on how to apply this credit.
    .Connie> I want to make some minor changes to what you’ve said here before you w
    rite the message.
    .Myself> It wil no doubt come out of our royalties but the key is how.
    .Myself> directly? or through payment from SLG assoc to the member account.
    .Myself> ok ga
    .Connie> ok…
    .Connie> I’ll get in touch with Kelly on Monday, but I prefI’ll get in touch wit
    h Kelly on Monday but think I’d prefer payment from SLG Assoc. to member account

    .Connie> <sigh> what garbage that line was!
    .Myself> no prblm – i read it ok
    .Connie> but considering the value of the prize, I think we need to increase the
    questions to ten….
    .Myself> <right>
    .Connie> and we should allow two weeks instead of one for replies since some mem
    bers don’t get here on a weekly basis….
    .Myself> ok
    .Connie> any replies posted in the forum will be promptly deleted by either you
    Joey or me and that person disqualified from the current monthly contest…
    .Myself> right
    .Connie> the prize will go to the person who answers the *most* questions correc
    tly. it’s important to state that in your message.
    .Myself> <ok – point – prize should be halved if only half correct>
    .Connie> and I think we need some sort of consolation prize for the runner-up, p
    erhaps I could U S Mail them a 1 lb Hershey’s kiss or something else that might
    be more appropriate.
    .Myself> good idea
    .Connie> perhaps the prize for the winner would be easier to track if we make it
    $1 per correct answer. say if there are ten questions and only 8 are answered
    correctly and that person is the winner then he gets $8 payment made by SLG to h
    is acco
    .Connie> unt?
    .Myself> thats a good idea and easier to follow too.
    .Connie> <or we could go with 12 questions and 2 hours time – either way>
    .Connie> by the way, I have two others sources of Trivia questions besides the g
    ame that you have.
    .Connie> so we should have plenty of material for a while if it’s successful.
    .Myself> lets inter mix them too
    .Myself> will get a message up later today and dmail it to you
    .Connie> the other two sources are a little different – instead of multiple choi
    ce answers like the game has, there are just questions with answers provided els
    .Myself> ok. that will allow variety to the contest and keep people thinking
    .Connie> ok – will look for it then. would like to start this Monday – by the wa
    y, I want all answers dmailed to Ladylove account.
    .Myself> ok
    .Connie> wll keep this account or yours from being flooded! <we hope!>
    .Myself> I thought we could start it on Sunday anmd run it till the secxond satu
    .Myself> keeps it on full week basis.
    .Connie> oh ok that’s a good starting day.
    .Myself> ok
    .Myself> catch you later
    .Connie> ok bye for now
    .Myself> will have some things to do before my den meeting at 1.
    /no log
    .Myself> KISS
    .Connie> kiss!!
    .Myself> – signed off –
    MAIL> d

    #27 5-OCT-1985 13:37:10 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::ARNE
    To: CABUYS
    Subj: are you ever gonna talk to me?

    MAIL> d

    #28 5-OCT-1985 13:54:19 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::RODM
    To: CABUYS
    Subj: copy for you

    From: BOS1A::RODM 4-OCT-1985 18:52
    Subj: RE: hello … hope all is well, say hi to connie for me

    Dear Beautiful Princess,

    I trust your majesty is ruling your kingdom with all the grace and regal
    demeanor for which you are known and loved by all your subjects.

    In the words of the world today “What’s happening, doll?!”

    I <or I should say Connie and I> just had a FANTASTIC!!!! weekend and I
    guess you would have to hear of that from her!

    I hope your weekend was as good!

    We will have to find a way to share some of the ‘beauty’ of life that we experie
    nce in o
    experience in our individual lives!

    I think being able to share some of those things with others is what can make
    special things even more special.

    Enough for now!

    Your loyal subject,

    MAIL> d

    #29 5-OCT-1985 14:05:48 MAIL

    Subj: talking


    I am going to talk to you. But I do have certain responsibilities I have to
    attend to sig business -wise first and that will take a few more hours.


    MAIL> d

    #30 5-OCT-1985 14:09:10 MAIL

    Subj: passwords


    I need to have the password for Miranda set up so I can use the account.

    There are times when I want to do sig work without interruptions and when
    some see CABUYS in the sig, that means little work because they want to

    Only you and I will know that i’m using Miranda under those circumstances. ok?

    Love and kisses,

    MAIL> d

    #31 5-OCT-1985 14:15:22 MAIL

    Subj: a request

    Hi Ron!

    When you sent me the book, you included a copy of an article “Computer
    Assisted Resources: Sexuality Education Via Microcomputers.:

    I’d like to have your permission to reprint that article in the Close
    Encounters sig. But if you have any objections, please don’t hesitate to
    voice them.


    MAIL> d

    #32 5-OCT-1985 14:19:59 MAIL

    Subj: another request

    It’s your friendly pest again! <grin>

    Your book con
    MAIL> d

    #33 5-OCT-1985 14:20:24 MAIL

    Subj: ignore that last – I hit control z by mistake!

    MAIL> d

    #34 5-OCT-1985 14:22:25 MAIL

    Subj: trying again

    I’d like your permission to reprint “Intimations of Intimacy” in the
    Close Encounters sig.

    Ron, if either of my requests conflicts with your sig, then please say so.

    MAIL> d

    #35 5-OCT-1985 14:42:53 MAIL

    Subj: form letter – part 1


    I was looking over the letters I had sent out for reprint permission and
    they are all the same except for the necessary change in variables.

    The next message is a copy of the letter. The variables are:

    Name & Adress of whom it’s to
    Issue date
    Magazine Title
    Article Title

    Also some of the wording in the second paragraph needs to be modified since
    we are operating a little differently now. Will explain that later as it’s
    difficult to explain on line.


    MAIL> d

    #36 5-OCT-1985 14:43:51 MAIL

    Subj: copy of the letter

    2947 West 3rd Street
    Jacksonville, Florida, 32205
    February 16, 1985

    FORUM Magazine
    Rights and Permissions
    1965 Broadway
    New York, New York 10023-5965

    Re: Reprint Permission Request
    The JULY 1984 issue of FORUM Magazine carried an article titled “The
    X-Rated Computer” by Jack Martin.

    I manage an electronic special interest group on a computer system
    known as Delphi. This SIG, known as “Close Encounters”, is a forum
    for the discussion of relationships that develop via computer services
    like the Source, CompuServe, and Delphi. Our primary emphasis is on
    the sexual aspects of those relationships.

    I would like to have your permission to reprint the article named
    above for the benefit of our membership.

    If you need any further information in order to grant permission to
    reprint this article, please let me know.

    Very truly yours,

    Connie A. Buys, SIG Manager
    Close Encounters

    MAIL> d

    #37 5-OCT-1985 15:00:47 MAIL

    To: CABUYS
    Subj: contest rules

    Close Encounters Sig
    Sexual Trivia Contest Rules.

    This month in Close Encounters, we will be starting
    a ‘sexual trivia’ contest with the official questions
    and answers being taken from the game of the same name
    and other sources.

    Each month on the second Sunday, we will post in the
    forum under the ‘playground’ topic, the 10 questions
    for the month.

    All members of the Close Encounters Sig are eligible to
    play regardless of when they joined.

    Answers to the questions are to be sent to LADYLOVE
    via dmail only. Any answers <replies> posted in the
    forum section will be automatically dis-qualified and

    The winner will be the first person to get either all the
    questions correctly answered, or the most correct answers.

    You may answer any or all of the questions at any time up until
    midnight of the second Saturday following the posting of the
    questions, however, the winner <and runner up> will both be
    determined by the date/time stamp on the mail file listing for
    the last entry. The decision of the judges will be final.

    Restrictions do apply

    We would expect that if you have access to the game ‘Sexual
    Trivia’, that you will dis-qualify yourself from participating
    since this will give you an unfair advantage over others who
    do not have the game or access to it.

    In an effort to keep the game interesting and competitive,
    and as fair as possible, the winner of one game will be asked
    not to participate in the next months game only.

    Of course there will be prizes.

    Otherwise why have the contest at all? The winners will
    receive a payment to their Delphi accounts of $1.00 for each
    correct <or most nearly correct as determined by the judges>
    answer from SLG ASSOCIATES.

    The runner-up will also receive a prize the nature of which
    will be specified at a later date.
    MAIL> d

    #38 5-OCT-1985 15:02:41 MAIL

    Subj: RE: contest rules

    sounds great! let’s go with it!

    Want me to do the first questions? or will you?
    MAIL> d

    #39 5-OCT-1985 18:57:18 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::JOEY “JOEY”
    Subj: RE: copy of request to Deb and JSP for your info


    I have no objection to the poll question.
    MAIL> d

    #40 5-OCT-1985 19:02:05 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::JOEY “JOEY”
    Subj: RE: clarifying some things


    Don’t worry about my account satatus with Delphi. They bill American Express

    es. And we ALL know American Express wants their money now. I did it that

    ster Card(smile).

    MAIL> d

    #41 5-OCT-1985 19:07:42 MAIL

    Subj: RE: contest rules

    <Will have the first questions ready for posting tomorrow>
    <here is an update of the contest rules>

    Close Encounters Sig
    Sexual Trivia Contest Rules.

    This month in Close Encounters, we will be starting
    a ‘sexual trivia’ contest with the official questions
    and answers being taken from the game of the same name
    and other sources.

    Each month on the second Sunday, we will post in the
    forum under the ‘playground’ topic, the 10 questions
    for the month.

    All members of the Close Encounters Sig are eligible to
    play regardless of when they joined.

    Answers to the questions are to be sent to LADYLOVE
    via dmail only. Any answers <replies> posted in the
    forum section will be automatically dis-qualified and

    The winner will be the first person to get either all the
    questions correctly answered, or the most correct answers.

    You may answer any or all of the questions at any time up until
    midnight of the second Saturday following the posting of the
    questions, however, the winner <and runner up> will both be
    determined by the date/time stamp on the mail file listing for
    the last entry. The decision of the judges will be final.

    Restrictions do apply

    We would expect that if you have access to the game ‘Sexual
    Trivia’, that you will dis-qualify yourself from participating
    since this will give you an unfair advantage over others who
    do not have the game or access to it.

    In an effort to keep the game interesting and competitive,
    and as fair as possible, the winner of one game will be asked
    not to participate in the next months game only.

    Of course there will be prizes.

    Otherwise why have the contest at all? The winners will
    receive a payment to their Delphi accounts of $1.00 for each
    correct <or most nearly correct as determined by the judges>
    answer from SLG ASSOCIATES.

    The runner-up in each months contest will receive a prize
    of $4.00 also paid to their account.

    The winning answers.

    The winning answers along with the official correct answers
    and the names of both the winner and runner-up will be posted
    in the forum section as soon as possible after the current


    The above contest rules are subject to change without notice
    as is the value and method of issue of prizes. SLG Associates
    warrants only that all questions and answers will be exactly
    as they are presented in the sources of such information and
    will not be responsible for the accuracy of such sources.

    Also, SLG Associates responsibility for collection and
    accounting of valid entries will extend only to such
    entries actually received via the electronic mail facility
    of Delphi in accordance with the rules stated above.

    MAIL> d

    #42 6-OCT-1985 00:55:29 MAIL

    Subj: trivia questions



    1. How did Franciscan monks test their powers of chastity?

    2. Why is the wedding ring customarily worn on the third finger of the left han

    3. On which date, according to a 1970 ‘Seventeen’ survey, is it traditional for
    a couple to have their first kiss?

    4. What do hermaphrodites have that “normal” humans do not?

    5. Who is the ancient Roman god of orgies?


    1. By sleeping beside a naked woman.

    2. Because the vein in that finger goes directly to the heart.

    3. The second date.

    4. Sex organs of both genders.

    5. Bacchus.
    MAIL> d

    #43 6-OCT-1985 01:03:59 MAIL

    Subj: assistants


    This is in response to your message in Insiders. Close Encounters has
    added JOEY as sysop.

    And while discussing this, there is one comment I wish to make about
    JohnMyself that might be a little different from any other sig managers.

    JohnMyself and I are *equal* partners in the Close Encounters sig. Both our
    names are on the contract with Delphi and both of us can speak for or
    about the sig and its management. Both JohnMyself and I have “W” flags and
    I do not consider him an “assistant manager” in the sense that it’s usually
    referred to in Insiders. We are most likely the only sig managers with an
    arrangement of this type.

    I sincerely hope this causes no problems with anyone.

    MAIL> d

    #44 6-OCT-1985 02:27:29 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::RODM
    Subj: Created Poll

    My Beloved Darling Connie,

    I have created a poll – Sexual Positions

    I thought polls had to be ‘accepted’ before they are accessable!

    It appears to be there for ALL

    I hope I didn’t do anything wrong!

    Don’t forget to vote!!

    I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    MAIL> d

    #45 6-OCT-1985 08:57:37 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::JOEY “JOEY”
    Subj: RE: assistants


    What is insiderxs? I have another question also. I have a feeling it is a

    touchy subject and if it is none of my business, just say so. What happened

    to Peg? Last night, someone asked John if Peg was coming to the co. He

    said no and no comment. I just hope they are not having problems problems. Again

    if this is confidential or you just can’t tell, it won’t hurt my feelings.

    MAIL> d

    #46 6-OCT-1985 10:58:21 MAIL

    Subj: RE: Created Poll


    you did *nothing* wrong!

    polls are the one area in a sig that’s completely out of touch for even
    sig managers. no one can edit them or change them in any way except to
    delete them entirely and I’d never do that to any poll here.

    AND I did vote! and also left a comment you’

    find interesting! <grin>

    I love you!!!!

    MAIL> d

    #47 6-OCT-1985 11:07:22 MAIL

    Subj: RE: assistants


    Insiders is a sig that’s no listed in the menu. It is for Sig Managers,
    Assistant Managers, and SysOps only and the only way one can get to it is
    if one has been manually added to the membership by the sig managers there.

    It’s purpose is to keep us informed of problems, etc, that affect us all in
    the operation of our sigs.

    There’s one other sig called ZTEST that operates on the same idea, meaning its
    open only to those named above and one can only get there if one has been
    added to the membership list manually. The purpose of this sig is to allow
    us to “test” changes to the sig program before it’s added to all the sigs. It
    is a “learning” place essentially, where one learns by trial and error! <grin>

    As for Peg, she has decided not to be involved in this sig in any way that is
    noticeable to members of the sig. It’s a very touchy subject that causes *me*
    a great deal of pain; however I can learn to cope with that. As for problems
    between her and John, it’s relatively safe to say there are no more problems
    than there ever have been.

    By the way, I was very impressed with some comments you made during the
    conference last night, particularly in the area of what I consider “sysoping”-
    you helped a number of times in keeping the conversation going and you helped
    Tim with the suggestion of control c twice. Keep up the good work!!!

    Back to Insiders and ZTEST – as soon as I get some word from the sig managers
    there on whether you can get a free flag or not, I’ll let you know. The way
    I feel about it, if you can’t be free there, then I’ll simply forward what’s
    most important from Insiders to you via dmail where you can read it in an
    area where you *are* free. How’s that? <grin>

    Talk to you soon!


    P.S. Are you beginning to get the picture yet that sysoping is “work”? <smile>
    MAIL> d

    #48 6-OCT-1985 11:12:12 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::JOEY “JOEY”
    Subj: RE: assistants

    Thanks, Connie. It may be worlk, but I think it will be very interesting.

    I feel privileged to work with someone with the experience you have.

    (inteh the area of sysoping, that is). I feel I can learn a lot from you

    in this area. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

    MAIL> d

    #49 6-OCT-1985 11:33:28 MAIL

    Subj: RE: a request

    Hi Connie–No objections, infact, very pleased to haveit
    in the Close Encounters SIG.
    MAIL> d

    #50 6-OCT-1985 11:36:27 MAIL

    Subj: RE: trying again

    Yes, you may reprint that prose poem — no conflict with
    my SIG — I feel that our SIGS are synergistic.
    MAIL> d

    #51 6-OCT-1985 15:00:14 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::RODM
    Subj: SP

    My Beloved Darling Connie,

    I don’t know if you have perceived yet how much these conferences on sexual
    positions are relating to my almost burning desire to share with you all that
    my life is or has been but the conferences have made it possible to open the
    topic more between us!

    As a result I sat down and made a list of the coital positions that I have
    experienced with varying levels of success which are meant first and foremost
    for you and second to help others in the SIG to realize that they probably
    have all experienced more positions than they might think because many are
    just variations of others and perhaps this awareness will stimulate the
    conferences and relax the participants.

    Who knows the SIG members may collectively author our own sex manual listing
    positions, advantages, disadvantages, special occassions and meanings of each
    form of sex act!

    I would LOVE to colaborate with you on ALL of this but I think we need to
    conduct a lot of RESEARCH on all the topics!!!!

    I am sending you my list in the next message and after you review it I would
    like to put it in the Forum addressed to you, as information to John, or
    simply to All, Or you may simply include it in an article or database as you
    see fit as long as it is very visible so as to stimulate response, growth, or
    openess in the SIG.

    My Darling I live to share all of this and so much more with you !!!!

    PLEASE give me your reaction to all of this and the list as soon as possible!


    MAIL> d

    #52 6-OCT-1985 15:03:10 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::RODM
    Subj: list

    My Dear Connie,

    The last couple of conferences have dealt with sexual positions and I have
    followed the discussions very closely but for several reasons could not put my
    thoughts and experiences together concisely enough nor can I enter data fast
    enough or even tell it to you fast enough to keep up with the pace of the
    conferences so I am formulating several lists and messages which might via the
    forum or articles be of help to the SIG, its conferences, or its membership in
    the future discussions.

    The first of these is the following list of coital positions that I have
    experienced with varying degrees of success. This list does not contain
    positions for oral sex, anal sex, mutual masterbation, or manual / digital
    <finger not computer> stimulation, nor does it include the advantages or
    disadvatages of the positions listed but if I can develope the courage all of
    those lists and references will soon follow.

    I hope that when seen this list will make everyone aware that the positions
    are variations and many of them are actually very common, others in the list
    are NOT real common and usually are related to some event, occassion, or

    Afterall Life itself is filled with variations and often those variations are
    the beauties, treasures, or ‘flowers’ of life!

    ENOUGH!! – Now the List!:

    Position    Woman's Position         Man's Position         Relative Positions
    ________    ______________________   _____________________  __________________
    1           Lying on back            Horizontal above       Face to face
    2           "  "  "   "              "  "  "  "  "  "       Opposite(Head-toe)
    3           "  "  "  side            Beside                 Face to face 
    4           "  "  "   "              "  " (Forming 'X')     Back to face
    5           "  " / kneeling over     Kneeling               Man behind Woman
    6           Sitting/Kneeling atop    Lying on back          Facing
    7           "   "   "    "   " "     "  "   "  "            Woman facing away
    8           Squatting over           "  "   "  "            Facing
    9           "    "    " "            "  "   "  "            Woman facing away
    10          Sitting on Man           Sitting(leaning back)  Facing
                                         (man can reach woman)
    11          "    "  "  "             "  "                   Woman facing away
    12          Squatting over           "  "                   " "   "  "   "  "
    13          "    "    " "            "  "                   Facing
    14          Leaning onto table       Standing               Man behind Woman
    15          Lying on table           "   "                  Man facing Woman
                                                               (holding her legs)
    16          Leaning over low back    "   "                  Man behind Woman
                chair or arm of couch
    17          Standing (leaning back)  "   " (leaning back)   Facing
    18          "   "  (leaning forward) "   "                  Man behind Woman

    Note: Positions 17 & 18 are limited but what a way to end a mutual shower!!
    MAIL> d

    #53 6-OCT-1985 16:11:29 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::ELLISCO “Dick Evans”
    Subj: CHANGES

    I have moved John to the Managers mailing list, added Joey to the Assistants
    and given Joey access and an “F” flag for Inside and Ztest. HIs is Ztest flags
    wiare A< , D, E, F, V.

    MAIL> d

    #54 6-OCT-1985 16:24:36 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::RODM
    Subj: List
    The last couple of conferences have dealt with sexual positions and I have
    followed the discussions very closely but for several reasons could not put my
    thoughts and experiences together concisely enough nor can I enter data fast
    enough or even tell it to someone fast enough to keep up with the pace of

    the conferences so I am formulating several lists and messages which might via
    the forum or articles be of help to the SIG, its conferences, or its
    membership in the future discussions.

    The first of these is the following list of coital positions that I have
    experienced with varying degrees of success. This list does not contain
    positions for oral sex, anal sex, mutual masterbation, or manual / digital
    <finger not computer> stimulation, nor does it include the advantages or
    disadvatages of the positions listed but if I can develope the courage all of
    those lists and references will soon follow.

    I hope that when seen this list will make everyone aware that the positions
    are variations and many of them are actually very common, others in the list
    are NOT real common and usually are related to some event, occassion, or

    Afterall Life itself is filled with variations and often those variations are
    the beauties, treasures, or ‘flowers’ of life!

    ENOUGH!! – Now the List!:

    Position Woman’s Position Man’s Position Relative Positions
    ________ ______________________ _____________________ __________________

    1 Lying on back Horizontal above Face to face
    2 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Opposite(Head-toe)
    3 ” ” ” side Beside Face to face
    4 ” ” ” ” ” ” (Forming ‘X’) Back to face
    5 ” ” / kneeling over Kneeling Man behind Woman
    6 Sitting/Kneeling atop Lying on back Facing
    7 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Woman facing away
    8 Squatting over ” ” ” ” Facing
    9 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” Woman facing away
    10 Sitting on Man Sitting(leaning back) Facing
    (man can reach woman)
    11 ” ” ” ” ” ” Woman facing away
    12 Squatting over ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”
    13 ” ” ” ” ” ” Facing
    14 Leaning onto table Standing Man behind Woman
    15 Lying on table ” ” Man facing Woman
    (holding her legs)
    16 Leaning over low back ” ” Man behind Woman
    chair or arm of couch
    17 Standing (leaning back) ” ” (leaning back) Facing
    18 ” ” (leaning forward) ” ” Man behind Woman

    Note: Positions 17 & 18 are limited but what a way to end a mutual shower!!

    MAIL> d

    #55 6-OCT-1985 17:29:07 MAIL

    Subj: RE: CHANGES

    Thank you, Dick.

    It’s so nice to make a request and have it honored so promptly!


    MAIL> d

    #56 6-OCT-1985 17:31:10 MAIL

    Subj: RE: List

    Excellent, sweetheart! It looks ready to post to me!
    I love you!

    MAIL> d

    #57 6-OCT-1985 17:37:27 MAIL

    Subj: how to get to ZTEST and Insiders


    I assume you’ve received the copy of the message from Ellisco about your
    Free Flags in Ztest and Insiders.

    Now for the important info – to get there! <grin>

    If you are in the Close Encounters sig, at the ENCOUNTER> prompt, you can
    type ex in for Insiders or ex zt for Ztest. At the MAIN> prompt, it would
    be gr in or gr zt.

    Let me know if you have any trouble!


    MAIL> d

    #58 6-OCT-1985 19:58:12 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::PEABO “Peter Olson, ICONtact Manager”
    Subj: it is no problem at all for a SIG to have two equal status managers

    Dick, sounds like JOHNMYSLEF belongs on the @MANAGERS list.
    MAIL> d

    #59 7-OCT-1985 17:43:02 MAIL

    Subj: answer to your letter

    Dear Peggy,

    I got your letter, card, and stickers today. Thanks for the stickers –
    they are some I haven’t seen around here!

    Since you’ve asked me twice what Rod called you about last week, I’m
    going to *try* <it’s extremely difficult!> to explain here and now.
    I just hope that we are still friends afterwards. (By the way, Rod
    now understands that he was out of line by calling you about this!)
    And *please* believe me, I’m not saying these things to hurt you – it
    is just how I feel <and I’ve felt a lot of pain I’ve had to keep to
    myself or have only shared with Rod because he knew I was upset at the

    No, Peggy, I’m not upset over the fact that you have not split up with
    Stu. And yes, to some extent, I am upset over the changing that is
    taking place within you because I don’t see much change for the
    better. <sigh>

    What I have seen is one who was once very positive in her feelings and
    thinking, who had so much confidence about her dealings with people
    especially on line – I’ve seen that person become more uncertain, more
    unsure, and not very pleased with herself. In the words of another,
    you once had it all together but you don’t any more. <I hope you
    realize how much this hurts me!>

    I have tried to be very patient and very understanding of what you
    were going thru. But, Peggy, do you realize that you have turned your
    back on what we once held to be very important to the three of us
    (You, John, and me). I counted so much on your help on line, within
    the sig because you have this marvelous personality that makes people
    feel at ease and allows them to talk. You *know* how to bring them out
    of their shells, so to speak.

    I tried to separate your withdrawal from the sig from my personal
    feelings about what was going on but I just can’t do that. The sig is
    too much a part of me and I still value it’s importance. I told
    myself that you had the right to do as you wished. I tried to
    convince myself that perhaps John and I had both pushed you too much
    with this sig stuff or had taken for granted that you would want to be
    a part of it all. I kept as silent as I could and made every excuse
    in the book but still it hurts.

    I want so much to be rid of this feeling of betrayal but I guess time
    will have to handle that. I do hope that we are still friends and I
    will keep in touch as often as I can. But the very mention of Stu’s
    name brings this all back; altho I understand your need and desire to
    talk about him, I can’t deal with it. I am sorry, so very sorry but I
    don’t know what else to do.

    I do love you, Peggy, more than you may realize. You’re my special
    sister, my family, my friend, my confidant. I hope that you can
    forgive me for all this.


    P.S. Peggy, I know that at times it has looked like I’ve forgotten
    the importance of the sig but I am very aware of this and with Rod’s
    help, I am working on it. It’s mostly a case of setting my priorities
    where Rod and the sig are concerned. And thank goodness, Rod supports
    and encourages me to make this sig successful.
    MAIL> d

    #60 7-OCT-1985 19:39:57 MAIL

    Subj: some things to talk about

    My dearest darling Rod,

    I mentioned to you that there is something I wanted to put into
    writing because it would be easier for me that way.

    I’m not sure, as I start this, whether I will send it to you dmail or
    wait until you are here and give you a printed copy to read then. I
    want to be able to be with you but I also want you to have time to
    think thru what I’m about to say and the two conflict with each other.

    I would like to re-state some things we already know:

    1. You’ve mentioned when you come to me, you will have to give up
    your present job – but I’m not sure of the exact reasons behind that

    2. You’ve said you are afraid of losing your son. This I can very
    well understand because of his age and you want to allow him time to
    mature a little more in the hopes he can understand later.

    3. You’ve said your marriage would be history, which, of course, is
    the only way we could be together. This also means giving up your
    home and the things you and Charlet have worked for all the past

    4. You’ve said you would be bankrupt and I am assuming you mean the
    full legal implications that are involved.

    5. You’ve indicated to me over and over again how segmented your life

    The full realization of what you would be giving up is what led to my
    comment Saturday night about “destroying you”.

    I am very concerned, perhaps because I don’t know all the reasons
    behind your various comments listed above, that you are making such
    statements and decisions in a sincere effort to put that part of your
    life “in a box on the shelf” – to keep it entirely segmented from the
    life we will have together.

    If that is the case, don’t you realize that there *will always be*
    ties to the past? There will be alimony. There will be, depending on
    Rodney’s age at the time, child support. There will be times when you
    will have to deal with Charlet for various reasons, especially when it
    comes to the son the two of you have, just as there will also be times
    when I will have to deal with Chuck, even after you and I are

    As for the bankruptcy, that’s another matter – because it will
    seriously affect the starting of your own business! Who’s going to
    financially back someone who can’t handle their own finances? And
    believe me, they will want to know all about your financial history!

    And, sweetheart, don’t think, when it comes to your marriage, that any
    attorney is going to let you get away with giving up *everything* just
    because you might want to. Believe me! I’ve been there.

    Anyway, now I’ve had my say and I think I will send it on to you so
    that we can discuss it all in more detail when we are together.
    I just want to be sure you don’t start putting certain things into
    action based on decisions you might have already made <such as
    spending *every* credit card up to its maximum limit like I did just
    before filing backruptcy myself!>

    I love you so very much!

    MAIL> d

    #61 7-OCT-1985 19:40:05 MAIL

    From: BOS2A::MONTE

    Dearest Peg O’My Heart!

    Hey! You really MUST get on CHATTER. My “10/5 MUSINGS” which I posted there
    this morning are worth their weight in gold (iron pyrites – false gold to you).

    Main reason I wrote tho, is to tell PUGDOG who is making the badges, what
    the hell gives on the delay? I told him anymore delay and you are going to
    break that date with me under – ‘scuse! – around the mulberry bush.

    Rec’d his reply (dated yesterday) this morning: “I have them, meant to mail
    them Tuesday. BUT they were so cute, I showed them off. They should be on
    there way to you now.”

    I did not want to request that he mail them to you direct because:

    1) I would have no way of knowing how much delay he was taking.

    2) I wanna see ’em myself.

    If you can tear yourself away from the Friendship O, PLEASE check that

    And speaking of the Friendship O, this: Why would a gymnophobiac feel out
    of place in a nudist camp?

    ANS: Gymnophobia is a fear of nakedness.


    I made that up myself – and cripes! No one laughs at my jokes so I gotta
    laugh at ’em myself!

    CONNIE: Hy’a doin’, “Keed” – don’t tell me. I know – you’re too busy to writ.

    Luvya’ both … and one of these days I’ll catch ya’ both around (note now,
    I said “around” not “under” – that is just to show my intentions are honorable)
    (HEH!HEH!HEH!) (A HEH! HEH! is vastly different from a !HAR! HAR!)

    [ Edmund ]

    #62 7-OCT-1985 20:20:19 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::JOEY “JOEY”
    To: CABUYS
    Subj: Ron Mazur’s Poem

    YEAAA11 !!! I did it. Ron’s poem is moved. Just to let you know so you can

    make the announcement.

    MAIL> d

    #63 7-OCT-1985 20:30:02 MAIL

    Subj: sorry to have missed answering your page!!!


    It’s so seldom we are both on line at the same time and I really wanted to
    talk to you but had answered BUSSIGMGR’s page just seconds before I got

    One of these days, we really must chat tho!


    P.S. Just submitted your prose to the SIG and posted an announcement
    that it’s there. Thanks a bunch!!

    MAIL> d

    #64 7-OCT-1985 22:05:52 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::ELLISCO “Dick Evans”
    To: CABUYS
    Subj: poll

    you may want to deltete TURK’s poll.
    MAIL> d

    #65 7-OCT-1985 23:09:05 MAIL

    Subj: RE: poll

    thanks Dick!!! I try to check those every day but
    today I was busy typing up some articles for

    Sometimes running a sig is like trying to keep on eye on 50 kids at once!

    MAIL> d

    #66 8-OCT-1985 20:05:01 MAIL

    Subj: RE: sorry to have missed answering your page!!!

    always feel good when we connect!!
    MAIL> d

    #67 8-OCT-1985 21:18:28 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::JOEY “JOEY”
    To: CABUYS
    Subj: Playboy

    I have that issue, Connie. What do you need? (smile)

    MAIL> d

    #68 8-OCT-1985 21:49:07 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::TIGLON
    To: @ FRIENDS
    Subj: Issue Four of …
    << T I G * L I N E S >>
    Tuesday, October 8, 1985
    Issue 4 Volume 1
    TIGLON Productions 1985
    All Rights Reserved


    Due to Hurricane Gloria and a few email bugs last week, September 30th’s issue
    of TIG*LINES was not delivered. ———–Editor



    Today’s issue brings with it the premier column for our very own DEARMAX. The
    letters flow into his email box, and he is answering each personally and taking
    one question to print and answer here each week. Feel free to ask DEARMAX
    anything and everything! If you have any answers for the questions submitted,
    please send them to DEARMAX and he will forward them to the original party.


    Dear Max,

    I have a problem that *must* be widespread on Delphi. It’s one I have dared not
    to mention to anyone but I feel you might be able to help.

    Quite often I am in *private* conferences with computers of the *opposite sex*.
    When this happens, I always have my surge protecctor installed and have even
    been know to tie a knot in my my modem cord but still I worry.

    Is it possible for my computer to get ‘caught’ during one of these private
    conversations? Of course if it is, I guess I could become a distributor of the
    new computers, but I really need your advice since my desk is crowded already
    and I really don’t know what I would do with a new litter of computers!!

    Thanks for your advice,

    Dear <<Anonymous>>,

    During these conversations, be sure NOT to acknowledge any of the enquiries that

    the remote computer is sending. And also, for safety sake, be sure to do a Cycl

    ic Redundancy Check (CRC) of all the data that comes over the bit stream.

    Hope this helps, if not….cancel your accounts and pull the plugs!!!
    TIG*LINES //Guest Page//

    This week’s Guest Page comes to us from the beautiful land of Argentina. JAV
    brings us news of his homeland and of telecomputing.



    “The number of Delphi users in Argentina is growing quickly now” says one of the

    officers at the local Delphi dealer. Some of the Argentinians are on Delphi dai

    ly, so you the possibilities you have to get in touch with a legitimate Argentin

    ian are very high!

    Delphi, thru its COnference system, constitutes a very good way to be in touch
    with people around the world. You can touch topics prohibited by ham radio and y

    ou are not affected by propagation conditions (but sometimes by system or networ

    k bugs…), and people of all regions can be connected at one time. On a ham rad

    io, a Japanese, an American and an Argentinian cannot talk together at the samet

    ime, at least not in normal circumstances.

    Would you like to CONference with foreign users? Heck! just /page one! Perhaps y

    ou may do some work to understand our English, but you’ll enjoy the party!!

    Music City News! Music City News! Music City News! Music City News!

    The MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT SIG here on Delphi is the perfect place to talk and
    read about your favorite artist, album, or song! The SIG is lead by the PAN
    Network and their director is Perry Leopold. Perry’s wit and *biz* talk keeps
    the SIG humming with the lastest news and releases from the Entertainment

    Join now and be a part of TUESDAY night’s COnference on Synth/Midiot. The
    COnference starts at MIDNIGHT Eastern Time! Drop in and get in on all the fun!

    Has Everyone seen ELLENK in NOTHING but her BUNNY SLIPPERS?

    If not, hurry over to the Maniac SIG and download the lastest sex symbol! It’s
    worth the 5 minutes!!


    Special thanks for this issue go out to JAV, ELLENK, and of course, DEARMAX
    << TIGLON >>
    << Publisher Of TIG*LINES >>
    << A TIGLON Production 1985 >>
    << All comments to TIGLON and DEARMAX >>
    MAIL> d

    #69 8-OCT-1985 21:57:50 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::TIGLON
    To: @ FRIENDS
    Subj: Issue Four of …
    << T I G * L I N E S >>
    Tuesday, October 8, 1985
    Issue 4 Volume 1
    TIGLON Productions 1985
    All Rights Reserved


    Due to Hurricane Gloria and a few email bugs last week, September 30th’s issue
    of TIG*LINES was not delivered. ———–Editor



    Today’s issue brings with it the premier column for our very ow*OUTPUT OFF*


    MAIL> d

    #70 8-OCT-1985 22:57:33 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::ELLISCO “Dick Evans”

    Conference at Noon 19 October 1985

    One of the biggest purposes of this “little” get together is for all
    of the “old” hands to meet all of the “new” hands. We are getting to
    be a fair sized group now (about 40 in all) and we feel that things
    will work better and smoother if we know each other on a friendly
    basis. For this reason we would like everybody to use their first
    name while in conference. Adding your SIG to it might help some of us
    who are a bit slow (for my benefit at least [Dick]).

    1. Request you reply indicating if you will attend.

    2. Request you be prepared to discuss the following:

    a. Automatic archiving of Forum threads – how, when, etc.

    b. A shorthand method of replying to “send” messages – where,
    how, when, etc.

    c. The FORMS feature – uses, changes, etc.

    d. How Inside can help you/your SIG.

    e. How Peter & Dick can help you/your SIG.

    3. Please forward your discussion topics to one of us for inclusion
    or scheduling at the next conference.

    4. If you have any ideas on how we can hold timely discussions without
    scheduling a conference, PLEASE offer them.

    5. Topics 2a nad 2b are features that could be implemented early in
    1986, if we can present a concensus plan. They can also be killed
    by a concensus.

    The idea is to get about getting it done, no fuss, no muss and no internal
    problems (the boy still dreams [Dick]).

    Peter & Dick

    #71 9-OCT-1985 00:31:30 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::ELLISCO “Dick Evans”
    To: CABUYS
    Subj: misc

    Connie, I think keeping 50 kids is easier than running a SIG.

    P.S. Want to trade? I get the dirty old men and you get the managers.

    FORGET THAT! I wouldn’t even wish that on an enemy <grin>


    MAIL> d

    #72 9-OCT-1985 22:09:20 MAIL

    Subj: RE: Playboy


    You’re fantastic!

    I need a copy of the article by Robert E. Carr, titled “Type Dirty To Me”
    as well as the address of where to write for reprint permission.

    The address should be located somewhere in or near the copyright notice
    in the beginning pages of the magazine.

    Can you copy it for me?

    If so, let me know and send copy via U.S. Mail to me at 2947 W. 3rd Street,
    Jacksonville, Fl. 32205.

    If you can’t do it, just say so, ok?


    MAIL> d

    #73 9-OCT-1985 22:12:19 MAIL

    Subj: RE: Issue Four of …

    Dear Tiggy,

    Why did you dmail *two* copies of your latest Tig*Lines?

    <just curious>


    By the way keep up the good work!
    MAIL> d

    #74 10-OCT-1985 01:22:47 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::RODM
    Subj: Quick!

    My Beautiful, Delicous, Beloved Darling Connie,

    I finished my work and just HAD TO tell you again that I LOVE YOU !!!!!


    MAIL> d

    #75 10-OCT-1985 02:09:32 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::TIGLON
    Subj: RE: Issue Four of …


    email crashed midstream..

    thanks for the reply!

    MAIL> d

    #76 10-OCT-1985 02:13:40 MAIL

    From: BOS1A::SHARC
    To: CABUYS
    Subj: PLAYBOY

    I have it. Leave me a msg, . Where do you
    live]? I ff you want call my BBS at
    717-347-0962 7:30 pm to 7:30 am edt.
    I shouo;ld be around for a chat.
    Hope to hear from you…
    Shawn Tigrett
    p.s. If you can’t call leave me mail
    here but I dont log-on too often.
    MAIL> d

    #77 10-OCT-1985 17:12:45 MAIL

    Subj: RE: PLAYBOY

    Thanks, Shawn, but I’ve had several others reply to my request and I’ve
    gotten a copy of the magazine.

    I do appreciate it. I will try to check our your bbs soon.

    MAIL> d

    No more messages
    MAIL> dir

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