A summary for those that haven’t been keeping up with this series:
I found a number of 5.25″ disks at a thrift store a number of years ago (we are talking late 1990s probably). I finally got around to acquiring a 5.25″ disk drive and extracting the contents a several years back. Since then, I have been occasionally posting the content here.
Based on the contents, at least some of these disks were apparently once owned by someone named Connie who used to run the “Close Encounters” Special Interest Group (SIG) on Delphi in the mid 1980s.
A description of this SIG was found in a document on one of the disks: “This SIG, known as ‘Close Encounters’, is a forum for the discussion of relationships that develop via computer services like the Source, CompuServe, and Delphi. Our primary emphasis is on the sexual aspects of those relationships.”
This service was text based and was accessed via whatever terminal program you used on your computer to dial in to Delphi’s servers. Many of these disks have forum messages, e-mails and chat session logs. All of this is pre-internet stuff and I don’t know if there are any archives in existence today of what was on Delphi in the 1980s. In any case, much of this stuff would have been private at the time and probably wouldn’t be in such archives even if they existed.
This post includes the contents of OLDPOLL.DOC which is dated September 13th, 1985. This appears to be an introductory message that was sent to any new member that joined the Close Encounters Special Interest Group (SIG). It provides brief info about rules, conference schedules, contests and more. Includes the results of about five different polls along with comments. These polls are dated between August 4th, 1985 and August 8th, 1985 and are mostly related to features of the SIG.
brow 1. CONFERENCES, created by JOHNMYSELF. Creation date: AUG 4,1985 Would you like to see the 'old conference transcripts' re-posted here in the new sig? CHOICE VOTES PERCENT ------ ----- ------- YES 9 90% NO 1 10% ----- TOTAL VOTE: 10 Type "VOTE" to vote, "READ" to read comments, <return> for next poll: read Comments: It will give new members an idea of what has been discussed in the past. Type "VOTE" to vote, "READ" to read comments, <return> for next poll: 2. CONF_2, created by JOHNMYSELF. Creation date: AUG 4,1985 If conference transcripts [old or new] are posted, would you read them and if not, why not ? CHOICE VOTES PERCENT ------ ----- ------- YES 7 100% NO 0 0% ----- TOTAL VOTE: 7 Type "VOTE" to vote, "READ" to read comments, <return> for next poll: read Comments: I would read those for conferences that I have been unable to attend. I WOULD BE INTERESTED IN READING THEM TO SEE IF I WANTED TO JOIN THE GROUP z They stir thoughs and comments for future conferences or the forum Type "VOTE" to vote, "READ" to read comments, <return> for next poll: 3. SHOPPING, created by JOHNMYSELF. Creation date: AUG 4,1985 Would you like to see the shopping service established in the Close Encounters sig? If so, please indicate in you comments what you would like to see available. CHOICE VOTES PERCENT ------ ----- ------- YES 7 100% NO 0 0% ----- TOTAL VOTE: 7 Type "VOTE" to vote, "READ" to read comments, <rreturn> for next poll: ead Comments: Items : Computer items, Publication relating to the sig topics Type "VOTE" to vote, "READ" to read comments, <return> for next poll: 4. MONTHLIES?, created by JOHNMYSELF. Creation date: AUG 4,1985 Do you think men have a 'time of the month' ? CHOICE VOTES PERCENT ------ ----- ------- STRONGLY AGREE 2 20% AGREE 1 10% UNCERTAIN 2 20% DISAGREE 4 40% STRONGLY DISAGREE 1 10% ----- TOTAL VOTE: 10 Type "VOTE" to vote, "READ" to read comments, <return> for next poll: read Comments: A "time of the month" for men is just not as obvious as it is for women. However most men will admit that periodically they suffer the "blues" for unexplained reasons <as well as suffering other very similar feelings that women go thru>. I CAN ONLY SPEAK FOR MYSELF, BUT I DISAGREE. I HAVE BEEN UNABLE TO DISCERN ANY DES IN MYSELF OR THE OTHER MEN THAT I DEAL WITH REGULARLY. In a purely physical sense it is obvious that males biologically experience nothing on the scale that menstruating women due though both sexes do have times when they are "blue" and this is of course brought on by many factors, though mostly attributed to menstruation in women, often It would seem so in some cases but suspect the causes are: Bills, Quotas, Meetings, Goals not met, etc Isuspect time of occurrance would coicide with the first AND fifteenth of the month! Definitely. But it's 45 days long. I do research into this stuff as a biologist.They also have a time of the year. Late summer /early fall... testosterone runs Type "VOTE" to vote, "READ" to read comments, <return> for next poll: 5. USING THE FORUM, created by JOHNMYSELF. Creation date: AUG 8,1985 The new sig forum is very easy to use and understand. CHOICE VOTES PERCENT ------ ----- ------- STRONGLY AGREE 1 12% AGREE 4 50% UNCERTAIN 3 37% DISAGREE 0 0% STRONGLY DISAGREE 0 0% ----- TOTAL VOTE: 8 Type "VOTE" to vote, "READ" to read comments, <return> for next poll: read Comments: Learning utilities is by 'trial and error' (adding a message to a thread) Type "VOTE" to vote, "READ" to read comments, <return> for next poll: You have seen all the polls. POLL>