Computer Gaming World (August 1986)

Source: Computer Gaming World – Issue Number 30 – August 1986

Computer Gaming World was the first major computer games magazine in the U.S. It was published for many years, eventually morphing into Games for Windows and dying not long after that. In its early days, it covered computers of all types. The August 1986 issue includes:


  • American Dream – Review of a management simulation in which you are the CEO of a robot manufacturing company.
  • Phantasie II – Review of this RPG from SSI for the Apple II and Commodore 64. The mechanics of the Phantasie games are a sort of rudimentary predecessor to the AD&D Gold Box games that would come later.
  • Industry Update – An overview of the June Consumer Electronics Show. Some new products shown and/or announced include Accolade’s Ace of Aces, Electronic Art’s multiple new titles including Thomas M. Disch’s Amnesia, Battlefront, Chessmaster 2000, Murder Party, Ogre, Mind Mirror, Scavenger Hunt, Bard’s Tale II, Autoduel, Ultimate Wizard, Business Simulator, Ultima III and others. Plus releases from a new company called Cinemaware and more.
  • The Kobayashi Alternative Revisited – A look at a still buggy new revision of Star Trek: The Kobayashi Alternative with some tips on how to avoid the bugs.


  • Sports Scoreboard – A look at some of the latest sports games including GBA Championship Basketball, Bop ‘N Wrestle, an add-on disk for Leader Board as well as Avalon Hill’s Tournament Golf and Micro League Baseball.
  • Amiga Preferences – A brief look at new games for the Amiga including Mynd Walker, Mastertype, Rogue, and The Temple of Apshai Trilogy.
  • Commodore Key – A brief look at the latest Commodore 64 game related releases including Garry Kitchen’s Game Maker, Elite, Colossus, Booty & Cylu, Willow Pattern & Chimera, Gerry the Germ & Microcosm, Runestone & The Helm, Sabre Wulf & Underwurlde, Rasputin & Chicken Chase, Battle of Britain & Battle for Midway, Brian Bloodaxe, Revelation, Quovadis, Spell of Destruction, and lots more. Also noted is the fact that the Commodore 64 has sold more than any other home computer at this point at 3.5 million units.
  • Macintosh Window – A look at the latest entertainment releases for the Macintosh including Orbiter from Spectrum Holobyte and Flight Simulator.
  • Atari Playfield – A look at the latest Atari computer games including Silent Service and Starfleet I.
  • Over There! – A column with some of the latest news out of England. Games mentioned here include Way of the Tiger, Uridium, a Commodore 128 version of The Rocky Horror Show, Jet Set Willy 2, Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, The Hunt for Red October, Knight Games, and more. Plus games for the C16 and Plus/4.
  • Game Ratings – Ratings of the top 100 games by readers separated into “Strategy” and “Adventure/Action” categories. At the top of the Strategy list is Kampfgruppe and at the top of the Adventure/Action list is Ultima IV.

…and more!