Digital Archaeology: Floppy Disk #10 – MOONLIT.DOC

A summary for those that haven’t been keeping up with this series:

I found a number of 5.25″ disks at a thrift store a number of years ago. I finally got around to acquiring a 5.25″ disk drive and extracting the contents a while back. Since then I have been posting the contents here.

Based on the contents, at least some of these disks were apparently once owned by someone named Connie who used to run the “Close Encounters” Special Interest Group (SIG) on Delphi in the mid 1980s.

A specific definition of this SIG was found in a document on one of the disks: “This SIG, known as ‘Close Encounters’, is a forum for the discussion of relationships that develop via computer services like the Source, CompuServe, and Delphi. Our primary emphasis is on the sexual aspects of those relationships.”

This service was text based and was accessed via whatever terminal program you used on your computer to dial in to Delphi’s servers. Many of these disks have forum messages, e-mails and chat session logs. All of this is pre-internet stuff and I don’t know if there are any archives in existence today of what was on Delphi in the 1980s. In any case, much of this stuff would have been private at the time and probably wouldn’t be in such archives even if they existed.

This post includes the contents of MOONLIT.DOC which is dated September 13th, 1985. This is a piece of erotic fiction. While the original author is unknown, no doubt it was captured from or intended for the Close Encounters SIG. Whether the owner of the disks was the original author or this was something captured from the SIG that someone else wrote I am not sure. This is marked NSFW only for the imagery it creates in your head. Obviously there are no actual images here and if there were they would be laughably low res by today’s standards.

See the previous post here.


Moonlight In June
We walk along, under the stars, alone together at last.  It has been
so long - feeling much longer because of our need for one another -
since we could walk, and hold hands, and just share ourselves with
words and touches ... We stop in a clearing ... the only sound the
rustling of the wind through the trees ... moonlight bathing us in
it's ethereal glow ... I look up at you to catch a fleeting glimpse
of something in your eyes ... unsure as to what it may have been
... you whisper something to me, afraid to speak aloud so as not to
spoil the quiet of the evening ... I tell you yes with my eyes ...
you reach down and gently kiss my upturned lips ... I respond by
putting my arms around your neck and deepening the kiss with one of
my own ... our bodies meld together as though meant to be ... both
reacting to the rightness of it all ... I need you ... I take your
hand in mine and lead you upwards to our own secret place ... to
others a simple room, to us a place of heavenly delights ... I turn
on only one small light, enough to bathe us in a glow not unlike that
of the moon outside ... you disrobe me, slowly, lovingly, caressing
every inch of my body as it becomes visible to your warm brown eyes
... I patiently await my turn, enjoying your loving touch ... your
lips trail down my neck to my full breasts, first the right and then
the left, licking around the nipple until it becomes dark and hard
... I moan in delight ... "stop, no don't stop!" ... a throaty chuckle
escapes you ... I feel a wetness between my legs and an ache that only
you can drive away ... I reach over and start unbuttoning your shirt
... my fingers fumbling with the buttons ... you remove my hands and
let me know that you will take care of everything ... I lay back on
the bed, watching you undress, getting more excited by the second ...
finally you are with me and lean over to kiss my waiting lips ...
deeply, tongues delving deep to taste the sweetness of eachother,
so very hungry for the taste of you ... your hands caress all my
secret inner places ... so warm and hungry for you ... I move with
each caress, showing you my delight with each reaction to you ...
my hands roaming freely over your warm body, rediscovering the many
splendored erotic places found before in our love-making ... I love
the hardness caused by your body's reaction to my touches ... I
caress each and every inch I can reach before you start moving down
my body to explore with your tongue where your hands have been
playing ... oooooohhhhhh ... I writhe in ecstacy as you touch my
waiting clit with the tip of your tongue ... you begin to play games
with your tongue, licking back and forth, front to back, sometimes
nibbling at my pulsating pussy ... it is driving me crazy ... I am
shaking ... and finally reach the top and fall over into ecstacy ...
when I can almost feel the bottom again you move up and onto me ..
lissing your way up my belly to my chest, not neglecting my breasts
along the way ... your hands continueing the rhythm in my now very wet
pussy ... I look up at you to see a question in your eyes ... without
words I tell you Yes ... you slowly penitrate into my hot wet juicy
box ... "aaahhhhhhhh" ... feels so very right ... we begin to move
together, slowly at first ... don't want to come too fast ... want
to savor and enjoy every moment together ... loving and making love
... I run my hands up and down your back, loving the hard strength
of you ... I love the feeling of you on and in me, feels so right ...
I reach up and nibble playfully on your earlobe and you respond with
a moan ... our rhythm increases and we are getting oh so wet ...
the scent of our bodies only adding to the sensual pleasure we are
sharing ... we kiss ... loving the taste and feel of your lips on mine
... one of your hands reaches between us to playfully tweak my left
breast ... I jump ... you laugh, <such a sexy sound> ... then you lift
yourself up to look down at us joining and seperating, moving in and
out ... mmmmmmmmmmm, so good ... how I love us together ... I feel so
drugged and look up at you with heavy lidded eyes, heavy with passion
and love ... you reach down for a quick kiss and then back up to
watch us ... your movements now so much deeper and because of your
position rubbing against my clit so gooooooooddd!!!!! ...  feel like
I am flying so high ... want to take you up and over with me ... "come
with me lover!" ... "now!!! I *need* it so baddddddd!!!" ... I move up
against you to take you in as deep as you will go ... you drive deep
inside and moan out your pleasure as we come together, again and again
... flying so very high ... so spacey ... so dizzy ... so perfect
together ... .. You lie spent upon me and we drift off to sleep
together, held in eachother's arms and bodies ... what a delightful
way ... mmmmmmmmmmmmm ... delicious!


