Your Commodore (December 1987)

Source: Your Commodore – Issue Number 39 – December 1997

Your Commodore was a magazine dedicated to Commodore computers that was published in the U.K. While this meant mostly the Commodore 64, other Commodore 8-bit computers were covered as well. The December 1987 issue includes:


  • Data Statements – The latest Commodore related news and new releases, including The Hunt for Red October, Bizznet, a game called How To Be A Complete Bastard, Mean City, Scruples, and more.
  • I.Q. – A review of Computer Scrabble Deluxe for the Commodore 64.
  • Adventure Kit III – The third part in a series on writing adventure games. This part focuses on the various uses of objects.
  • Game of the Month – A detailed look at Moebius and the Orb of Celestial harmony from Origin.
  • Tech Troubles – Using a PET dual disk drive with a Commodore 64.
  • Games Reviews – Reviews of Renegade, Hysteria, Red L.E.D., Rapid fire, Pitfall 1 & 2, Druid II, Bismarck, Dizzy Dice, Solomon’s Key, and On Field Football.
  • Communications Corner – The latest from Micronet including new gateway’s and a new conferencing system. Plus the latest from Compunet, including upgraded hardware and upcoming support for the Amiga and Atari ST.
  • Compunet – The third part in a series of articles on telecommunications. This month the focus is on Compunet, an online service that originally launched as a joint venture between Commodore UK and ADP Network Services.


  • Cardboard Five – Review of a device that allows you to connect five cartridges to the C64 and switch between them.
  • Using the Z80 Microprocessor on the C128 – An article on programming the Z80 CPU in the Commodore 128 without running CP/M.
  • Mastertronic – A look at the latest releases from Mastertronic (known for their budget games) including Spellbound, Angle Ball, Fight Nights, Motos, and more.
  • May I Interrupt? – An article on using interrupts when programming for peripherals like joysticks, light pens, etc.
  • A Change of Face – Review of an upgrade called Printkit IV for the Commodore MPS803 printer that greatly improves the print quality.
  • Across the Board – Reviews of various games based on board or card games including Colossus Bridge 4, Trivial Pursuit, Monopoly, 221B Baker Street, and others.

Games and Utilities

  • Diskit 8 – A type-in utility for clearing memory.
  • Disk Manager – A type-in disk utility program that provides a menu system for loading, saving, formatting disks, renaming files, and much more.
  • Relocator – A type-in utility for relocating your programs in memory.
  • Eight Speed Scroller – A type-in demonstration program that teaches you how to scroll on the C64.
  • Typro – A type-in word processor that improves on the capabilites of the built-in word processor of the Plus/4.
  • Easy Count – This type-in program will count the number of words in an Easy Script document.
  • Budget Calc 64 – A type-in program designed to help you keep track of your budget.
  • Sprite Library – Part one in a series of articles on designing and using sprites.
  • Lister 128 – A simple type-in program that will dump the contents of an ASCII file to a printer.

…and more!