Source: Run – Issue Number 3 – March 1984
While RUN was primarily a Commodore 64 magazine, it did cover other Commodore 8-bit computers over the years. In the early days, that meant the VIC-20. The March 1984 issue of RUN includes:
- In Search of a Tenth Planet – How one astronomer uses a Commodore 64 to help him search for a 10th planet.
- Spreadsheets Uncovered – A general overview of spreadsheet software as well as a look at specific examples, including BCalc, BusiCalc 64, Easy Calc Result, ESP-Calc, Home-Calc, PracticalC64, and more.
- Serpent of Death – A type-in Egyptian themed game for the VIC-20.
- Baja 1000 – A type-in game for the VIC-20 in which you must flee a pursuing helicopter in your Jeep.
- Scaling Ivy-Covered Walls – A type-in program for the Commodore 64 that helps you choose the right college by providing various information.
- A Touch-Sensitive Issue – An overview of graphics tablets, a popular input device for a brief period of time, and some of the software that support them. The KoalaPad was probably the most popular.
- Unveiling of the TED – A preview of the upcoming Commodore 264 (A.K.A. the Plus 4). While it had some interesting features, overall the Commodore 64 was a better machine (especially for games) and the Plus 4 was a complete market failure.
- Long Multiplication On the VIC-20 – A type-in program for the VIC-20 that allows you to multiply numbers up to 70 digits long.
- Bringing Up Commodore – A beginner’s guide to setting up a new Commodore computer and organizing your software.
- Mad Bomber – A type-in educational game designed to teach typing by defeating the letter bomber.
- Basic Speedup – Various tips for speeding up your BASIC programs.
- Don’t String Me Along – A guide to using strings in your BASIC programs.
- Beyond the Manual – A continuing series on BASIC programming. This month, the GOTO statement and various Poke commands are the topic.
- RUNning Ruminations – The introduction of the Plus/4 coincides with Jack Tramile leaving Commodore.
- MAGIC – Short programming snippet for performing magic on your Commodore. This month, scrolling stars, delay loops, repeating keys, resetting a VIC-20 and Commodore 64, programming function keys, disabling the list command, and much more.
- Commodore Clinic – Questions answered about PET, C64 and VIC-20 compatibility, RS232 adapters for the C64, changing the blink speed of the C64 cursor, printers for the C64, reverse scrolling on the C64, printing graphics from the C64, interfacing the VIC-20 with a robot arm, and more.
- Software Gallery – Reviews of Bandits (VIC-20), The Battle of Blackpoole (Commodore 64), Delta Drawing (Commodore 64), VIC Forth (VIC-20), and Benji’s Space Rescue (Commodore 64).
- For Gamesters Only – Tips and strategies for Computer Wars (VIC-20), Submarine Commander (VIC-20), Neutral Zone (Commodore 64), Beach-Head (Commodore 64), and Archon (Commodore 64).
- Video Casino – A type-in game for the VIC-20 called Tunnel Run in which make your way through various tunnels while escaping aliens.
- Mail RUN – Letters from readers mostly commenting about the premiere issue of RUN.
- Book Gallery – Reviews of new computer books including The User’s Guide to Commodore 64 & VIC-20 Computers, Software & Peripherals, The Commodore 64 Programmer’s Reference Guide, and Tricks for VICs.
- Hardware Gallery – Reviews of Commodore related hardware including Impact Printer, C-64 Link (providing BASIC 4.0 features and an IEEE-488 interface), and VIC-20 Expansion (a 32K memory expansion).
- Games RUNdown – An overview of some recently released games, including Combat Leader, Wayout, Crisis Mountain, Cyberworld, Lode Runner, Flight Simulator II, Zaxxon, Pooyan, and more.
- Hardware RUNdown – A look at some recent hardware releases including The Z-80 Video Pak for the C64 (adding CP/M capability), a Commodore 64/VIC-20 case, the 64 Expander, and more.
- Software RUNdown – A brief look at new software including Bank Street Writer, Totl Buisness, Computer Mechanic, Swiftax, PractiFile, Parts of Speech, Diary 64, and more.
…and more!