Digital Archaeology: Floppy Disk #10 – DM1001.DOC

A summary for those that haven’t been keeping up with this series:

I found a number of 5.25″ disks at a thrift store a number of years ago. I finally got around to acquiring a 5.25″ disk drive and extracting the contents a while back. Since then I have been posting the contents here.

Based on the contents, at least some of these disks were apparently once owned by someone named Connie who used to run the “Close Encounters” Special Interest Group (SIG) on Delphi in the mid 1980s.

A specific definition of this SIG was found in a document on one of the disks: “This SIG, known as ‘Close Encounters’, is a forum for the discussion of relationships that develop via computer services like the Source, CompuServe, and Delphi. Our primary emphasis is on the sexual aspects of those relationships.”

This service was text based and was accessed via whatever terminal program you used on your computer to dial in to Delphi’s servers. Many of these disks have forum messages, e-mails and chat session logs. All of this is pre-internet stuff and I don’t know if there are any archives in existence today of what was on Delphi in the 1980s. In any case, much of this stuff would have been private at the time and probably wouldn’t be in such archives even if they existed.

This post includes the contents of DM1001.DOC which is dated October 1st, 1985. This file is on the longer side and features a mail reading session that includes mail from September 22nd 1985 through October 1st, 1985. There’s lots here including Close Encounters SIG related stuff, the love letters between Rod and Connie you’ve come to expect, and various other discussion.

One of the early e-mails is about Wang computers and a new SIG for those. Apparently Connie worked for an insurance company that used the Wang 2200 MVP which was a multi-user mini-computer that used a custom processor, custom version of BASIC and usually ran some kind of custom software for whatever company was using it. Things like insurance, inventory management, payroll and more.

There’s also quite a bit of discussion on ‘forms’ which seems to be how you set up menus and various user interactions on Delphi. Another interesting message discusses a crash Delphi recently had and ongoing problems they’ve been having with DEC hardware and software.

See the previous post here.


    #1          22-SEP-1985 21:04:02                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     ATRICK,CABUYS      
Subj:   Wang sig


I'm so glad to see a Wang sig on Delphi!

I am operations manager for a rather large insurance agency in Jacksonville
and we have had the Wang 2200 MVP, using Redshaw software, since
January 1982.

We have also recently added a Wang PC, which will emulate an IBM PC, emulate
a terminal to the Wang 2200 system, and act as an independent word
processing system.

We are looking forward to *gradually* replacing most of the 16 terminals to
the Wang 2200 system with PC's.

Redshaw is forming a network via CompuServe and the Independent Insurance
Agents of America group which was already on CompuServe.  Had I known that
your sig would be in existance several months back, I would have pushed for
that group to be here!

Redshaw publishes a newsletter for
all it's users nationwide and in Canada, and I'd like to, after things
settle down, either write a review of your sig myself for the newsletter or
have you write one that I could submit to them.  Also ARIAS, an independent
association of Redshaw Insurance Agency System users publishes a separate
newsletter that would be interested in such an article.

In case you are not familiar with Redshaw, it's software
operates entirely on Wang equipment and has been one of the most
successful systems for independent insurance agencies.

Well enough of my rambling for now.  Please do add me to your sig membership
list as soon as possible!  Thanks!

-Connie A. Buys <cabuys>



    #2          22-SEP-1985 22:20:02                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"

I just found out that at the FORUM> prompt, you can type W and see
who is in the sig.  I guess this change came about when the ability to
send from FORUM> prompt was recently installed.



    #3          22-SEP-1985 22:22:45                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"


I can see the need growing where we need to have someone in the sig
most nights between 9 and 11 pm just to chat with visitors to the sig.

Since neither you nor I can do this, are you aware of any possible
candidates who might be interested?

I don't want to start this until after first of October
but it's something we do need to think about.




    #4          23-SEP-1985 03:28:56                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::RONMAZUR    
Subj:   RE: Thanks!

True!!  I'm blushing and flushing right now.



    #5          23-SEP-1985 09:14:12                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::ATRICK      
Subj:   RE: Wang sig

Connie, you're added... I'll look forward to seeing you there.  Thanks very
much for the information about Redshaw and the insurance industry.  I'd love to
have someone from your company and/or you contribute whatever you can with
respect to what you are doing with your Wang equipment.  And hopefully, very
soon, the SIG can be of service to you and your company as well!
  Look forward to seeing you ...



    #6          23-SEP-1985 16:35:20                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::RODM        
To:     CABUYS,RODM        
Subj:   Just saying it!

My DELICOUS Darling,


I MORTHOVE YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





    #7          23-SEP-1985 18:53:23                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     BOS1A::RODM,CABUYS      
Subj:   RE: Just saying it!




I wish you were here now!!!




    #8          23-SEP-1985 18:54:22                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     BOS1A::ATRICK,CABUYS      
Subj:   RE: Wang sig

Thanks for quick response, Allen.  I'll check into the sig in a little while

Best of luck with it too!




    #9          23-SEP-1985 20:13:28                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::TIGLON      
To:     @ FRIENDS
Subj:   ISSUE THREE OF ...

                       = T I G * L I N E S =

Monday, September 23, 1985
Issue 3 Volume 1
TIGLON Productions 1985
All Rights Reserved


Welcome to the third edition of our little paper. The population of readers is
growing and Delphi's mail control is running a little better now! Hopefully
every little bug on our Delphi system will be gone in a couple of weeks. In the
meantime, HAPPY TELE-READING!!!!


The SEN command is now working in the SIG's at the > prompts. Also the double
/sen seems to have disappeared from the system! Try the new /sen on a friend or
make a friend by /sen HELLO!


Our very own MADONNA has uploaded her latest poem entilted "I Can Almost Feel
You" in the Close Encounters SIG. The poem is located in the Poetry Database.

TIGLON has also just uploaded a short story "For My Love" and it is in the
Fantasies Database.

If you are not already a member of the CLOSE ENCOUNTERS SIG, drop by and sign
up to get in on all the COnferences and the excellent material available in
the Databases and maybe upload your works!!!!

Your hosts are CABUYS (Connie) and JOHNMYSELF (Myself). The next COnference is
coming soon. Sign up now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



GTE Telenet now offers evening and weekend long distance savings for BBS and
Network callers. The service charges a flat monthly fee and saves you up to 75%
over regular and long distance companies. Telenet offers this service for 12
cities as of this printing and have stated more to follow. Check the 800 number
for the cities, or the article can be found in the Telecommunication Database
in the *Commodore *Flagship* SIG here on Delphi.

The MODEM number for Telenet information is 1-800-835-3001.



But you can't live without it if you only have one line in your house and it
is always on-line??? MA Bell has finally helped those of us with that SIMPLE
problem. Yes friends.......


Now before you go on-line to any of your networks or local Bulletin Boards,
just dial 70 (for touch tone phones) or 1170 (for dial phones) and the number
you wish to call. The *other* callers will not be able to bump you off-line
anymore! The =fix= works until you disconnect, so the next call you will have
to use the =fix= again.

I hope this helps all of us with the Call Waiting blues!!

(taken from "Openline" July 1985, Pacific Bell publications)


Next week in TIG*LINES, our very own DEAR MAX will be premiering with his now
famous column. He is now taking questions and comments addressed to TIGLON's
email box until he gets his own. Hurry and get your questions to him before
Sunday night's deadline!

                    THE TIG*QUESTION OF THE WEEK


If not is the time! Snow is coming down in the West Coast Sierras
and awaiting all those fresh new legs attached to those bindings! WAX NOW!
Don't delay!!!! See ya on the slopes!!

A *special* GET WELL QUICK NOTE goes out to our very own DEB who seems to be a
bit under the computer desk this week. If you see her on-line in her *Commodore
*Flagship* SIG, give her a warm hello and maybe a tissue or three.

If your birthday or other special occasion is coming up, please let us know
here at TIG*LINES! We think EVERYONE is worth mentioning every week in our
electronic pages!!

Till next week my fellow 'puter friends,
                                HAPPY TELE-READING!!!

Publisher of TIG*LINES
A TIGLON Production 1985
All comments and suggestions to TIGLON



    #10         23-SEP-1985 20:59:49                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::ELLISCO      "Dick Evans"
Subj:   conf

Time confirmed:  High Noon on Saturday 28 Sep.  You'all come <grin>



    #11         23-SEP-1985 21:17:46                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     BOS1A::TIGLON,CABUYS      
Subj:   RE: ISSUE THREE OF ...


Thanks for the sig promo!! And the third issue looks great! 

Best of luck with your project!




    #12         23-SEP-1985 21:27:59                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     ATRICK,CABUYS      
Subj:   "Help" files


If there's any help files in my sig <close encounters> that you would like
to transport over to your sig, then please don't hesitate to do so.

Most of my files were "borrowed" from Deb <with her permission, of course>
and are typical of the Help files found in most sigs.

If there's any way I can help you with this sig, please holler.  Close
Encounters is taking a lot of my time, but there's always time to do one
more thing on line! <grin>




    #13         24-SEP-1985 01:22:46                                        MAIL

To:     CABUYS
Subj:   Your note

Connie - Love:
 I tried to answer your note last week
but Uninet or Delphidied on me.

 Yes - byall means publish the quote.
However- I think to say that the married
man "tried to cuts ladies out of the
group so that he could monopolize
them" would better express the thought.
It was easy to understand in the context
of out conversation butwould be more
diffcuklt in the shortened context.
I will get soe perasonal time soon
so that I ccan write you my fantasies
about you.

By the way - Ia am I am Chairanman of the Naples
Computer Show this year (april86). I
hopr to be able to exhibit delphi at the show.

Keep in touch - Love John
 * * * * * * * * * * *  *

MAIL> read 14 3read 1

    #1          24-SEP-1985 08:56:43                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::RODM        
To:     CABUYS,RODM        
Subj:   Don't Forget!

My DELICOUS Darling,

Don't forget (1) Letterhead format and (2) data list!

Please go ahead with the letterhead first!

I'll talk to you later!






    #2          24-SEP-1985 10:02:35                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::ATRICK      
Subj:   RE: "Help" files

Thanx for your friendly offer of support!  I'm sure we'll be chatting soon!
Best, Allan



    #3          24-SEP-1985 17:31:14                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     RODM,CABUYS      
Subj:   letterhead

as we discussed, something plain & simple, white paper with black ink.  Type
style really doesn't matter that much to me as long as it's not something way

here's format John and I discussed:

                                 SLG Associates                                

Connie A. Buys                                               John P. Yerger
2947 W. 3rd St.                                              61 West Street
Jacksonville, Fl 32205                                       Hyde Park, Ma 02136

The name/address parts may have to be aligned a little differently to give it
a more balanced look, but that's general idea.



    #4          24-SEP-1985 18:38:44                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     BOS1A::TIGLON,CABUYS      
Subj:   RE: ISSUE THREE OF ...


Since Close Encounters received a big boost in your newsletter, would you
mind if we included it in the General Information database?




    #5          24-SEP-1985 19:28:05                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
Subj:   SIG Welcome! message

Hi Kelly!

At present when a non-member chooses Close Encounters SIG from the Groups>
menu, he receives a message that says only Welcome! and then he receives
the non-member menu.

Would you, at your earliest convenience, replace that Welcome! with the next
message I'm sending you?


<sigh> can't type well tonight! <grin>

-Connie A. Buys



    #6          24-SEP-1985 19:28:42                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
Subj:   replacement "Welcome" message


The Close Encounters Special Interest Group is a place for adults to
meet and discuss anything pertaining to sexuality.  Because the sig is
intended for ADULTS ONLY, there is an age restriction of 18 or older
to become a member.  This restriction, tho difficult to verify via
this medium, will be enforced should someone under the age limit
attempt to join and be discovered.

Whether or not you decide to join the Close Encounters sig, we invite
you to check out the information in the General Database and the
General Information section of the Forum, as well as the hints in the
HELP section.

Thank you for your interest in the CLOSE ENCOUNTERS SIG!



    #7          24-SEP-1985 19:44:57                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
Subj:   Membership agreement message

Hi again Kelly!

Would you, at your earliest convenience, delete the existing message that
comes up when a non-member selects Membership Agreement and Features from
the Non-Member Menu and replace it with the text contained in the next


-Connie A. Buys



    #8          24-SEP-1985 19:46:09                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
Subj:   New Membership Agreement Message

 Welcome to 'Close Encounters', an adult forum dealing with
 everything from fantasies and dating to sexual/personal
 issues and problems with them.
 Conduct:  This is an 'adult forum'. Accordingly, a limited use
 of 'explicit' language will be tolerated.  However,
 deliberate abuse will not, and repeated offenses will be
 grounds to lock offenders out of the sig.
 Conferences:  Weekly conferences are held on Saturday evenings
 and begin at 9:15 P.M. Eastern time.  Schedules will be sent
 out via dmail and also listed in the Announcements-Conference
 section of the sig.  Prior to attending a conference, please
 familiarize yourself with the protocols which are used during
 conferences.  Conference protocols can be found in the General
 Information database.
 Contests:  Contests and other promotional activities will be
 run on a monthly basis with specified prizes for winners.
 Members are urged to be as active as possible and to bring
 friends and associates into the sig.  Also, since this is
 your sig, please feel free to offer suggestions for conference
 topics, features, or other things you think will benefit the
 sig and our membership.
 Thank you for joining  'Close Encounters'.
    Connie (CABUYS) - Sig Manager
    John   (JOHNMYSELF aka Myself) - Asst. Manager



    #9          24-SEP-1985 20:14:22                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::TIGLON      
Subj:   RE: ISSUE THREE OF ...


Sure thing is already in the Maniac sig...but the more places the
better I alwats say!

Let me know of any upcoming things ok!

(er huj,m...handskahake?? grin)




    #10         24-SEP-1985 22:13:31                                        MAIL

Subj:   w

I have been using 'who' all along.  Never tried just 'w' but it
makes sense.



    #11         24-SEP-1985 22:15:29                                        MAIL

Subj:   9 to 11

Well, I can handle some nights and Stu will hastle the hell out of
Peg so that rules her out.
How about rod to handle nights when we can't be there?
Other than that, will have to give it some thought.
PS I Love You.



    #12         24-SEP-1985 22:17:59                                        MAIL

Subj:   RE: New Membership Agreement Message

very good work my dear.
I see you have been busy indeed.  Now it is I who
am slacking off.
oh well, can't win'm all.
keep up the good work.

New mail on node BOS1A from PEABO        "Peter Olson, ICONtact Manager"


MAIL> read 1

    #1          25-SEP-1985 00:16:37                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::RODM        
To:     CABUYS,RODM        
Subj:   !

My Dearest Delicous Darling Connie,
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU



    #2          25-SEP-1985 00:18:29                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::RODM        
To:     CABUYS,RODM        
Subj:   !!

My Dearest Delicous Darling Connie,
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU



    #3          25-SEP-1985 00:19:17                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::RODM        
To:     CABUYS,RODM        
Subj:   !!!

My Dearest Delicous Darling Connie,
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU



    #4          25-SEP-1985 00:20:11                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::RODM        
To:     CABUYS,RODM        
Subj:   !!!!

My Dearest Delicous Darling Connie,
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU



    #5          25-SEP-1985 00:21:28                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::RODM        
To:     CABUYS,RODM        
Subj:   !!!!!

My Dearest Delicous Darling Connie,
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU



    #6          25-SEP-1985 00:22:40                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::RODM        
To:     CABUYS,RODM        
Subj:   !!!!!!

My Dearest Delicous Darling Connie,
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU



    #7          25-SEP-1985 00:24:03                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::RODM        
To:     CABUYS,RODM        
Subj:   !!!!!!!

My Dearest Delicous Darling Connie,
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU



    #8          25-SEP-1985 00:25:11                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::RODM        
To:     CABUYS,RODM        
Subj:   !!!!!!!!

My Dearest Delicous Darling Connie,
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
I LOVE YOU             I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU
            I LOVE YOU              I LOVE YOU



    #9          25-SEP-1985 01:29:19                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::RODM        
To:     CABUYS,RODM        
Subj:   a little more of the same

.PO 0
My Dearest Delicous Darling Connie,
I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU




    #10         26-SEP-1985 01:47:45                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     CABUYS,CABUYS      
Subj:   msg from insiders - form

1560 25-SEP 01:35 Using Delphi
     Nifty new feature
     From: PEABO        To: ALL
There is a nifty new feature installed in the Insiders SIG for beta test.  This
is the Forms program, which allows you to design a customized form for gathering

input data of many types.  Preliminary documentation has been posted in the
Database here by Chip under the topic Using Delphi.
To try this program out, type ANN USER at the Insiders> prompt and read the
forms you find there.  Feel free to experiment with your own forms too.
If you don't have a 'E' flag here, you won't be able to post a form
directly, but if you upload it to the database, either Dick or I
will post it for you in the ANN USER area.
Take care to place a / as the first character of the form name.  This
causes the form to run in debug mode, where it issues message if it
finds any errors.



    #11         26-SEP-1985 01:49:14                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     CABUYS,CABUYS      
Subj:   insiders - more on form

1561 25-SEP 01:40 Using Delphi
     feedback on forms doc
     From: PEABO        To: CHIP
This is based on my review of the FORMS SPECIFICATIONS document you mailed
to John on September 17 plus a scan of the document that Dick Evans posted
in the Insiders Database (Topic Using Delphi) this evening.
I would like to be able to execute a form that is posted as a note in
Forum.  In that case, there should also be a //REPLY option in
the .DISPOSE command which would cause the output to be threaded to
the form.  During reading of a form, the Forum software should display
the initial .COMMENT (if any, otherwise just the form name), and insert
the line "Type ANSWER to respond to this form."  The ANSWER command
would cause execution of the form to resume from the point of interruption.
A command READ FORMS would facilitate the use of this feature, especially
if people get into the habit of using our hypothetical read non-stop
to download new messages for offline perusal.  The REPLY command would
still work, but would merely thread a normal message to the form.  If
the ANSWER command is used when the note being read is not a form, it
should say that only a form can be answered, and that the user might want
to use the REPLY command instead.
Specific comments follow.  In some cases these refer to areas of the
documentation which are unclear rather than to the program.  SInce this
document is still being worked on, I made no attempt to do an exhaustive
I       REVIEW mode
Presumably when a change is made to an answer which has logic attached
to it, this invalidates at least any dependent answers, and possibly all
answers which follow, so that the user has to resume the form from the
point of the logic change.  I have not tried to figure out the consequences
of invalidating a response which has backward branching logic attached,
but I suspect that there may be some forms in which changing a single
response would lead to loss of a substantial amount of other information.
It might be appropriate to warn the user before this happens, so he can
elect to leave his response unchanged.  It might also be appropriate to
diagnose this with a warning in test mode since it may be an indication
of a poorly designed form.
IV      Testing the form
It would be preferable to have a command at the WS> prompt that a user
could issue to run a form without having it installed where someone else
could see it prematurely.  This would also eliminate the need to use the /
in the form name to invoke the diagnostic logic.  The dispose command
in such a mode should be disabled, and instead the user should be given
the list of destinations the form would have gone to, and then be prompted
to send in MAIL or file in his workspace.
VI      Maximum length of response
I am confused by the documentation.  What does it mean when it says that
a text mode response is limited to 255 characters?  (It says 20 lines
elsewhere.)  One of the most irritating problems with the old Poll
software is that comments are suddenly truncated at 255 characters.
VII.i   FORM name
Since the same form may exist in several places in the system, it would
be nice to have the option of identifying the location from which the
form was sent.  Perhaps a symbol like //*WHERE// could be substituted
either in the form name or within the scope of a .OUTPUT command.  In the
event that a form is executed from Forum, the //*WHERE// string should
identify the message number of the form as well as which Forum contains
the form.
.ii     .QUESTION
It would be very helpful to allow a minimum string length as well as
a maximum.  For example ".QU<min,max>".  Setting min to 1 makes a
non-null reply mandatory.
When answering questions is the response from the user left in the
case it was entered, or is it capitalized?  What about the response
to a .TEXT?  I favor leaving the case alone, since there are situations
where it is vital to collect information in upper and lower case.
.iv et al.              Matching of strings
A general clarification of the rules for matching strings would be
helpful.  For instance, is case always ignored, and are abbreviations
always acceptable?  This applies to question names in logic, and responses
input by the user in various situations.
.vi     .INTEGER
It would be very useful to allow a range of allowable values to be
specified.  For example ".INT<min,max>".
.vii    .DOLLAR
I think dollar value input should allow $ as the first non-blank character
and should require either no decimal places or exactly 2.  Commas should
be ignored.  A range could be specified as in .INTEGER.
.viii   .DATE
The documentation says the internal form of the date is dd/mmm/yyyy, but
the example shows dd-mmm-yyyy.  Also the example says 4-5-88 translates
to 04-JAN-1988, which is wrong.  How about .DATE<today,one month>?  If
date restrictions are allowed, how about .DATE
in which the // indicates that the range is to be evaluated at the
time of posting the form, rather than when it is answered?
.ix     .PASSWORD
What happens if the question is omitted?
.x      .TEXT
No example is shown, although the command apparently is written like
the .QU command.  Does the prompt explain that the reply is limited to
20 lines?  Is each line limited to 255 characters?  What happens when
the 20 line limit is exceeded?
.xi     .DISPOSE
Does it matter where in the file the .DISPOSE appears?  Does the file
(if any) go in the user's workspace?  Can //FILE be used with //KEEP or
other mailbox destinations?
.xii.i          .OUTPUT
See above for the suggestion of the symbol //*WHERE//.
.ii     .PRINTIF
We need also a "not equal" operator.  Another helpful feature would be
the .PRINTELSE command which could appear only between a .PRINTIF and
its matching .END PRINTIF.  (Maybe it should be called .ELSE PRINTIF.)
Can .PRINTIF ranges be nested?
Could the logic of .PRINTIF be extended so that if a .DISPOSE appears
within the range of a .PRINTIF that is satisfied, it overrides any
other .DISPOSE previously specified?
It says a //GOTO with no matching label is ignored.  What happens in
test mode?
.ii.1   //YES
The documentation is missing the statement that //YES also corresponds
to password match.  The documentation of //NO says "correctly" where
"incorrectly" is meant.
.iii    .MCHOICE
Placing the //n command on .MCHOICE allows only one of the possibilities
to affect the logic.  Instead, it should be possible to put a //GOTO on
individual .CHOICE statements.
The special case OTHER in a .CHOICE seems to me to invite a .TEXT type
reponse rather than a .QUESTION type response.
Now I'll go experiment with the program!



    #12         26-SEP-1985 01:57:35                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     CABUYS,CABUYS      
Subj:   insiders - dir changes

1578 25-SEP 17:47 SIG News
     Enhanced FORUM Directory Commmand
     From: DAN          To: ALL
I've made some (long requested) changes to the DIRECTORY command in
the FORUM.  Two new options are a directory of a range of messages
(specified by two numbers separated by a colon) and for messages
containing a particular group of characters, word, or phrase in
the subject.  You can also string options together on one command,
such as DIRECTORY FROM DAN TO ALL SUBJECT "enhanced forum dir" --
which should list this message.  I've updated the help somewhat,
as well.
In short, the options are:
FROM <username>
TO   <username>
SUBJECT <search-string>  -- search strings with imbedded spaces need to
be enclosed in quotation marks.
<low>:<high>  -- a range of lines.  Reasonable abbreviations are allowed,
such as DIR :200 lists messages below and including 200, DIR 200 lists
messages starting with 200.
THREAD -- when used with a number or range, lists the thread containing
the specified message.  When used alone, lists the thread containing
the current message.  It can also be used with the SUBJECT qualifier.
Have fun.



    #13         26-SEP-1985 02:00:16                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     CABUYS,CABUYS      
Subj:   insiders-test sig

1587 25-SEP 19:31 Using Delphi
     test SIG
     From: PEABO        To: ALL
There is now a test SIG on Delphi.  The purpose of this SIG is to give SIG
managers and Sysops a place to test out keyboard macros and such for
things like archiving threads (and deleting them), which if they were tested
alsewhere would risk damaging important information.
The name of the test SIG is GR ZTEST, and it is a closed SIG.
If you want to use the test SIG, send me mail, and I will add your name to
the entry list so you can get in.  You should tell me what flags you want
and which editor!
Anyone who wants to play with Forms should get in contact with me, and
I will give you an 'E' flag in the test SIG so you can try out Forms
New mail on node BOS1A from PEABO        "Peter Olson, ICONtact Manager"
interactively with the editor of your choice.

MAIL> read 1

    #1          26-SEP-1985 02:00:59                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     PEABO,CABUYS      
Subj:   test sig


Please add me to the test sig.  For now an E flag should be all I need.




    #2          26-SEP-1985 02:20:24                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::PEABO       
Subj:   RE: test sig

Will do



    #3          26-SEP-1985 19:33:56                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     KELLY,CABUYS      
Subj:   just a quick note....

to thank you, Kelly, for a job well done on posting my new announcement




    #4          26-SEP-1985 19:35:43                                        MAIL

To:     CABUYS
Subj:   Your message

I agree - thank you for posting your
message.  I think that the reference
about the married man should be changed
to " cutting ladies from the "herd2" or
group to maonopolize them and thus 
ditress the group" would be more explicable.

 Iwill get aroungdd to sening youndingsending you my
hfantasies about you soon. 
 By the way, I will be chairman of the
Naples Comuter Show this year.




    #5          26-SEP-1985 22:53:17                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::RADCOM      
To:     CABUYS
Subj:   *!*

My Dearest Delicous Darling Connie,
I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU




    #6          27-SEP-1985 04:08:31                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::RODM        
To:     CABUYS,RODM        
Subj:   ! Good Morning !

My DELICOUS Darling,

I guess I'll go home now, but not wishing you a good morning!




MAIL> forward

To:     rodm

Subj:   I got this from you - shows how tired you were - one word is missing!



    #7          27-SEP-1985 04:17:18                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::RODM        
To:     CABUYS,RODM        
Subj:   ILY <printout looks better>

My Dearest Delicous Darling Connie,
I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU

I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          

          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU          I LOVE YOU


MAIL> re*^H ^H

To:     BOS1A::RODM,CABUYS      
Subj:   RE: ILY <printout looks better>
Enter your message below. Press CTRL/Z when complete, or CTRL/C to quit:

The printout may look better but *nothing* looks as good as you do to me!

I love you!

-Coni^H ^Hnie

^GNew mail on node BOS1A from CABUYS       "CONNIE"

Press RETURN to return to reading your mail



    #8          29-SEP-1985 15:46:32                                        MAIL

To:     CABUYS
Subj:   D&D


Do you by any chance play D&D?

Chris Allen



    #9          29-SEP-1985 18:50:23                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
Subj:   RE: D&D


I'm sorry but I don't play D&D.  Can I ask you why you are asking?




    #10         29-SEP-1985 18:51:43                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     ARNE,CABUYS      
Subj:   let's talk


Why don't you leave me mail saying when a good date and time would be so
that we could talk uninterrupted?

I would really like to know more about you!





    #11         29-SEP-1985 18:58:52                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     CABUYS,CABUYS      
Subj:   msg ztest sig

1627 28-SEP 23:45 General Info
     ZTEST Database
     From: PEABO        To: ALL
Everyone currently in the test SIG now has the following flags:
A - allows you to edit and delete Forum, display complete entry log.
E - allows you to edit announcements and experiment with Forms.
D - allows you to access the database maintenance features.
V - vendor flag in Shopping.
Databases are now functioning, but there is no shopping there.
Forms are implemented in all the Announcement menus, but don't bother trying
a BRIEF What's New Form ... it does not run the form on entry to the SIG <grin>.



To:     rodm


    #11         29-SEP-1985 18:58:52                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     CABUYS,CABUYS      
Subj:   msg ztest sig

1627 28-SEP 23:45 General Info
     ZTEST Database
     From: PEABO        To: ALL
Everyone currently in the test SIG now has the following flags:
A - allows you to edit and delete Forum, display complete entry log.
E - allows you to edit announcements and experiment with Forms.
D - allows you to access the database maintenance features.
V - vendor flag in Shopping.
Databases are now functioning, but there is no shopping there.
Forms are implemented in all the Announcement menus, but don't bother trying
a BRIEF What's New Form ... it does not run the form on entry to the SIG <grin>.




    #12         29-SEP-1985 23:37:23                                        MAIL

To:     CABUYS
Subj:   strange filenames  

Have come across what might be a bug.  It appears that files are now
appearing with names as noted below.  Of course, if you try to edit
the file, the system will not allow it.
Any idea what is going on here?

dir  < files in close encounters data base common area >

Directory DB_1:[DB.ENCOUNTER]

01$CABUY$TIGLON3.;1     <why this name convention? is it a system bug?>
                         10/10      24-SEP-1985 18:50
                          5/5       29-SEP-1985 19:49
                         15/15      24-SEP-1985 18:28
ADULTERY.;1              61/65      16-AUG-1985 16:34  These are normal
AM1.;1                    2/5       16-JUL-1985 20:28  file names.
AM2.;1                    4/10      16-JUL-1985 20:29
AM3.;1                    1/5       16-JUL-1985 20:30
AM4.;1                    3/5       16-JUL-1985 20:30
AM5.;1                    6/10      16-JUL-1985 20:31
ART1.;1                   1/5        9-AUG-1985 21:32
ART10.;1                  1/5      

                        Thank you;  John (Myself)



    #13         29-SEP-1985 23:39:29                                        MAIL

Subj:   editing the strange stuff

Type: TEXT
Date: 28-SEP-1985 13:25 by BENDAILY
Size: 2459

a survey inquiring into the occurence and attitudes about vd (std/sexually trans
mitted diseases)

Topic: General Information


/File: 01$BENDA$SURVEY.TXT  Count:   0

The reason you could not open the file is the file is empty 
<note count value>

Also, the file name as it existed was some system name <you see that construct in some of the mail files>.  The normal
access is denied to files of this name type, you can only delete
them.  Luckily there was a file there called survey.txt which
was probably the original text file.
Editing has been completed.  If there is a problem, have the 
party re-submit it.

The filename appears to be a pointer to the real file as near
as I can tell.  The previous message was sent to service to
see if maybe its a bug.

Luckily there was a file with a valid name format which I edited
to insert the formatting commands.

PS: I Love You.         John



    #14         30-SEP-1985 17:59:33                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::DAN          "Dan Bruns"
Subj:   Status Report 9/30/85

TO: Special Interest Group Managers

This is sort of a good news/bad news message.  
Fortunately, the good outweighs the bad.

It doesn't take much to realize that hardware
and software problems continued to plague us
through the weekend.  The crash Sunday night
caused us to be down through Monday evening.  
Unfortunately any messages in the sigs,
polls, database descriptions and keywords,
and announcements added since Friday morning
have been lost.  The files submitted to the
are as they were when we went down late last
evening.  Any whose descriptions and keywords
were lost will have to be re-submitted.
(Internal mail files here were also lost -
Kelly's, SERVICE, John's, Kip's, mine and
others -- so anything you've sent since
Friday and haven't gotten a response, let
us know.)

On the good news side, Wes and John went out
to DEC this morning, to Ken Olsen's office.
(Olsen is DEC's Chairman & CEO).  Kip and
I continued to work with the DEC people
on site here and with others in the marketing
and software support areas.  John & Wes
met with Olsen's personal assistant, who
committed the people and resources necessary
to solve the problems we have with DEC 
hardware and software.  These problems over
the last 6 weeks have cut seriously into all 
of our credibility and revenue.  

On the other hand, we all seem to have 
established enough credibility and a 
reputation such that DEC has a healthy
respect for the voice we all have within
the telecommunications industry.  I am
optimistic that they will honor their 
commitment to seeing us through.  I'll
keep you all up to date on the progress.


MAIL> forward

To:     johnmyself

Subj:   status report from Dan

MAIL> forward

To:     RODM

Subj:   Delphi status report from Dan



    #15         30-SEP-1985 20:11:55                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::ARNE        
To:     CABUYS
Subj:   Ain't gon' make NO 'pointments!

   Thanks, hon, for trying to work me in, but...well, the reason
I come online is to get AWAY for awhile from schedules, appointments,
and all that, not to immerse myself even deeper in them.
   So the idea of making appointments for friendly chats -- guess
here on Delphi that's how it's done, but.....
   Hopeless, huh?

                             See ya >^H<kiss>
                              -- Arne



    #16         30-SEP-1985 22:12:19                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
Subj:   RE: editing the strange stuff

the strange file names are not strange. somehwere in Insiders there was
an explanation but I can't remember where it is.

also the count is the number of times the file was read.  <info also from insiders>.

the file with the *valid* name was there because I copied the one I
could not edit to it.

oh well
-got to run

I love you!




    #17         30-SEP-1985 22:14:05                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     BOS1A::ARNE,CABUYS      
Subj:   RE: Ain't gon' make NO 'pointments!

oh well, I tried, at least. things have gotten too hectic for me lately
to talk to anyone like I used to do. sigh.

perhaps one day our schedules will collide and we can have a good time.
or whatever.




    #18         30-SEP-1985 22:15:22                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::ARNE        
To:     CABUYS
Subj:   how bout now?

how bout now? (9:18 cdt, 30 sep 85)



    #19         30-SEP-1985 22:15:45                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::CABUYS       "CONNIE"
To:     RODM,CABUYS      
Subj:   sigh


I *thought* I would have dmail from you from either last night or tonight or
both but would you believe I have *nothing*. sigh.

Very tired. talk soon.

I love you!!!




    #20          1-OCT-1985 00:07:23                                        MAIL

From:   BOS1A::RODM        
To:     CABUYS,RODM        
Subj:   Love send

My Beloved Darling Connie,
Here I go again!, but this poem is OBVIOUSLY a PRIVATE one!:
At first there was only a few words on a screen,
And even those were only occasionally seen.
Then I sent questions of panic on the phone.
Oh how could I have possibly known,
That after meeting face to face,
My heart would pound at such a pace,
And that a person who was once a curiousity,
Would become the focus of my very destiny.
Love and life have shown me what now must be my destiny,
And what endless love and happiness will soon be given to me.
But there are yet some commitments and decisions to be made,
And some pain and prices to be paid.
When all of that is finished and done,
A love lasting the rest of my life will be won.
I know you are feeling the pain of waiting,
But our life together will be worth the getting.
I cannot now be all you would have me to be,
But when that day comes you will have ALL of me!
Darling,  I risk such enormous pain for both of us in refering to these things 
but  I can no longer deny my feelings although I don't know if it will  be  by 
discovery  or resolve that these things will come to be but I admit and  await 
our destiny!!!
With all of me I love you,

MAIL> re


