A summary for those that haven’t been keeping up with this series:
I found a number of 5.25″ disks at a thrift store a number of years ago. I finally got around to acquiring a 5.25″ disk drive and extracting the contents a while back. Since then I have been posting the contents here.
Based on the contents, at least some of these disks were apparently once owned by someone named Connie who used to run the “Close Encounters” Special Interest Group (SIG) on Delphi in the mid 1980s.
A specific definition of this SIG was found in a document on one of the disks: “This SIG, known as ‘Close Encounters’, is a forum for the discussion of relationships that develop via computer services like the Source, CompuServe, and Delphi. Our primary emphasis is on the sexual aspects of those relationships.”
This service was text based and was accessed via whatever terminal program you used on your computer to dial in to Delphi’s servers. Many of these disks have forum messages, e-mails and chat session logs. All of this is pre-internet stuff and I don’t know if there are any archives in existence today of what was on Delphi in the 1980s. In any case, much of this stuff would have been private at the time and probably wouldn’t be in such archives even if they existed.
This post includes the contents of FOR271.DOC dated October 23rd, 1985. This another set of forum messages from the Close Encounters SIG (probably a buffer capture of a reading session). It contains messages from mid to late October 1985. There are a variety of topics here ranging from a recent trivia contest to a lengthy discussion about allowing those under 18 to access this group and more. This post finally finishes out the contents of this disk though I still have a few more to go through…
See the previous post here.
FORUM> 272 19-OCT 20:28 General Information THE BIBLE BELT From: MACULA To: FORUM (NR) THOSE OF US WHO LIVE IN THE DEEP DEEP DEEEEP SOUTH, WHICH CONTAINS THE VERY BUCKLE OF THE BIBLE BELT OFTEN YEARN TO BE FREE OF THE DAMNABLE OPPRESSION OF THE WIZARDS IN THE GOD BUSINESS WHO THINK THAT OUR BUSINESS IS THEIR BUSINESS. SORRY--WE HOPE THAT THE REST OF THE WORLD HOLDS THE DAMNED WIWICKED IMPIOUS CHRISTIANS IN THE SAME CONTEMPT THAT WE PAGANS DO. MACULA (RHYMES WITH DRACULA) WOULD BE INTERESTED IN ANSWERS FROM SEXUALLY LIBERATED PEOPLE FORUM> 273 19-OCT 22:16 Lifestyles Is this Card for You??? From: HANSOLO To: ALL Is this 'Card' for You??? Good Evening Folks, Our local paper Thursday had an article "Don't Leafve the Bar Without It". In these days of promiscuity and rampant Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's) an enterprising company in Denver Colorado will send you a credit sized card declaring you free of AIDS and twenty-two other STD's. You must of course supply them with a note from your doctor (shades of elementary school <grin>) and twenty dollars. The idea according to Alan Wolff, founder; along with his wife, Deborah; of Medical Screening Services Inc., is to ease the tensions of prospective partners. It is "a cute idea",says Colorado Sexually Transmitted Diseases director and coordinator of the state Health Department, Fred Wolf. He cautioned that the card would be obsolete as soon as the card carrier [sic] has a sexual encounter. I think that this is an extremely good idea. I know that for me it lifts a great weight from my sholders. (Not that I 'fool around' al that much but ...) Coincedentally a friend and I were discussing how drastically he might change his l ife-style due to the high incidence of AIDS and other STD's. I said, jokingly, wouldn't it be nice if we (those of us free of disease) carried some sort of ID to show we were 'clean'. So don't forget to carry your "Social Card". John FORUM> 274 20-OCT 11:09 General Information RE: THE BIBLE BELT (Re: Msg 272) From: ARNE To: MACULA I more or less agree with your sentiments -- Texas is close enough to the deep south -- but the spirit in which you express them sounds so perilously close to the righteous indignation of the folks you hold in such contempt that it's really a little spooky! Anyway, good luck with liberation in Florida. FORUM> 275 20-OCT 11:10 Play Ground Sexual Trivia Answers From: JOHNMYSELF To: ALL Sexual Trivia Contest Answers Sun 20 - October 1985 1) Fellatio is the highly erotic opera written by Pucini. False (It is the oral stimulation of the male genitals) 2) A man's knowledge of a woman's body is helpful to him in: a) Appreciating what it means to be female. b) Pleasing himself and her sexually. c) Planning for contraception and preventing and discovering disease. ==>>d) All of the above. 3) Which of the following offers some protection against sexually transmitted disease? a) Condoms. b) Vaginal suppositories. c) Saran wrap. ==>>d) Two of the above. (A & B) 4) "Gender identity" can change during a lifetime. True 5) Who said "Bisexuality immediately doubles your chances for a date on Saturday night." ==>>a) Woody Allen. b) Tallulah Bankhead. c) Elton John. d) Bette Midler. 6) How did Franciscan monks test their powers of chastity? By sleeping beside a naked woman. 7) Why is the wedding ring customarily worn on the third finger of the left hand? Because the vein in that finger goes directly to the heart. 8) On which date, according to a 1970 'Seventeen' survey, is it traditional for a couple to have their first kiss? The second date. 9) What do hermaphrodites have that "normal" humans do not? Sex organs of both genders. 10) Who is the ancient Roman god of orgies? Bacchus. FORUM> 276 20-OCT 11:11 Play Ground sexual trivia winner From: JOHNMYSELF To: ALL MAIL> #1 11-OCT-1985 21:30:31 NEWMAIL From: BOS1A::TIGLON To: LADYLOVE Subj: trivia answers i hope! Ok..here goes nothing!! 1. F 2. D 3. A 4. T 5. A 6. They watch the nuns taking baths (hehehehe) 7. cause 3rd finger leads to the heart...shows a bound (bond) 8. 1st date 9. They have all sexual organs and such.. 10. Eros FORUM> 277 20-OCT 11:11 Play Ground sexual trivia runner uop From: JOHNMYSELF To: ALL MAIL> #2 15-OCT-1985 13:29:13 NEWMAIL From: BOS2A::FSF To: LADYLOVE Subj: sexual trivia #1 Here are my answers: 1 - true 2 - d 3 - a 4 - false 5 - b 6 - occasionally visit local whorehouses to test willpower! 7 - this was traditionally the finger severed was punishment for adultery. 8 - third 9 - they have 2 sets of sexual organs 10 - Bacchus FORUM> 278 20-OCT 11:14 Play Ground sexual trivia contest From: JOHNMYSELF To: ALL I would like to thank those who sent in their entries to the sexual trivia contest and invite you all to participate in next months game. Questions for November will be posted some time Sunday morning on the 10 th. good luck. FORUM> 279 20-OCT 17:16 General Information RE: THE BIBLE BELT (Re: Msg 274) From: MACULA To: ARNE SORRY TO HAVE FREAKED YOU OUT. THE USAGE OF "WICKED IMPIOUS ETETC. IS DERIVED FRO THE EMPEROR FLAVIUS CLAUDIUS JULIANUS (361-363 CE). hE WAS THE LAST EMEPEROR WHO WORSHIPED THE TRUE GODS. HE WROTE A GREAT TRACT CALLED "LORDY! WHEN U MAKE A TYPO, THIS SYSTEM DOESN'T FORGIVE! aNY WAY, i DIDN'T MEAN TO SPOOK ANYONE. WE WHO ARE BORN AGAIN IN ETERNITY, USUALLY MIND OUR OWN AFFAIRS. HOWEVER, IN THIS COMMUNITY, THE FORCES OF GOOD AND TRUTH HAVE MOUNBTED A GRAND CAMPAIGN AGAINST WHAT THEY THINK IS SATANISM. HA! BLESSED BE! FORUM> 280 20-OCT 17:35 General Information RE: THE BIBLE BELT (Re: Msg 279) From: ARNE To: MACULA Say wha'? FORUM> 281 20-OCT 21:43 General Information The Question of Age From: CABUYS To: ALL As all of you should know by now, it is stated in the membership agreement that Close Encounters sig membership is open to anyone over the age of 18 and that verification of age via this medium will be determined to the best of the sig managers' discretion. The original reasons behind this include having a place for adults to access that would be "kid-free"; a place where we could, if we desire, discuss topics of a sexual nature without worry about offending others or having parents of some of the teen-age users down on us for allowing the kids here; etc. We've had one incident where an adult was offended enough by our questioning his age that he reported it to SERVICE who reported it to the Sig Administrator. That problem has now been resolved. Now we have a 13 or 14 year old who wants to know why he cannot join this sig and have access to the forum and database. To quote this person "it's not reasonable, it is not fair, I mean, people like 13 know just as much as people that are 18 or whatever age!". Now I'm asking each of you your opinions on this age question, keeping in mind the following: 1. Do *YOU* want to keep those under 18 out of this sig? 2. Do you think those under 18 should be allowed in, but restricted to sections that are just for them, with someone their age sysoping those sections? 3. So far, we've not really gotten into any subject that is sensitive but some time soon we will. Do you have suggestions on how to deal with this when it comes to conferences, etc? 4. If there are sections for those under 18, do you think adults should have access to it? I honestly need input from each of you on this age question. This is your sig and I want to provide it as a service you want, so please take the time to state your opinions on this. Thank you. FORUM> 282 20-OCT 21:57 General Information RE: The Question of Age (Re: Msg 281) From: RH To: CABUYS My reaction is that this SIG should remain for adults. Children and teens have access to this type of SIG on Compuserve. If gr clo is opened to the youngsters, a lot of open, honest conversation is likely to disappear. If necessary , you might consider limiting teens to a board for their age group. However, teens should not have access to the conference. FORUM> 283 20-OCT 22:27 General Information RE: The Question of Age (Re: Msg 281) From: HANSOLO To: CABUYS Connie, I think you know my reaction to this. For the record I don't think persons under 18 years of age should be allowed in the SIG. Basicaly I feel this way because I don't want to have to censor what I say whether it be here on the board or in conference. As far as the member who is 'of age' getting upset at being asked his age well the age minimum is as much for his protection as the rest of us. I personally trhink he was off base in complaining to SERVICE. However that is his right. I just answered No. 1. No. 2 I as long as they would be restrict to their own area it would help the profitably of the SIG. But overall don't think they should be allowed in at all. No. 3 Just don't let them in and we don't have to worry about what to do. No. 4 If a seperate section is set up I think that ANYONE should have acces. John FORUM> 284 21-OCT 00:28 General Information RE: The Question of Age (Re: Msg 281) From: OSPAT To: CABUYS CONNIE, I DO BELIEVE THAT THIS SHOULD BE RESTRICTED TO ONLY OVER 18 YR OLDS. TO KEEP THIS SIG OUT OF *ANY* TYPE OF LEGAL OR MORAL GARBAGE, RESTRICT THEM FROM IT. THE WORST THE UNDER 18 USERS CAN DO IS COMPLAIN. IF IT IS ALLOWED FOR UNDER 18 USERS TO ACCESS THIS SIG - PARENTS OF THOSE USERS CAN MAKE LIFE MISERABLE FOR ALL OF US. FORUM> 285 21-OCT 16:14 General Information RE: The Question of Age (Re: Msg 281) From: JOHNMYSELF To: CABUYS While I am a manager of this sig, I do have my own opinions as well. I believe that the under 18's should not be allowed into this sig as it is unless there is a way to also restrict their access to the 'adult' conferences. Personally, I really do not want to start the restricted, password or page me in routine to run them as it detracts from my ability to keep up with the discussion. Sectional restriction is not a problem and easily controlled. The fact that our discussions to date have not been terribly sensitive has nothing to do with the response of parents who may find their teen agers here. At present the only fall back we have if some are found out is that 'we didn't know'. As for the situation with the adult, I believe that I might have handled it better had I not allowed himto antagonize me. To the extent that that happened I offer my apology (yes, in public). FORUM> 286 21-OCT 22:27 General Information RE: The Question of Age (Re: Msg 5389) From: PETEVO To: CABUYS YOU KNOW ME, THIS COULD GET LONG, BUT HERE GOES. . . I BELIEVE THAT THE BASIS OF THE AGE RESTRICTION ARE SOUND. NAMELY, AN ADULT PLACE IS NECESSARY WHERE ADULTS CAN TALK TO OTHER ADULTS ABOUT ADULT CONCERNS. IN ADDIOTION THE CONCERN ABOUT PARENTS COMING DOWN ON US IS EXTERMELY VALID. I B ELIEVE THAT THERE COULD BE POSSIBLE LEGAL RAMIFICATIONS OF ALLOWING MINORS INTO THIS SIG. DEMONSTRAITING A "GOOD FAITH" EFFORT TO KEEP THEM OUT SHOULD PREVENT US FROM GETTING IN TROUBLE. WITH RESPECT TO THE ADULT WHO HASSLED SERVICE, ITS THE SIG MANAGER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT THE RULES ARE BEING UPHELD. ITS JUST LIKE BEING CARDED WHEN YOU'RE 29; ITS A HAST TO GET IN, YOU GOTTA PLAY ALONG. POINT 1: I PERSONALLY BELIEVE THAT MINORS SHOULD BE EXCLUDED FROM THE ENTIRE SIG. THE TEEN MAY KNOW ABOUT SEX BUT I HAVE TO QUESTION HIS/HER LEVEL OF MATURITY. I JUST CANNOT BELIEVE THAT HE/SHE IS CAPABLE OF THE MATURITY AND SENSITIVITY NEEDED TO DEAL WITH SOME OF THE MATERIAL THAT I'VE SEEN HERE. NEXT POINT (NOTICE THAT I'VE FORGOTTEN THE ORDER ALREADY, MY TERMINAL SOFTWARE IS ACTING UP TOO)...I AM NOT IN FAVOR OF A YOUNG ADULT SECTION OR RESTRICTIONS. IT WOULD BE DIFFICULT TO POLICE, IT COULD STILL CAUSE US HASSLES, AND I BELIEVE TH AT IT WON'T ADRESS THE KID'S POINT ANYWAY. BESIDES, LET THE KID START HIS/HER OWN SIG IF THEY FEEL STRONGLY. SHOULD WE CREATE A YOUNG ADULT SECTION, IT SHOULD BE OPEN TO ALL, OTHERWISE IT REALLY IS A DIFFERENT SIG. PETE FORUM> 287 21-OCT 22:38 General Information RE: The Question of Age (Re: Msg 281) From: PETEVO To: CABUYS PS TO MY PREVIOUS MESSAGE: HOPE YOU CAN MAKE SENSE OUT OF IT, WIERD THINGS ARE HAPPENING TONIGHT. BY THE WAY, I THINK THAT YOU AND JOHN AND JOEY, AND WHOEVER ELSE, THAT I DON'T KNOW, OR CAN'T REMEMBER ARE DOING A GREAT JOB! I CAN OCCASIONALLY GET A GLIMPSE OF THE FRUSTRATIONS THAT YOU MUST HAVE FROM TIME TO TIME. PLEASE DON'T LET IT GET YOU DOWN. THIS IS A REALLY NEAT PLACE. ITS BEEN FORGED BY YOUR PATIENCE AND CARE AND HAS UNDERGONE MAJOR CHANGES IN THE 6 MONTHS THAT I'VE BEEN A MEMBER. YOU'RE DOING A TERRIFIC JOB! YOU ARE APPRECIATED! KEEP UP THE TREMENDOUS EFFORT! WHO KNOWS, SOMEDAY I MAY GET A FREE SATURDAY AND BE ABLE TO BREAK THRU THE TYMENT CONFERENCE RESTRICTIONS AND BE ABLE TO TALK TO YOU AND THE REST OF THE GROUP. TAKE CARE! PETE FORUM> 289 22-OCT 03:16 General Information RE: The Question of Age (Re: Msg 281) From: RODM To: CABUYS Dear Connie, I think the answers to these questions are and will probably continue to be of a near unanimous opinion that this IS and should REMAIN an ADULTS ONLY sig! I believe the rules of the sig are very clear on the subject and that if there is any objection to the admission policy they could only be directed to the management of the sig and even then as an appeal of the rules and any complaint against any person need not be tolerated!! In my opinion this sig has NO place in it for children, teens, or adolescents OR even adults who insist on behaving as children! This IS and must remain a gathering of adults to discuss the 'heart' of life or the entire purpose and intent behind this SIG will be compromised!!! <and that would be the destroying of a dream and 'child'> As usual my comments are 'wordy' and long but with them I send all the support I can give!! Love, Rod FORUM> 290 22-OCT 21:29 General Information RE: The Question of Age (Re: Msg 281) From: AMTRAKMAN To: CABUYS Dear Connie: That was an interesting piece of information before. Here are my opinion(s): When this SIG was first created, it was intended for ADULTS only, meaning anyone over 18 years of age. We cannot allow anyone under that age to read the material that is presented in this SIG. And, as someone said, as we get more and more involved in the SIG, our information will get more and more sexual. Please Note, that there ARE MANY kids under the age of 18 that wish to enethis system. We cannot and shallnot be responsible for what any child reads in this SIG. Close Encounters should REMAIN ADULTS ONLY. As for the other options, it is really unwise to have a 'scaled down' version of Close Encounters accesible to teens. That too may be questionable to Parents, with enough problems as it is about their offspring. To ReCap: Close Encounters should stay ADULTS ONLY! Al <amtrakman> FORUM> 291 22-OCT 21:48 General Information RE: The Question of Age (Re: Msg 281) From: KAPLAN To: CABUYS Regarding the "under 18" question: Maturity knows no chronological age. Why not verify age to the best of your ability, but if there is a 13-year old why not let him/her in until his/her behavior here suggests expulsion. In other words why not give the benefit of the doubt, and innocent until proven guilty. I hope these suggestions are of some help. FORUM>