Amiga Format (November 1996)

Source: Amiga Format – Issue Number 90 – November 1996

Amiga Format is a magazine that was dedicated to Commodore’s Amiga computer line. It was published in the U.K. and had a long run lasting from 1989 until 2000. While published in the U.K., I remember frequently seeing in in book stores here in the U.S. as an import and I believe there was even a U.S. edition published for a while. The November 1996 issue (published almost exactly 25 years ago) includes:

Cover Feature

  • Achtung! – Much Amiga hardware is now being developed in Germany. German companies like Maxon and ProDad are powerful forces in the software market. What exactly does this mean for the future of the Amiga?


  • PowerPC delayed – Phase 5 concentrating on add on cards while development of replacement OS slips.
  • Viscorp plan new logo – The new owners of the Amiga want a new logo incorporating the Amiga trademark images – and they want you to help them design it.
  • Capital Game – Andy Smith meets the man behind the latest Amiga beat-em-up, Capital Punishment, and finds out exactly who ClickBOOM really are.


  • Cyberstorm Mark 2 – Phase 5 brought us the first ever 68060 accelerator for the Amiga and now they return with Mark 2. But how does it compare to its predecessor and indeed how does it match up to the competition?
  • CD-ROM Drives – We have often advised our readers not to attach more than one IDE device to the A1200, but two new drives from Siren and Eyetech just go to show that rules are there to be broken.
  • StormC – The latest C compiler features a new integrated environment for creating programs, ideal for beginners and experts alike. Nick Veitch looks at the new development package from Haage and Partner.
  • Termite TCP & IBrowse – Two new packages from HiSoft to help you get connected. Termite TCP is a new TCP stack and Hisoft have finally released the commercial version of IBrowse. There are plenty of alternatives available in the Public Domain so what makes these programs worth parting money for?
  • CD-ROMs – The latest releases from the excellent Aminet and a CD-ROM packed full of a selection of software to ease your breakdown nightmares.


  • Multimedia Tutorial – Ben Vost continues with more graphical ideas – 3D gadgets and images from the CD. Find out how to incorporate them into your package.
  • Alien Breed 3D II Tutorial – Find out how to add water and objects to your newly created levels in our second tutorial.
  • Real 3D2 – Last month Graeme Sandiford took inspiration from his garden. This time around he’s been waiting for the phone to ring.
  • OctaMED Tutorial – Darren Irvine with more top tips on making the most of OctaMED.
  • Blitz Tutorial – The latest Blitz tutorial shows you how to handle links in your code and John Kennedy promises that after completing this you should be able to start browsing through some of your HTML documents.


  • PD Select – A Monkey Island clone, a new version of an old classic and Vark 14 among others.
  • Workbench – Problems getting online? Trouble with your modem? Whatever the query there is help at hand.
  • – Darren Irvine is in a melodic mood.
  • Subscriptions – Make the most of our superb offers and get your favorite Amiga mag delivered to your door.
  • Mailbag – Your views in print.

Quantum Leap?

  • QDOS – the OS of the Sinclair Quantum Leap – This PD replacement for AmigaDos was the first multitasking operating system for home computers.


  • Previews – Soccer Sensible, Blobz and the Director’s Cut of Worms. Andy Smith has all the info on the latest offerings for the Amiga gaming world.
  • Capital Punishment – Newcomers ClickBOOM introduce their first effort in the Amiga market and it’s been hailed as the best beat-em-up the Amiga has ever seen.
  • DNA – Andy Smith describes it as a mix between Valhalla and Laser Squad but is it any good? Take control you your characters and lead them into war.
  • Humans III – Guide little characters around a host of colorful levels and you may well find yourself lost in time! This latest puzzle game from Gametek gets the once over from Andy Smith.
  • Reader Games – Discover an excellent version of patience that seems to have found a permanent home on Andy’s machine, amongst others.
  • Aura Competition – It’s your chance to win an amazing Aura Interactor. Now you can not only play the games but feel all the action too. Ow!
  • Gamebusters – A complete guide to Primal Rage and the first part of a solution to KGB.

…and more!