Source: ANALOG Computing – November 1988
ANALOG Computing was perhaps the best known and one of the longest running magazines for Atari 8-bit Computers. The November 1988 issue includes:
- Atari Streamers – A quickie machine-language routine that allows you to create vertically scrolling text displays.
- Slave II: Nimral’s Grace – The sequel to last month’s Slave Cellars of Golgoloth adventure. Who is trying to kill Shala?
- Master Memory Map, Part IV – The memory exploration continues. Jon us on a romp through your computer’s RAM and ROM.
- Bits ‘n’ Pieces: POPS – This month ANALOG’s electronic wizard presents a hardware project that’ll add four-channel stereo sound to your Atari computer.
- AUTORUN.SYS Secrets – This machine-language program will help you design AUTORUN.SYS files that’ll do just about anything you want.
- 3-in-1 Football
- Panak Strikes – This time around Steve takes a look at thinking games, plus gives us complete reviews of Solar Star and Drop Zone from Microsoft.
- Battlezone
- Boot Camp
- Database DELPHI
- Game Design Workshop
- End User
- Editorial
- Reader Comment
- 8-Bit News
- BASIC Editor II
- ST Notes
…and more!