Digital Archaeology: Codex (Floppy Disk) #10 (part 10)

A summary for those that haven’t been keeping up with this series:

I found a number of 5.25″ disks at a thrift store a number of years ago. I finally got around to acquiring a 5.25″ disk drive and extracting the contents a while back. Since then I have been posting the contents here.

Based on the contents, at least some of these disks were apparently once owned by someone named Connie who used to run the “Close Encounters” Special Interest Group (SIG) on Delphi in the mid 1980s.

A specific definition of this SIG was found in a document on one of the disks: “This SIG, known as ‘Close Encounters’, is a forum for the discussion of relationships that develop via computer services like the Source, CompuServe, and Delphi. Our primary emphasis is on the sexual aspects of those relationships.”

This service was text based and was accessed via whatever terminal program you used on your computer to dial in to Delphi’s servers. Many of these disks have forum messages, e-mails and chat session logs. All of this is pre-internet stuff and I don’t know if there are any archives in existence today of what was on Delphi in the 1980s. In any case, much of this stuff would have been private at the time and probably wouldn’t be in such archives even if they existed.

This post includes the contents of MGRSCO.DOC dated October 20th, 1985. This is a chat log titled “insiders managers conference” and appears to be a chat between various SIG managers.

See the previous post here.


 * * * * * * * * * * insiders managers conference * * * * * * * * * *
 ** JOHNMYSELF just joined SIG FOLKS (2 members now) **
 ** SOFTAFFAIR just joined SIG FOLKS (3 members now) **
 ** <jim reed just joined sig folks (4 members now) ** myself> hi dick
 Dick> hi john.
 /sen dick could you verify reason for 'f' flag message pls
 Bryan> Hello?
 ** Wan <with bill just joined sig folks (5 members now) ** <jim reed> howdy,howdy
 Dick> hi bryan.
 Bryan> Hi!
 Wan <with bill> Hiya
 /s dick i believe I iunderstand why but would like to know.
 Dick> you have a contract and do not require it right?
 Myself> exactly
 Myself>  that is what I thought.
 /s dick disregard my mail reply then - thank you.
 ** Joe-CLE just joined SIG FOLKS (6 members now) **
 Dick> so we are trying to clean house and get this looking like a "real" sig.
 ** Allan just joined SIG FOLKS (7 members now) **
 Bryan> Hi, Allan.
 Allan> Good morning!
 Dick> john>you can have all the flags you want in ZTEST, but none in
 ** RICKP just joined SIG FOLKS (8 members now) **
 CONFERENCE is closing down.  Please try it again later!
 Version 9-Oct-85
 INSIDERS> /sen ellisco it would!
 Version 9-Oct-85
 ** JOHNMYSELF just joined SIG FOLKS (2 members now) **
 Dick> s**t!
 ** Joe-CLE just joined SIG FOLKS (3 members now) **
 Myself - CLE> my sentiments exactly
 ** RICKP just joined SIG FOLKS (4 members now) **
 ** ptr just joined SIG FOLKS (5 members now) **
 ptr> i vote for this group <grin> see /who
 Dick> peter>some fun!
 /s joey hi guy.
 ** Jim Reed(CoCo) just joined SIG FOLKS (6 members now) **
 ** Bryan just joined SIG FOLKS (7 members now) **
 ptr> hi jim
 ** Wan <with bill just joined sig folks (8 members now) ** ptr> hi bryan, bill
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> hiya
 Dick> paul>we try again!
 JOEY>> Mornin' John!
 ptr> what ... did you guys get ejected from CO?
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> why does Conference close down so often, anywa?
 Myself - CLE> an excellent question.
 Bryan> Yes, Peter.
 /s joey I will c that connie gets a transcript of this
 Dick> peter> guess its time to start, do you have log running?
 ptr> yup
 Bryan> Is JWG attending?
 ptr> jim, you want the technical explanation?  it is obscure
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> just like to see fixed
 ptr> JWG is not attending ... this is an informal get together
 Dick> all> JWG will NOT be here today!
 Wan <with bill> Very obscure - Delphi's borke
 ptr> right ... DEC is working on it
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> good
 ** Bob Retelle just joined SIG FOLKS (9 members now) **
 ** BUSSIGMGR just joined SIG FOLKS (10 members now) **
 ptr> hi guys
 Bob Retelle> HI al
 Bob Retelle> l!
 ** ALEXLANE just joined SIG FOLKS (11 members now) **
 JOEY>> I can only read, right?
 /s joey generally - but you can let me know if u have a point to make
 ptr> Dan told me that they had more DEC people at Delphi than Delphi people the 
 other day
 Paul> hello there - I just got a conf-coming-down msg.  Surprised we're still 
 /s joey or else if it is sufficiently important - jump in..
 alex> Hello all.
 ptr> the Conference CLOSING down message is a hiccough ... you can usually just 
 return to CO right away
 Bob Retelle> that's good to know!
 ** -Chris/GameSIG just joined SIG FOLKS (12 members now) **
 ** Allan just joined SIG FOLKS (13 members now) **
 Myself - CLE> actually that is a bad sign
 -Chris/GameSIG> hello SIG Folks
 ptr> looks like we are getting a good turnout
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> then it is not triggered by size of co
 Myself - CLE> when there are few if any DEC people at Delphi - that will be a 
 good sign
 Myself - CLE> it'll mean they (finally) have most things fixed.
 Bob Retelle> (crossed fingers)
 ptr> well, it may be ... i don't know exactly what triggers it ... the
   explanation is pretty obscure, which is probably why they haven't figured out 
 how to fix it yet
 Allan/WANG> - signed off -
 Bob Retelle> it's happened with only three in Maniac
 ptr> it depends on the entire system, not any particular SIG
 Bob Retelle> but then, that's maniac!
 ** David-Theology just joined SIG FOLKS (13 members now) **
 Bob Retelle> it's too bad then, that there's no longer any way to see just how 
 many are on co..
 ** Allan {WANG} just joined SIG FOLKS (14 members now) **
 Bob R <maniac>> that's better
 ptr> OK then ... guess we should get started ...
 -Chris/GameSIG> Peter - Do you know if KIP plans to put the total # of users 
 back in /WHO once UNINET and TYMNET are back on the same machine??
 Dick> chris> not planned.
 ptr> chris, i don't know, but i doubt it ... it would serve no purpose
 ptr> I guess number one in everyone's minds is RELIABILITY
 Myself - CLE> HEAR, HEAR!!
 Bob R <maniac> too bad.. it gives a feeling of community to know how Indeed!
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> amen
 Dick> chris> another bug to kill, also serves no useful purpose.
 ptr> there is not a whole lot  we can do as SIG staff to help in that area 
 except to report the symptoms we are seeing ...
 ptr> DEC, like most other companies, has a policy of escalating the degree of 
 support they give to a problem ...
 ptr> and at this point they are about to go to the highest level of support.
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> full dec
 Wan <with bill> They'r buying IBMs??
 ptr> which means they will probably solve the packet interface problems very 
 soon now
 ** Howard (maniac) just joined SIG FOLKS (15 members now) **
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> <question>
 ptr> after the packet interface problems are solved, then the cosmetic problems 
 can be attacked ... Bryan, you posted a workaround for the line feeds problem 
 the other day ... is it working well for you?
 ptr> <jim after bryan>
 Bryan> Yes, I no longer have the problem, but...
 Bryan> most of my other users still do!...
 -Chris/GameSIG> !
 Bryan> I believe it has something to do with their terminal...
 Bryan> programs and the way they handle the end-of-line. ga
 ptr> bryan ...
 ptr> this is after they apply the changes to pad parameters?  is there also a 
 problem with the /pad command being diffficult to explain to people? ga bryan
 -Chris/GameSIG> !!!!!
 ptr> <short comment from chris, anytime>
 Bryan> Nope, they compared their settings to mine...
 Bryan> and still had the same problems.
 -Chris/GameSIG> The TYMNET Pad setting selection in SETTING has been disabled 
 for over a month now..
 -Chris/GameSIG> so currently we can't make /PAD setting permanent; Thank you,ga
 Bryan> All these users are on Uninet.
 ptr> ok ... thanks Chris ... I'll ask Kip about that.
 ptr> Jim ... you have a question?  go ahead (by the way, we are using formal 
 conference rules here, which is why the ? and ! signals)
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> As I recall, it used to be that a page wold give the person a 
 (Y/N) right where they were without coming to CO first.  Was that my 
 imagination? Seemed better that ay.
 ** Dan just joined SIG FOLKS (16 members now) **
 ptr> <hi dan>
 Dan> Hi, everyone.
 Paul/Business> hi, dan!
 -Chris/GameSIG> hi dan
 alex (ArtPro).> hello, dan.
 Bryan> Hiya, boss.
 ptr> yes, the (Y/N) prompt is only given if you are paged while in conference 
 Bob R <maniac> HI
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> must have remembered wrong
 ptr> and also only at the idle level (I think)
 ptr> ok, the floor is open to questions and comments
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> wih new folks you have to do a/snd to ell them how to answer a 
 ptr> yep ... there is a lot to learn here for a first time user, so probably 
 there is not a solution to that ... they need some hand-holding even with good 
 help files
 Paul/Business> ?
 ptr> ga paul
 alex (ArtPro).> ?
 ptr> <alex after paul>
 Paul/Business> question for Dan - is KELLY's replacement handling the P.R. for 
 the SIGs?
 Dan> At present there is no ONE replacement for Kelly... will keep you all up to
 Paul/Business> thanks. ga
 ptr> ga alex
 Myself - CLE> <why was kelly replaced - & when?>
 Myself - CLE> <just curious>
 alex (ArtPro).> <not sure who to address this to...>
 Dan> Kelly has left (on good terms, of course.)  She's moving to Connecticut.
 Myself - CLE> <oh. thnx>
 alex (ArtPro).> What ever happened to the "sign-up" reports (of which we on 
 ArtPro) received...
 alex (ArtPro).> only one about two months back. (Apologies for typos)?
 ptr> Dan, you can answer that one <grin>
 alex (ArtPro).> I musta given out a bunch of codes but who signed up? ga
 Dan> You got me!  Kelly was to have been doing those, probably by request.
 alex (ArtPro).> ?
 Myself - CLE> ?
 ptr> John said that one factor in the decision was that the automatic mailing of
 signup messages was putting a load on the system
 ptr> ga alex
 ptr> <myslef after alex>
 ptr> <sp>
 alex (ArtPro).> While on the subject of paperwork, how are royalty reports 
 coming along?  We...
 alex (ArtPro).> on ArtPro got *something* last month that resembled a l-o-n-g 
 list of...
 alex (ArtPro).> every logon for the previous month.  No way to determine times 
 from the...
 alex (ArtPro).> list either.  ??
 ptr> Dan?
 ptr> <btw, i assume everyone say the post from kelly via paul w. concerning royalties>
 Dan> We try to have the reports out by the 20th.  You should be getting them 
 this week, (allowing for training of new employee).
 alex (ArtPro).> Roger.  Thanks.
 ptr> ga Myself
 Myself - CLE> ok
 Myself - CLE> a quicky for dan I think..
 alex (ArtPro).> - signed off -
 Myself - CLE> on the subject of sign up codes - how does one obtain them?
 Dan> Ask!
 Myself - CLE> who?
 Dan> John or me for now, I guess.
 Myself - CLE> ok thank you - pls consider this such a request.
 Myself - CLE> ga
 ptr> Myself ... you will have to say how many you want ...
 Myself - CLE> <hmm - how abt ten for now>
 ptr> and if you want any special wording in the signup procedure ... have you 
 used a signup procedure before?
 Myself - CLE> no
 ptr> you'll probably want to try it out yourself too ...
 ptr> basically, this is how it works ...
 ptr> there is a special login procedure defined, like JOINCLOSE for example ...
 ** alex (ArtPro). just joined SIG FOLKS (16 members now) **
 ptr> and when someone signs on, it takes them through a Form that gathers their 
 billing data, and helps them select a username, and gives them a temporary 
 password ...
 ptr> after their billing data is processed (the next day), they can use the 
 login name and the temp password to get on, using the Uncle Max procedure
 ptr> Ok, any more questions?
 Myself - CLE> <thnk u>
 Bob R <maniac> ?
 Bryan> ?
 ptr> <bob, then bryan>
 Bob R <maniac> OK, this has probably been asked to death...
 Bob R <maniac> Is there in the future any plan to
 Bob R <maniac> inplement a /send from all levels?
 ** RSims just joined SIG FOLKS (17 members now) **
 ** CK just joined SIG FOLKS (18 members now) **
 Bob R <maniac> It's sticky when a user calls for help and I'm doing maintenence
 ptr> hi Robert, Chris
 Bob R <maniac> and I can't yell "comoni"...
 RSims> Sorry I'm late
 Bob R <maniac> coming, that is
 Bob R <maniac> ga
 ptr> looks like Dan is getting bombared today ... any comment, Dan?
 ptr> <hmmm ...>
 Dan> Sure, /send and /who should eventually work throughout the sig.  The "plan"
 to accomplish that is to add it where and when it fits in with other 
 enhancements or changes to the programs.  It isn't a simple change to make.
 ptr> <maybe co is a level at which send doesn't work today ...>
 Bob R <maniac> sounds good, thakns..
 ptr> ok, bryan, ga
 /s ptr it should be working in co
 Bryan> OK, I'd like to know if the system capacity has been increased...
 Bryan> and as a related question, how are the sign-ups going (like "CONTEST")?
 Bryan> ga
 PEABO>> a joke ... i guess dan doesn't type as fast as i would have thought!
 /s ptr no doubt - hahaha
 /s ptr is anything happening - i am no lonmger receiving
 Bryan> (anyone feel free to jump in here)
 Dan> We're continually making minor increases in system capacity through both
   hardware and software upgrades.  Signups continue to come in, and we expect
   the end of October and November to show big growth in both capacity and
 /s ptr never mind
 -Chris/GameSIG> ?
 Bryan> OK, thanks, Dan.
 ** Danny just joined SIG FOLKS (19 members now) **
 ptr> ok ... let's take one more question, from Chris, then go to the agenda
 ptr> ga Chris
 -Chris/GameSIG> ok, one last question for Dan...
 Dick> for all>there will be another subject for discussion on Inside Forum
   starting tommarow - Froum archiving!
 -Chris/GameSIG> When will the EDIT FILE function be installed in Databases, and 
 has the problem of EDITING files with 
s been fixed? ,ga
 Dick> <going to typing classes soon!>
 Dan> You should be able to edit files with $ in the names using either edt or
   oldie.  (Fixed during last week).  There is no timetable for adding the EDIT
   FILE option.
 ptr> ok ...
 -Chris/GameSIG> ok, Thanks
 ptr> from the last thread we ran, the priority is clear FIX BUGS ...
 Myself - CLE> RIGHT!!
 ptr> however, John does want us to be thinking about a few things ...
 ptr> ga Dick
 Dick> we are needed for input on about 6 projects to be installed after the
   bugs are dead.
 Dick> I will be posting them one at a time in Forum.
 Dick> and they will run from a week to 2 then we will move on.
 Dick> until we have a new list to work on.
 Dick> ga
 CK *Flag*> ?
 ptr> Chris, ga
 CK *Flag*> 6 to 12 weeks before we see the whole list/
 CK *Flag*> Why not...
 CK *Flag*> put it all up at once and collect thoughts as they occur? ga
 Dick> I want to concentrate on one at a time.  the threads are archived in the
 ptr> well, that is a little more chaotic, but not a bad idea ... does anyone
   else have an opinion about how we should do it?
 Dick> for review and further comment.
 Dick> ga
 Howard (maniac)> !
 -Chris/GameSIG> I would rather concentrate on one at a time
 CK *Flag*> My feeling is that its easier to comment if we....
 ptr> howard, ga
 Howard (maniac)> i like
 Wan <with bill> !
 ptr> Bill
 CK *Flag*> have some idea of the 'big picture' .. done.
 Bryan> I say give us the whole list - the projects might affect each other.
 Dick> ?
 Howard (maniac)> the idea of knowing all the topics comming  up, but would like 
 to see discussion one at a time
 ptr> <diack after bill>
 Wan <with bill> How about putting all 6 items up and let us prioitize them?
 RSims> I agree with Howard's last statement.
 alex (ArtPro).> Me too.
 ptr> ga Dick
 Dick> I can post the list, however I would like to work them one at a time.
 Bryan> Sounds good, Dick.
 Bob R <maniac> Agree
 Dick> after the last one I don't think it will work to try and work more than
 -Chris/GameSIG> agreed
 ptr> what about posting 6 opening notes in Forum, with a quiet announcement
   pointing to the first one, and you take care to reply to the right one to 
   keep the threads in order?
 Dick> we get too many other comments thrown in <gri>.
 Dick> ga
 ptr> Dick, I gather the Auto Archiving is the first one to be discussed?
 Dick> if the replys are set to the right subject it will work.
 Dick> yes!
 ptr> archiving ...
 ptr> we would like to see an easy way to move intersting commentary from Forum
   to the database ...
 Dick> the auto archiving of Forum threads.
 ptr> where people can *find* it again. ...
 ptr> the floor is open for any comments you have about how archiving is 
   working in your SIGs, and how much work it is, problems etc
 CK *Flag*> Comment
 ptr> chris, ga
 CK *Flag*> When we archive...
 CK *Flag*> it seems that messages whose topics have been changed thru sysop
 CK *Flag*> STILL show up in a thread.. an autoarchiver MUST respect the
   cleanups that have been done...
 CK *Flag*> to prevent needless re-doing of the cleanup that can easily be done
   day-to-day.  Done.
 ptr> yes ...
 ptr> that is because they still are in the thread, even though the topic is
   changed ...
 ptr> so I guess that thread maintenace and autoarchive cannot be separated.
 Dick> ?
 ptr> any other comments?
 Myself - CLE> ?
 ptr> disk, ga
 ptr> <myself after dick>
 .Danny> Excuse me folks -- have something to attend to.  Back later.
 Dick> how about the ability to change the pointer to bypass the msg that is to
   be deleted?
 ptr> not sure what you mean?
 .Danny> - signed off -
 CK *Flag*> related suggestion
 Dick> if follow points to a different msg, it is solved and the thread is
 Dick> ga
 CK *Flag*> If a sysop changes the TOP or SUBJ line, that message should no
   longer have any thread membership.
 CK *Flag*> done.
 ptr> i think usually you are not deleting messages from a thread, but more
   likely breaking a thread or reconnecting it ...
 Dick> true, but follow isn't changed and it still resides in thread!
 ptr> chris, how do you correlate the messages which thread off the one that 
   has been removed ...
 Dick> ?
 CK *Flag*> The one removed might become the parent of a new thread if it has
   its own REply chain...
 ptr> it seems like you would have to do a lot of work to rethread them if the
   subject change happened after the message had been replied to
 CK *Flag*> but should no longer be a member of the thread it came from.
 CK *Flag*> The flippin machine should be able to do that work.
 Wan <with bill> Comment
 alex (ArtPro).> - signed off -
 ptr> bill, comment
 ptr> <dick after bill>
 Wan <with bill> If the sysop reads the Forum regularly, he could break the
   thread before.....
 Wan <with bill> significant damage can be done, and would be easy to rethread
 ptr> i agree, bill ...
 ptr> ga Dick
 Dick> with an "insert" command the machine might be able to do the work.
 Dick> ga
 Myself - CLE> <!--?-->
 ptr> Dan, do you have any comments on the philosophy of threading? ... i.e. ...
 ptr> a linear thread versus a branching tree?
 ptr> <myself after dan>
 Dan> Right now it's set up linearly, though...
 /s ptr didn't jmp in b 4 since after comments - u gave floor to bill
 PEABO>> sorry ... though i might have missed someone
 /s ptr no biggy - i do that too sometimes - <grin>
 Dan> sometimes I think things would be easier to follow on a branching tree.
   You folks use it more than I do ... so I'm mostly interested in your thoughts
   and the wishes of the members.
 CK *Flag*> Comment
 ptr> chris, ga on comment
 CK *Flag*> OK.. thot it was myselfs turn...
 Myself - CLE> <it is but i cn wait>
 ptr> short comment, or ga to myslef
 CK *Flag*> We already have the basic structure we need...
 CK *Flag*> the only real problem is that if we FOLLOW now...
 CK *Flag*> when it is done it comes up 'nO MORE...
 CK *Flag*> I would like to see the machine keep track of where the user 
   invoked 'FOLLOW' and return him to the next sequential message.  done.
 Myself - CLE> ok
 ptr> ga myself
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> me too
 Allan {WANG}> And also not read those messages over again that were already
   read in thread.
 Myself - CLE> first let me comment on that too...
 Myself - CLE> when you type follow, the SYSTEM  should remember where to pick
 Myself - CLE> after the thread has been followed...
 Myself - CLE> it is much easier to continue from there than trying
 Myself - CLE> to remember to write down where you branched...
 Myself - CLE> next..
 -Chris/GameSIG> - signed off -
 Myself - CLE> sysop maintainance of threads can allow topics to be changed..
 Myself - CLE> and this should break a thread in one of two ways...
 first, use the given message as start of new thread with (possibl
 ** JOHNMYSELF just joined SIG FOLKS (16 members now) **
 (Type CONTROL/Z to exit back to menu)
 ptr> rehi
 Myself - CLE> picking up
 Myself - CLE> with possibly
 Myself - CLE> some way for the system to automatically change the thread title
 ** DEOGBURN just joined SIG FOLKS (17 members now) **
 Myself - CLE> the succeeding messages to match
 Myself - CLE> or else to simply turn the pointers to branch around the given
 Myself - CLE> ga
 Joe-CLE> - signed off -
 David-Theology> comment
 ptr> ok ... good input on threads ... let's keep it going in Forum!
 Myself - CLE> <sorry - i had type a ^y before accidentally>
 ptr> ok, we have about 20 minutes left on the schedule this afternoon ...
 ptr> there are some new folks joining the familiy here soon ...
 ptr> Jim Reed, could you introduce yoiurself and talk briefly about CoCo?
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> ok
 ptr> <coco is already open, btw>
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> Rainbow Magazine suports the Tandy Color Computer and we are .
   . .
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> . . . running the new CoCo Sig.
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> so far, so good, thanks a lot to Peter and to Bryan
 ** JOEY just joined SIG FOLKS (17 members now) **
 /s joey u get dumped?
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> We are also opening an MS-DOS sig
 JOEY>> Yes. Damn.
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> connected to two other publications we have PCM and Soft Sector 
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> We welcome your visit to CoCo Sig
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> I am managing editor of Rainbow and that's enough about us
   isn't it.
 Myself - CLE> <if u say so - wlcm aboard>
 Bryan> Welcome, Jim!
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> thanks, proud to be associated with the leading edge . . .
 ptr> yes, Jim has been hanging out in CO in the CoCo SIG a lot, talking with
   his new users, and I have enjoyed wandering over there late at night
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> as Alfred Glossbrnne's ne bok calls Delphi
 ptr> Jim, who are the other folks in CoCo and MS_DOS SIGs?
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> Kevin Nickols is . . .
 Joe - CLE> !
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> managing editor of our new video magazine and he is hanging 
   out in CoCo sig a lot
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> Lonnie Falk is the company president . . .
 ptr> <joe after jim>
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> . . . and he is looking over our shoulder . . .
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> Ed Ellers is our (rough around the edges) technical genius
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> Dannydos is our programmer
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> and,lastly, Dan Downard is our engineer and technical edditor.
   Done. <whew>
 ptr> ga Joe
 Joe - CLE> The book Jim referred to, The Complet Handbook of Personal
 Joe - CLE> communications, by Alfred Glossbrenner, there are some VERY` 
 Joe - CLE> things said about Delphi, including that with the right
 Joe - CLE> Delphi could take it all. ga
 ptr> yes ...
 CK *Flag*> Thats the plan, Joe!
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> <all o you ned a copy>
 ptr> i know that the past couple months have been very trying to all of us ...
 Joe - CLE> cMoney well spent on htat bllk.
 Joe - CLE> that book
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> <$14.95>
 ptr> but Delphi was a very good system before the new software, and will be
   even better after the bugs are squashed
 ptr> and we all have been hearing from new users how much they like the place!
 ptr> Joe, you are a new Sysop in CLE ... wanna say hi to people?
 Dick> when they can find it!
 Dick> <grin>
 Joe - CLE> Hello everyone. Glad to be here.
 -Chris/GameSIG> welcome Joe!
 Bryan> Welcome, Joe!
 Joe - CLE> Thanks.
 Myself - CLE> ?
 ptr> Alan ... how's things coming along with the WANG SIG?
 ptr> <myself after alan>
 ptr> <allan ... sorry about the speling>
 Allan {WANG}> slowly... it's hard to do alot without members...
 Allan {WANG}> But I've decided Nov. 1 is going to be our Grand Opening...
 Allan {WANG}> and I'm hard at work this weekend getting stuff into databases.
 Allan {WANG}> There's never been a national Wang SIG before, and Wang users
 Allan {WANG}> familiar with this 'technology'--I think it's different trying 
   to recruit Wang folks that maybe any other.
 Allan {WANG}> Can I go on?
 ptr> sure
 Myself - CLE> <sure>
 Allan {WANG}> I don't think Delphi is doing *alot* of publicity for the 
   service in general,
 Allan {WANG}> so we don't feel we can count on our members from those that 
   just see WANG on
 Dick> !
 Allan {WANG}> the Groups menu and come in...
 Allan {WANG}> And it costs big bucks to do a mailing to a group like we have 
   (a list of
 Allan {WANG}> 30,000 or so Wang users).  mga
 Allan {WANG}> (ga)
 ptr> Dick, ga
 Dick> new command cards are at the printers! ga.
 Allan {WANG}> Yea!!!
 Myself - CLE> good
 ptr> allan ... something you might find helpful ...
 ptr> is to try to focus on a portion of your potential user base ...
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> ?
 ptr> you also don't want too many to join at once ...
 ptr> both for Delphi's sake (system load) ...
 ptr> and your own (time spent managing the SIG) ...
 ptr> after you get a core group, then expand via word of mouth and selected
 ptr> ga
 Myself - CLE> ok
 Allan {WANG}> Good point; I *do* have a full time job to think about
 Bryan> - signed off -
 Myself - CLE> I haven't had time to play with forms between school and cle
   <yeah work too>..
 ptr> <jim after allan>
 Myself - CLE> could you update onwhat and why briefly?
 Myself - CLE> ga
 ptr> <i'll answer myself after jim>
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> Is there a down and dirty way to see how many members in sig?
 Allan {WANG}> Before I leave I just want to also say how much I appreciate all
   the help in Insiders... hope to return all your kindness as we grow.
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> a quick way?
 ptr> well, you can go to SMAINT and do a List ... at the end, there is a count
   ... not ideal, but it works
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> thought there mighte be easier method. Thanks. done
 ptr> allan ... best of luck to you too
 Allan {WANG}> <comment on that?>
 Myself - CLE> <we need a command like - list total>
 ptr> ga, allan
 Allan {WANG}> Adding to Jim's:  something like SYSTAT on DEC,if anyone's
   familiar with it...
 ELLISCO>> - if you have time we can talk after.
 /s ellisco I have time
 Allan {WANG}> where we could see who's on, what they're doing, and how long
   they've been on.
 ELLISCO>> - see you after!
 ptr> yes ... btw ...
 /s ellisco ok - here or cle?
 ptr> i have edited my handwritten notes into the master bug/wishlist that Deb
   and I started a while back ...
 ELLISCO>> - cle, it should be quieter?
 /s ellisco sok
 ptr> and i should be prepared to post it (in edited form) pretty soon
 ** SOFTAFFAIR just joined SIG FOLKS (17 members now) **
 /s ptr don't 4 get to answer my q re: forms
 Dick> ptr>can you DEFINE pretty soon?
 ptr> <looking around to see where direct the spotlight> ...
 Dick> <grin>
 CK *Flag*> ?
 ptr> dick, i think that is sooner than RSN, and longer than a few days
 Myself - CLE> <pretty soon - like a monsoon only with less rain>
 Dick> thanks!
 ptr> myself asked about forms ...
 ptr> we have been experimenting with them, and Chip has been debugging ...
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> <just had a blue moon>
 ptr> myself ... we should probably talk later in more detail ...
 ptr> ga Chris
 /s ptr ok - say when - will be meeting with dick incle after this
 ** Carl (TPUG) just joined SIG FOLKS (18 members now) **
 ptr> hi carl
 CK *Flag*> OK.. Coupla quick ones...
 Carl (TPUG)> Hi all
 -Chris/GameSIG> hi Carl
 Paul/Business> hi, carl
 CK *Flag*> Dan.. can you give us an update on progress re those ...
 Carl (TPUG)> Hello to All
 CK *Flag*> horrible evening system slowdowns like from about 1900 to 2000EDT
   last nite?
 CK *Flag*> ga
 RSims> - signed off -
 Dan> Kip tells me some new memory we had installed yesterday afternoon was
   somewhat less than perfect...
 Dan> the system spent a lot of time doing memory-error-recovery.  The new
   memory was removed this morning at 3 am.  We believe this was the cause of
   "horrible" performance last eve.
 ** ^Dave^. just joined SIG FOLKS (18 members now) **
 CK *Flag*> ::whew:: yer a master of understatement.. Thanx!
 ptr> ok ...
 Carl (TPUG)> Mr PPres. May I post a question
 ptr> it is 1:30, which is when we said we'd be done ... but ...
 /s joey will be meeting with ellisco in cle after this co - care to come?
 Allan {WANG}>
 ptr> i am not gonna chase anyone out of here ... let's keep going if you want
   to continue, and people can leave if they have other things to do
 ptr> ga carl
 Carl (TPUG)> What is happening with the Canadian Problems
 JOEY>> Sure.
 /s ellisco ok if joey joins us after this?
 ptr> carl, you mean the MUX in Toronot, or the XMODEM problems you told me
 ELLISCO>> - sure, Peter may come too.
 Paul/Business> - signed off -
 JOEY>> Brb
 Joe - CLE> - signed off -
 Carl (TPUG)> I am familiar w/ mux problems.  It is the Uninet/Datapac timing
   for XM
 -Chris/GameSIG> bye, Thanks Dick and Peter
 Dick> bye Chris.
 -Chris/GameSIG> - signed off -
 ** RSims just joined SIG FOLKS (16 members now) **
 ptr> well, with continual adjustments being made in the packet interface, i
   think it is probable that the pad parameters are not being set up properly
 Carl (TPUG)> Is that at the Boston End PEter?
 ptr> the new release software tends to adjust packet parameters more freely
   than the ol stuff did, and that has been a problem with is only complicated 
   by the use of the datapac/uninet gatewway
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> ?
 .Rick (PortPlace)> - signed off -
 ** JOEY just joined SIG FOLKS (16 members now) **
 Carl (TPUG)> I agree, but what do I say when we want to introduce 2000-3000
   members CAnadian to the system
 ptr> getting the network to work right is probably a priority after getting 
   the system to behave properly!
 ptr> it is all a matter of priorities ...
 ptr> the system has to run ... then it has to be tuned up to work right in all
 Carl (TPUG)> What is the time frame.  Hass s a critical path been set
 ptr> ga, Jim
 ptr> Carl ... time frame is ASAP ... but debugging is very hard work
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> Thanks, should I divide my online time between Tymnet and
   Uninet in order to be able to con . . .
 Jim Reed(CoCo)>  . . . with both groups.
 ptr> jim ... that's a good question ...
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> and, what is this V3035 business?
 ptr> does anyone have any advice on the tymnet/uninet division?
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> at Tymnet prompt?
 .^Dave^.> - signed off -
 ptr> V3035 is a particular line coming into to Delphi from Tymnet ... if you
   say DELPHI, Tymnet picks one for you
 SOFTAFFAIR> I don't think V3052 works anymore.
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> worked last night
 CK *Flag*> V3052 worked nice last nite.
 Bryan> Hmmm...I must have caught it on a bad day.
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> AND, put me in co with Uninet people, which I fond confusing
 ptr> what about Jim's question on how to sign on ...
 Myself - CLE> not sure
 Carl (TPUG)> - signed off -
 Myself - CLE> I avoid tymnet since it is so generous in dumping people during 
   a co
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> I thought maybe V3035 was ay to talk to both.
 Bob R <maniac> ?
 ptr> he is trying to present his new users with a presence in the SIG, but he
   has to choose between Tymnet or Uninet conferencing, or pick some kind of
 Myself - CLE> also, i have a direct line capability <being in boston area>
 ptr> ga, bob
 Bob R <maniac> That's a question I've been meaning to ask..
 Bob R <maniac> is the dumping in co.. a function of the new software here,
 Bob R <maniac> a network thing, or both?
 Myself - CLE> I think ity is mostly network
 ptr> well, the ROCO thing apparently has been squashed good ...
 Bob R <maniac> I don't know what to tell our users..
 Myself - CLE> since I  don't get dumped unless the system crashes.
 ptr> but the conference program sometimes shuts down briefly ... it is a
   workaround of a technical difficulty relating to the phantoms we were having,
   according to Kip
 Bob R <maniac> ok, thanks..
 Myself - CLE> a comment on system crashes
 ptr> when you get the Confereing closing down message ... wait for the half
   minute it takes to get to the SIG menu ...
 ptr> and then just go back to conference again
 Myself - CLE> just to distinguish between a real crash and a slow down
 Myself - CLE> how about having the modems at Delphi disconnect you when the
   system does crash?
 ptr> myself ... there are lots of ways the system can crash ...
 ptr> not all of which are recognized by the software right away
   (unfoortunately) ...
 Myself - CLE> oh. just a thot.
 Wan <with bill> ??
 ptr> bill, ga
 RSims> ?
 Allan {WANG}> - signed off -
 Bryan> - signed off -
 ptr> <rsims after bill>
 Wan <with bill> Ptr - is there any timeframe anticipated when tymnet and uni
   users will be....
 Wan <with bill> reunited, and we can run ONE SIG again?
 ptr> bill, i think that falls in the same category as carls datapac problems
 CK *Flag*> ((Tis a big deal on COnference intensive SIGs))
 ptr> once we have confidence that the uninet connect is functioning, then we
   make sure tymnet and datapac also work, and Kip will be free to get the
   conference program to run on the cluster
 ** SOFTAFFAIR just joined SIG FOLKS (13 members now) **
 Myself - CLE> <johnwg indicated at the last mgrs co that there was no such time table for one>
 ptr> yes ...
 ptr> and the BOS1A trick adds load to the system ...
 ptr> ga, rsims
 RSims> I have two questions:
 RSims> 1) Anyaord on when the access counters will be fully implemented,
 RSims> 2) Is COPY available to ordinary callers?
 RSims> ga
 ptr> i am pretty sure that access countres work on all types of file access
   except Display, which i have not checked myself (I jkeep forgetting to do 
   that experiment) ...
 ptr> have you had any problems with it, robert?
 RSims> NO.
 ptr> you are going to be using the database surcharge feature, right?
 RSims> not surcharge right now, but we are tryong to pay royalties to
 ptr> i see, divvying up the pot ...
 RSims> Or will be, when the system works.
 ptr> yeah ... dunno about COPY ... do you have a recommendation?
 CK *Flag*> fast ? re access counts fer Dan.
 ptr> <ck after rsims>
 Bryan> ?
 ptr> <bryan after ck>
 RSims> Yes. Kill it for regualr users, for this reason. It is now possible for
   a caller to Copy...
 RSims> database file in one SIG, move to another SIG, and download it all,
 RSims> deptriving all but the last SIG of online royalties. ga
 ptr> right ... dan, what do you think about requring a 'D' flag for COPY?
 Dick> ?
 Bryan> Yes, COPY should <not> be available to regular users!
 ptr> <dan, then ck, bryan, and dick>
 Dan> I'm neutral on it.  If you provide some consensus, I'll set it up.
 RSims> good question"
 Myself - CLE> <good forum thread>
 Dick> will add to list!
 ptr> ok ... post on Forum folks ... this was talked about in a very old 
   thread, but just start a new one
 ptr> ga, chris
 RSims> Does COPY bypass counter?
 Dan> probably
 CK *Flag*> are access counts incremented at beginning of access or...
 RSims> ookies!
 CK *Flag*> at successful completion of transfer?
 RSims> One last comment. This access counter thing is my major nightmare.
 Dan> At the end.  An on "successful status" returned from the xmodem program,
   if that's being used.
 ptr> yes, i understand why!!
 CK *Flag*> Good.. thanks.
 ptr> ga bryan
 Bryan> Is the REPLY option in the database officially in or out?
 ** FRETWELL just joined SIG FOLKS (14 members now) **
 ptr> <hi cec>
 FRETWELL> Hello all.
 /w fretwell
 BACKGROUND: BORN 20 JUN 1936.  Married with two children now adults of 24 and
    20.  Been in the computer business for 25 years.  Currently working with DEC
    at my regular place of employment.  Also work with IBM PC heavily at work.
    At home, I have both an enhanced APPLE IIe and an APPLE IIc.  I am a 
    licensed developer for Apple using DOS 3.3 and ProDOS.  Have had ProDOS 
    since Sept 83 before it was released.  Several articles in CALL A.P.P.L.E. 
    and NIBBLE.  Get on GROUP APPLE and chat some time.
 Joe - CLE> - signed off -
 FRETWELL> Just back from class, got a cold beeer, so will sit and watch
 ptr> ga dan
 Howard (maniac)> bye all
 Dick> bye howard.
 /s ellisco when it looks nearly done will go to cle
 ptr> i guess that is a topic for further study ... bryan, have you got a
 Dan> I think it works... according to Deogburn, anyway.  Whether it's
   "official" or not, I don't know.
 Howard (maniac)> - signed off -
 ELLISCO>> - be there soon.
 Bryan> Yes, I like the command and would like to see it supported by
 /s ellisco hope so - think the agenda was too big for the allotted time.
 Bryan> And, if I start mentioning it, I don't want to see it "vanish".
 Bryan> ga
 ptr> there was some discussion in Forum a while back about whther REPLY should
   go to MAIL (as it apparently does now), or hook into Forum in some way to
   promote public discussion
 ptr> any comments?
 ELLISCO>> - agreed, but we are learning too.
 Bryan> Yes, I prefer MAIL.
 /s ellisco not complaining.
 /s ellisco I am also learning.
 RSims> Me, into the Forum. I get enough email.
 ptr> <comments from all?>
 ELLISCO>> - understand.
 ** JOEY just joined SIG FOLKS (13 members now) **
 CK *Flag*> Forum... a user with a problem asked represents 30 to 50 lurkers.
 Myself - CLE> mail is probably ok as is - might not be too easy to divert it
   to forum
 RSims> Is both possible?
 Myself - CLE> unless you want to add a flag and related prompt to give the
   option of either.
 ptr> myself, after the bugs are squashed, *anything* will seem easy <grinning at dan>
 Bryan> I have an application where MAIL is preferred, though.
 Myself - CLE> <no doubt!>
 ptr> OK ... let's continue that one on Forum ...
 Dick> done!
 CK *Flag*> make it harder to get it to MAIL... require REP/MAI or some such 
   odd incantation.
 ptr> <dick, then fretwell>
 Dick> ga
 ptr> ga cec
 RSims> Once agian, CK, you hit the mail on the head.
 FRETWELL> I realize I am coming into the middle so bear with me...
 FRETWELL> I hate to see "run of the mill" stuff in the FORUM.  It tends...
 ptr> <btw ... fretween is sysop in apple ][ sig>
 FRETWELL> to get filled up with routine messages..
 ptr> <er, fretwell>
 Myself - CLE> <and un-related messages re: topic>
 Wan <with bill> Comment
 FRETWELL> I would like to see the forum clean.  Get my drift
 ptr> ga bill
 Wan <with bill> What may seem dull and routine to an experienced sysop is
   EXACTLY what confuses
 Wan <with bill> a new user
 ptr> i agree 100% with bill ...
 ptr> we are talking about improvements in the forum threading that will make 
   it easier to keep clean threads ...
 CK *Flag*> The thank-yous and such that have been seen are yours to blow 
   away.. thats our job here.
 ptr> you'll have an opportunity to talk about that in Forum this coming week,
   when Dick starts the thread on that
 David-Theology> - signed off -
 ptr> one comment i would like to make is that Forum is a creation of the users
 ptr> and if they want to use it in a particular way ...
 ptr> through design or whatever ... we should consider that maybe that is what
   Forum is about ...
 ptr> sort of like creating a congenial atmosphere in the local pub ...
 ptr> ga fretwell
 Myself - CLE> <good point>
 FRETWELL> I hate to see "dull and routine" stuff likes "let's havze a sysop...
 FRETWELL> meeting tomorrow night".  It takes a long time to wing wing thru...
 FRETWELL> the forum because of such stuff.  even if you use threads.
 ptr> well, the users don't see that, because it is in the restricted topic ...
   would you rather see it in your mail <grin>?
 ptr> ok ... we'll talk about it later ...
 Myself - CLE> ?
 ** NJOHNSON just joined SIG FOLKS (13 members now) **
 Myself - CLE> lo nance
 Dick> hi nancy.
 ptr> more on the analogy to the pub ... as chris points out, the sysops do 
   have the job of cleaning up a bit ...
 ptr> it might be compared to the bartender ... he doens't tell people how to
   mingle, but he provides a face to talk to, and keeps fights from erupting,
 ptr> ga myself
 Myself - CLE> thnx
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> ?
 Myself - CLE> one last comment on threads....
 ptr> <jim after myself>
 Myself - CLE> in adition to keeping track of where you started to
 Myself - CLE> follow a given thread, the system should also track the messages
   so that
 Myself - CLE> on return from the thread, you automatically bypass stuff 
   already read.
 Myself - CLE> ga
 ptr> yeah ... and you should be able to ...
 ptr> leave forum and pick up where you left off ...
 Myself - CLE> <exactly>
 ptr> just a small matter of programming <chuckling>
 ptr> ga jim
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> Wen do messge begin scrolling off Forum automatically? Evr?
 CK *Flag*> and scroll it to save connect $.
 ptr> jim ... they don't ...
 Dick> yet!
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> not like CIS, then
 ptr> as SIG manager, you have to decide how and when to archive or thow things
   away ...
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> ok. Thanks.
 Myself - CLE> <no thank god!!>
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> ga
 ptr> john mentioned that he might set up something that would warn you when 
   the number of messages hits a certain point ...
 ptr> that you select, just to remind you it's time to get to work ...
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> ok
 Myself - CLE> <s a good idea>
 ptr> the essential point is that forum is a great way to get database assets  
 Dick> part of the archive coding!
 ptr> and the database is a great place to organize things by keyword so that
   people can find discussions they are interested in reading
 ptr> <floor open to questions and comments>
 ptr> ga cec
 ptr> <nancy after cec>
 RSims> ?
 FRETWELL> Is there any way to have a thread ofrelated material put into a data
 ptr> <robert after nancy>
 /n Myself - taking a break
 FRETWELL> Once the info is collected in a data  set, a sysop could edit all the
   sends and replies...
 FRETWELL> into a consolidated topic...
 ptr> cec ... there will be ... Dick is starting a Forum thread here for
   peoples' comments this coming week
 FRETWELL> It would clean up many forum entries and result in a...
 FRETWELL> singel entry
 ptr> <ga nancy, then robert>
 Bryan> NOTE: We all agreed to discuss threads later in the Forum.
 Dick> see the thread in Using DELPHI here for example.
 NJOHNSON> I was just wonfering if other sigs were having this problem in
 ptr> <bryan, cec got here late, and he missed that part of the discussion>
 NJOHNSON> In my shopping area my vendors can not post what so ever
 Bryan> That's why I made the comment.
 ptr> nancy, is this the problem of them not getting to a menu prompt that
   allows them to use a command?
 ptr> even though they have 'V' flags?
 NJOHNSON> No they can get to the vendor menu Ellisco can tell you he has tryed
   to use it
 ptr> ok ... i'll check with dick afterwards ....
 ptr> we are setting up a test shopping area in TestSIG ...
 ptr> and we will all get a chance to find out exactly what the story is ...
 NJOHNSON> I did send a log to Kelly and Dan a few weeks ago about it
 ptr> while we are on the subject of testSIG ...
 ptr> let me apologize for the rude behavior that dick and i exhibited last 
   week ...
 NJOHNSON> Peter i can dmail you the log if you want of what happened
 ptr> by zapping flags without telling you ...
 ptr> basically, everyone in Insiders will be a normal SSIG member ...
 ptr> and anyone who wants can get flags in TestSIG to experiment with
 ptr> nancy ... yes, i'd like to see the log you mentioned
 NJOHNSON> Ok i will dmail it ti you this afternoon
 ptr> ga robert
 RSims> Dan, now that Kelly is gone, who who do I call about adding new
   databases, ...
 RSims> changing my new member message and so on?
 ptr> robert ... you can change your new member message yourself ...
 ptr> a new feature in SMAINT
 NJOHNSON> Bob you can do that yourself now
 RSims> and adding databases?
 Dan> For the most part, Peter will coordinate.  You can change your own new
   member message now, I believe.
 ptr> (I foget the code for it ... type ? at the first SMAINT prompt)
 RSims> was that response for new members or adding databses, ptr?
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> I take it there is no New Kelly.
 Dan> Not yet.
 ptr> new membership notice can be edited that way
 ptr> if you need topic or keyword changes ... DMAIL to me ...
 RSims> OK. I'll leave you mail about the new databases.
 ptr> but notice that topic/kw changes are normally infrequent unless you are
   opening a new SIG
 ptr> <floor is open again>
 RSims> Yes. But I started with less on John's advice, and now need o add.
 ptr> ok, fine
 RSims> done
 ptr> <i won't ask what myself is taking (smile)>
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> <psst . been fun and informative two half hours, but must take cat to vet. bye all, thanks agin.>
 Myself - taking> a coffee break
 Dan> bye
 ptr> ok, jim ... glad to have you here
 Bryan> Bye, Dan.
 Bob R <maniac> bye Jim!
 Dan> - signed off -
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> bye
 ptr> there will be a transcript posted in the database in a day or so
 Jim Reed(CoCo)> - signed off -
 Myself - taking> <taking a break was too long name i guess>
 Bryan> - signed off -
 ptr> 16 characters max, i think
 Myself - taking> right
 /s ellisco will u be on-line later today?
 ptr> 32 for the group name, which is occasionally annoying, i think
 Dick> nuf?
 Myself - taking> I like the long group name - works out well
 ptr> any more comments, questions, soapboxes?
 Myself - taking> as I use it for the conference topic as well.
 ELLISCO>> - yes, most of the day from the looks of my list!
 dick, joey - 
 CK *Flag*> a suggestion....
 ptr> ga chris
 FRETWELL> Not from here, I gootta go backup a 20MEG PC before I hit the road
 /s ellisco I may have to go off before we get together
 CK *Flag*> In setting required keywords....
 ptr> ok, cec
 FRETWELL> Nice meeting you all, will read transcript
 CK *Flag*> why not always include 'general' on the list... it may help
 FRETWELL> - signed off -
 ELLISCO>> - ok,  just zend. should be here.
 /s joey - I may be off for a bit - if u r on, will page when I get back
 CK *Flag*> the incidence of files being submitted without keys by users.
 JOEY>> Ok. Will do.
 /n Myself/coffee brk
 CK *Flag*> If we did it system wide, no matter where they subbed...
 ptr> john didn't like the idea of a 'other' KW for some reason, but it seems 
   to me that if people use it, then the sysop can easily fix it to something 
   more   specific, and it will still show as the *first* KW in the DES
 Bob R <maniac> !
 CK *Flag*> they would not be confronted with the sinking feeling of not 
   knowing the keys.
 CK *Flag*> many don't know that a <cr> brings the list.. they are conditioned
   here to use a ? when they forget.
 CK *Flag*> resulting in no keys on the file.
 JOEY> - signed off -
 NJOHNSON> - signed off -
 CK *Flag*> done
 ptr> why does ? terminate the keys?
 CK *Flag*> Good question.
 ptr> ok, i'll put it on the buglist
 ptr> bob, ga
 Bob R <maniac> Just dreaming out loud, but
 Bob R <maniac> couldn't the software defauld to "general" UNLESS
 Bob R <maniac> the member specifies something else?
 Bob R <maniac> at least there's ALWAYS be a KWD..
 Bob R <maniac> to be edited later..
 CK *Flag*> I like that idea.
 Bob R <maniac> (I think ? is an input terminator, so it's like 
   hitting RETURN)
 ptr> well, i think johnwg originally specified to dan that he didn't 
   want that to happen, but we can certainly ask for a change there
 Bob R <maniac> oh well..
 ** JOEY just joined SIG FOLKS (8 members now) **
 ptr> bob ... ? used to do that, but in most places it has been fixed 
 Bob R <maniac> ah...
 CK *Flag*> Bob.. now ya need a <cr> after a ? to get it
 Bob R <maniac> oh well, keeps me busy..
 Wan <with bill> How about making it keep returningthe keylist unless 
   the user types in one of them
 ptr> robert ... what is your feeling about the formatting problems 
   with text entry?
 ptr> bill ... sounds like a good idea
 CK *Flag*> That might aggravate some of the more fiery types tho.
 ptr> but maybe comma separate them on a line instead of scrolling the 
   scrren wildly? <grin>
 CK *Flag*> If they are too stupid or stubborn, then lets use general or some
 ptr> i think we should ask for general to be a default, at the *end* of the
 CK *Flag*> Ellisco.. I did not understand or appreciate that send... PLEASE
 ptr> anything else to discuss?
 Bob R <maniac> ?
 ptr> ga bob
 Bob R <maniac> again, this has probably been said before..
 Bob R <maniac> but, what do I tell local people who have enquired about
 Bob R <maniac> when they see two page ad spreads from "other" networks..
 Bob R <maniac> and NO advertising from Delphi??
 Bob R <maniac> it doesn't look too encouraging to new folks..
 ptr> well, that is a decision that John Gibney has made ...
 Dick> money being spent on system, not pretty pictures?
 ptr> as to how the SIGs in particular will be promoted ...
 Bob R <maniac> I thought it was something like that.. just hard for outsiders
   to see
 Dick> agreed.
 RSims> comment
 ptr> right now, it is hard to think about engaging in a national promotion ...
 Myself - CLE> I am back <not that i left>
 CK *Flag*> Bob.. other consideration is that it would till recently....
 ptr> if we got thousands of random new subscribers, it might upset the cart
   seriously ...
 CK *Flag*> have been like inviting the world to come watch Delphi croak.
 Bob R <maniac> yes, I understand THAT!
 ptr> so instead, john is looking to target particular audiences, like he did
   with the Antic magazine promo for SIG*Atari ...
 ptr> and will do also with other magazines shortly ...
 Bob R <maniac> IC..
 ptr> ga robert
 RSims> I'll try to keep this soapbox short...
 CK *Flag*> When the system runs nice we can *all* promote, and ads would 
   not be a surprise either.
 RSims> If Delphi will consider giving open accounts to the major prints, it
   will result in bookoos/...
 RSims> of free publicity. I say this based on very recent conversations with
   some of the Big Guys.
 Dick> !
 ptr> <dick after robert>
 RSims> Me, I'm done.
 ptr> ga dick
 Dick> robert>John has started working on that, delay now because of COMDEX.
 Dick> ga
 ptr> yeah .... comdex is early this yer ... before turkey day instead of after
 Dick> you might send him some names to contact.
 RSims> Will do.
 ptr> <floor open again>
 Dick> BTW next JWG conf 16 Nov!!!!!!
 CK *Flag*> Same time, same station?
 Dick> at noon for 90 min!
 Dick> what else!
 CK *Flag*> heheh.. if we get 'im goin, he can type longer than that without
 Myself - CLE> not much
 Wan <with bill> Well , this has been a long 90 minutes... how about wrapping 
   it up Ptr?
 Myself - CLE> <good idea>
 ptr> fine with me ... any second?
 Myself - CLE> i sec that
 ptr> <bangs gavel>
 RSims> I'll supply the ribbon.
 Myself - CLE> OUCH!
 CK *Flag*> Yeh.. methinks I'll move along too.
 ptr> have a great weekend folks!
 Myself - CLE> <did u have to hit my hand?>
 Wan <with bill> Bye!!
 Myself - CLE> u 2
 ELLISCO>> now?
 RSims> bye fellow strugglers.
 Bob R <maniac> bye all!
 /s ellisco ok
 JOEY> bye!
 RSims> - signed off -
 /s ptr u r welcome to join me in cle
 Bob R <maniac> - signed off -
 ptr> <i was aiming at that form over there>
 Dick> - signed off -
 CK *Flag*> - signed off -
 JOEY> - signed off -
 PEABO>> technical difficulties ...
 Myself - CLE> ptr ok
 Myself - CLE> catch me when u can then
 Myself - CLE> bye