Digital Archaeology: Codex (Floppy Disk) #9 (part 6)

Digital Archaeology: Codex (Floppy Disk) #9 (part 6)

It’s been a long time…like the better part of a year…but the series goes on…

A summary for those that haven’t been keeping up with this series:

I found a number of 5.25″ disks at a thrift store several years ago. I finally got around to acquiring a 5.25″ disk drive and extracting the contents a while back. Since then I have been posting the contents here.

Based on the contents, at least some of these disks were apparently once owned by someone named Connie who used to run the “Close Encounters” Special Interest Group (SIG) on Delphi in the mid 1980s.

A specific definition of this SIG was found in a document on one of the disks: “This SIG, known as ‘Close Encounters’, is a forum for the discussion of relationships that develop via computer services like the Source, CompuServe, and Delphi. Our primary emphasis is on the sexual aspects of those relationships.”

This service was text based and was accessed via whatever terminal program you used on your computer to dial in to Delphi’s servers. Many of these disks have forum messages, e-mails and chat session logs. All of this is pre-internet stuff and I don’t know if there are any archives in existence today of what was on Delphi in the 1980s. In any case, much of this stuff would have been private at the time and probably wouldn’t exist in such archives even if they existed.

This post includes the contents of MEMBERS.DOC. This appears to be the member list of the Close Encounters SIG as of October 11th, 1985 (the date of the file).

See the previous post here.


       Username:              Name:

       12TARA                 *BAD BOY*                        
       1BOB                   Bob Eller                        
       2010                   Mike Smith                       
       ACE                    Rick                             
       AH                     David                            
       AHH                    alan heyman                      
       ALESSAN                John                             
       AMTRAKMAN              Al Voci                          
       ANDERSON               Diana                            
       ANDRE                  Andre                            
       ARNE                   Arne Strand                      
       ATARIONE               CARL WILHOIT                     
       BAODAI                 Nelson LeMay                     
       BENDAILY               ben                              
       BGS                    Bruce                            
       BILLEAST               Bill Eastburn                    
       BINARY                 Paul Lustenberger                
       BITSLINGER             Mike Bispeck                     
       BOBB                   Bob                              
       BOBW                   Bob                              
       BREN                   Brenda                           
       BRUCE1                 Bruce James                      
       BSK309                 STEVE LEWIS                      
       BUSSIGMGR              Paul                             
       CABUYS                 Connie - Sig Manager             
       CALW                   cal wasson                       
       CATHEE                 Cathee A                         
       CDVARN                 CHRIS                            
       CENTERFIRE             Jim                              
       CHAMELEON              KHANH MAI                        
       CHARLESD               charles dite                     
       CHESSIE                Bob Kitchen                      
       CHEVALIER              Ken                              
       CHM                    chuck                            
       CHRISALLEN             Chris Allen                      
       CHRISLOCK              Chris Wehner                     
       CIA325283              Hasan Ciawi                      
       CL3030                 Rog Carpenter                    
       CLEARSTAR              Dan                              
       CNS                    Jeff Greek                       
       COL                    TOM                              
       CONSORT                Sig Managers - SLG Associates    
       CROSSCUTS              TURNON                           
       CYBERLEADER            Jim Reiss                        
       DAGO                   TONY                             
       DALEK                  Y                                
       DAN                    D. Bruns                         
       DANNYDOS               Danny                            
       DAVEIRV                David Irvine                     
       DAVIDBERKLAN           daveb                            
       DAVIDFULFORD           David Fulford                    
       DAVROS                 Jon                              
       DBRYANT                David Bryant                     
       DEARMAX                Max Strips                       
       DEDHED                 MIKE SAUVE                       
       DEEPAK                 Deepak Midha                     
       DEOGBURN               Chris deOgburn                   
       DICKDERY               DICK DERY                        
       DIMPLES                Dimples Jones                    
       DIRIGO                 Bert                             
       DJR                    Dan                              
       DOCTORC                NORMAN                           
       DONUTS                 Marie                            
       DORA                   Lin Koeppel                      
       DOUGLEVY               Doug                             
       DRAGONLORD             Tim Aman                         
       DRBOB408               Bob                              
       DRGOLD                 Duane Goldsworthy                
       ELECTRO                Electro                          
       ELH                    Ed Haswell                       
       ELLENK                 Ellen                            
       ELLISCO                Dick                             
       EMK                    EMIL                             
       ERK                    ERICK EDWARDS                    
       ESG                    Gene                             
       EVPHRD                 Mike                             
       EXCELSIOR              Maximilian (Max For Friends)     
       FINGERTIPS             Jay Pondy                        
       FORPLAY                bill                             
       FRIDAY                 Rich                             
       FRIED                  Bob                              
       FSF                    Dan                              
       GASMAN2                John                             
       GEORGEK                George                           
       GLYNN25                GREG LYNN                        
       GRED                   John                             
       GREYWOLF               JOE GERSTEMEIER                  
       GUACAMOLE              John Williamson                  
       GUSTAVE                Gustave                          
       GWMCQ                  geotge                           
       HANSOLO                John                             
       HAPAZARD               LOUIS HAZARD                     
       HATCHERY               Rick Curl                        
       HORNET                 Roger McMillian                  
       HOTLACE                karen winnett                    
       IDEL                   Greg                             
       ILLUMINATUS            William                          
       ILLUSION               Marti                            
       INTECO                 Uwe Goetzke                      
       JACKMARVIN             shawna                           
       JARED                  Jared                            
       JCG                    Joel                             
       JEANLUC                John M Christensen               
       JIMH                   James Hopper                     
       JJM                    Jay                              
       JOEY                   Joe - SysOp                      
       JOHNMYSELF             John - Asst. Manager             
       JOHNNAPLES             John                             
       JOHNP                  John Peterson                    
       JOHNWG                 J. W. Gibney                     
       JOSEPH                 Joseph                           
       JWSTEMPER              JOHN STEMPER                     
       K9                     MIKE SMITH                       
       KAPLAN                 Elizabeth F. Kaplan              
       KASSIMALEX00           alex kassim                      
       KB6LE                  George Lanning                   
       KEEBEE                 KEITH BELDEN                     
       KELLY                  K. Thebodo                       
       KENNIT                 K. S. Criscione                  
       KEVINB                 Kevin                            
       KIRBY                  Belinda                          
       KISKA                  Joe                              
       KRANKY                 Bill                             
       KZIN                   Mike Banks                       
       LADYLAW                Mary Helm                        
       LADYLOVE               Connie                           
       LASRDISC               Kevin L. Norwood                 
       LFJ                    FRANK                            
       LG1                    Bernard Turek                    
       LODDP                  Daniel Phillips                  
       LOOP                   jane                             
       LOUSCHNEIDER           Lou Schneider                    
       LVEAL                  Lee Veal                         
       MACALLEN               Mac Mathis                       
       MACULA                 Frank Curl                       
       MADHACKER              Jim Nangano                      
       MADONNA                Libby                            
       MARS                   pegasus                          
       MAW                    MIKE                             
       MENU                   SoapSuds                         
       MHW                    Michael H. Wahler                
       MIKEADAMS              Mac Ada     ms                   
       MIRANDA                not yet                          
       MISSISSIP              david barnett                    
       MLJEX                  Mike                             
       MLR                    Lee                              
       MMB                    Michael M. Bosen                 
       MOJO                   Morris Jones                     
       MPA                    Mike                             
       MTEWAL                 MELVIN EDDLESTON                 
       NAVYDAVY               DAVID TYCE                       
       NHOJ                   John LaStar                      
       NICKOLS                Kevin Nickols                    
       NICKX                  Nick                             
       NJOHNSON               Nancy                            
       NUKE                   Douglas Alexander                
       NYLADY                 Karen                            
       OSPAT                  PATRICK MCINTYRE                 
       P1                     Bill Pytlovany                   
       PAKWAX                 HAL                              
       PATSULLIVAN            Patrick                          
       PAULHOPK               Paul Hopkins                     
       PAULLEWIS              Paul Lewis                       
       PCMMAG                 PCM Magazine                     
       PEEWEE                 LEE HANDY                        
       PETERKAR               PETER KARWOWSKI                  
       PETEVO                 Pete                             
       PGS                    PGS                              
       PHANTASY               Keith Vogt                       
       PHREAK                 Smith                            
       PHROBIE                Pete Roberts                     
       PIANOMAN               Tom                              
       PIPEMAN                Brian                            
       PMSINC                 Jeff                             
       POPE                   John Paul                        
       PRAIRIESUN             jackson clubb                    
       PRINCESS               Peggy                            
       PRK                    Paul                             
       PTS                    phil                             
       QSOFTDEMARG            Javier                           
       QUICKRODNEY            John                             
       QUINCY                 JEFF BECK                        
       RADCOM                 Lee                              
       RANGERS                Peter                            
       RAR3                   Robert Rogers                    
       RAYGEDDES              Ray                              
       RBS                    Bob                              
       RH                     Rich                             
       RHODGE                 Rusty Hodge                      
       RICKER                 Eric                             
       RIDPATH                Richard Parker                   
       RJM513                 RJ Miles                         
       ROARK                  KEVIN SMITH                      
       RODM                   Rod                              
       ROGO                   JOHN ROGOWSKI                    
       RONDEAN                Ron                              
       RONMAZUR               Ron                              
       SARISKY                mark sarisky                     
       SCHONBERGER            Steve                            
       SCOT                   greg                             
       SEEKAY                 Charlie Kestner                  
       SHARC                  Shawn Tigrett                    
       SHERM                  Tom                              
       SHRINK                 Jay                              
       SKM                    Steve                            
       SKMOYER                Steve                            
       SMENCIK                Steve Mencik                     
       SMILE                  Smile                            
       SOFTAFFAIR             Bryan Eggers                     
       SPACENET               spacey                           
       SPARKY                 Mark                             
       SPIDER                 John Mezzanotte                  
       SPIKEYS                ROBERT BRAUNSTEIN                
       SR                     Steve Ramirez                    
       SRJ                    scott jacobson                   
       STANKRUTE              Stan Krute                       
       STARLORD               Lee Handy                        
       STEVENAGREM            steve nagrem                     
       STUART                 Stuart                           
       SUMMER                 Steve                            
       SUZIE                  Bill                             
       SYSTOLE                Greg                             
       TCT                    Tom                              
       TELELEARNING           S&H Electronics                  
       TEM84PA15330           Tom Moore                        
       TEVA                   B. Robbins                       
       TIGLON                 Gayle Sims                       
       TJH                    Tim Hall                         
       TJLAND                 David                            
       TMI                    Tom                              
       TOMMY                  TOM IOTT                         
       TREP                   Tom Obringer                     
       TRICON                 Bob                              
       TRIPLE                 Ronald Duquette                  
       TROPICAL               Mark                             
       TSBJR                  Tom Bergantino                   
       TSTANTON               Tom                              
       TULLIS                 David R. Tullis                  
       TURK                   turgut kalfaoglu                 
       VERCINGETORX           Rex                              
       VIDEOTAPE              Mike                             
       VT                     Vicki                            
       WARLORD1               Jesse                            
       WELSHMAN               Geoff                            
       WIL1                   Willie Boger                     
       WILLARD                Elizabeth                        
       WT3                    BILL SMOOT                       
       WZ                     Warren Zunino                    

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