Air Traffic Control Simulator (TRS-80 Color Computer)

Air Traffic Control Simulator (TRS-80 Color Computer)

I don’t really know much about this game but this is a good example of how ads would appear in magazines from smaller software developers in the early to mid 1980s. Above are three ads for the same game, Air Traffic Controller, all from 1985, from a company called Betasoft Systems. Whenever you ordered something from one of these ads you were really taking it on faith that it would be as good as described or even function as described. Just being in machine language (as opposed BASIC usually) is considered a feature.

A quick search of the net doesn’t reveal much about this game though if you look hard enough, you can find a disk (or tape) image and TRS-80 Color Computer emulator and give it a try for yourself. You too can participate in the fun-filled world of air traffic control via a simulation using 1980s era technology.