Project Stealth Fighter (Commodore 64)

Project Stealth Fighter is a combat flight simulator that was released in 1987 for the Commodore 64. It was also available for the ZX Spectrum in the U.K. It was based on a fictitious U.S. Air Force fighter aircraft that was rumored to exist based on the fact that the number 19 seemed to have been skipped for fighter designations. Before this, all fighters had been consecutively numbered (except for 13 which was skipped due to it being an unlucky number).

This is one of the better flight simulators for 8-bit computers. Being a realistic simulator, it can certainly be difficult and it can be frustrating if you don’t have patience for games like this. Having said that, if you are into simulators on the C64 then this is one to get your hands on. It is in many ways a significantly improved F-15 Strike Eagle.

Project Stealth Fighter was later remade for 16-bit computers and renamed F-19 Stealth Fighter.

Project Stealth Fighter (Commodore 64)



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