I remember how surprised I was when I found out this existed. Why couldn’t we have a games magazine dedicated to the Commodore 64 here in the States? You would have though there would have been a big enough market for one given that this was the mot popular computer ever. The September 1987 issue of Zzap! 64 includes:
Refined Regulars
- Editorial – Ciaran Brennan tells it like it is
- Zzap! Rrap – Bursting forth from a heap of unsolicited SAE’s, Lloyd goes talkabout with the Zzap! readership
- What’s New – Britain’s Brightest Commodore Monthly brings you the gossip from inside the world of the C64
- The White Wizard – A Rainbird spectacular, featuring Knight Orc and Guild of Thieves…and who are those shady characters?
- 54 Manoeuvres – Philippa returns to go on the road with Autoduel and to indulge in a spot of gardening with Shard of Spring
- Zzap! Tips – Play to win with maps of Head Over Heels and The Last Ninja – not to mention an amazing amount of hints and POKEs
- Technical Bit In The Middle – Raster interrupts drive Mr. Liddon off the rails
- Competition Winners – Is your name included?
- The Scorelord Pontificates – The greatest gamers blow their own trumpets
- Zzapback – Julian and Steve take a retrospective view at issues eleven and twelve
- Readers’ Charts – The chart that’s by the readers and for the readers
- Previews – Things to come in future issues…including Yogi Bear from Piranha, Renegade and Athena from Imagine and a profusion of releases from Cascade Games
- Terminal Man II – Things hot up for Cross and company
Fashionable Features
- Dedicated Follower – Sega’s dedicated games console gets the once over
- Twenty Twenty Vision – Julian Rignall sees eye to eye with Binary Vision’s Paul Norris
- Mental Procreation – Andrew Braybrook’s labours reach their penultimate stage
- Tamara Knight – Due to overwhelming demand, Mel Croucher’s trek across the universe reaches its inevitable conclusion
- Reader Offer – A spectacular shoot ’em up offer – for your eyes only
Stars for September
- Zynaps – Hewson’s latest shoot ’em up sizzles its way across 12 colorful levels
- Re-Bounder – Gremlin’s Bounder returns – meaner than ever and twice as agile
- California Games – Epyx’s sunny compilation wins a Gold Medal to wear on the beach
- Guild of Thieves – Become a part of the criminal underworld with Magnetic Scroll’s stunning adventure
- Deceptor – US Gold’s metamorphising release allows you to become half man, half car and half robot (that’s three halves isn’t it???)
- Street Sports Baseball – Baseball is kid’s stuff when you play with the Epyx Streetsports gang
- Star Paws – Catch the Griffin in this race against time from Software Projects
Crucial Competitions
- Zynaps – have a real-life shoot ’em up courtesy of Hewson
- Firebird Comp – Win a Bubble Bobble arcade machine of your very own in this major Firebird competition
- California Games – Become the envy of your street gang, with a host of street-cred sports gear from Epyx
- PCW 1987 – Get in free to this year’s Personal Computing World Show with one of 50 free tickets!
…and more!