Title | http://wc.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=PED&db=bevangenealogy&id=I45428&style=TABLE @ RootsWeb Ancestries of Errol S. BEVAN and Hollie C. ATKINSON BEVAN to ADAM and EVE including REINHARDT and BLOCKER Cousins and more | |
Author | Errol Bevan | |
Publisher | Publication Date: 13 AUG 2008 Media: Website / URL | |
Source ID | source05167 | |
Linked to (9) | Helen de Kent Sir Sir John de Montgomerie Sir Sir Alan de Montgomery Sir Sir John de Montgomery, of Eaglesham Baron Bothwell Baron Bothwell William Murray Margaret Murray Family: Sir Sir John de Montgomerie / Margaret Murray Family: Sir Sir Alan de Montgomery / // Family: Sir Sir John de Montgomery, of Eaglesham / Helen de Kent |
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