The Skaggs-Files

Genealogy and history of the Skaggs, Dowell, Carter, and Childers Families

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Place List: Scotland

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Place List: Scotland, sorted alphabetically (number of total localities in parentheses):

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1. , Scotland (1)
2. Abercorn & Eskdale, Scotland (1)
3. Aberdeen Cathedral, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
4. Aberdeen, Scotland (6) Find all individuals with events at this location
5. Aberdeenshire, Scotland (44) Find all individuals with events at this location
6. Aberdelnshaw, Scotland (1)
7. Abernathy, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
8. Ackenhead, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
9. Aitkenhead, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
10. Alba, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
11. Albany, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
12. Angus (Forfar), Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
13. Angus, Scotland (11) Find all individuals with events at this location
14. Angushire, Scotland (1)
15. Anguss, Scotland (1)
16. Angusshire, Scotland (25) Find all individuals with events at this location
17. Arbroath, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
18. Ardstynchar, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
19. Ardveich, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
20. Argyl, Scotland (2)
21. Argyle, Scotland (3)
22. Argyleshire, Scotland (3)
23. Argyll and Bute, Scotland (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
24. Argyll and Butte, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
25. Argyll, Scotland (27) Find all individuals with events at this location
26. Argyllshire, Scotland (32) Find all individuals with events at this location
27. Argylshire, Scotland (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
28. Arran, Scotland (1)
29. Atholl, Scotland (1)
30. Ayr, Scotland (14) Find all individuals with events at this location
31. Ayreshire, Scotland (1)
32. Ayrshire, Scotland (1)
33. Ayrshire, Scotland (89) Find all individuals with events at this location
34. Ayshire, Scotland (3)
35. Badlane, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
36. Baldorran, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
37. Balnagowan, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
38. Banffshire, Scotland (5) Find all individuals with events at this location
39. Barnard Castle, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
40. Barnnarroch,Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
41. Battle Of Flodden,Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
42. Belvany, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
43. Berwick, Scotland (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
44. Berwickshire, Scotland (18) Find all individuals with events at this location
45. Binbery, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
46. Birdsey, Scotland (1)
47. Blackburn, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
48. Blair, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
49. Bonkyl, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
50. Borders, Scotland (1)
51. Borthwell, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
52. Brahan, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
53. Branxholm & Buccleuch, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
54. Burgh, Scotland (1)
55. Burgh-on-Sands, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
56. Bute Island, Scotland (1)
57. Bute, Scotland (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
58. Buteshire, Scotland (3)
59. Caihnesshire, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
60. Caithness, Scotland (5) Find all individuals with events at this location
61. Calderwood, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
62. Caldwell, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
63. Callendar, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
64. Cambuskeith, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
65. Cambusnethan, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
66. Caprington, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
67. Cardiganshire, Scotland (1)
68. Carlaverock, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
69. Carnwarth, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
70. Carrick, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
71. Cassillis, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
72. City of Edinburgh, Scotland (1)
73. Clackmannan, Scotland (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
74. Clackmannanshire, Scotland (7) Find all individuals with events at this location
75. Clydesdale, Scotland (1)
76. Co. Roxburghe, Scotland (4)
77. Cockburn, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
78. Craigbate, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
79. Craigie, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
80. Crawford, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
81. Dal Raida, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
82. Dál Riata, Scotland (2)
83. Daldar, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
84. Daldowie and Allanton, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
85. Dalhousie Castle, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
86. Dalkeith, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
87. Dispensation, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
88. Douglas, Scotland (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
89. Dreghorn, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
90. Drumfrieshire, Scotland (1)
91. Dulnynn, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
92. Dumbartonshire, Scotland (6) Find all individuals with events at this location
93. Dumferline, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
94. Dumfreisshire, Scotland (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
95. Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland (3)
96. Dumfries, Scotland (6)
97. Dumfries-shire, Scotland (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
98. Dumfrieshire, Scotland (11)
99. Dumfriesshire, Scotland (20) Find all individuals with events at this location
100. Dunbar, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
   101. Dunbaronshire, Scotland (1)
102. Dunbarton, Scotland (1)
103. Dunbartonshire, Scotland (8) Find all individuals with events at this location
104. Dundas, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
105. Dundee City, Scotland (1)
106. Dundee, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
107. Dunfermline, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
108. Dunfrieshire, Scotland (1)
109. Dunnottar, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
110. Dunnyglass, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
111. Dunure, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
112. Durham, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
113. Eaglesham, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
114. East Ayrshire, Scotland (1)
115. East Lothian, Scotland (46) Find all individuals with events at this location
116. East-Lothian, Scotland (2)
117. Edinburgh, Scotland (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
118. Edinburghshire, Scotland (3)
119. Edwards Isle, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
120. Egliston, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
121. Elgin, Scotland (3)
122. Elgin/Morayshire, Scotland (1)
123. Eligin Parish, Scotland (1)
124. Elliotstoun, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
125. Ercildum, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
126. Errol, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
127. Erroll, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
128. Ferniehirst Castle, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
129. Fife, Scotland (26) Find all individuals with events at this location
130. Fifeshire, Scotland (52) Find all individuals with events at this location
131. Fingalton and Preston, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
132. Flodden, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
133. Forfar, Scotland (3)
134. Forfarshire, Scotland (17) Find all individuals with events at this location
135. Fyfeshire, Scotland (1)
136. Galloway, Scotland (8) Find all individuals with events at this location
137. Galloway,Scotland (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
138. Gargunnock, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
139. Garmorran, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
140. Glasgow, Scotland (4) Find all individuals with events at this location
141. Glencairnie, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
142. Glentig, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
143. Glossary, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
144. Graham, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
145. Grampian, Scotland (1)
146. Grampion, Scotland (1)
147. Grange, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
148. Haddingtonshire, Scotland (7)
149. Halidon Hill, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
150. Halkhead, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
151. Henriestoun, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
152. Highland, Scotland (3)
153. Homildon Hill, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
154. Huntingtonshire, Scotland (1)
155. Ilk, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
156. Inchmohomo, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
157. Innermeath and Lorn, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
158. Innermeath, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
159. Innerpeffer, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
160. Innerwick, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
161. Inveraray Castle, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
162. Inverness, Scotland (8)
163. Inverness-Shire, Scotland (9)
164. Invernesshire, Scotland (6) Find all individuals with events at this location
165. Invernsessshire, Scotland (1)
166. Island of Islay, Scotland (2)
167. Isle of Iona, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
168. Iverness, Scotland (1)
169. Kilblane, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
170. Killed by English defending Orkney Islands, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
171. Kilpatrick, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
172. Kincard, Scotland (1)
173. Kincardine, Scotland (6) Find all individuals with events at this location
174. Kincardine-Shire, Scotland (1)
175. Kincardineshire, Scotland (17) Find all individuals with events at this location
176. Kinkardine, Scotland (1)
177. Kinkardineshire, Scotland (2)
178. Kinkilt,Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
179. Kinross, Scotland (1)
180. Kinross-shire, Scotland (1)
181. Kinrosshire, Scotland (1)
182. Kintyre, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
183. Kircudbrightshire, Scotland (1)
184. Kirkcaldy, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
185. Kirkcudbright, Scotland (4)
186. Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
187. Kirtie, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
188. Lake of Menteith, Scotland (1)
189. Lanarckshire, Scotland (1)
190. Lanark, Scotland (9) Find all individuals with events at this location
191. Lanarkshire, Scotland (63) Find all individuals with events at this location
192. Lanarkshires, Scotland (1)
193. Lanarkshrire, Scotland (2)
194. Larnark, Scotland (2)
195. Larnarkshire, Scotland (3)
196. Lauder, Scotland (1)
197. Leitrum, Scotland (1)
198. Lennox, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
199. Liddesdale, Scotland (1)
200. Lilithgowshire, Scotland (1)
   201. Lincolnshire, Scotland (1)
202. Linlithgow, Scotland (4)
203. Linlithgowshire, Scotland (2)
204. Loch Fergus, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
205. Loch Lochy, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
206. Lochaber, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
207. Locherworth and Yester, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
208. Locherworth, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
209. Lochnaw,Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
210. Lochnorris, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
211. Lockerbie, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
212. Lorne, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
213. Lothian, Scotland (8) Find all individuals with events at this location
214. Lugton and Lochleven, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
215. Mains, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
216. Maybole, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
217. Mearns, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
218. Menteith, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
219. Mid Lothian, Scotland (2)
220. Mid-Lothian, Scotland (5)
221. Midlothian , Scotland (1)
222. Midlothian, Scotland (55) Find all individuals with events at this location
223. Midlothian,Scotland (1)
224. Minto, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
225. Moidart, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
226. Montquhanny, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
227. Mora, Scotland (1)
228. Moraryshire, Scotland (1)
229. Moravia, Scotland (1)
230. Moray, Scotland (6) Find all individuals with events at this location
231. Morayshire, Scotland (15) Find all individuals with events at this location
232. Musselburgh, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
233. Nairnshire, Scotland (3)
234. Neil, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
235. Newark, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
236. Nisbet, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
237. Nithsdale, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
238. Orkney Islands, Scotland (5) Find all individuals with events at this location
239. Orkney, Scotland (5) Find all individuals with events at this location
240. Pearston, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
241. Pebblesshire, Scotland (1)
242. Peebles, Scotland (2)
243. Peebles-Shire, Scotland (6) Find all individuals with events at this location
244. Peebleshire, Scotland (13) Find all individuals with events at this location
245. Peeblesshire, Scotland (5) Find all individuals with events at this location
246. Perth and Kinross, Scotland (1)
247. Perth, Scotland (21) Find all individuals with events at this location
248. Perthshire, Scotland (82) Find all individuals with events at this location
249. Pitcairn, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
250. Pollock, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
251. Priory Of Inchmahome, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
252. Rankilburn, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
253. Rarichies and Balnagowan, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
254. Refrewshire, Scotland (1)
255. Renf, Scotland (1)
256. Renfreshire, Scotland (1)
257. Renfrew, Scotland (9) Find all individuals with events at this location
258. Renfrewshire, Scotland (36) Find all individuals with events at this location
259. Riccarton, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
260. Ross & Cromarty, Scotland (4) Find all individuals with events at this location
261. Ross Andcromarty, Scotland (1)
262. Ross, Scotland (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
263. Ross-shire, Scotland (3)
264. Row, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
265. Roxburgh, Scotland (11) Find all individuals with events at this location
266. Roxburghe, Scotland (1)
267. Roxburghshire, Scotland (22) Find all individuals with events at this location
268. Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
269. Scottish Borders, Scotland (3)
270. Selkdirkshire, Scotland (1)
271. Selkirk, Scotland (2)
272. Selkirkshire, Scotland (9)
273. Skye, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
274. Slain at a battle in Glenorchy, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
275. South Lanarkshire, Scotland (5)
276. Sterling, Scotland (4)
277. Sterlingshire, Scotland (3) Find all individuals with events at this location
278. Stirling, Scotland (10) Find all individuals with events at this location
279. Stirlingshire, Scotland (33) Find all individuals with events at this location
280. Stranith or Nithsdale, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
281. Stranith, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
282. Strath Carron, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
283. Strathbane, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
284. Strathclyde, Scotland (5)
285. Strathearn, Scotland (1)
286. Strathearton, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
287. String of Lorne, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
288. Strowan, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
289. Sutherland, Scotland (10) Find all individuals with events at this location
290. Sutherlandshire, Scotland (2) Find all individuals with events at this location
291. Teviotdale, Scotland (4)
292. The Hebrides, Scotland (1)
293. The Isles and Ross, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
294. West Lothian, Scotland (12) Find all individuals with events at this location
295. West-Lothian, Scotland (2)
296. Wester Powrie, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
297. Wigtownshire, Scotland (4)
298. Yester, Scotland Find all individuals with events at this location
299. [county], Scotland (1)

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