Sources |
- [source4071138432] The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical index.
- [source4071138451] Richard,
My Family History Project, (Publication Date: 01 JUL 2008
Media: Website / URL).
# ID: I17967
# Name: Sarah Despain
# Surname: Despain
# Given Name: Sarah
# Sex: F
# Birth: 1737 in , Brunswick, Virginia
# LDS Baptism: 18 Jun 1997 Temple: MANTI 1
# Endowment: 20 Nov 1997 Temple: JRIVE 2
# _UID: 9D9CA8FE78334B42A249D5D9E291D3ACA2F2
# Sealing Child: 21 Mar 1998 Temple: JRIVE 2
# Note:
You're more than welcome to download from here.If you have anything that might help me ,please let me know.This is a continious work.Seems to never end!!!!!
B: Abt. 1737
# Change Date: 21 Oct 2007 at 18:30:46
Father: Samuel Despain b: 11 Oct 1692 in French Church, Canterbury, Kent, England c: 16 Oct 1692 in Walloon Or Strangers Church, Canterbury, Kent, England
Mother: Anna Marshall b: 1712 in Brunswick, Virginia
Marriage 1 Moses Harris b: ABT 1733 in Of Brunswick, Virginia
* Married: 1756 in <, Brunswick, Virginia>
* Sealing Spouse: 22 Sep 1993 in SLAKE 3
1. Has Children Victor Harris b: ABT 1775
1. Repository:
Name: Family History Library
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150
Title: International Genealogical index
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Note: Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church to request LDS temple ordinances.
Search performed using PAF Insight on 3/17/2007
Text: Sarah DESPAIN; Female; Birth: 1737 , Brunswick, Virginia; Baptism: 18 JUN 1997 MANTI; Father: Samuel DESPAIN; Mother: Anne MARSHALL
2. Repository:
Name: Family History Library
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150
Title: International Genealogical index
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Note: Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church to request LDS temple ordinances.
Search performed using PAF Insight on 3/17/2007
Text: Sarah DESPAIN; Female; Birth: 1737 , Brunswick, Virginia; Endowment: 20 NOV 1997 JRIVE; Sealing to Parents: 21 MAR 1998 JRIVE; Samuel DESPAIN / Anne MARSHALL; Father: Samuel DESPAIN; Mother: Anne MARSHALL
3. Repository:
Name: Family History Library
Salt Lake City, Utah 84150
Title: International Genealogical index
Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Note: Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church to request LDS temple ordinances.
Search performed using PAF Insight on 3/17/2007
Text: Moses HARRIS; Male; Sealing to Spouse: 22 SEP 1993 SLAKE; Sarah DISPAIN; Spouse: Sarah DISPAIN; Marriage: 1756 <, Brunswick, Virginia>